4.1.2 Control and Traceability of Processes
In the current context, distributed executions cannot
be ignored. Because of this, more and more work on
workflows is focusing on the integration of services
available online (such as WS), i.e., on the reuse of
existing resources.
However, a whole set of problems of execution
still remain: How will the different components of a
workflow interact amongst themselves? How can we
guarantee correct execution in such environments?
Experts in the experimental domain are interested
not only in the final results of their experiments, but
also in the way these results are obtained, in the type
of type of dependence between different data items,
etc. (Bowers et al., 2006; Moreau and Foster, 2006).
The execution modalities should take into account
the expression of this requirement: the processes
should be traceable. On the one hand, traceability
provides the possibility of verifying the results at ev-
ery stage, even to monitor each stage execution (and
therefore to better identify points of error) and, on
the other, it allows users to complete data descriptions
(for example, by automatizing the entry of the meta-
data genealogy field).
4.2 Conclusions
The meta-model whose rough draft we have pre-
sented here was created after a survey of existing
work on the subject. However, our analysis has ig-
nored work on web services and the coordination of
services (which we feel correspond more to the dy-
namic part). We have also not covered component
languages and component-assembly languages which
address the compatibility problems we refer to.
The targeted users should have a simple language
at their disposal and should encounter easily appro-
priable concepts; this is what has led us to choose a
relatively simple meta-model and symbolism.
The perspectives that we can quickly draw are:
• On the short term, we have to complete, refine,
even simplify the meta-model and try it out on
several diverse examples to judge its suitability;
• The concept of role, which so far has been rather
nebulous, could lead to a more modular vision of
workflow by including the notions of hierarchy of
control and/or collaboration;
• On the longer term, we have to go beyond the
functionalities of description to develop the dy-
namic aspect (execution).
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