In this paper we describe our plan to evaluate
MoDe4SLA which is intended to support the com-
pany in managing its composite services for detec-
tion and coverage of SLA violations. We propose
to do a twofold evaluation where first usefulness of
MoDe4SLA as perceived by experts is tested after
which effectiveness is evaluated by actually managing
a service composition using MoDe4SLA. Both steps
are supported by SENECA, a simulator which is ex-
tended for this purpose.
Currently, we are in the process of evaluating the
usefulness of our approach. In near future we plan to
extend our current implementation to also evaluate ef-
fectiveness. Furthermore, we extend our dependency
based approach with handling complex SLAs where
also dependencies between and within different SLOs
occur, e.g., SLAs where two different SLOs concern
response time, or where one SLO concerns not only
response time but also cost.
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