Andrea Catalano, Matteo Magnani and Danilo Montesi
Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna, Mura A. Zamboni 7, 40127 Bologna, Italy
BPMN, Methodology, Data, Design tool.
In this poster paper we present a methodology, named
, for the modeling of business processes with
BPMN. Our methodology focuses on the peculiar features of this notation: its ability to illustrate different
levels of abstraction, its support for both orchestration and choreography, and the representation of data flows.
In particular, this last feature has been extended to allow a better mapping of real processes, where data often
plays a fundamental role. To evaluate and tune the methodology, we have developed a tool supporting it.
BPMN is the OMG standard notation for the repre-
sentation of business processes(BPMN, 2009; Wohed
et al., 2006; White and Miers, 2008). Even if BPMN
constructs are very intuitive, business process dia-
grams can be difficult to design without any associ-
ated methodology — much like building a miniature
ship model with glue and screws, but without instruc-
tions. In this poster paper we introduce a methodol-
ogy, named
, for the translation of informal
process descriptions into BPMN diagrams.
Why do we need a specific methodology for
BPMN? This lies in the very nature of this language,
which enables the representation of three important
aspects of business processes, making it a unique
modeling tool. First, we can represent a choreogra-
phy of processes, i.e., how different processes interact
with each other to fulfill a common objective. Sec-
ond, we can represent the orchestration of a process,
i.e., its internal organization into sequences of activ-
ities. Third, BPMN allows the representation of the
same information at different levels of detail, using
sub-processes this being fundamental to provide
different views of the same process to people with dif-
ferent roles, like top managers and technical staff.
Basically, BPMN allows the representation of
complex scenarios because it can include many dif-
ferent aspects into a single diagram: choreography,
orchestration, and data, at several different levels
of abstraction (BPMN, 2009; Barros et al., 2006).
Therefore, the main idea behind our approach is
that the initial requirements can be split into differ-
ent classes, that can be specifically addressed during
well separated and thus simplified modeling steps.
As we have illustrated in Figure 1, after a typical
pre-processing of the available informal requirements
aimed at removing ambiguities and producing a dic-
tionary with all definitions and synonyms, we split
them into atomic statements referring to one of the
following aspects: (D) data, (I) interactions between
different participants, and (L) local work of a single
participant. At this point, each class can be processed
independently from the others.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
presentation of a methodology for BPMN mod-
eling. Obviously, it is based on best practices
taken from existing data and software modeling
methodologies like the IBM Rational Unified Pro-
cess (
the IDEF methods (
), data
modeling using ER diagrams and Object Pro-
cess Modeling (
The POEM (Process Oriented Enterprise Modelling)
methodology uses BPMN as one of several basic di-
agram types. Although we are not aware of existing
presentations of this methodology, still under devel-
opment, it seems to have a wider scope than our pro-
posal, covering several additional aspects of an enter-
prise, while we present specific results regarding the
BPMN notation.
1.1 Extended Notation and Design Tool
Before introducing the methodology, it is worth men-
tioning the extensions for the representation of data
Catalano A., Magnani M. and Montesi D. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002003603890392
Figure 1: A diagram summarizing the proposed methodology.
Figure 2: A store (a), which has been expanded in (b) to
show it at a lower abstraction level.
that we have implemented in our tool. In our opinion
data manipulation is usually the most important as-
pect and objective of a business process (Sadiq et al.,
2004; Russell et al., 2005). In addition, in the BPMN
specification data objects have been defined as a pre-
defined artifact of BPMN (together with comments
and associations), because the BPMN specification it-
self declares that in some diagrams they represent the
most important information to be modeled. However,
the current version of BPMN has been mainly devel-
oped to represent activities and events, and at the mo-
ment the only visual construct used to represent data
is the data flow, a small rectangle with a folded corner
that can be added on top of control flows.
In our tool, we have considered two main addi-
tional data representation capabilities. The first con-
sists in the possibility of associating a data object to
an XML document or XML Schema, to provide a way
to represent complex and structured objects inside a
diagram. The second is a new visual construct, the
store, that has been taken from Data Flow Diagrams
(DFD) and can be used to show the full life cycle of
data: where it is stored, when it is retrieved to be ma-
nipulated and where it is stored again after their ma-
nipulation (Gane and Sarson, 1977; Yourdon, 2006).
Also stores can be structured, to provide different ab-
straction levels consistently with the philosophy of
BPMN, and to represent expanded stores we use an
ER-like notation (Chen, 1976). The visual construct
used to represent a store is illustrated in Figure 2.
The design tool developed to support our method-
ology is a plug-in for the Microsoft Visio applica-
tion (
The tool extends the POEM stencils
), and can
be used to design BPMN diagrams, to annotate
them with additional attributes (like the cost of
activities) and to generate their XPDL representa-
tions (Magnani and Montesi, 2007; XPDL, 2005).
A beta time-limited version can be downloaded at
2.1 Preliminaries
We shall assume to start from a single text file de-
scribing the requirements. This file can be processed
as usual, by clarifying unclear sentences, identify-
ing synonyms, replacing them with consistent terms,
and building a technical dictionary. Then, we may
identify all the data objects mentioned in the require-
ments, and all the participants.
At this point, we can split the requirements into
small atomic statements, and assign each statement to
one of the three following classes:
Data requirement (the statement concerns only
Interaction requirement (the statement refers to
two participants).
Local requirement (the statement refers to one
single participant).
2.2 Data Modeling
We can now start modeling data requirements (D).
Data is a primary component of real business pro-
cesses and will thus drive all the modeling activities.
In fact, a process is basically a sequence of activi-
ties aimed at modifying some data or objects, and the
production of new data is the way in which business
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
processes generate value — for example, many busi-
ness processes are used to transform raw materials
into final products. As BPMN offers a limited support
to the modeling of data, being more activity/event-
oriented, these requirements could be addressed by
existing data modeling approaches and attached to the
diagrams as complementary documentation. How-
ever, as data is so important in many processes and we
do not want to lose the connection between the data
and the tasks manipulating it, in our tool we use the
aformentioned extended version of BPMN, obtained
by including some features of ER and Data Flow Dia-
grams into the notation. After this modeling step, we
will have identified a list of all the data/objects refer-
enced in the requirements — the next step will be the
definition of how they are exchanged among different
2.3 Interaction Modeling
Data flows will then be used to generate a so called
skeleton diagram representing how data is exchanged
between the participants to produce the final prod-
ucts of the process. Basically, during this step we
focus on choreography, i.e., we identify all the par-
ticipants and their interactions (I). Each participant is
represented using a BPMN pool, and we draw a mes-
sage flow between two of them for each requirement.
In this way, after having identified all interaction re-
quirements we can automatically build a skeleton di-
agram, as we have exemplified in Figure 3(a): each
interaction between participants A and B corresponds
to a
Send Data
activity in A, a
Receive Data
ity in B, and a
Process Data
sub-process in B, indi-
cating that the received data will be later manipulated
this will be expanded during the next step of the
Choreography has been studied extensively both
in academia (in the area of process algebras) and in-
dustry (with the proposal of standard languages): in
this paper we do not deal with the representation or
verification of choreographies,but with the formaliza-
tion of existing informal descriptions of a choreogra-
phy — automated verification tools will obviously be
of great utility to check the designed diagram, but this
is an orthogonal problem with respect to the scope of
this paper.
2.4 Local Modeling
Now, we will have a skeleton diagram with all the
participants (pools) and all messages exchanged be-
tween them, representing the complete (abstract) data
paths used to produce the final outcome of the pro-
cess, be it a document, a product, or any other valu-
able object. For each exchanged message, we will
also have a sub-process (the rectangle with a small
plus sign represented in Figure 3(a)) hiding the lo-
cal activities performed by the participant to manipu-
late the data. Therefore, we can focus on the remain-
ing requirements (L) describing these activities. This
modeling step can be performed in a top-down way,
following the philosophy behind BPMN which uses
abstraction levels as a basic tool to provide different
views on the same process. Therefore, L-statements
will be structured hierarchically (as trees of require-
ments, or nested item lists) and modeled recursively.
For example, consider the following statements:
1. The CIO shall store a copy of the report into the
archive, and
2. prepare an IT plan as follows:
(a) collect information on all the systems currently
used in the company,
(b) then evaluate their life cycle state (trailing,
leading or bleeding edge)
These can be modeled as illustrated in Figure 3(b),
where we have also used one of our data modeling
extensions: the store (archive). Later, the
IT plan
sub-process can be expanded including the
statements describing this activity (items 2.a and 2.b,
in this example), and so on recursively.
The methodology proposed in this paper is composed
of the following main steps:
1. Pre-process the initial requirements (remove am-
biguities, update and refine unclear sentences and
generate a dictionary with explanations of the
technical terms and indications of synonyms).
2. Split the requirements into elementary statements.
3. Identify the participants and the exchanged data.
4. Separate data (D) statements from activity state-
ments and model the data.
5. Mark each remaining statement as a local (L) ac-
tivity (orchestration) or an interaction (I) among
participants (choreography).
6. Draw the skeleton of the process, modeling inter-
action activities.
7. Tree-structure local activities, associate them to
sub-processes in the skeleton diagram, and model
them in a top-down way by increasing the level of
detail at each iteration (if necessary).
Figure 3: (a) The skeleton diagram corresponding to a statement: The report shall, as soon as it has been established, be
transmitted by the external consultant to the CIO, and (b) the modeling of local (L) requirements, in a top-down fashion.
In this way, part of the modeling activity can be
semi-automated, and the definition of the orchestra-
tion inside each pool can be performed by focusing
on small portions of the initial requirements. In ad-
dition, each statement can be easily associated to a
specific part of the final diagram, and it can be then
verified if the diagram is complete, i.e., if it models
all the initial requirements.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems