While RFID provides promising benefits such as
healthcare organizations business process
automation, some significant challenges (e.g.,
security concerns, process, and manage RFID-based
infectious data) need to be addressed before these
benefits can be realized. To overcome this challenge,
sophisticated security measures are needed. Without
security, illegal activities can cheat RFID systems
easily for the air interface between infected
patient/equipment tags and RFID readers, and the
interface between RFID readers and the back-end
database system. In addition, healthcare-associated
infected patient’s privacy is also an issue, since
anyone can intercept communication between the
patient tags and readers, or between readers and the
back-end system, and then they can obtain
information about an infected patient. To remove
security vulnerabilities and protect patient’s privacy,
a number of existing RFID security measures can be
considered and adopted as a measure of security.
In our RFID-enabled HIODMS, communication
between patient tags and readers, readers and back-
end database is one-way. Our patient tags are
passive, inexpensive and have a minimum amount of
memory. We require very little information in the
patient tag (e.g., Tag ID only). When the outbreak
infected patient tag comes in to contact with the
reader within a range of one meter. The Pocket PC
(PDA-based RFID reader) reads and processes the
patient/equipment tag identification number. Within
this proximity and with the mobile/wireless
environment, there will be no scope to intercept
communication between patient tags and a reader. In
a worst case situation, if an intruder intercepts and
gets the patient/equipment tag ID, he or she gains
nothing because the tag does not contain any
additional information.
To achieve the secure transfer of integrated
patient/equipment data from Pocket PC to back-end
database server via wireless network, we use a Hash
Function-based Mutual Authentication Scheme (Lee,
2005). This scheme, utilizing a hash function, is
widely used for secure communication between
mobile/wireless devices (such as PDA-based IODM
system) and back-end SQL servers in a RFID-based
healthcare environment.
We presented a RFID-enabled monitoring system
(HIODMS) to help healthcare providers to overcome
challenges of hospital-acquired infectious outbreak
diseases by providing accurate, automatic and real-
time information on patients, associative medical
equipments or assets as they move to the value
chain. Using HIODMS, health care organizations
have a chance to track rapidly and accurately of
outbreak patients, their location, and associative
assets identification; to improve patient’s safety by
capturing infected patient data; to prevent or reduce
medical errors, to increase efficiency and
productivity, and to save costs in real-time via
wireless network.
In future research, the application based on
HIODMS can be expanded to include a variety of
tracking or sensor (such as temperature) features
using RFID. RFID patient tag (wristband) can
transmit not only its unique identification number,
but also the ambient temperature, which can help
healthcare facilities IT departments to remotely
monitor the room’s temperature or to receive alerts
via mobile phone or emails. We also plan to extract
the healthcare-associated infectious outbreaks data
provided by this proposed RFID-based HIODMS to
analyze the diseases behaviour and outbreak patterns
using data mining techniques. We then could predict
the next step towards controlling these serious
hospital-acquired diseases, enhancing preparedness,
and providing rapid response health measures.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems