Internet Computing - Interactive and Multimedia Web Applications
João Benedito dos Santos Junior, João Carlos de Moraes Morselli Junior
Iran Calixto Abrão, Fabiano Costa Teixeira, Gabriel Massote Prado, Paulo Muniz de Ávila
Mateus dos Santos and Rinaldi Fonseca do Nascimento
Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais – PUC Minas, Poços de Caldas – MG, Brazil
TVDILab – Interactive Digital Television Laboratory
Keywords: Interactive Digital Television, Back Channel, IPTV, Mobile Television, Video on Demand.
Abstract: This work, developed at the Interactive Digital Television Lab of the PUC Minas (Brazil), aims to present
strategies for implementation of a prototype of a sufficient platform for building of Interactive Service
Provider (ISP), which can store, analyze and generate reports based on information derived from the
interaction of viewers with applications in Digital Interactive Television, characterized by the use of a back
channel via Internet Protocol (IP). In case of brazilian scenario (Brazilian Digital Television System), the
development of a ISP platform is based-on the experience accumulated with the development of the
platform JiTV (Java Interactive Television), which includes the production in broadcaster enterprise,
transmition over communication network and receiving on access terminal of the viewer, increasing for the
use of back channel to interactivity actions.
One of the main innovations that are expected with
the advent of the Digital Interactive Television
(ITV), especially in the context of Brazil, is the
possibility of providing a wide range of new services
and applications (e-commerce, distance education
and the electronic government) with possibility of
interaction of the viewer, offering forms of
interactivity unknown in the analogical television
system (DVB, 2003). However, as a relatively new
technology, with few patterns and research in
progress, the building of applications, services and
systems for ITV still is a challenge, especially for
those who have their business or personal interests
associated to the television system, but do not
dominate technologies and computational tools. In
this sense, it is actually a complex and new universe
for activities such as planning and development,
especially in terms of strategies to be adopted for the
interaction of the viewer.
In this context, this paper presents and discusses
the aspects of implementation of the JiTV platform
(Java Interactive Television), which is under
development since 2002, in the context of research
in the laboratory of the Interactive Digital Television
at PUC Minas (Santos Junior et al, 2007a). The JiTV
platform, through its components and modules of
software, covers the various stages in the lifecycle of
a interactive digital television program (pTVDi),
which starts with the production and distribution of
the data carousel (streams of audio, video and data),
followed by formatting of audio-visual content and
controls of interaction for presentation on the access
terminal of the digital television system (Souza Filho
et al, 2007; Soares et al, 2007); this lifecycle is
finished with the viewer interaction, both at the local
level in the access terminal access and with the use
of a back channel.
Benedito dos Santos Junior J., Carlos de Moraes Morselli Junior J., Calixto Abrão I., Costa Teixeira F., Massote Prado G., Muniz de Ávila P., dos Santos
M. and Fonseca do Nascimento R. (2009).
SERVICE PROVIDER - Internet Computing - Interactive and Multimedia Web Applications.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 130-135
DOI: 10.5220/0002016601300135
The project of the Brazilian Digital Television
System (SBTVD) has been started in 2003, through
CPqD actions (agency for managing of the research)
and FINEP (agency for funding of the research), that
decided to offer the national science, through their
universities and research centers, the opportunity to
present solutions of hardware and software to
support the building of a new digital television
system. In mid-2005, the activities of research was
halted by government decision.
The ISDB (Integrated System for Digital
Broadcasting) has been chosen as basic technology
for broadcasting in Brazil. However, in the view of
the needs and specific conditions for the deployment
of digital television in Brazil and is also looking at
the good results obtained from the brazilian research
projects, a hybrid solution was proposed and
accepted by the brazilian government. This solution
includes aspects of transmission and reception with
ISDB technology and software levels/interactivity
(middleware) developed in Brazil (ISDTV, 2006).
This pooling of efforts, resulting in the ISDTV-T
(International Standard for Digital Television
Terrestrial) – the official name of the Brazilian
System for Digital Television.
2.1 Middleware
As mentioned, unlike in other contexts (United
States, Europe and Japan), where digital television
systems have been developed and are in use (DVB,
2003), the conditions for deployment and use of the
system of digital television in Brazil have very
specific characteristics, such as the case of the need
for digital/social inclusion of the brazilian
The features of the software that provides the
display of audio-visual content and control of the
viewer actions (interactivity) must be related to the
specific system. The layers of middleware must
provide resources for hardware and software
components (viewer’s access terminal) operate
together transparent way to the viewer, providing
robust interfaces and simplified use.
In the context of the ISDTV-T, the results of the
brazilian research projects led to the specification of
middleware named Ginga, result of synergy of
researches made with the environments FlexTV
(Souza Filho et al, 2007) - giving rise to the Ginga-J
- and Maestro (Soares et al, 2007) - giving rise to the
Figure 1: Architecture of the JiTV Platform.
In design of the JiTV platform, development
aspects of the both FlexTV and Maestro
environments have been considered. In further, after
defining the requirements of middleware Ginga for
ISDTV, aspects of implementation have been
considered in the development of the JiTV platform,
allowing the prototyping of scenarios based on
Ginga (ISDTV, 2006), as illustrated in Figure 1.
The current stage of the development of interactive
television applications, in world-wide level, is
focused on the increasing of some aspects of
interaction to the traditional television programs
(enhanced television) (ATSC, 2001; ISDB, 2001;
DVB, 2002). However, this work proposes a new
model of interactive television program that
considers new interaction criteria as a part of the
program, instead of to add new interaction criteria to
the program (enhanced television).
This kind of architecture is common to the video-
on-demand applications; however, new interaction
criteria are not fundamentally important
(personalization is important).
3.1 Building Interactive Programs
In this proposal, the interactive program is the
central element of an interactive television system.
The interactive program can be defined as the set of
all the medias (and its descriptions), scenes (and its
descriptions), a summary (or synopsis) and its
programming, as showed in the Figure 2.
Initially, the use of profiles allows better
adaptation of interactive programs to the viewer.
ccess Terminal
(Linux, Windows)
Middleware – Ginga
JiTV Interactive Platform
APPLICATIONS USING AN INTERACTIVE SERVICE PROVIDER - Internet Computing - Interactive and Multimedia
Web Applications
In this kind of environment, software agents can
provide contextual information to the STB (Set-Top
Box), enhancing the capabilities of the profile. Thus,
the STB can use this information (contextual data),
for the automatic adaptation of the interactive
program to the viewer interests (profile).
The current approach to the development of
interactive applications in worldwide provides, in
most cases, the addition of some controls of
interactivity, such as menus and buttons, to the
audio-visual content of the traditional TV. Practices
included in this context have led to applications such
as Enhanced Television, for example. However, with
a similar technological framework it is possible to
develop applications and services with other levels
of interactivity and high level of adaptation to
classes of users/viewers of a digital television
system, such as the ISDTV-T, which has
particularities and specific characteristics in relation
to other international systems (DVB, ATSC, ISDB) .
In this context, one aspect is desirable to subsidize
the developer of pTVDi: the possibility to offer the
same interactive program to viewers with different
interests (profiles) (Santos Junior et al, 2007b).
4.1 The Interactive Program
In designing the platform JiTV, the program
(pTVDi) is the central element of an interactive
application, being composed by the set of all
elements of media (audio, video and images), a
summary (or synopsis) containing the content
television descriptors, bytecodes and information
elements, as showed in the Figure 2.
For the implementation level, the pTVDi is
structured with the use of XML schema, as
encapsulated in two other macro-structures (Santos
Junior et al, 2008a): a) issuing b) programming.
Additionally, external structures also affect the
definition of pTVDi: a) genera catalog of the
program; b) catalog of languages; c) special services
(close caption and translation to LIBRAS – Brazilian
Sign Language, by example). Some details of these
structures can be seen at recent work published
about the JiTV platform (Santos Junior et al, 2008b).
From the media elements, the bytecodes and of
the information available on the synopsis, it is
possible format the multimedia content for the
different viewers, allowing different levels of
interactivity, which is compatible with traditional
Figure 2: pTVDi Components.
proposals related to the Multimedia Home Platform,
as far as presentation of multimedia content (DVB,
4.2 JiTV Platform
In a Digital Television System, there is a basic
premise: television should not be confused with TV
(televisor). This premise is very relevant in the
context of integration of the media, where
communication networks - cabled and wireless –
terrestrial and satellite, are in full motion of
These aspects of convergence allow new modern
arrangements of communication for supporting
Digital Television systems, as is the case IPTV
(Internet Protocol Television), which is, briefly, the
possibility of distribution of television content, and
the resulting interaction with this content, through
communication networks typically organized over
the IP protocol. Furthermore, from the point of view
of the traditional broadcasting businesses, the Digital
Television System must be organized using,
exclusively, a radio-broadcasting on air (terrestrial
and satellite), being explored, also exclusively, by
companies that hold concession for transmission of
television signals.
4.3 Systemic Vision
A draft of a platform for prototyping of television
programs should contain tools that support testing
both in the broadcasting environment as an IPTV
environment. In general lines, the tools of the
platform should allow sufficient shares of authors to
build a pTVDi structure and its distribution to
viewers. Moreover, in terms of the receiver, tools
Media Descriptors
Synopsis Bytecodes
Media Elements
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
should be available to format the content according
to the access terminal of the viewer (TV, PDA,
personal computer, mobile phones, among others)
and present it in that terminal, allowing the actions
of interactivity previously set in the construction of
Figure 3: Architecture of the JiTV Platform (production,
distribution, interaction and back channel).
Figure 3 presents the architecture of the JiTV
platform, with focus on the production side and
transmission of pTVDI; a similar architecture exists
on the reception side and interactivity, and is not
reported here for reasons of space (Santos Junior et
al, 2008a).
4.4 Tools and Features
As presented, the JiTV platform consists on a set of
tools to cover the complete lifecycle of a pTVDi.
This lifecycle has its beginning in stages of
construction and formatting of pTVDi, followed by
stage of distribution via the communication
infrastructure (by radio-broadcasting or via IP).
Figure 3 presents a summary of the JiTV from the
viewpoint of a pTVDi author/producer. As a final
step, the data carousel can be transmitted via the
communication infrastructure; for this, the
JiTVStreamer tool manages the tasks of distribution,
as also illustrated in the Figure 3.
The main features of the JiTV Tools can be
viewed as: a) general software platform for fast
application development and integration; b) pre-
integrated with leading middleware applications,
conditional access systems and video servers; c)
open standard interfaces for browser or native
application level development; d) separates software
and hardware for increased product lifetime; e) a
true multi-application for the both IP and STB infra-
structure; f) modular architecture designed for
reliability in operation; g) conditions to scalability in
number of hardware and software models.
As described in section 3.4, the JiTV Platform
can be applied to full lifecycle of a pTVDi. For this
scenario, the platform is composed by: a) JiTV
Application Development Kit (JADK); b) JiTV
Application Suite (JAS).
Figure 4: Interface of the JiTVPlayer showing support for
In JADK, it is found Support for Java fonts (Sun,
2006), communication support for remote control
using serial and USB ports and bluetooth
connections. Besides that, to manipulate the media
objects, the JADK has the follow resources: a) data
carousel builder (Audio, Video and Data); b) suite
for choosing interactive program mode (mono and
multi-programming); c) metadata for interactive
program structure using XML Schema; d) support
for streaming in several distribution modes (unicast
TV clients, multicast TV clients, broadcast TV
clients). For testing the JiTV features and resources,
are being built two demo applications: 1) the
BlueTV Mono-Programming; 2) the BlueTV Multi-
In the JiTV Application Suite (JAS), the main
tools are organized into two modes: a) JiTV Set-Box
Mode; b) JiTV MobileTV Mode. Figure 4 shows the
interface of the multimedia player based on multiple
channels of programming. In an even viewport
display, it is possible to control the presentation of a
pTVDi Data Carroussel
Access Terminal
Back Channel
APPLICATIONS USING AN INTERACTIVE SERVICE PROVIDER - Internet Computing - Interactive and Multimedia
Web Applications
channel of audio and recorded video, a channel of
live audio and video, a audio channel, a connection
with a web browser, as well as areas for viewing,
interaction objects and widgets (menus, quiz,
captions, among others).
In Figure 4, there is an interface element for
flagging (upper right of the viewport) which
enables the viewer to select the desired
programming among the four options (multi-
programming) available on the system
The back channel is one of the most important parts
of a TVDI system due the fact it is involved with
the revolution of the system as whole. When there is
any viewer's interaction, there is need sending these
information (access level, votes, terminal data,
among others) to the broadcaster's studio, by a
return channel, which is a direct link to data
delivery. Another important factor is that between
the broadcaster and viewer there is another module
called Interactive Service Provider (ISP).
In a typical TVDI system, the treatment of
viewer's interaction can be classified in two ways: a)
the Pseudo-Interactive System (Figure 5a); b) Full-
Interactive System (Figure 5b). In the pseudo-
interactive system, the treatment of interactivity is
processed into access terminal of the viewer and
there is not return of information to the ISP; in this
case, the presence of a back channel is not
mandatory and all applications must be of the kind
Figure 5a: Architecture for Pseudo-Interactive System.
As shown in the Figures 5a and 5b, the
interactive programs are produced by the
broadcaster station and transmitted via broadcasting
network until to reach the viewer STB. In this point,
for the case of pseudo-interactivity system, the
viewer can interact with applications, but no return
of information for the broadcaster. In other hand, in
a full-interactivity system, information generated by
viewer's interaction can return to broadcaster, using
the infrastructure of the ISP.
Figure 5b: Architecture for Full-Interactive System.
In this research, the JiTVPSI Studio was
developed for supporting all operations between the
follow entities (Figure 5b): 1) broadcaster to
viewer; 2) viewer to ISP and ISP to viewer; 3)
broadcaster to ISP; 4) ISP to broadcaster. For
supporting viewer's operations, the JiTVPSI Studio
provides functionalities for data receiving,
information storing, information sending to ISP.
For supporting broadcaster's operations, JiTVPSI
Studio offers functionalities as to select data filters
on the volume of data which is received from the
viewer's interaction. For validating of the JiTVPSI
Studio under the ISDTV-T test suite, two
applications for full-interactive system have been
developed. The first one, called JiTVDengue, has
been developed for health purposes; the another
application, called JiTVElection, has been
developed for government interests.
The JiTVDengue has been developed in order to
investigate the possibilities of the occurrence of
dengue (a typical disease which occurs in tropical
countries, like is the case of Brazil) into a residence,
allowing to the viewer to interact with the
interactive application in order to answer four
questions concerning the possible cause of dengue.
Soon after the interaction of the viewer, the data are
stored in the STB as a XML structure and sent to
the JiTVPSI Studio, which store these data for use
in government actions. In this context, the JiTVPSI
Studio offers a set of tools for filtering data before
sending reports to the government entities.
Another interactive application - JiTVElection -
has been developed to simulate an majory election
in a city, state or country, allowing to the viewer to
interact with the interactive program in order to
select in which candidate he wants to vote. After
the interaction and confirmation of the vote, the
data for related to the candidate are saved in an
XML file and sent to the JiTVPSI Studio, which
store these information for government interests.
In the broadcaster entity, the JiTVPSI Studio has
as main function to receive data from filtering
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
proccess performed in ISP, containing information
stored about the viewer's interactivity. This module
completes the lifecycle of interactivity, which has
its cycle described in the creation of interactive
programs, interaction of the viewer, suite of
software for storing in the ISP.
This work presented aspects of the design and
implementation of strategies for prototyping
applications for interactive digital television system
using an Interactive Service Provider as
infrastructure for back channel. In this scenario, the
JiTV Platform is used for supporting the complete
lifecycle of interactive television digital programs.
As described in the Section 5, are being built two
real applications to demonstrate JiTVPSI Studio
applicability: 1) JiTVDengue (for health purposes);
2) JiTVElection (for government interests). In the
both cases, the JiTV Tools (JAKD and JAS) have
been used by TV producers and viewers. The first
results indicate the versatility of the JiTV Platform
for interactivity operations in the both Broadcasting
and IPTV infra-structures, specially in terms of the
needed infrastructure for supporting back channel
(main focus of this work). Furthermore, a new
business partner (SofTV Enterprise - has interest on use of JiTV
Tools (JiTV MobileTV Mode) for educational
purposes and applications; for this case, a new
application scenario is under definition and it should
be developed /tested on the next months.
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APPLICATIONS USING AN INTERACTIVE SERVICE PROVIDER - Internet Computing - Interactive and Multimedia
Web Applications