Camelia Vidrighin Bratu and Rodica Potolea
Computer Science Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Baritiu St., Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: Preprocessing, Unified Methodology, Feature Selection, Data Imputation.
Abstract: Data-related issues represent the main obstacle in obtaining a high quality data mining process. Existing
strategies for preprocessing the available data usually focus on a single aspect, such as incompleteness, or
dimensionality, or filtering out “harmful” attributes, etc. In this paper we propose a unified methodology for
data preprocessing, which considers several aspects at the same time. The novelty of the approach consists
in enhancing the data imputation step with information from the feature selection step, and performing both
operations jointly, as two phases in the same activity. The methodology performs data imputation only on
the attributes which are optimal for the class (from the feature selection point of view). Imputation is
performed using machine learning methods. When imputing values for a given attribute, the optimal subset
(of features) for that attribute is considered. The methodology is not restricted to the use of a particular
technique, but can be applied using any existing data imputation and feature selection methods.
Machine learning has become one of the main
sources of learning techniques in data mining.
During the last years a great number of state-of-the-
art methods have emerged, while older methods
have been improved. Thus, data mining researchers
possess a rich collection of robust techniques which
tackle the learning phase in the knowledge
extraction process.
Despite the strength of existing learning schemes, on
some problems they fail to achieve a satisfying
performance. The reason behind such a behaviour
can be found in the quality of the training data.
In this paper we propose a generic preprocessing
methodology, which combines feature selection with
data imputation, to improve the quality of the
training data. The end goal is to obtain an increased
learning accuracy.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: some
of the most common data-related issues are
discussed in section 2. A data imputation and a
wrapper feature selection approach are discussed in
the first part of section 3, followed by the proposed
preprocessing methodology. Section 4 presents the
evaluations performed using two different
implementations of the methodology, followed by
the conclusion section.
One of the main issues involved in the learning step
is algorithm selection and engineering. This usually
implies the choice of the “right” algorithm for the
given problem, together with parameter tuning. The
“right” algorithm, in theory, is the one which
matches the problem bias, e.g. the separation hyper-
planes it can learn match the data separation into
classes. Algorithm selection and engineering are
empirical-intensive activities, since many
combinations need to be considered.
Practical experience has shown us that the success of
the mining process does not always depend on the
choice and engineering of the learning technique
alone. An important factor can be found in the
quality of the training data which is presented to the
algorithm. There are several dimensions to this
problem that need to be addressed. Some of the most
common are:
Data volume (number of instances)
Irrelevant/redundant information
Dimensionality (number of features/
Even tough data mining has emerged from the need
of analyzing large amounts of data, there are some
Vidrighin Bratu C. and Potolea R. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002008902300235
cases where the data volume is insufficient for
modelling the true hidden hypothesis.
Incomplete data has proved to be the rule, rather
than the exception of a data mining process.
Incomplete datasets could result from many causes,
such as: the values are out of the range of the
measuring device, may signal a don’t care value, is
the result of a random event, a.s.o. Incomplete
datasets usually bias the learning step, even for
techniques which are able to learn from incomplete
data. Although there exists a taxonomy for data
incompleteness (Little & Rubin, 1987), with
systematic and efficient approaches for dealing with
each type of incompleteness, this issue is neither
trivial nor easy to handle. The main difficulty is that
the type of incompleteness is, in most cases,
unknown, rendering impossible the choice of the
appropriate technique. This makes its treatment
more challenging, since informative missing values
should be handled differently than random
Supposing that for a given problem the “right”
classifier has been identified, the monotonic
assumption – that more attributes improve the
learning phase – is not generally valid. This is due to
the irrelevant/redundant information in the data,
which harms the learning process. This suggests
that, theoretically, the data should be cleaned and
only strongly relevant attributes should be preserved.
In practice, however, the strongly relevant attributes
(as defined by theory) are hard to establish.
Furthermore, in some cases, data which is
theoretically redundant may enhance the learning
process (e.g. adding the product of the two variables
in an XOR problem improves the accuracy of a
neural network classifier, (Georgieva, 2008)).
High dimensionality (i.e. a very large number of
attributes) has also other implications than the
inclusion of irrelevant/redundant information. It
usually results in slow learning and a complex and
difficult to interpret output model.
This list of data-related problems we have
enumerated is far from exhaustive, but we consider
that finding viable, widely-applicable solutions to
these issues is the first step to improving the data
mining process. Starting from these facts, we have
explored a data imputation and a wrapper feature
selection strategy, and performed evaluations on
benchmark data. The aim was to obtain a better
accuracy after the learning process. Starting from the
results obtained, we propose a combined
preprocessing methodology for the data mining
process. The final goal is to provide general
approaches to handle different data-related problems
in a unified manner.
We have come across the need to employing more
elaborate preprocessing strategies while mining a
prostate cancer dataset using complex classification
approaches. On medical benchmark data, the
complex techniques obtained the best/at least similar
results when compared to prominent learning
techniques existing in literature (Vidrighin et. al,
2007), in terms of classification accuracy or total
cost. On a real prostate cancer dataset the
performance of the techniques remained at the
highest level when compared to the performance of
the same “competition” approaches. However, due
to the sensitivity of this particular domain, the
accuracy obtained is considered to be insufficiently
high. Since the other techniques employed have
failed to obtain a better accuracy, we have started to
search for a preprocessing solution in order to boost
the classification accuracy. A first approach started
from the observation that the prostate cancer dataset
contains a lot of missing values. Thus, we focused
on methods for imputing the missing values. Also,
even though in this case the data dimensionality is
not an issue, we have employed a wrapper
methodology to identify the optimal predictive
subset for the problem. Given the domain
particularities, this leads to a better model
interpretability and also eliminates harmful
irrelevant/redundant information, hence reducing the
medical costs.
3.1 Data Imputation
Our method for data imputation is inspired from
machine learning techniques. We found motivation
in the increased accuracy rates obtained by an
ensemble of artificial neural networks on various
benchmark datasets. The technique involves training
the ensemble on the available complete data for a
given attribute. For each predictor attribute A
, i=1,n,
we split the training set T into the training subset of
complete data and the training subset of incomplete
data: T = CT
+ IT
. Given the attribute A
and an
instance tT, tCT
if the value of A
is present and
otherwise. The ensemble of neural networks is
trained on CT
, considering A
as the class, and the
obtained model is employed to impute the values for
in IT
, resulting in IT
The resulting training set IT’ = CT
+ IT
’ should
have a higher quality, and thus improve the learning
We have performed evaluations considering several
different ratios of incompleteness. We have
measured the classification accuracy of a decision
tree learner. For each attribute we have compared
results using three variants of the training set:
complete training set: IT
= , T = CT
incomplete: p% of the attribute values are
considered missing, with p between 5 and 30,
with a 5% increment
imputed: p% of the attribute values have been
imputed by our method (p the same as before)
The evaluations were performed in a 10-fold cross
validation loop (for the training/testing sets), 10
times for each incompleteness percentage, using
different splits every time (for the training set).
The results suggest that the method could be used to
improve the quality of the training set. The
observations can be divided into three categories,
considering each attribute’s correlation with the
class (measured using the gain ratio): highly
correlated attributes, mildly correlated attributes and
weakly correlated attributes. The most stable
improvements have been found for attributes which
possessed a strong correlation with the class and for
datasets with increased modelling power (measured
in terms of the classification accuracy level) –
(Vidrighin et. al, 2008a). This result, together with
the fact that the optimal subset contains the strongly
relevant features, indicates the possibility of
augmenting the mining process with a combined
approach for preprocessing.
3.2 Wrapper Feature Selection
We have defined feature selection as the process of
selecting the optimal subset of features for a dataset.
Optimality may refer to: improving the classification
accuracy, reducing the computation effort,
improving model interpretability or avoiding costly
features. Our target is to achieve the highest possible
We have employed a 3-step methodology, based on
an existing classification for feature selection
methods (Kohavi, 1997). Therefore, we view the
wrapper as a 3-tuple of the form <generation
procedure, evaluation function, validation function>.
The generation procedure is a search procedure
which selects a subset of features (F
) from the
original feature set (F), F
F. There are many
search methods available, from greedy hill climbing
search, to genetic or random search methods. Each
has its advantages and disadvantages. Previous work
(Vidrighin et. al, 2008b) has shown that greedy
stepwise backward search and best first search
constantly yield good results. We have employed
these two search methods as generation procedures
in our previous evaluations (Vidrighin et. al, 2008c).
The evaluation function measures the “quality” of a
subset obtained from a given generation procedure.
As the optimal features subset depends on the
evaluation function, the process of selecting the
appropriate evaluation function is dependent on the
particular initial dataset. In the case of wrappers, the
evaluation is performed by measuring the accuracy
of a certain inducer on the projection of the initial
dataset on the selected attributes. In our previous
work we have employed three different learning
schemes (inducers), representing three prominent
classes of algorithms: decision trees (C4.5 – revision
8 – J4.8, as implemented by Weka (Witten, 2005));
Naïve Bayes (Cheeseman & Stutz, 1995) and
ensemble methods (AdaBoost.M1 (Freund &
Schapire, 1997)). For J4.8, we performed
experiments both with and without pruning.
