An Industrial Case Study in the Domain of Oil and Gas
Production and Exploration
Mauro Lopes
, Giancarlo Guizzardi
, Fernanda Araujo Baião
and Ricardo Falbo
NP2Tec – Research and Practice Group in Information Technology,
Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ontology and Conceptual Modeling Research Group (NEMO), Computer Science Department
Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES), Vitória, Brazil
Keywords: Ontology, Ontology Languages, Conceptual modelling, Oil and Gas domain.
Abstract: Ontologies are commonly used in computer science either as a reference model to support semantic
interoperability in several scenarios, or as a computer-tractable artifact that should be efficiently represented
to be processed. This duality poses a tradeoff between expressivity and computational tractability that
should be taken care of in different phases of an ontology engineering process. In this scenario, the choice
of the ontology representation language is crucial, since different languages contain different expressivity
and ontological commitments, reflecting on the specific set of available constructs. The inadequate use of a
representation language, disregarding the goal of each ontology engineering phase, can lead to serious
problems to database design and integration, to domain and systems requirements analysis within the
software development processes, to knowledge representation and automated reasoning, and so on. This
article presents an illustration of these issues by using a fragment of an industrial case study in the domain
of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production. We make explicit the differences between two different
representations of this domain, and highlight a number of concepts and ideas (tacit domain knowledge) that
were implicit in the original model represented using a lightweight ontology language and that became
explicit by applying methodological directives underlying an ontologically well-founded modeling
There are two common trends in the traditional use
of the term ontology in computer science: (i) firstly,
ontologies are typically regarded as an explicit
representation of a shared conceptualization, i.e., a
concrete artifact representing a model of consensus
within a community and a universe of discourse. In
this sense of a reference model, an ontology is
primarily aimed at supporting semantic
interoperability in its various forms (e.g, model
integration, service interoperability, knowledge
harmonization, and taxonomy alignment); (ii)
secondly, the discussion regarding representation
mechanisms for the construction of domain
ontologies is, typically, centered on computational
issues, not truly ontological ones. An important
aspect to be highlighted is the incongruence between
these two approaches. In order for an ontology to be
able to adequately serve as a reference model, it
should be constructed using an approach that
explicitly takes foundational concepts into account;
this, however, is neglected for the sake of
computational complexity.
The use of foundational concepts that take truly
ontological issues seriously is becoming more and
more accepted in the ontological engineering
literature, i.e., in order to represent a complex
domain, one should rely on engineering tools (e.g.,
design patterns), modeling languages and
methodologies that are based on well-founded
ontological theories in the philosophical sense
(Fielding,2004; Burek, 2006). Especially in a
domain with complex concepts, relations and
constraints, and with potentially serious risks which
could be caused by interoperability problems, a
Lopes M., Guizzardi G., Araujo Baião F. and Falbo R. (2009).
Domain of Oil and Gas Production and Exploration.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002014902620267
supporting ontology engineering approach should be
able to: (a) allow the conceptual modelers and
domain expert to be explicit regarding their
ontological commitments, which in turn enables
them to expose subtle distinctions between models
to be integrated and to minimize the chances of
running into a False Agreement Problem (Guarino,
1998); (b) support the user in justifying their
modeling choices and providing a sound design
rationale for choosing how the elements in the
universe of discourse should be modeled in terms of
language elements.
This marks a contrast to almost all languages
traditionally used for knowledge representation and
conceptual information modeling, in general, and in
the semantic web, in particular (RDF, OWL, F-
Logic, UML, EER). Although these languages
provide the modeler with mechanisms for building
conceptual structures (taxonomies or partonomies),
they offer no support neither for helping the modeler
on choosing a particular structure to model elements
of the subject domain nor for justifying the choice of
a particular structure over another. Finally, once a
particular structure is represented, the ontological
commitments which are made remain, in the best
case, tacit in the modelers’ mind. In the worst case,
even the modelers and domain experts remain
oblivious to these commitments.
An example of an ontologically well-founded
modeling language is the one proposed in
(Guizzardi, 2005), which is here dubbed OntoUML.
This language has its real-world semantics defined
in terms of a number of ontological theories, such as
theory of parts, of wholes, types and instantiation,
identity, dependencies, unity, etc. However, in order
to be as explicit as possible regarding all the
underlying subtleties of these theories (e.g., modal
issues, different modes of predication, higher-order
predication), this language strives for having its
formal semantics defined in a logical system as
expressively as possible. Now, as well understood in
the field of knowledge representation, there is a clear
tradeoff between logical expressivity and
computational efficiency (Levesque & Brachman,
1987). In particular, any language which attempts at
maximizing the explicit characterization of the
aforementioned ontological issues risk sacrificing
reasoning efficiency and computational tractability.
In contrast, common knowledge representation and
deductive database languages (e.g., some instances
of Description Logics) have been designed to afford
efficient automated reasoning and decidability.
In summary, ontology engineering must face the
following situation: on one side, we need
ontologically well-founded languages supported by
expressive logical theories in order to produce sound
and clear representations of complex domains; on
the other side, we need lightweight ontology
languages supported by efficient computational
algorithms. How to reconcile these two sets of
contradicting requirements? As advocated by
(Guizzardi & Halpin, 2008), actually two classes of
languages are required to fulfill these two sets of
requirements. Moreover, as any other engineering
process, an ontology engineering process lifecycle
should comprise phases of conceptual modeling,
design, and implementation. In the first phase, a
reference ontology is produced aiming at
representing the subject domain with truthfulness,
clarity and expressivity, regardless of computational
requirements. The main goal of these reference
models is to help modelers to externalize their tacit
knowledge about the domain, to make their
ontological commitments explicit in order to support
meaning negotiation, and to afford as best as
possible the tasks of domain communication,
learning and problem solving. The same reference
ontology can then give rise to different lightweight
ontologies in different languages (e.g., F-Logic,
OWL-DL, RDF, Alloy, and KIF) so as to satisfy
different sets of non-functional requirements.
Defining the most suitable language for codifying a
reference ontology is then a choice to be made at the
design phase, by taking both the end-application
purpose and the tradeoff between expressivity and
computational tractability into account.
In this article, we illustrate the issues at stake in
the aforementioned tradeoff by briefly discussing a
fragment of an industrial case study in the domain of
Oil and Gas Exploration and Production. However,
since we were dealing with an existing OWL-DL
codified ontology, we had to reverse the direction of
model development. Instead of producing a
reference model in OntoUML which would then
give rise to an OWL-DL codification, we had to start
with an OWL-DL ontology and apply a reverse
engineer process to it in an attempt to reconstruct the
proper underlying reference model in OntoUML. By
doing this, we manage to show how much of
important domain knowledge had either been lost in
the OWL-DL codification or remained tacit in the
mind of the domain experts.
The article is organized as follows. Section 2
briefly characterizes the domain and industrial
setting in which the case study took place, namely,
the domain of oil and gas exploration and production
and in the context of a large Brazilian Petroleum
Organization. Section 3 illustrates the reengineering
DISTINCTIONS - An Industrial Case Study in the Domain of Oil and Gas Production and Exploration
of the original lightweight ontology and its well-
founded version represented in OntoUML. Section 4
discusses some final considerations.
The oil and gas industry is a potentially rich domain
for application of ontologies, since it comprises a
large and complex set of inter-related concepts.
Ontology-based approaches for data integration and
exchange involves the use of ontologies of rich and
extensive domains combined with industry patterns
and controlled vocabularies, reflecting relevant
concepts within this domain (Chum, 2007).
According to Chum, the motivating factors for the
use of ontologies in the oil and gas industry include:
(i) the great data quantity generated each day,
coming from diverse sources, involving different
disciplines, which hardens the data integration task;
(ii) the existence of data in different formats, both
structured in databases and semi-structured in
documents, which hardens data search and access;
and (iii) the need for standardization and integration
of information along the frontiers of systems,
disciplines and organizations, to better support
decision-making processes.
The case study reported in this paper was
conducted in a large Brazilian Petroleum
Corporation, by analyzing and redesigning a pre-
existing ontology in the domain of Oil and Gas
Exploration and Production, henceforth named
E&P-Reservoir Ontology. Due to the extensiveness
and complexity of this domain, only a small part of
it was addressed in the initial version of this
ontology, namely, the “Reserve Assessment” sub
domain, and the “Mechanical pump” sub domain.
The knowledge acquisition process used to create
the original E&P-Reservoir Ontology ontology was
conducted via the representations of business
process models following the approach proposed in
(Cappelli et al., 2007) and extended in (Baião et al,
2008). The original ontology was codified in OWL-
DL comprising 178 classes, which together
contained 55 data type properties (OWL
datatypeProperties) and 96 object properties (OWL
In a nutshell, a Reservoir is composed of
Production Zones and organized in Fields
geographical regions managed by a Business Unit
and containing a number of Wells. Reservoirs are
filled with Reservoir Rock – a substance composed
of quantities of Oil, Gas and Water. Production of
Oil and Gas from a Reservoir can occur via different
lifting methods (e.g., natural lifting, casing’s
diameter, sand production, among others) involving
different Wells. One of these artificial lifting
methods is the Mechanical Pump. The simultaneous
production of oil, gas and water occurs in
conjunction with the production impurities. To
remove these impurities, facilities are adopted on the
fields (both off-shore and on-shore), including the
transfer of hydrocarbons via Ducts to refineries for
proper processing. The notion of Reserve
Assessment refers to the process of estimating, for
each Exploration Project and Reservoir, the
profitable recoverable quantity of hydrocarbons (Oil
and Gas) for that given reservoir. The Mechanical
Pump sub domain ontology, in contrast, defines a
number of concepts regarding the methods of fluid
lifting, transportation, and other activities that take
place in a reservoir during the production process.
For a more extensive definition of the concepts
in this domain, one should refer, for instance, to
(Thomas, 2001) or to The Energy Standard
Resource Center (
In this section, we briefly discuss some of the results
of producing an OntoUML version of the original
E&P-Reservoir ontology in this domain. In
particular, we focus at illustrating a couple of
important concepts in this domain which were
absent in the original OWL model and remained
tacit in the domain experts’ minds, but which
became manifest by the application of
methodological directives underlying OntoUML.
The reverse engineering process was conducted by
systematically searching for the real-world
semantics of each concept in the original ontology.
This, in turn, was done by analyzing the meta-
properties defined for each construct of the
OntoUML language in (Guizzardi, 2005) so as to
decide the most adequate element to represent the
This section does not aim at serving as an
introduction to OntoUML. In fact, due to space
limitations we will focus here on one specific
ontological distinction, namely, the distinction
between formal and material relations and the
associated notion of relators (Guizzardi & Wagner,
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.1 Making the Real-world Semantics
of Relationships Explicit
Figure 1 depicts a fragment of the original E&P-
Reservoir Ontology and figure 2 depicts the
corresponding redesigned fragment in OntoUML.
The OntoUML language, with its underlying
methodological directives, makes an explicit
distinction between the so-called material and
formal relationships. A formal relationship can be
reduced to relationships between intrinsic properties
of its relata. For example, a relationship more-dense-
than between two fluids can be reduced to the
relationship between the individual densities of the
involved fluids (more-dense-than(x,y) iff the density
of x is higher than of y’s), In contrast, material
relationships cannot be reduced to relationships
between individual properties of involved relata in
this way. In order to have a material relationship
established between two concepts C1 and C2,
another entity must exist that make this relationship
true. For example, we can say that the Person John
works for Company A (and not for company B) if an
employment contract exists between John and
Company A which makes this relationship true. This
entity, which is the truthmaker of material
relationships, is termed relator in OntoUML and the
language determines that these relators must be
explicitly represented on the models (Guizzardi &
Wagner, 2008).
Figure 1: Representation of Fluid transportation (OWL).
Figure 2: Alternative Representation of Fluid
transportation (OntoUML).
The Conduct_Fluid relationship of figure 1 is an
example of a material relationship. This relationship
only takes place (i.e., the Conduct_Fluid relationship
is only established) between a specific duct x and a
specific portion of fluid y, when there is at least a
fluid transportation event that involves the
participation of x and y.
Besides making explicit the truthmakers of these
relations, one of the major advantages of the explicit
representation of relators is to solve an inherent
ambiguity of cardinality constraints that exists in
material relationships. Take for example the
cardinality constraints of one-to-many represented
for the relationship Conduct_Fluid in figure 1
(minimum cardinality constraints are not shown).
There are several possible interpretations for this
model which are compatible with these cardinality
constraints but which are mutually incompatible
among themselves. Two of these interpretations are
depicted in figures 3 and 4.
On the model of figure 3, given a fluid
transportation event, we have only one duct and only
one portion of fluid involved; both fluid and duct
can participate in several transportation events. In
contrast, on the model of figure 4, given a fluid
transportation event, we have possibly several ducts
and portions of fluid involved; a duct can be used in
several transportation events, but only one fluid can
take part on a fluid transportation.
Figure 3: Interpreting Fluid transportation with unique
Duct and Fluid.
Figure 4: Interpreting Fluid transportation with multiples
Ducts and Fluids.
When comparing these two models in OntoUML
we can see that the original model collapses these
two interpretations (among others) in the same
representation, which have substantially different
semantics. This semantic overload can be a source of
many interoperability problems between
applications. In particular, applications that use
different models and that attach distinct semantics to
relationships such as discussed above can wrongly
assume that they agree on the same semantics (an
example of the previously mentioned False
Agreement Problem).
