introduced a new conceptual approach for self
adaptive hypermedia applications using triangular
conceptual model. The proposed model offers many
advantages but the main one consists in assuring
strong independence of any of the building models
and, at the same time, in facilitating a flexible
adaptation of content delivery. The adaptation makes
use of adaptive presentation, navigation support and
content selection; it is not locked to any given
learner model. In order to be able to describe
polymorphic learner profiles, we use concepts of
given domain such as characteristics of the learning
style, psychology characters, etc.
The adaptive process for e-learning content
delivery was formalized through usage of predicates
and relationships between them. On the base of such
predicates, there were built formal rules controlling
the adaptation process and executed by the
adaptation engine. For describing the rules, two
approaches have been considered – Drools Rule
Language and SWRL. Both the approaches are
supported by rule engines which executes rules
described in correspondent language. Thanks to the
fact they both support rules defined by first order
logic predicates, we conclude they are suitable for
constructing an adaptation engine supporting the
conceptual model. Based on this comparison
showing the weaknesses and advantages of the rule
engines, we may choose Drools for the ongoing
implementation of the adaptation engine. The choice
of Drools is strongly influenced by the facts it
provides advanced rule management tools, detailed
documentation, and open source license. The
adaptation engine is going to be integrated and
tested within a adaptive e-learning platform
providing an authoring tool for construction of
learning courseware and an instructor tool
(Vassileva, D., Bontchev, B. & Grigorov, S., 2008)
for structuring the narrative storyboards and
planning the instructional design.
This work is partially supported by the SISTER
project funded by the European Commission in FP7-
SP4 Capacities via agreement no.: 205030.
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CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education