The validation function tests the validity of the
selected subset through comparisons obtained from
other feature selection and generation procedure
pairs. The objective of the validation procedure is to
identify the best performance that could be obtained
in the first two steps of the method for a given
dataset, i.e. to identify the selection method which is
most suitable for the given dataset and classification
method. In this phase we performed validations with
all the three inducers employed in the evaluation
phase. Again, J4.8 was considered both with pruning
and without pruning. Validation is important in
selecting the inducer for learning after feature
selection has been performed.
Evaluations on 11 benchmark datasets (Vidrighin et.
al, 2008c) have shown that feature selection almost
always improves the accuracy of any inducer. The
most were found for combinations which included
the Naïve Bayes classifier, but J4.8 combination also
obtained good improvements. The best wrapper
combinations obtained up to 13% relative
improvements in accuracy (when compared to the
initial accuracy of the inducer), while the second
best obtained up to 7% relative improvements. Also,
combinations using the initially best inducer for
evaluation and validation have obtained relative
improvements in accuracy up to 7%. Therefore,
employing the reduced optimal feature set rather
than the initial set almost always boosts the learning
accuracy. For datasets having over 99% accuracy no
improvement has been found.
3.3 A Combined Strategy
Starting from the results obtained by both
preprocessing approaches explored, we propose a
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
unified strategy for preprocessing the data, which
consists in two phases:
a feature selection phase
a data imputation phase
The novelty of the approach consists in enhancing
the data imputation step with information from the
feature selection step, and performing both
operations jointly, as two phases in the same
In the feature selection phase, we extract the class
optimal feature subset (further referred as COS), i.e.
the subset of features which best predicts the class.
We have employed classification accuracy as
optimality criterion. Also, for each attribute, A
, in
the optimal subset, we perform feature selection on
the entire training set, to obtain its optimal subset,
. The optimality criterion should be accuracy
here as well, but the methodology does not impose
the use of a given method (e.g. filter ranking
methods could be employed instead of wrappers).
In the data imputation phase we impute values for
the incomplete attributes in the optimal subset of the
class. For each attribute we will consider only the
features in its optimal subset, AOS
for imputation.
By performing feature selection for each attribute in
particular, we wish to eliminate any noise and
harmful information.
After imputation, the resulting training set represents
the improved training set, which is further used in
the learning step.
This is a simple, generic strategy, which can be
applied using any feature selection and data
imputation techniques. It is neither restricted to
wrapper feature selection in the feature selection
phase, nor to a particular imputation method.
The next section presents the evaluations performed
on two particular implementations of the
We have performed evaluations using complete
benchmark datasets from the UCI Machine Learning
Data Repository (UCI), to check whether the
imputation-feature selection combination can
improve the accuracy of a classifier. We have
experimented with two particularizations of the
methodology: one that employs an ensemble of
artificial neural networks for imputation, and one
that utilizes kNN for imputation. Both strategies
employ a wrapper method for feature selection.
4.1 Preprocessing with Ensembles of
Artificial Neural Networks for
The first set of evaluations has been performed on a
variant of the preprocessing methodology which
utilizes the data imputation technique and the feature
selection method already explored in (Vidrighin et.
al, 2008a) and (Vidrighin et. al, 2008c).
The evaluation methodology is as follows:
1. select the best wrapper method for the
given dataset
2. generate 10 random train/test sets pairs
(from the original dataset), using a 80/20
percentage split.
3. for each training set, select the optimal
feature subset (for the class attribute), using
the wrapper method selected at 1.
4. for each training set, evaluate the
imputation technique, as described in
section 3.1
In step 3 of the evaluation methodology we have not
considered the optimal attribute subset for each
attribute separately, AOS
. Instead, we used COS for
attribute imputation as well. This may lead to poorer
results, since the attributes in COS are not
necessarily predictive among each other. Therefore,
when imputing values for attribute A
, only the
features in its optimal subset should be employed.
Also, for each training/testing pairs, COS has been
estimated on the complete training set, without
taking into account any missing values. In a real
world setting this should also have a different
approach: either perform feature selection on CT
for each attribute A
, or consider incompleteness in
the evaluation function of the feature selection
Table 1 presents the average classification
accuracies obtained by training a multilayer
perceptron classifier on different versions of the
training set with respect to attribute GlucTest:
preprocessed with the combined methodology,
incomplete, and original complete set. GlucTest has
been selected in COS as being strongly correlated
with the class and imputation has been performed on
= GlucTest, when AOS
= COS.
The improvement does not seem to be significant,
but we believe this is due to the fact that we
employed COS for imputing the values of A
, and
not AOS
. Also, we consider that a more stable
approach than artificial neural networks for data
imputation would yield better results.
Table 1: Classification accuracies for different versions of
the training set for attribute GlucTest, Pima dataset.
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
(combined m.)
76.5 76.47 76.45 76.42 76.43 76.32
76.46 76.45 76.49 76.34 76.26 76.45
Original data
4.2 Preprocessing with kNN for
For evaluating this second approach we have
employed the following datasets: Cleveland, Bupa,
Pima and Cars. Two slightly different strategies
have been considered:
In the first one (FSAfterI), for each attribute A
in the training set (except the class) we have
varied the percentage of incompleteness
between 5% and 30%, with 5% increment. To
impute the missing values for A
, we have
employed kNN, k=3, using only the attributes
in AOS
(computed using a wrapper approach
around kNN). The final classification was
performed using J4.8, on COS (computed using
a wrapper approach around J4.8).
In the second approach (FSBeforeI), COS was
computed initially, and only the attributes in
COS were considered for imputation. In order
to impute values for A
, was extracted
from the original training set.
A stratified 10-fold cross validation was performed
for each experiment. The average classification
accuracy and the standard deviation were computed.
In the trials of the second strategy, for each attribute
, averaging was performed only on the folds in
which it was selected in COS. We have compared
the accuracy of the model built using J4.8 on the
entire training set against the accuracy of the model
built on the pre-processed training set.
Tables 2-4 present the results obtained on the Pima
dataset, for a strongly correlated attribute (with the
class), a mildly and a weakly correlated attribute.
Table 2: Results of a strongly correlated attribute with the
class, Pima dataset (GlucTest).
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
74.74 74.08 75.39 74.21 74.08 75.13
73.16 74.08 73.29 74.08 72.24 73.29
Table 3: Results of a mildly correlated attribute with the
class, Pima dataset (Age).
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
73.95 73.95 74.61 74.47 75 72.89
76.32 75.26 74.47 75.26 76.05 73.42
Table 4: Results of a weakly correlated attribute with the
class, Pima dataset (BloodPress).
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
74.21 74.21 73.82 74.21 73.16 73.55
72.63 72.63 71.84 72.11 72.11 72.11
We have compared the accuracy of the final
classification with J4.8 on the complete set (74.74%)
with its performance on the modified training sets
obtained through preprocessing with the two
versions of the proposed methodology (FSAfterI and
FSBeforeI). Good results can be observed for
strongly and mildly correlated attributes. There is no
clear winner between the two approaches, and no
success pattern can be identified.
The most remarkable improvements have been
observed on the Cleveland data set, whose baseline
accuracy lies somewhere around 50%. Figures 1-2
exemplify the results obtained for a strongly and a
mildly correlated attribute with the class in the
Cleveland data set. The combined preprocessing
technique significantly boosts the performance of
the model built on the pre-processed training set
when compared to the performance of the model
built on the original training set. For this dataset in
particular, FSAfterI yields better results than
FSBeforeI, for all attributes.
The results obtained on the other two datasets
confirm the fact that preprocessing the training set
using this combined methodology can help boost the
classification accuracy. Also, there appears to be no
absolute winner between the approaches.
Figure 1: Classification accuracy using different versions
of the training set – attribute Thal.
Cleveland Dataset
Attribute Thal
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
% incomplete
accuracy (%)
FSAfterI FSBeforeI Original data
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Classification accuracy using different versions
of the training set – attribute MaxHeartRate.
Among the best known data preprocessing strategies
are feature selection and procedures for handling
incomplete data, with various existing techniques.
Previous results on the data imputation step alone
show that predicting strongly correlated attributes
with the class can improve the learning accuracy.
Wrapper feature selection has also been shown to
boost the performance of an inducer.
In this paper we propose a new methodology for
preprocessing the training set. Its novelty resides in
the combination of the feature selection step with
data imputation, in order to obtain an improved
version of the training set. The main goal is to boost
the classification accuracy (i.e. improve the learning
step). The methodology is simple and generic, which
makes it suitable for a wide range of application
domains, where particular feature selection schemes
/data imputation procedures may be preferred.
We have performed a number of evaluations of the
combined methodology using benchmark datasets.
The results indicate that performing preprocessing
on the training set enhances the accuracy of the final
model. The new methodology we have introduced is
more successful than the individual steps it
combines, producing similar or even superior results
to the ones obtained with complete data.
However, just like in the case of classifiers
(Moldovan et. al, 2007), there is no absolute best
preprocessing particularization for a given dataset.
Therefore, there appears the need to assess a
baseline performance using several approaches, and
develop a semi-automated procedure for tuning the
preprocessing method for a given problem. This is
one of our current objectives. Another future
development of the methodology is aimed at
handling more complex patterns of incompleteness,
closer to the ones encountered in real-life data sets.
Our work for this paper has been supported by the
Romanian Ministry for Education and Research,
through grant no. 12080/01.10.2008 – SEArCH.
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Cleveland Dataset
Attribute MaxHeartRate
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
% incomplete
accuracy (%)
FSAfterI FSBeforeI Original data