issues and obstacles we also observe in many other
industrial projects conducted by a variety of different
• Lack of Reuse of Lifecycle Artifacts.
When enterprises evolve over time, the reuse of
artifacts gets more and more important. Reuse at
the level of code has been addressed by object-
oriented concepts. The key challenge lies in trans-
forming the reuse paradigm to lifecycle artifacts
such as requirements, architecture, design, terms,
and definitions.
• Unclear Rationale of Historical Decisions.
Decisions are often based on informal discus-
sions, which are not documented or preserved in
any other way. Therefore, decisions can not be
traced back to their origins and the rationale for
requirements can not be reconstructed.
• Intransparent Consequences of Changes.
Software products are subject to continual im-
provement and enhancement over many years.
Changes and enhancements become part of the
day-to-day business and the need for systematic
investigation of the impact of changes increases.
• Imbalance of Activities over the Lifecycle.
In many organizations the activities over the life-
cycle of software products are imbalanced with an
overemphasis on core engineering activities such
as coding, testing, building, and deployment. Ac-
tivities like product management, product portfo-
lio management, asset management are frequently
• Heterogeneous Tool-Infrastructure.
In the analyzed case, the existing tool infrastruc-
ture has evolved over many years. Tool integra-
tion has not been seen as an important aspect for
the infrastructure. Hence, collaboration of roles
using different tools is hampered as the tools iso-
late activities by intransparentand proprietary tool
data stores and repositories.
• Disrupted Workflows.
The limited interoperability of tools also causes
frequent disruptions in workflows and processes.
As a consequence, we observed a high number of
redundant activities as well as data in the analyzed
case. This redundancy leads to increased admin-
istrative overhead, error-prone manual work, and
inconsistencies, which are in turn the source of fu-
ture errors.
• Intransparent Status of Artifacts and Work
Due to the heterogeneous tool landscape, artifacts
are stored both distributed and redundantly in sev-
eral tool repositories. Even with careful consider-
ations and policies in place to align workflows it
is cumbersome to determine the current status of
an artifact or the overall progress of the work.
• Inability to Reconstruct Historical States.
Apart from the fact that the code of the software
system is under control of a versioning system,
many artifacts are produced and archived in sepa-
rate tools, that are not able to capture the historic
states or use incompatible approaches versioning,
baseling, and merging.
• Missing Integration of Product Management
and Project Management.
In the analyzed case, the software products
evolved over many years. After the initial de-
velopment phase, the software product will be re-
leased and from this point on it is maintained and
enhanced in a series of ongoing, parallel projects.
This enforces two views. The view on prod-
ucts and the view on projects. Often, however,
the management focus is mainly concerned about
individual projects, which results in sub-optimal
business decisions.
To develop a strategy for introducing ALM in the case
company,we developeda conceptual model for ALM,
independent from a particular tool vendor’s offer. In-
stead of features and activities, the model emphasizes
the solution concepts proposed by ALM and relates
these solution concepts to the existing engineering
and management activities.
3.1 ALM Solution Concepts
We identified two main goals of ALM by matching
the tool vendors’ propositions with the key problem
areas listed above.
1. Seamless integration of engineering activities at
tool and process level across the whole lifecycle
of an application
2. Emphasis on management activities to shift the
technical perspective of engineering towards the
business perspective of software management
These two main goals are refined to a number of solu-
tion concepts, which are implemented by tool vendors
using central repositories, service-oriented architec-
tures, integrated tool platforms, etc. Following solu-
tion concepts have been identified:
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems