that a good adequacy of the agency’s services leads,
among others, to a good state of the building.
This is only an example of actions that an analyst
may perform. Using Rule Schemas is easy and al-
lows focus on the most interesting rules. Also, the
operations are executed very quickly. For compari-
son, using apriori and rule filtering would require ex-
tracting all the rules in the database and filtering all
of them every time (1.528.978 rules for 8% of sup-
port and 85% of confidence), in order to obtain the
desired results. Moreover, if the database is more dy-
namic, the rule extraction must be done again, which
can take a considerable amount of time.
In this paper we have presented a new solution for
local association rule mining that integrates user be-
liefs and expectations. The solution has two impor-
tant components. The Rule Schema formalism, based
on the concepts introduced by Liu (Liu et al., 1999),
helps the user focus the search for interesting rules, by
means of a flexible and unitary manner of representa-
tion. The local mining algorithm that was developed
does not extract all rules and then post-process them,
but, instead, searches interesting rules in the vicinity
of what the user believes or expects. This way, the
user can explore the rule space in a local and incre-
mental manner, global processing being avoided.
The proposed algorithm was tested on a real-life
example, showing that the presented solution is valid
and leads to good practical results.
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