Case Report
L. S. Garc
ıa, A. I. Direne, M. A. Castilho, L. E. Bona, F. Silva and M. S. Sunye
Departamento de Inform
atica, Universidade Federal do Paran
a, Jardim das Am
ericas, Curitiba, Brazil
Scenario, System-design, User-centered.
Scenario-based design is a largely accepted method within the literature on Human-Computer Interaction
and, for certain cases, also within the literature on Software Engineering. However, the lack of integration
between these two areas, in addition to the lack of attention paid to the actual (and still quite infrequent)
use of scenario-based design, stresses the need for increased emphasis on the relevance of scenario-based
design applied to projects of truly innovative technological artefacts. In the present paper, we will present a
case report whereby the above mentioned method, when applied to problem-analysis, led to the project of a
differential user-interface environment when compared to the human process prior to the introduction of the
computational application.
Scenario-based design is a largely accepted method
within the literature on Human-Computer Interaction
(HCI) and, for certain cases, also within the litera-
ture on Software Engineering (SE) behind object ori-
ented use-cases (Button and Sharrock, 1994; Cock-
burn, 1997; Sommerville, 2000; Bittner and Spence,
2002; Bezerra, 2007). However, the lack of formal,
solid integration between these two areas (i.e. HCI
and SE), in addition to the lack of attention paid to
the actual (and still quite infrequent) use of scenario-
based design, stresses the need for increased emphasis
on the relevance of scenario-based design applied to
projects of truly innovative technological artefacts.
A scenario is a story with characters, events, prod-
ucts and environments. They help the designer to ex-
plore ideas and the ramifications of design decisions
in particular, concrete situations. Storyboards, one al-
ternative representation for scenarios, are sequences
of snapshots which focus on the main actions in a
possible situation. By using these techniches, design-
ers are able to move from existing (documented) to
potential interactions and hence to antecipate prob-
lems. (Preece et al., 1994) Scenarios force design-
ers to consider the range of users who will use the
system and the range of activities for which they will
use it. The user space is defined by the variety of
users, work and environment in which the interaction
will take place. Scenarios are used to male concrete
particular combinations of these dimensions. (Tog-
nazzini, 1992 apud Preece et al., 1994) A significant
number of authors claim thar scenarios help extract-
ing requirements (Achour, 1999; B”dker, 1999; Dour-
ish, 2001; Suchman, 1987).
In the present paper, we will present a case report
whereby the focus on the development of scenario-
based design applied to the activity to be supported by
the application led to the project of a differential user-
interface environment when compared to the human
process prior to the introduction of the computational
The present case report concerns the activities
of a non-governmental organisation of a develop-
ing country whose main objective is to lower the
countrys infant mortality rates, particularly in the
poorer areas. This Institution has a hierarchical struc-
ture, namely a National Coordination (which is made
up of experts from several different knowledge ar-
eas, amongst which are Paediatrics, Gynaecology,
Obstetrics, Epidemiology and Nutrition) and volun-
tary workers (community leaders). Other organisa-
tions also support the Institution such as universi-
ties, governmental organisations, as well as other non-
governmental organisations in the field of health and
other areas of interest and so do individual volun-
teers mainly researchers and technicians who dedi-
cate part of their time to the initiatives of the Institu-
tion. All potential contributors (both individuals and
enterprises) may take part in the institutional activi-
García L., Direne A., Castilho M., Bona L., Silva F. and S. Sunye M. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 113-117
DOI: 10.5220/0002005101130117
ties, with equal rights.
In addition to the organisational structure and the
community leaders relentless work, what actually en-
sures the efficiency and effectiveness of the Institu-
tions work is the Leaders Guide. The Leaders Guide
is a technical-instructive manual divided into chap-
ters dedicated to crucial issues concerning the fight
against infant mortality and, ultimately, the achieve-
ment of full civil rights for all community members.
Guided by this material, the leaders go through their
communities and instruct families mainly about ba-
sic care during pregnancy and the neonatal period,
as well as about the main measures against infant
malnutrition. However, health and nutrition are not
the only topics included in the Leaders Guide, see-
ing as other factors also contribute to the subhuman
life some of these families lead, hence worsening any
possible cases of infant malnutrition.
The National Coordination, together with com-
munity representatives, other organisations and indi-
vidual volunteers, put the Leaders Guide together a
couple of years ago. Due to its dynamic nature (a
certain eradicated disease may afflict the population
once again, or a new epidemic may call national at-
tention), the National Coordination updates the mate-
rial on a yearly basis. The updates are based upon
suggestions collected throughout the previous year
through personal contacts, via telephone, fax and e-
mail. They also take into account the suggestions
made at their Annual Conference, where the new is-
sue of the Leaders Guide is only one of many topics
on the agenda. The amount of effort put into these
updates is, therefore, significant, since all suggestions
obtained through several different means of commu-
nication must be compiled, after which they must be
discussed and passed, one by one, during the Annual
Conference. Despite the colossal amount of work it
takes, these annual updates ensure the efficiency and
effectiveness of the Institutions initiatives, as its Co-
ordinators assert and reassert every year.
According to the potential users, the main prob-
lem that led to the application yet to be developed
consisted of the difficulties which, in turn, comes
be easily solved by WEB applications, namely the
geographic distribution within such a large country
(which makes it difficult for contributors to get to-
gether) and the precariousness of the means of com-
munication available to collect all suggestions (which
prevents people to contribute as often as they could).
In this context, the initial objective was to develop
a WEB environment for successfully collecting these
We based our methodology on the development of the
scenario-based design according to the hypothetical
problems and the main topic of the present project, i.e.
collecting suggestions (data entry) across the country.
This scenario was developed to fit both the existing
human procedures pointing, additionally, to proce-
dural hindrances not originally reported and the pro-
posed WEB environment gradually revealing the in-
novative potential of the technological artefact, restat-
ing the cycle of technology evolution (Carroll, 2003).
The development of sub-scenarios associated to
data entry, which in turn was made possible through
the analysis of the documents associeted to the human
procedures of suggestion collection already described
above, dynamically delineated our methodology. In-
deed, thanks to this methodology, we were able to sig-
nificantly improve both the process of data entry (en-
try of suggestions, discussion and decision) and the
product itself (the WEB application).
The methodology consisted of the following steps:
1. Identification of the Several Elements which
make up a Chapter of the Leaders Guide. This
step consisted of the exhaustive analysis of the
suggestions included in the documents available.
During this step, we learned that a typical chap-
ter always contains the following elements: a ti-
tle, subtitles, a biblical quotation, initial call to
the leaders, the body of the text (in paragraphs),
photos with keys, closing call to the leaders (see
Figure 1). We also noticed that only the elements
belonging to the middle of the chapters (i.e. para-
graphs and photos) could be repeated and ran-
domly interposed. Finally, all pages contained
contextualisation elements, such as chapter title
and page number;
2. Identification of Suggested Actions for each
Kind of Chapter Element. At this point, we re-
alised that for the text itself there were suggestions
concerning the style, the spelling and the register
of the text (such as the substitution of sentences
as, for instance, Oral hygiene must be carried out
with the toothbrush at an angle of 45 to the teeth,
for simpler, easily understandable sentences con-
sidering the target public). As for the photos,
some suggestions referred both to technical as-
pects (such as contrast problems) and to their con-
tent itself (as, for example, the replacement of the
photo of a female leader for the photo of a male
leader, so as to discourage the discrimination of
men who engage themselves in the project). We
associated each of the chapter elements to a set
of actions, all derived from the documents on the
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
human procedures of data collection;
3. “Semantic regularity” of the actions. The main
objective of this step was to complete, from the
point of view of semantic expressiveness, the set
of actions ascribed to each chapter element. The
main reason why this step is so essential is the
fact that the documents analysed were the result
of one instance of the process and, therefore, were
incomplete in terms of time. This is why some of
the additional actions were complementary, con-
troversial, etc.;
4. Analysis of the Actions Ascribed to each Chap-
ter Element so as to Determine its Relevance to
other Chapter Elements. An analogous reason
justifies this step. One example is spelling correc-
tion, which is relevant not only for the body of the
text, but also for titles, keys, references, etc.;
5. Identification and Classification of other Po-
tential Suggestion Targets. Through this step we
mainly established that, in addition to the content
of the chapters, a potential suggestion target could
be the thematic focus of the chapter. Furthermore,
we assessed the complexity and comprehensive-
ness of the topics on the one hand we have topics
to which more than one chapter is dedicated and,
on the other hand, we have topics whose nature
is interdisciplinary. Indeed, this additional insight
revealed the inherent, underlying difficulty in the
process of suggestion entry;
6. Analysis of Ambiguous Suggestions made by
Community Leaders during the Annual Con-
ference. This was one of the most relevant steps
because the leaders, despite having an enormous
potential to help due to their proximity to commu-
nity members, are mostly poorly educated people.
We found two kinds of ambiguity. The first was
the omission of the action to be carried out in re-
lation to the object mentioned, such as “branchial
clef”, “pregnancy card”, “Gertrude, the doll” (doll
used for teaching the sexual organs), all of which
are noun phrases used in chapters content of the
Leaders Guide. The second kind was named total
ambiguity, i.e. suggestions whose objects could
not be identified, such as “influence of the envi-
ronment on childrens health” (nothing about that
topic is mentioned in the Guide), “diet for babies
over six months-old” (the Guide does not men-
tion that either), and “How to use enriched flour”.
The main objective of the present step was to de-
fine which kind of information the system should
display, as well as which kind of information it
should required so as to minimise the occurrence
of ambiguities in the virtual environment;
7. Design of the User-interface Environment.
Based on all previous steps, we carried out this
step aiming at developing a truly innovative tech-
nological tool. This way, by the end of the project,
we had created a collaborative environment that
offered not only a universal and ongoing sugges-
tion posting mechanism thus fulfilling the initial
objective , but also, and more importantly, new
possibilities and functions which were not avail-
able in the previous process, prior to the introduc-
tion of technology.
Figure 1: Leaders Guide: Chapter Elements (element type).
Case Report
Taking both the abovementioned steps and the discus-
sions with potential users, which together helped de-
termine some of the innovative requirements associ-
ated to the main scenario (i.e. suggestion entry for
the Leaders Guide updates), we sketched the envi-
ronment. Our solution basically consists of the divi-
sion of suggestion entry into two phases, as follows:
firstly, users have to set the target object of the sugges-
tion and, then, enter the suggestion itself. In the fol-
lowing sections we will describe all information and
procedures that concern the process as a whole.
3.1 Setting the Target Object of the
During this phase of target setting, we took into con-
sideration the different object types derived from the
actual suggestions in the documents available. We
then came up with three possibilities, as follows: the
“Table of Contents” (displayed as hypertext, enabling
access to its specific components on request), the
“Topic” itself and “Others” (comprising those sugges-
tions which do not fit into the other two categories).
This last type would include socio-political sugges-
tions concerning the Leaders Guide as a whole, as
well as suggestions about the work methodology it-
self. An instance of a suggestion that would be in-
serted into this last category is the following: “My
impression is that the Leaders Guide instructs leaders
cognitively, but fails to teach about the exact method-
ology through which all this knowledge can be ap-
plied to the target families”. The several types of in-
formation that make up this screen are shown in Fig-
ure 2.
The interaction dynamics of the process of choos-
ing one of the Guides components basically consists
of selecting the section of interest by clicking the cor-
respondent link in the Table of Contents. After that,
the screen of the beginning of the session will be dis-
played, and users will be able to choose from the ele-
ments available. Once the element has been selected,
the system will then display a list of suggestions un-
der discussion, so as to avoid repetitions. Only after
this discussion page has been thoroughly examined
can users access the actual suggestion entry page.
If instead users choose to select a topic as the ob-
ject of their suggestion, they will then be asked to se-
lect from the thematic tree in which all topics men-
tioned in the Leaders Guide are organised. It is essen-
tial to bear in mind that a single topic may be men-
tioned in more than one chapter; similarly, a single
chapter may mention more than one topic. This is
why we decided to enable the Table of Contents to-
gether with the thematic menu, as an alternative. An-
other aspect to be taken into consideration is the in-
terdisciplinary nature of some of the topics. In this
case, the system will automatically choose the area to
which the topic is most closely related. This corre-
lation between topics and specialisation areas will be
established by the head of each area within the Na-
tional Coordination, aiming at correctly associating
suggestions and areas to facilitate dialogue modera-
tion once the suggestion has been posted.
Finally, based on the analysis of the suggestions
collected through the human procedure, we feel that
the option “Others” is paramount. Indeed, a wide
range of suggestions referred to the material as a
whole, to its political focus, to the work methodology
within the Institution, etc.
Figure 2: Menu for setting the target object of the sugges-
tion to be posted: information structure.
3.2 The Process of Suggestion Posting
The process of suggestion posting about one of the
Guides components is enabled through a screen with
data entry, as shown in Figure 3.
However, when the suggestion concerns a “Topics”
or belongs to the “Others” category (the latter in-
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Suggestion entry screen: Information structure
(commentaries for the readers).
cluding more reflections than actual suggestions) the
system will display an open entry screen. It is im-
portant to mention that most contributions belonging
to these categories are entered by both governmental
and non-governmental socio-technical organisations,
which means that for this case the readability is often
high. Thanks to this factor, we believe that a mere re-
production of the human procedure (i.e. open entry)
is relevant and justifiable.
In the present article, we described a case in which
the use of scenarios supported by the application led
to the project of a user-interface environment with a
differential interaction when compared to the human
procedure, prior to the introduction of technology.
Designed, at first, to solve problems of geographic
extension and difficulties in enabling ongoing contri-
butions, the environment we proposed ended up offer-
ing possibilities before inexistent, thereby character-
ising an innovative technological artefact.
In summary, through a methodology developed to
make full use of the semantic potential of the docu-
ments on suggestion entry (prior to the introduction of
technology), we created an environment capable of,
amongst others things, minimising ambiguity (or at
least significantly minimising the likelihood of its oc-
currence) in the most commonly posted suggestions
(i.e. the ones belonging to one of the Guides compo-
nents); lending visibility to each suggestion posted;
encouraging “democratic” debates (with ongoing ac-
cess to all different users profiles, allowing users to
comment on all suggestions); ensuring that a techni-
cal reply will be provided, including a justification to
the author of the suggestion (visible to the entire com-
munity), thus showing respect to each individual con-
tributor; registering suggestions, decisions and justifi-
cations (also enabling future access); generating, by
the end of the systems availability period, a report
with all suggestions posted, along with its respective
decisions and justifications, so as to assist in the pro-
cess of compilation of the new issue of the Leaders
The example described here makes it clear that
scenario-based design is a feasible method for the
analysis and development of real systems, constitut-
ing a differential factor in projects of innovative in-
formation systems.
As future work we can quote the systema imple-
mentation followed by an experiment with real users.
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bridge University Press, New York, NY, USA.
Case Report