Design of Validation
Lianne Bodenstaff
, Andreas Wombacher, Roel Wieringa
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Michael C. Jaeger
Berlin University of Technology, Germany
Manfred Reichert
University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany
Service composition, Monitoring, Management, Validation.
In previous research we introduced the MoDe4SLA approach for monitoring service compositions.
MoDe4SLA identifies complex dependencies between Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in a service com-
position. By explicating these dependencies, causes of SLA violations of a service might be explained by
malfunctioning of the services it depends on. MoDe4SLA assists managers in identifying such causes. In
this paper we discuss how to evaluate our approach concerning usefulness for the user as well as effectiveness
for the business. Usefulness is evaluated by experts who are asked to manage simulated runs of service com-
positions using MoDe4SLA. Their opinion on the approach is an indicator for its usefulness. Effectiveness
is evaluated by comparing runtime results of SLA management using MoDe4SLA with runtime results of
unsupported management. Criteria for effectiveness are cost reduction and increase in customer satisfaction.
Service monitoring and management are challenging
research areas. On the one hand research exists on
composing services such that an optimal service level
can be offered to the customer (Zeng et al., 2004),
(Cardoso et al., 2004). On the other hand, research
exists on monitoring performance of each service in
the composition (Tosic et al., 2005). However, to our
knowledge there is no research on monitoring compo-
sitions which take dependencies between correspond-
ing services into account. Consequently, it is difficult
to determine why Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
of composite services are violated. Often badly per-
forming services on which the composition depends
cause these violations. Managers face the challenge
of identifying these problematic services. Therefore,
This research has been supported by the Dutch Organi-
zation for Scientific Research (NWO) under contract num-
ber 612.063.409
support in this tedious task is much needed. Effec-
tively managing compositions results in competitive
service level offerings to customers with maximum
profit for the business. Furthermore, insights on ser-
vices run by other providers, helps managers to plan
negotiation strategies concerning SLAs. With the
MoDe4SLA approach we monitor dependencies be-
tween services and their impact on the composition
(Bodenstaff et al., 2008). However, so far, we have
not evaluated MoDe4SLA. In this paper, we describe
both our evaluation approach and evaluation criteria.
We aim at evaluating two aspects of MoDe4SLA.
On the one hand we plan to evaluate how useful the
approach is for managers burdened with actual main-
tenance of compositions. On the other hand we want
to evaluate how effective MoDe4SLA is when main-
tenance is done using this approach. Since we do
not have access to real composition monitoring data,
we implement a simulator for running composite ser-
vices. Experts from both industry and academia are
asked to manage these generated compositions both
Bodenstaff L., Wombacher A., Wieringa R., C. Jaeger M. and Reichert M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 113-121
DOI: 10.5220/0002003401130121
Composition Manager
SLA Analysis
<party> ...
<offer> ...
<party> ...
<offer> ...
Dependency Analysis
State 1
State A State B
State 2
Impact Factor Analysis
Impact(1) = 5
Impact(2) = 3
Impact(A) = 5
Impact(B) = 3
State 1
State A State B
State 2
Log Extraction
INFO ...
INFO ...
WARN ...
INFO ...
INFO ...
INFO ...
WARN ...
INFO ...
INFO ...
INFO ...
WARN ...
INFO ...
1 2
Figure 1: MoDe4SLA Approach.
with and without using MoDe4SLA.
To evaluate usefulness, we plan to interview ex-
perts, asking them to make a statement on how useful
they perceivedthe approach when managing the com-
positions. To evaluate effectiveness we plan to test
performance of compositions managed by experts us-
ing MoDe4SLA and of compositions managed by the
control group not using MoDe4SLA. The level of cus-
tomer satisfaction and profits made by the company
are key criteria for evaluating effectiveness.
In Section 2 we discuss background needed for the
understanding of the paper. We elaborate on the eval-
uation approach in Section 3, and conclude with re-
lated work and an outlook in Sections 4 and 5.
Companies offering composite services to their cus-
tomers struggle to manage these complex constella-
tions. Different services are provided with different
levels of quality. These services stem from differ-
ent providers, and have different levels of impact on
the composition. Consider, for example, a service
provider which allows financial institutes to check
creditworthiness of potential customers. This service
is composed of services querying databases, and a
payment service where several payment options (e.g.,
PayPall and credit card) are provided. The company
has an SLA with each of these service providers. The
composite service offered to the financial institutes is
dependent on all these services (e.g., payment ser-
vices and database querying services). To meet the
SLA with its customers the company faces the chal-
lenge of properly managing its underlying services,
particularly since SLAs are often violated. For each
of these violations the company has to determine how
big their impact is on the composition, and it has
to decide on which SLAs to renegotiate. Generally,
complexity of this decision process grows with the
number of services being involvedin the composition.
Fig. 1 depicts the implementation of MoDe4SLA:
At design time, we analyze the relations between
different services and the composition with re-
spect to the agreed response time and costs of the
different providers (step 1 in Fig. 1).
The result of this dependency analysis is the input
for a subsequent impact analysis (step 2 in Fig. 1).
The latter results in an impact model with intuitive
graphical representation.
During runtime, event logs are analyzed using the
event log model, filtering events referring to the
services, and their SLA statements for the com-
position (step 3 in Fig. 1). These results, together
with the impact analysis and dependencies, con-
stitute the input for the monitoring interface (step
4 in Fig. 1). The latter enables time efficient
management and maintenance of the composition
(step 5 in Fig. 1).
While we have described the MoDe4SLA frame-
work in (Bodenstaffet al., 2008), this section provides
a summarized description. Although MoDe4SLA is
especially helpful in complex scenarios, we illustrate
it by means of a simplified example. In this exam-
ple a company offers composite service NewsRequest
IF: 0.5 IF: 0.375 IF: 0.45 IF: 0.2
0.75 0.25
Figure 2: Impact Models.
IF: 0.45 IF: 0.43 IF: 0.48 IF: 0.2
Figure 3: Feedback Model.
containing up-to-date news to its customers on a spe-
cific search query. Customers pay per invocation of
the service. To gather the necessary information, the
company invokes two content providers and sends in-
formation of the fastest responding one to the cus-
tomer (cf. Fig. 4). Content provider 1 (CP1) is its
main provider, offering fast response times (in 99.9%
of the cases within 3 ms), accurate information, but
for high costs (0.20 cents per invocation). The sec-
ond content provider (CP2) constitutes the backup of
the company in case the first one fails. This provider
offers a slower response time and guarantees less ac-
curate information but for a lower price.
Quality of service the company can offer to its
customers is determined by the services it depends on.
In our example (cf. Fig. 4) each service has an objec-
tive on response time as well as on cost. An impact
model is derived for both objectives (cf. Fig. 2) which
depicts dependencies between the different services
for one run of the composition. Therefore, the im-
pact models of the two objectives are different. E.g.,
when invoking both services in NewsRequest while
using only data from the fastest responding one, re-
sponse time depends solely on this service, while cost
depends on both services. In addition an expected im-
pact factor indicating the impact a service has on the
composition is calculated for each service, per objec-
tive. E.g., CP1 in the time impact model is expected
to be chosen 75% of the time (cf. Fig. 2), with an av-
erage response time of 3ms (cf. Fig. 4). The expected
contribution per composition invocation for CP1 is
therefore 3ms times 0.75 divided by 5ms, which is an
SLA with CP1:
-Cost: 0.20 euro per invocation.
-Time: 99.9% within 3 ms.
SLA with CP2:
-Cost: 0.15 euro per invocation
-Time: 99% within 4 ms.
SLA with Customer:
-Cost: invocation first 100x
0.50 euro, thereafter 0.40 euro.
-Time: 99% within 5 ms.
Figure 4: Service Composition: News Request.
impact factor of 0.45. Intuitively, services with a high
impact factor require more attention when managing
the composition than services with low impact.
At runtime the impact models are colored based
on monitoring results (cf. Fig. 3) in comparison to
the estimations made during design time. Thresh-
olds for the different colors are set by the company.
Fig. 3 depicts the graphical feedback the manager re-
ceives from MoDe4SLA. A red color indicates the
service is performing worse than agreed upon in the
SLA, while green indicates proper performance of the
service. Yellow indicates the service is not perform-
ing perfectly but still within the boundaries set by the
company, and dark green indicates a service running
even better than the company anticipated. The edges
are colored in the same manner, for example, red indi-
cates the edge was chosen more often than expected.
Fig. 3 indicates that the SLA with the customer is met
regarding costs (i.e., it is colored green); by contrast
the SLA with the customer is regularly violated re-
garding response time, although still within defined
boundaries (i.e., it is colored yellow). Bad perfor-
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
mance concerning response time appears to be caused
by content provider 1 (CP1), since its response times
are significantly worse than agreed upon. The edges
are colored for their slight deviation from the esti-
mates made at design time. Also the realized impact
factors are different from the estimated ones in Fig. 2.