DISTINCTIONS - An Industrial Case Study in the Domain of Oil and Gas Production and Exploration
Finally, in the OntoUML models in this section,
the dotted line with a filled circle on one of its
endings represents the derivation relationship
between a relator type and the material relationship
derived from it (Guizzardi, 2005). For example, the
derivation relationship Fluid Transportation (relator
type) and Conduct_Fluid (material relationship)
represents that for all x, y we have that: <x,y> is an
instance of Conduct_Fluid iff only there is an
instance z of Fluid Transportation that mediates x
and y. As discussed in depth in (Guizzardi, 2005),
mediation is a specific type of existential
dependence relation (e.g., a particular Fluid
Transportation can only exist if that particular Duct
and that particular Fluid exist). Moreover, it also
demonstrated that the cardinality constraints of a
material relationship R derived from a relator type
can be systematically derived from the
corresponding mediaton relationships between U
and the types related by R. In summary, a relator is
an entity which is existentially dependent on a
number of other individuals, and via these
dependency relationships it connects (mediates)
these individuals. Given that a number of individuals
are mediated by a relator, a material relationship can
be defined between them. As this definition makes
clear, relators are ontologically prior to material
relationships which are mere logical/linguistic
constructions derived from them (Guizzardi, 2005).
To put it in a different way, knowing that x and y are
related via R tells you very little unless you know
what are the conditions (state of affairs) that makes
this relationship between this particular tuple true.
Figure 5: Representation of Fluid and related notions in
the original OWL ontology.
Another example of a material relation is the
Extracts_Fluid relationship between Fluid and Well
in the model of figure 5. Once more, following the
methodological directives of the language, the
modeling process seeks to make explicit which
would be the relator that would substantiate that
relationship. The conclusion that one would come is
that the relationship Extracts_Fluid(x,y) is true iff
there is a Production event involving the Well x
from where the Fluid y is produced. The semantic
investigation of this relationship makes explicit that
the resulting fluid of this event in fact only exists
after the occurrence of this event. In other words, the
portion of the Extracted Petroleum only exists after
it is produced from the event of production
involving a well. Therefore, a mixture of water, gas
and oil is considered Extracted Petroleum only when
it is produced by an event of this kind.
Figure 6: The Representation of Fluid and related notions
in the re-designed ontology (OntoUML).
In the model of figure 6, the original
Extract_Fluid relationship between Well and Fluid
and the Is_extracted_from_Well relationship
between Extracted Petroleum and Well on the
original ontology are replaced by the material
relationship Extracts_Extracted_Petroleum between
Well and Extracted Petroleum and by the partOf
relationships between the Extracted Petroleum
portion and its sub portions of Water, Gas and Oil.
This representation has the additional benefit of
making clear that an event of Production has the
goal of generating an Extracted Petroleum portion
that is composed of particular portions of these Fluid
types and not by directly extracting portions of these
other types of fluid. Finally, as previously discussed,
the explicit representation of the Production relator
makes the representation of the cardinality
constraints involving instances of Well and
Extracted Petroleum precise, eliminating the
ambiguity on the representation of the Extract_Fluid
relationship on the original model.
An ontology engineering process is composed of
phases, among them conceptual modeling and
implementation. During the whole process, the
ontology being built must be made explicit by a
representation language. The diverse ontology
representation languages available on the literature
contain different expressivity and different
ontological commitments, reflecting on the specific
set of available constructs in each one of them.
Therefore, different ontology representation
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
languages, with different characteristics, are suitable
to be used in different phases of the ontology
engineering process so as to address the different set
of requirements which characterizes each phase.
In particular, conceptual ontology modeling
languages aim primarily at improving
understanding, learning, communication and
problem solving among people in a particular
domain. Therefore, these languages have being
designed to maximize expressivity, clarity and
truthfulness to the domain being represented. In
contrast, ontology codification languages are
focused on aspects such as computational efficiency
and tractability and can be used to produce
computationally amenable versions of an
ontologically well-founded reference conceptual
model. The inadequate use of a representation
language, disregarding the goal of each ontology
engineering phase, can lead to serious problems to
database design and integration, to domain and
systems requirements analysis within the software
development processes, to knowledge representation
and automated reasoning, and so on.
This article presents an illustration of these
issues by using a fragment of an industrial case
study in the domain of Oil and Gas Exploration and
Production. The case study consists in generating a
Conceptual Ontological Model for this domain from
an existing domain ontology.
The ontology representation language used to
produce the redesigned model was OntoUML, a
theoretically sound and highly expressive language
based on a number of Formal Ontological Theories.
The choice of this language highlights a number of
explicit concepts and ideas (tacit domain
knowledge) that were implicit in the original model
coded in OWL-DL. By making these concepts
explicit as well as defining a precise real-world
semantics for the notions represented, the newly
E&P-Reservoir ontology produced in OntoUML
prevents a number of ambiguity and interoperability
problems which would likely be carried out to
subsequent activities (e.g., database design) based on
this model.
The authors would like to thank Petrobras for the
case study.
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DISTINCTIONS - An Industrial Case Study in the Domain of Oil and Gas Production and Exploration