First Experimental Results
Sebastian Kleinschmager and Stefan Hanenberg
Department for Computer Science and Business Information Systems, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Keywords: Aspect-Oriented Software, Experiment, Empirical Research.
Abstract: Aspect-oriented software development is an approach which addresses the construction of software artefacts
which traditional software engineering constructs fail to modularize: the so-called crosscutting concerns.
However, although aspect-orientation claims to permit a better modularization of crosscutting concerns, it is
still not clear whether the application of aspect-oriented constructs has a measurable, positive impact on the
construction of software artefacts. This paper addresses this issue by an empirical study which compares the
specification of crosscutting concerns using traditional composition techniques and aspect-oriented
composition techniques using the object-oriented programming language Java and the aspect-oriented
programming language AspectJ.
A typical argument for aspect-oriented software
development (AOSD, (Filman et. al, 2004) is that
aspects permit a better modularization of so-called
crosscutting concerns. Such arguments focus on the
readability and maintainability of software
constructed from the aspect-oriented approach (see
further (K. De Volter and T. D’Hondt, 2004)).
However, such arguments address pieces of software
that are constructed in order to be maintained and
extended for some amount of time – from a software
manager’s point of view the use of aspect-oriented
techniques rather looks like an investment into the
future. But such arguments do not address whether
aspect-oriented techniques can be applied to reduce
code in order to safe development time. However, it
seems pursuable that aspect-orientation already safes
time because of a reduced number of lines of code
caused by the underlying modularization techniques.
One example for aspect-oriented techniques that
is quite often cited in literature is logging (c.f. (J.
Janssen and W. Laatz, 2003) among many others):
invocations to the logger need to appear in a large
number of modules. Furthermore, the pieces of code
that are to be specified need to be adapted within
each module in order to pass for example the method
name or the actual parameters. Without using
techniques that permit to specify the logging
behavior, hand coding such a feature possibly
requires a large amount of development time and
causes in that way additional development costs.
From that point of view is seems clear that aspect-
oriented programming techniques decrease
significantly the development time.
From the other perspective, one can argue that
aspect-oriented programming bring additional
abstractions and therefore additional complexity into
the development of software (cf. e.g. (F. Steimann,
2006)). Such additional complexity reduces the
development speed in such a way that the possible
advantage of the technology turns out to be rather a
burden for the developer and rather increases the
development time.
Although both arguments seem to be reasonable
they contradict each other. From the scientific point
of view this situation is not satisfactory, because
both arguments rely on speculations. According to
the appeal formulated in (W. Tichy, 1998) empirical
methods (cf. (N. Juristo and A. Moreno, 2001; Shull
et. al, 2008)) are an approach to address this
problem. This would permit to strengthen (or
weaken) arguments based on observed data.
This paper introduces a controlled experiment that
studies the development costs in terms of
Kleinschmager S. and Hanenberg S. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002007301960201
development time caused by the specification of
redundant code in the object-oriented programming
language Java in comparison to the aspect-oriented
programming language AspectJ. Section 2 describes
the experimental design and argues why we only
focus on static crosscutting code. Section 3 describes
how the experiment was performed. Section 4
evaluates the results. After discussing the results in
section 5, we present related work in section 6.
Finally, we conclude the paper.
Our study relies on static crosscutting code, i.e. code
which does not need any dynamic condition fulfilled
at runtime in order to determine whether it should be
executed. In aspect-oriented terms spoken, we study
only aspects with underlying static join points (cf.
e.g. (S. Hanenberg, 2006)). Although the main focus
of research in the area of aspect-oriented
programming language constructs is in the area of
dynamic constructs (cf. e.g. (K. Gybels and J.
Brichau, 2003; L. Prechelt, 2001; Ostermann et. al,
2005)) we reduce our view on aspect-orientation to
static elements because static crosscutting can be
unambiguously determined, i.e. for the resulting
redundant code fragments it can be clearly defined
where and how they should appear.
Next, we are interested in the development time
required to fulfill a programming task that consists
of the specification of redundant code. Hence, we
defined an experiment where developers are
requested to fulfill a programming task in a pure
object-oriented as well as in an aspect-oriented way.
In this experiment, time is the free variable and the
number of fulfilled programming tasks represents
the dependent variable.
Within the experiment subjects were ask to
specify a number of redundant lines of code into a
target application. As a target application, we used a
self-specified game consisting of 9 classes within 3
packages with 110 methods, 8 constructors, and 37
instance variables written in pure Java (version 1.6).
Each class was specified in its own file. The game
consists of a small graphical user interface with an
underlying model-view-controller architecture.
Using this application two tasks needed to be
done, each one in pure Java (version 1.6) and
AspectJ (version 1.6.1) whereby the order of the
programming language was randomly chosen.
First Task: Logging
The first was to add a logging-feature to the
application, where each method (but no
constructors) should be logged. Thereto, a
corresponding logger-interface was provided that
expects from each method its return type, the name
of the classes where the method was declared in, an
array type String with the formal parameter names
and an array of its actual parameters.
class C ... {
public R m(int i,A a) {
Logger.log(“C”, “m”, “R”,
new Object[] {i, a},
new String[] {int, A});
…method body…
Figure 1: Exemplary log-invocation in pure Java.
For the object-oriented solution, for a public
method m in class C with parameter types int and A
(and the corresponding parameter names i and a) and
the return type R the corresponding invocation of the
logger in pure Java that needed to be defined by the
developer looks like shown in Figure 1.
The expected type names are simple names, i.e.
no package names were expected by the logger.
Altogether, such a line needed to be added to all 110
For the aspect-oriented solution, the aspect
definition, consisting of the keyword aspect, an
aspect name and the corresponding brackets was
given to the subject. A good AspectJ (and short)
solution for this task is to specify a pointcut that
refers to the target classes via their package
descriptions and a corresponding advice that reads
from thisJoinPoint the method signature and the
actual parameters. An example for such a piece of
code is shown in figure 2.
pointcut logging():
execution(* game.*.*(..)) ||
execution(* filesystem.*.*(..)) ||
execution(* gui.*.*(..));
before(): logging() {
MethodSignature m = (MethodSignature)
getSimpleName(), m.getName(),
Figure 2: Exemplary log-invocation in AspectJ.
Experimental Results
Second Task: Nullpointer-Checks
The second task was to add nullpointer-checks to all
non-primitive parameters of all methods in the
application (without constructors). In case one of the
non-primitive parameters was null, an
InvalidGameStateException should be thrown
(which was part of the application). For the object-
oriented solution, 36 methods needed to be adapted.
20 subjects participated in the experiment. The
subjects performed their tasks in identical
environmental settings (machines, rooms, etc.). As
an IDE, Eclipse has been used. All subjects were
students within their fifth semester or later.
Each student was taught a short introduction into
AspectJ which took about 1.5 hours. This tutorial
(including exercises) was not meant to be an
exhaustive training in AspectJ. Instead, only those
language constructs that were required in the
experiment were introduced. Constructs such as
declare precedence statements or handler pointcuts
or further advanced constructs in AspectJ were not
After dividing the subjects into two groups, one
group worked on the previous tasks in the object-
oriented way and later on in the aspect-oriented way,
the other group vice versa. Based on the results of
the questionnaire, both groups had a similar number
of subjects with high as well as with low
development experience. The aspect-oriented groups
did not get any hints how to solve the task. The only
thing delivered to them was the aspect declaration
(without pointcuts and advices).
For each task, all subjects received a set of JUnit
test cases that each subject could execute within his
IDE. The set of test cases covered all subtasks that
needed to be fulfilled. For example, there was an
amount of test cases that covered for the first task all
methods to be logged that checked, whether the
expected log-entries corresponded to the logs
actually performed by the code. In order to finish a
task and to switch to the next task, subjects were
required to pass all test cases of the current task. The
subjects were not required but allowed to use the test
cases while they fulfilled their tasks. The actions
performed by each subject were logged in a way that
permitted later on to compute how many subtasks
have been achieved at what points in time.