To validate MoDe4SLA we need to determine how
useful experts perceive the use of our feedback mod-
els (cf. Fig. 3). Furthermore we need to determine
whether our approach is effective. The latter applies
when it brings stakeholders closer to their goal, i.e.,
when the approach points to services causing bad per-
formance of the composition. As basis for both ap-
proaches we extend and adopt SENECA (Jaeger and
Rojec-Goldmann, 2005), a simulator for selecting ser-
vices in a composition. In its current state, SENECA
provides the means to generate random composition
structures based on the workflow language patterns
by (van der Aalst et al., 2003). In addition, the simu-
lator also generates service candidates with randomly
set QoS values for each candidate. E.g., considered
QoS characteristics are response time, cost, and avail-
ability. In its first version, the simulator was designed
to evaluate different selection algorithms for choos-
ing the optimal set of service candidates for the com-
position. SENECA also implements QoS aggrega-
tion method for gaining overall QoS statements of the
composition by aggregatingthe QoS of individual ser-
vices (Jaeger et al., 2004).
3.1 Validation of Usefulness
To evaluate usefulness of our approach we use the
following criterion:
MoDe4SLA is considered as being useful when
experts testing it perceive the feedback given by
MoDe4SLA as more useful for managing and
maintaining the composition than when only using
bilateral monitoring results.
Common management approaches return bilateral
monitoring results to the user. They do not provide
information on the relation between the different ser-
vices but merely return the performance of each indi-
vidual service.
The evaluation setup consists of two parts. On the
one hand we implement the composition simulator to
generate, run, and analyze compositions. On the other
hand we ask a group of experts to test the simula-
tor and afterwards interview them to find out whether
they perceive MoDe4SLA as useful.
3.1.1 Simulator
For evaluating the MoDe4SLA approach, the simu-
lator is improved with the ability to perform a dis-
crete event simulation when running the composition
with service candidates. Fig. 5 depicts an overview
of this simulator’s functionality. SENECA randomly
generates a composition structure for a given number
of services. Actual considered structures in the sim-
ulator are sequences, loops, XOR-splits/XOR-joins,
AND-splits and OR-splits (with either a normal join
or a discriminative join). A discriminative join indi-
cates that the structure succeeds when a subset of in-
coming services succeeded. For example, when only
the fastest three out of five responding services are
considered, then this is a discriminative join.
Each created service in the composition gets as-
signed a randomly generated SLA. The SLA of the
composition is determined by the SLAs of the ser-
vices it depends on. The impact models are derived
using the structure of the composition as well as the
agreed upon service levels. SENECA simulates the
invocation of the candidate services according to the
composition structure. Accordingly, services can fail
with a particular probability, take longer, and, depend-
ing on their use in branching execution paths, differ-
ent cost values will sum up. The simulator will gener-
ate log files reporting on the runtime results. In addi-
tion, the impact analysis as described in Section 2 is
done and the impact models are generated.
3.1.2 Experts
The experts for our evaluation come from both
academia and industry. We consider people to be
experts if they are familiar with service compositions
and SLAs. We start each session with a training pe-
riod to explain our approach as well as the simulator.
For the actual evaluation we prepare different types of
compositions wrt complexity, i.e., how the structure
is built, number of services, and diversity of SLAs.
For each service monitoring results are gathered.
Two documents for each composition are prepared.
The MoDe4SLA document contains feedback (as
shown in Fig. 3) while the control document contains
the performance data for each service, but does not
provide information on how they are related. Every
expert is first offered the control document (cf. 1 in
Fig. 5) and after that the MoDe4SLA document (cf.
2 in Fig. 5). We evaluate the following hypothesis:
Generate &
Add SLAs
Impact Models
Simulator runs
Runtime Data
Feedb. Model
1 2
Figure 5: Evaluating Usefulness.
The MoDe4SLA document has a clear benefit over
the control document for managing the
For this purpose we will develop a question-
naire addressing several aspects. For example, does
the expert save time by using MoDe4SLA, does
he feel more confident in making decisions using
MoDe4SLA, and does he find the approach helpful.
A typical ve-level Likert item is used to rate the re-
sponse of the experts:
1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree
3.2 Validation of Effectiveness
For evaluating effectiveness of our approach we use
the following criterion:
The MoDe4SLA approach is considered to be
effective if managing a service composition using
this approach leads to better results than
managing the composition without it.
We define better in this case as having better busi-
ness results. In our opinion, this is a twofold process,
where both customer satisfaction as well as profit are
maximized (cf. Table 1). We assume customer sat-
isfaction is high when the number of SLA violations
Table 1: Effectiveness Criteria.
Minimize Maximize
Customer violation costs
Satisfaction average
response time
average costs
Profits service costs customer payments
violation payments violations paid
by providers
is low, costs for the customer are low, and response
time is low. We assume violations being associated
with high penalties have bigger negative impact on
customer satisfaction than low penalties. Therefore,
customer satisfaction is measured through three crite-
ria: payments for violations, average response time,
and average costs for the composition (cf. Table 1).
Maximizing profit is achieved through minimiz-
ing costs and maximizing income (cf. Table 1). In
our case, these costs consist of costs for services and
payments for penalties. Income is generated through
payments by customers and payments by providers
for SLA violations. The total payments for services
to providers and for SLA violations paid to customers
are subtracted from this income.
To evaluate effectiveness, we extend the imple-
mentation described in Section 3.1 so that it becomes
possible to rerun the composition after some manage-
ment choices have been made by the expert. Fig. 6 de-
picts an overview of the effectiveness evaluation ap-
proach. Furthermore, we adapt parts of the service
behavior, we add a renegotiation of SLAs, and finally
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Generate &
Add SLAs
Impact Models
Simulator runs
Runtime Data
Feedb. Model
Figure 6: Evaluating Effectiveness.
we evaluate effectiveness of the approach.
3.2.1 Service Behavior
In real life the services in a composition behavediffer-
ently. These differences arise, for example, because
content of services is different, and they are offered
by different providers. The difference in behavior,
together with the structure of the composition, make
it difficult to manage the services. In addition, man-
agers can neither influence behavior of services pro-
vided by other companies nor can they predict their
behavior other than relying on SLAs. To simulate this
real life complexity, we implement different types of
behavior for services. For example, some services
have low variability in response time, and never vi-
olate the SLA while other services have higher vari-
ability in response time, and violate the SLA more
frequently. Each service gets assigned a behavior type
at design time. Which type of behavior is assigned to
the service, is unknown to the expert.
To realize this, we implement agents to steer the
different services in a composition. Each agent gets
assigned a behavior type, for example, the reliable be-
havior type. Behavior of the service depends on both
behavior type and agreed upon SLA. For example, if
the behaviortype is reliable and agreed upon response
time is lower than 10 ms, a random distribution of re-
sponse time will be generated for the next 100.000
invocations. This distribution is created with the pa-
rameters reliable and lower than 10 ms. At runtime,
with each invocation of the service, a response time
is randomly chosen from this distribution. As a re-
sult each service shows different behavior, fitting its
SLA. Some services might violate their SLAs more
severely, or more frequently than other services be-
cause of their assigned behavior type.
3.2.2 Renegotiation
After running the composition the expert is asked to
renegotiate SLAs for a subset of the services. In prac-
tice, determining which SLAs to renegotiate is par-
ticulary difficult for complex compositions, i.e., com-
positions with many services and constructs. Since
MoDe4SLA graphically pinpoints to badly perform-
ing services and, moreover,indicates the impact these
services have on the composition, it becomes possible
to prioritize SLAs, decreasing management efforts.
As described, services in the simulator expose
unique behavior: some perform with only minor de-
viation in, for example, response time while others
fluctuate more. In a perfect agreement, the SLA be-
tween provider and customer reflects this behaviorex-
actly. In practice, however, it is necessary to monitor
service behavior and renegotiate the SLAs for badly
performing services. In these negotiations provider
and customer have conflicting interest since both aim
at maximizing monetary benefits. To simulate this in
the evaluation, the experts are asked to select a subset
of services for renegotiation after the first run. Each
service agent offers three new possible SLAs to the
expert. E.g., the original SLA has fast response time
but low violation penalties. A newly offered SLA by
the agent might have slower response time, but high
penalties when being violated. These new SLAs are
generated taking the behavior type of the agent as well
as the original SLA into account. Some of the new
SLAs will fit better to the service from the customer
perspective and some will fit the service better from a
provider perspective. The challenge for the expert is
to make choices beneficial for his company.
3.2.3 Evaluation
We use one test group and one control group for
each tested service composition. The test group uses
MoDe4SLA to choose services they want to rene-
gotiate, while the control group uses log files only.
