Hesley Py
, Lucia Castro
, Fernanda Araujo Baião
and Asterio Tanaka
NP2Tec – Research and Practice Group in Information Technology,
Department of Applied Informatics
Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywords: Data integration, Business process, Services, Information architecture.
Abstract: Business-IT alignment is gaining more importance in enterprises, and is already considered essential for
efficiently achieving enterprise goals. This led organizations to follow Enterprise Architecture approaches,
with the Information Architecture as one of its pillars. Information architecture aims at providing an
integrated and holistic view of the business information, and this requires applying a data integration
approach. However, despite several works on data integration research, the problem is far from being
solved. The highly heterogeneous computer environments present new challenges such as distinct DBMSs,
distinct data models, distinct schemas and distinct semantics, all in the same scenario. On the other hand,
new issues in enterprise environment, such as the emergence of BPM and SOA approaches, contribute to a
new solution for the problem. This paper presents a service-based approach for data integration, in which
the services are derived from the organization’s business process models. The proposed approach comprises
a framework of different types of services (data services, concept services), a method for data integration
service identification from process models, and a metaschema needed for the automation and customization
of the proposed approach in a specific organization. We focus on handling heterogeneities with regard to
different DBMSs and differences among data models, schemas and semantics.
Historically, most organizations have searched for
technological improvements to their business
processes through either developing or acquiring
information systems that support individual
activities and, very commonly, create and/or access
different and isolated data sources. This leads to an
undesired situtation where computational support is
provided for departmental processes, instead of for
the company as a whole. Besides this, new
technologies for system development and for data
storage have contributed to making the IT
environment of large organizarions very
heterogeneous. The natural consequences to the
scenario described above are the lack of a unified
data and process view, data redundancy, and the re-
work of having to code the same functions for
several applications; IT and business do not align.
A new tendency to promote business-IT
alignment has led organizations to adopt new
management strategies towards IT Enterprise
Architecture (Armour et al., 2007, Lankhorst 2005,
van Steenbergen et al., 2007), which has the
Information Architecture as one of its components.
The information architecture of an organization aims
at providing an integrated and holistic view of the
business information, including who uses it, why
and where (Armour et al., 2007). However, for the
information architecture initiative to be effective
towards business-IT alignment, a data integration
approaches is essential.
Data integration is a widely studied topic in
database research and can be described as the
combination of data from different sources so that
users can have a unified view of such data
(Lenzerini et al., 2002), aiming mainly at an easier
access and re-use of data (Ziegler and Dittrich,
2007). In spite of the great number of works on this
subject, there still are unresolved issues. More
specifically, the adoption of business process
modeling (BPM) and service oriented architectures
(SOA) by organizations, and the highly
heterogeneous computer environments present new
challenges and opportunities for data integration
This paper presents a service-based approach for
data integration, in which the services are derived
Py H., Castro L., Araujo Baião F. and Tanaka A. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002013002220227
from the organization’s BP models. The proposed
approach comprises a framework of services (data
and concept services), a method for service
identification from process models, and a
metaschema (which is out of the scope of this work)
that is used by our tool for automatic creation,
configuration and execution of services. A case
study showing the application of our approach at the
Brazilian government census bureau (IBGE) is also
According to (Ziegler and Dittrich, 2007), the two
main reasons to integrate data are to provide an easy,
single-point access to data, and to combine data
from different sources in a more complete database
in order to meet company needs. The difficulties
involved in providing a single view to such data
reside in the heterogeneity of DBMSs, of data
models, of schemas and of data semantics.
One of the approaches to data integration is
schema integration. According to Batini et al.
(1986), schema integration is the process of creating
a new unified schema from several others, resolving
the structural and semantic diversities among them.
This process is composed of four sequential steps:
(i) preintegration, when local schemas are analyzed
so that the policy for integration can be defined; (ii)
comparison of schemas, when schema
characteristics are analyzed to determine
correspondences and conflicts; (iii) conforming the
schemas, when schema conflicts are solved and a
new integrated schema is created; and (iv) merging
and restructuring, when all partial products of the
process are analyzed and, if needed, restructured in
order to provide the required data quality.
A schema conflict happens when components
that represent the same concept are different. There
are two categories of conflicts (Batini et al., 1986):
the naming conflicts and the structural ones. A
naming conflict may be a synonym (different names
that refer to the same concept) or a homonym (one
name that refers to different concepts). Structural
conflicts refer to differences in the concept
representation, including type conflicts, dependency
conflicts, key conflicts, data type and scale conflicts
(Batini et al., 1986).
Although the data integration problem taxonomy
is very known, the growing tendency towards
enterprise IT Architecture approaches brings new
issues to the problem solution. An enterprise IT
architecture is composed of a set of data and
descriptive models that define the business, the
information and the technology that support business
operations, and keep them aligned with business
goals (Lankhorst, 2005). In this context, BPM may
help in identifying data sources that need to be
integrated,in keeping IT systems aligned with
corporate strategic goals (Ferreira et al., 2009), and
guiding service identification in a SOA
implementation. SOA also contributes for
interoperable and transparent solutions. In common
scenarios where schema conflicts described above
may involve both structured (e.g. a relational SGBD)
and semi-structured data sources (XML files),
service technology is advised.
This section proposes a service-based approach for
data integration, which includes: a framework
defining services types, and their relationships,
needed for automating data integration; and a
method for instantiating the service framework. Our
proposal aims mostly at resolving heterogeneity
issues between the different DBMSs used by the
organization, and at dealing with differences among
data models, schemas and semantics. We follow the
schema integration approach, in which we specify a
common interface for querying data related to
business concepts.
3.1 Service Framework
The proposed service framework represents a
generic and extensible infrastructure for automating
data integration services construction. The
framework comprises both domain-dependent and
domain-independent services. Domain-dependent
services are defined according to the specific domain
and organization, and are divided into data services
and concept services. Domain-independent services
are divided into metadata services and integration
Data services provide access to data sources. The
data source schema is described in the metaschema,
encapsulating connection details and complexities.
One data service is defined for each schema of each
data source beign integrated.
Concept services provide a common and unified
interface to access all data that correspond to a
concept, acting as concept managers. Each concept
service is responsible for answering queries related
to its concept, according to the criteria described in
the metaschema. Each concept service is linked to an
aggregating concept, that is, a complex concept that
includes two or more simple related concepts.
Concept services receive requests for data referring
to a certain concept, access the data services and the
integration services and return integrated data to the
requester, as shown in figure 1.
Metadata services are responsible for accessing
and recovering metadata from the metaschema.
Integration services are responsible for
encapsulating the integration operations on data.
Integration services are invoked during the merging
and restructuring step of data integration.
Figure 1: Service organization.
3.2 Identifying Data Integration
This section describes the proposed method for
specifying a set of services for integrating data from
different sources. The method should be applied by
an information architect (that is, one that knows
about the structure and meaning of data accessed
during a business process execution, such as a data
administrator) on top of a business process model
received as input. The process model should contain
the following information: the input and output data
of each business activity, the identification and path
to each data source that holds data needed by the
process activity; the identification, connection string
and schema description of each schema of each data
source; and a glossary for the data concepts related
to the activity. A data concept is an abstract entity
with a well-defined semantics within business scope.
For instance, the concept of “UF” (Federate Unit,
refering to a state in Brazil) can be represented by
entities named “UF”, or “state”, or “unit.”
The main activities of the method are:
Process Model Analysis. the information architect
analyzes the business process model to identify
concepts and data sources, and to identify process
activities that access data sources and that should be
more deeply studied.
Detailed Process Activities Analysis. Input and
output data, as well as the glossary, are analyzed for
each activity from the previous step.
Data Source Identification. A data input or output
provides the data flow that will be necessary for the
specified activity execution, from which the
information architect is able to identify data sources.
A data source is any repository where data, both
structured and semi-structured, is stored. Data
source identification and mapping them with
activities reduces the so-called “information
islands”, that is, repositories that are known and
used only by their “owners”, in spite of being part of
the organization’s information as a whole.
Activity Schema Identification. After data source
identification, the information architect must, when
applicable, identify the schemas related to the data
which will be accessed during activity execution. In
this case, the concept of schema is that of DBMSs,
like PostgreSQL and Oracle. If the data source does
not have such schema concept, a public schema will
be created for that source in the metaschema.
Data Service Definition. After a new schema has
been identified, a data service must be defined and
linked to it. This service will be responsible for the
access to data the schema refers to.
Concept Identification. Data concepts are
identified from the detailed business process
activities; these concepts are derived from the
activity glossary. A concept may be simple
(involving a single data entity in a data model in 3
normal form); or complex (involving more than one
entity in a normalized data model, e.g. “Address”,
that involves data from “UF” and “City” entities). A
complex concept may be modeled through an ER
Our approach differs from the ones that build a
global data model (Batini et al., 1986), since a
global data model aims at completeness and
minimality, whereas concept models are neither
complete (since concepts are defined as they are
identified) nor minimal (since the same data entity
can be related to more than one concept). As in
previous example, “UF” is an entity that can be
related to either a simple concept “UF”, or a
complex concept, like “Address”. The concept
identification activity aims at resolving name
conflicts, i.e., homonymy and synonymy.
Name conflicts are not easy to treat due to the
difficulties inherent to establishing correspondence
between concepts. Mostly, to resolve such conflicts
it is necessary to rely on metadata, which are not
always available or trustworthy. Moreover, such
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
metadata not always follow a standard and cannot be
automatically analyzed; consequently, integration
activities will depend on users either to compare
concepts or to validate correspondences between
schemas. Resolving naming conflicts is not an
automatic task, being semi-automatic at best (Kent,
Semantically rich conceptual models are the
basis for semantic data integration. Although
conceptual models have been discussed and studied
for over thirty years, very little has been said about
the modeling process. The creation of such a model
implies that the designer has to acquire concepts of a
universe of discourse, what requires a method. Also,
conceptual models must be represented by means of
an ontological language which the constructs must
be enough to semantically describe all the existing
concepts (Lopes et al., 2009).
Data related to concept identification and schema
must be described in the metaschema. The concept
schema is the concept structure, which must be a
XML schema and describe all types, attributes and
constraints that define the concept. In other words,
the concept schema is the canonical concept model
for the organization, which is the basis for solving
structure conflicts.
Comparison of Schemas. This activity aims at
providing the baseline for structuring conflict
resolution. The definition of the relations between
schemas and concepts is the central step of this
activity. Each identified concept must be mapped to
at least one local schema; the relation between a
concept and a local schema is specified through a
query defined in a language known by the data
source to which the schema is linked (SQL for
relational databases or xPath for XML files). All
defined mappings are stored in the metadata base.
The query must access data that is mapped in the
concept canonical model. For instance, to recover
data about concept “c1”, that is in a local schema
“s1”, related to a PostgresSQL data source “ds1”,
the following query can be used:
Select * from t1
“t1” is the table in which the data about concept
“c1” is stored in schema “s1”; the “*” represents the
set of attributes that comply with the elements
described for the concept “c1” in its canonical
An example using a complex concept could be a
query for an address, which would access more than
one table in the schema, such as:
Select e.logradouro, e.numero, c.cidade,
u.uf from endereco e, cidade c, uf u
where e.codigoCidade = c.codigo and
e.codigoUf = u.codigo.
When it comes to the definition of the relation
between the concept and the local schema, it is
necessary to map the attributes defined in the
canonical schema to the values to be returned by the
query. The establishment of this relation allows for
the resolution of part of the structure conflicts
mentioned above.
The proposed approach adds a new step
(Infrastructure implementation) after the
Comparison of schemas step. In the Infrastructure
implementation step, data integration services should
be implemented.
The information described in the metaschema is
the basis for the execution of the next steps,
conforming the schemas and merging and
Conforming the Schemas. In this activity, type, key
and scale conflicts are resolved, and the integrated
schema is built. When the concept service receives a
new data request, it contacts the metadata service to
verify which data services must be called; it then
accesses the appropriate data services and queries
the concept data. Data services then access the
metadata services to check for information about
connections to the data sources. Finally, the data
services query the data sources, get the requested
data and return them to the concept service. Such
concept service calls the integration service
responsible for the conforming step, which unifies
the data and returns them to the concept service.
Merging and Restructuring. In this activity, the
concept service calls the integration services which
will merge the data, based on the quality criteria
defined in the metaschema, and return them to the
concept service, which returns the integrated data,
formatted according to the concept schema, to the
The scenario for the case study is the Brazilian
government census bureau, IBGE (Brazilian
Institute for Geography and Statistics), in which a
great volume of heterogeneous data sources are
geographically distributed, and frequently
exchanged among the foundation’s offices This
environment is ideal for the deployment and study of
the proposed solution. The study started with the
evaluation of some already modeled business
processes; the processes for data validation and
dissemination used during year 2000 Brazilian
census were selected. The choice was based on the
importance of such processes in data production.
Data validation is a process that applies a set of pre-
defined constraints to collected data in order to
guarantee accuracy and insure data quality. The
activities executed are the reading of the validated
base, file preparation, loading of metadata and data
When applying the proposed method, data
sources, their related schemas and data concepts
were identified from the analysis of process
activities. For example, the “Load and validate files”
activity was analyzed and the following components
were identified: the DIORAPRD data source,
physically stored as an Oracle database, containing
two schemas, namely BET (Territorial Structures
Database) and CENSO. The data source was
described in the metaschema, along with the
schemas themselves.
Following the method, concepts related to each
process activity were described in the metaschema:
“domicilio” (residence) and “pessoa” (person) were
defined as aggregating concepts to which all other
concepts were linked. A data service was defined for
each identified schema, and a concept service was
defined for each aggregating concept. All service
data were stored in the metaschema.
Aftrewards, the relations between the identified
concepts and schemas were defined and stored. For
each pair schema-concept a query, written in the
language supported by the data source where the
concept resides, was stored; this query recovers
concept data that conform to the schema canonical
model. The links between concepts attributes and the
canonical schema were also defined.
After the analysis of the data validation process,
the method was applied to the data dissemination
process. Two data sources were identified:
DIORAPRD, which had already been identified
during the first step, and DIORAPRD2, that stores
the metadata referring to the data being
disseminated. The schema identified in DIORAPRD
was BOG (Geographic Operational Base); in
DIORAPRD2, the schemas identified were
METABD (Research metadata base) and SIDRA
(Automatic Recovery IBGE Database). Database
schemas and concepts were identified and described
in the metaschema. Data services were described for
each new schema; the relation with their associate
schema was described in the metaschema for all
identified concepts.
During infrastructure implementation, the
following services were implemented:
- Data services: srvDadosBet – returns the data
stored in the BET schema, and srvDadosCenso –
responsible for the data stored in CENSO schema,
both from DIORAPRD base; service srvDadosBog
– responsible for the BOG schema in the
DIORAPRD data source; service srvDadosMetabd –
responsible for the data in Metabd schema; and
service srvDadosSidra – responsible for the data in
Sidra schema, both from data source DIORAPRD2.
- Concept services: srvConceitoPessoa – responsible
for recovering data related to the aggregating
concept “pessoa”, and all data related to its simple
concepts; and service srvConceitoDomicilio –
responsible for the aggregating concept “domicilio”,
and its simple concepts.
During merging and restructuring, domain
dependent services join domain independent services
and the metaschema for the integration itself. Once
all services have been implemented and made
available, all integration structure is ready. An
interface, made of a form containing three fields and
three buttons, was created to test this structure.
In the first field there is a list containing the
values returned by data service srvDadosBet,
concerning information related to concept “UF”. All
data is presented in XML format, according to the
concept local schema. Returned values are:
<cod_uni_terr>11 </cod_uni_terr>
The second field also presents a list containing
information related to concept “UF” but from data
service srvDadosBog. Returned values are:
The third field presents a list of information also
related to concept “UF” but from concept service
srvConceitoDomicilio. The values in fields 1 and 2
keep their own structure; in field 3 data from fields 1
and 2 are integrated and structured according to the
canonical schema of concept “UF”; the data in field
3 is:
During restructuring, quality criteria are applied
to the integrated data; in this case a criteria was
defined representing the priority (from 0 to 10) of
the data from one schema over the data from another
schema. Thus, in our study, data from schema BET
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
was chosen over the schema BOG. However, all
data from both schemas was united in the integrated
schema. Other quality criteria can be adopted
according to the organization needs.
Service implementation and deployment make
several details (such as data source location,
connection information, and even query language)
transparent to the end user. All it takes is to access
the concept service and request the information.
We propose a service-based approach for data
integration, which includes a framework that defines
and structures types of services that are needed for
automating data integration, a method for
instantiating the set of services from business
process models according to the proposed
framework, and a metaschema to support service
definition and service execution (which was not
detailed in this paper). The mapping between
business process models, services and data concepts
is a consequence of the method application, since it
includes activities for analyzing data related to each
concept, and concepts related to each process
In this work we focus on addressing
heterogeneity issues between the different DBMSs
used by the organization, and dealing with
differences among data models, schemas and
semantics. The issues covered are schema
integration, and we propose the specification of a
common interface definition for querying data
related to business concepts, and semantic
integration, by defining data concepts upon which
data integration is performed.
The approach was applied in a real corporate
environment. This case study demonstrated the
effectiveness of our approach by specifying a set of
services, including data, concept, metadata and
integration services, which provided an integrated
interface for heterogeneous schemas integration
during the execution of the chosen business
process. The specified services were implemented,
and all data requests of the chosen business process
were executed on top of the set of implemented
services. The metaschema was essential for the
automatic execution of all data requests. The set of
concept services provided a unified information
view for business activities, through which they can
access information independently on where and how
it is stored. The concept services encapsulate the
connection information and the query language
needed to retrieve the data.
Future work aims at defining a set of semantic
information to each data concept discovered for to
improve and automate the activities of discovery and
comparison of concepts by computers.
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