Furthermore, a screen recorder ran throughout the
whole experiment for each subject in order to permit
later on to extract information about each subject.
Figure 3 shows the collected data from the
experiment (all times are expressed in seconds). For
both tasks, the complete time to fulfill the task was
measured. In order to remove the time required by
the participants to understand the task, the starting
point was set to the moment when subjects started to
write code. The end point was set to the moment
when the subjects fulfilled all test cases.
Furthermore, the descriptive statistics, i.e. the sum,
arithmetic mean, minimum, maximum and standard
derivation is shown in Figure 3.
1 4556 4912 -356 107,81% 1110 437 673 39,37%
2 4922 847 407
17,21% 683 1154 -471 168,96%
3 3015 2258 757 74,89% 768 355 413 46,22%
4 7947 4916 3031 61,86% 862 2722 -1860 315,78%
5 6318 5468 850 86,55% 2036 451 158
6 7271 5017 2254 69,00% 1065 516 549 48,45%
7 2840 661 2179 23,27% 694 271 423 39,05%
8 4715 3758 957 79,70% 1494 355 1139 23,76%
9 4826 9902 -5076 205,18% 957 897 60 93,73%
10 2614 2581 33 98,74% 733 513 220 69,99%
11 12240 8146 4094 66,55% 915 375 540 40,98%
12 4985 7177 -2192 143,97% 1777 1510 267 84,97%
13 3791 872 2919 23,00% 630 237 393 37,62%
14 3354 566 2788 16,88% 739 415 324 56,16%
15 2727 3770 -1043 138,25% 419 348 71 83,05%
16 3001 2004 997 66,78% 441 119 322 26,98%
17 3249 682 2567 20,99% 612 189 423 30,88%
18 4586 4515 71 98,45% 684 416 268 60,82%
19 2565 3569 -1004 139,14% 390 208 182 53,33%
20 6705 5074 1631 75,67% 1069 5164 -409
sum 96227 76695 18078 16652
min 2565 566 390 119
max 12240 9902 2036 5164
mean 4811 3834,8 903,9 832,6
std. deriv. 2367 2624,3 434,21 1184
Figure 3: Results.
First, it turns out that there is a large variety in
the development speed among the subjects. For
example, for the object-oriented logging task the
slowest subject (subject no. eleven) is approximately
five times slower than the fastest subject (subject
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
19). The same is true for the object-oriented null-
pointer check task: while here the fastest subject is
still subject 19, the slowest one is subject five. For
the aspect-oriented solutions, the time differences
between slowest and fastest are even more extreme:
in the logging task, the slowest subject is more than
17 times slower than the fastest one; in the null-
pointer check task it is more than 43 times slower.
Considering the comparison of time required for
the object-oriented versus the time required for the
aspect-oriented solution, it turns out that for the
logging task 5 subjects were slower using the aspect-
oriented approach. In the second task, three subjects
were slower using the aspect-oriented approach.
Although we do not consider the comparison of
absolute times between the subjects to be
meaningful (due to the different development
speeds), it turns out that the sums of times for the
aspect-oriented solutions are in both cases less than
the sums of times for the object-oriented solutions.
If we concentrate on the maximum increase of
development speed for a single subject, we can see
that for the logging task the use of aspect-orientation
is only 17% of the time required for the object-
oriented solution (subject 14). For the null-pointer
check task we see that the time required by the
aspect-orientated solution is only 22% of the time
required by the object-oriented solution (subject 5).
If we concentrate on the maximum decrease of
development speed, we see that for the logging task
subject 9 spent more than twice the time for solving
it in an aspect-oriented way. For the null-pointer
check we see that it took subject 20 five times more
time to solve it in an aspect-oriented way.
In order to check whether there is a significant
difference in the object-oriented and the aspect-
oriented approach, we first check whether a pair-
samples t-test can be applied. A pair-samples t-test
requires (according to e.g. (J. Bortz, 1999)) that the
underlying sample comes from a normally
distributed population. Therefore, we applied the
Shapiro–Wilk test (S. S. Shapiro and M. B. Wilk,
1965) which checks these characteristics. However,
the result of the test is that the hypothesis, that the
sample comes from a normally distributed
population, needs to be rejected.
Hence, we need to apply a less restrictive
statistical method: the Wilcoxon signed-rank test
(see e.g. (J. Bortz, 1999)) which compares two
related samples with respect to their central
According to this, we formulate the null
hypothesis :
H0: The median of the object-oriented and the
aspect-oriented solution are equal.
The alternative hypothesis is
H1: The median of the object-oriented and
the aspect-oriented solution differs.
Performing the Wilcoxon-test on the logging
task, we find with under significance level of 5%
that here is a difference in the medians of the object-
oriented and the aspect-oriented solution (hence, the
null hypothesis is rejected). A comparison of
positive and negative ranks reveals that the median
of the aspect-oriented solution is significantly lower
than the median of the object-oriented solution.
Repeating the same test on the null-pointer check
reveals the same results.
Hence, in both cases we can determine that
aspect-oriented construction reveals better results
that the object-oriented way. In both cases this
difference is significant.
Our intention was to study the different development
times for static crosscutting code using Java and
AspectJ. Thereto, two tasks were given to subjects
(logging and null-pointer check). It turned out, that
we were able to detect a significant difference in the
development time in the logging example as well as
in the null-pointer check examples. From that
perspective is looks obvious that the application of
aspect-oriented constructs for the specification of
redundant code is more appropriate then the use of
object-oriented constructs. However, we should also
be aware of the kind of redundant code
specifications: in both cases the number of
redundant code lines is relatively high (110 and 36
lines of code). We think that we can conclude here
that aspect-oriented constructs turn out to be
beneficial in situations where the number of
redundant code lines is relatively high. Whether the
application of aspect-oriented constructs turns out to
be beneficial in situations with rather a low number
of redundant code can be doubted – however, the
experiment is not able to make any statement about
this. Furthermore, it should be noted that the impact
of further potential influencing factors (for example
the training of aspect-oriented constructs in the
beginning of the experiment) has not been studied.
Experimental Results
The work that is directly related to our experiment is
the one conducted by Walker et al (Walker, et. al,
1999). Here, a number of subjects performed a
number of tasks on an object-oriented system using
the aspect-oriented language AspectJ. The main
difference to our experiment is, that there developers
had much more freedom about how to use the
language in order to achieve a certain goal. Our
experiment was in that way much more restricted.
Further related approaches are for example studies
on the maintainability of aspect-oriented software
(cf. (M. Bartsch and R. Harrison, 2007)). Also,
studies about the design stability (see (Greenwood
et. al, 2007)) or language specific features such as
the study performed in (Coelho et. al, 2008) are in
that way related that the impact of aspect-oriented
language constructs on some piece of software is
being tested. The main difference between those
approaches and the here describes experiment is,
that we try to focus only on the development time
and neglects currently all other desirable attributes
of software.
In this paper we presented an experiment that
compares the use of aspect-oriented constructs for
the purpose of specifying static crosscutting code
with the corresponding specification using ordinary
language constructs. In the experiment, 20 subjects
performed two static crosscutting tasks on an object-
oriented program using an object-oriented language
as well as an aspect-oriented. The experiment
showed that for tasks with a relative high number of
redundant code lines the application of aspect-
oriented techniques turns out to be useful.
Altogether, it should be mentioned that empirical
knowledge, especially in the area of aspect-
orientation, hardly exists and controlled experiments
are rather rare. Hence, the here presented experiment
cannot be considered as a final answer to the
question of how beneficial aspect-orientation is.
Instead, we rather consider this as a first and
necessary step in order to explore quite a large field.
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Experimental Results