In this paper, we have proposed an approach to
derive the canonical object operation net. Firstly, we
have described the object operations of a certain task
by task operation net. Then, the business object
operation net has been generated by replacing the
task in process model based on WFCP-net with the
corresponding task operation net. In the end, we
have represented the reduction rules to derive the
canonical object operation net. The approach can
support the object operation information in the
process model and derive the canonical object
operation net from the process model even if the
operations on the object is not one-to-one
corresponding with the tasks in the process model.
As the future work, we intend: (1) to validate the
consistency between the canonical object operation
net from a process model and the reference object
life cycle. (2) to extend the approach to support
operation information description and consistency
analysis of multi-objects processing in a process and
multi-objects in collaboration processes. (3) to
develop a prototype system to implement the
validation strategy.
We are grateful to Tsinghua InfoTech Co., Ltd for
their business process models accumulated in
TiPLM system. This work is supported by the 973
National Basic Research Program of China (No.
2009CB320700),the 863 High-Tech Development
Program of China (No. 2007AA040607),the 863
High-Tech Development Program of China (No.
2008AA042301) and the Program for New Century
Excellent Talents in University.
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