MoDe4SLA is designed to assist the user in making
choices on which services to renegotiate. Further-
more, MoDe4SLA pinpoints to the exact problems
of the service so that choices between newly offered
SLAs are easier to make. If the expert successfully
identifies services with high impact on the compo-
sition and which are performing badly according to
their SLAs, renegotiation will have to result in bet-
ter runtime results of the test group than the control
group (see criteria summarized in Table 1).
(Sahai et al., 2002) aim at automated SLA moni-
toring by specifying SLAs and not only considering
provider side guarantees but focus also on distributed
monitoring, taking the client side into account. (Bar-
bon et al., 2006) enable run-time monitoring while
separating the business logic from monitoring func-
tionality. For each instance of a process a monitor
is created. Unique in this approach is the ability to
also monitor classes of instances, enabling abstrac-
tion from an instance level. The smart monitoring ap-
proach of (Baresi et al., 2004) implements the moni-
tor itself as service. There are three types of monitors
available for different aspects of the system. Their ap-
proach is developed to monitor specifically contracts
with constraints. (Baresi and Guinea, 2005) presents
an approach to dynamically monitor BPEL processes
by adding monitoring rules to the different processes.
These rules are executed during runtime. Our ap-
proach does not require modifications to the process
descriptions what suits better to some application ar-
eas. An interesting approach in this direction is work
by (Mahbub and Spanoudakis, 2005) which, as en ex-
ception, do consider the whole state of the system in
their monitoring approach. They aim at monitoring
derivations of behavior of the system. The require-
ments for monitoring are specified in event calculus
and evaluated with run-time data. Although many
of the above mentioned approaches do consider third
parties and allow abstraction of results for composite
services, none of them addresses how to create this
abstraction in detail. E.g., matching messages from
different processes as in our SubscribedNews exam-
ple where databases are used, are not considered.
(Menasce, 2004) presents an analysis for the re-
sponse time of composed services with the goal to
identify the impact of slowed down services. The
impact on the composition is computed by using a
Markov chain model. The result is a measure for the
overall slow down depending on the statistical like-
lihood of a service not delivering the expected re-
sponse time. As opposed to our approach, Menasce’s
approach performs at design-time rather than provid-
ing an analysis based on monitoring runtime data. In
addition, our work provides a framework a) to cover
structures beyond an fork-join arrangement, and b)
that supports different measures subject of an SLA
in addition to response time. A different approach
with the same goal is the virtual resource manager
proposed by (Burchard et al., 2004). This resource
management targets a grid environment where a cal-
culation task is distributed among different grid nodes
for individual computation jobs. The organization of
the grid is hierarchically separated into different ad-
ministrative domains of grid nodes. If one grid node
fails to deliver the assured service level, a domain
controller first reschedules the job onto a different
node within the same domain. If this fails, the domain
controller attempts to query other domain controllers
for passing the computation job. Although the goal
is the same and the approach covers runtime, it fol-
lows a hierarchical autonomic recovery mechanism.
MoDe4SLA focusses on identifying causes for cor-
rection on the level of business operations rather than
on autonomously performed job scheduling.
Another research community analyzes root causes
in services. In corresponding approaches depen-
dency models are used to identify causes of violations
within a company. Here, composite services are not
considered but merely services running in the com-
pany. E.g., (Agarwal et al., 2004) determine the root
cause by using dependency graphs. Especially find-
ing the cause of a problem when a service has an
SLA with different metrics is here a challenging topic.
Also (Caswell and Ramanathan, 2000) use depen-
dency models for managing internet services, again,
with focuss on finding internal causes for problems.
MoDe4SLA identifies causes of violations in other
services rather than internally. Furthermore, our de-
pendencies between different services are on the same
level of abstraction while in root cause analysis one
service is evaluated on different levels of abstraction.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
In this paper we describe our plan to evaluate
MoDe4SLA which is intended to support the com-
pany in managing its composite services for detec-
tion and coverage of SLA violations. We propose
to do a twofold evaluation where first usefulness of
MoDe4SLA as perceived by experts is tested after
which effectiveness is evaluated by actually managing
a service composition using MoDe4SLA. Both steps
are supported by SENECA, a simulator which is ex-
tended for this purpose.
Currently, we are in the process of evaluating the
usefulness of our approach. In near future we plan to
extend our current implementation to also evaluate ef-
fectiveness. Furthermore, we extend our dependency
based approach with handling complex SLAs where
also dependencies between and within different SLOs
occur, e.g., SLAs where two different SLOs concern
response time, or where one SLO concerns not only
response time but also cost.
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