An Application of Visual Cryptography
Young-Chang Hou and Zen-Yu Quan
Department of Information Management, Tamkang University
151 Ying-Chuan Road, Tamshui, Taipei County, Taiwan 251, R.O.C., Taiwan
Keywords: Visual Cryptography, Information Sharing, Computer-Aided Instruction.
Abstract: Visual Cryptography, an emerging cryptography technology, exploits the characteristics of human visual
system to decrypt the overlapping images without mass and complicated computations. Almost all the
related studies of visual cryptography were concentrated on the topics of the information security. In this
paper, we propose to use the technique of visual cryptography to teach young kids counting. It can stimulate
the curiosity of the kids and increase the fun of learning.
It is not uncommon to transfer multimedia data via
the Internet recently. With the coming age of
Electronic Commerce, it is urgent to solve the
problem of how to ensure the information safety in
the open network environment. The encrypting
technologies of the traditional cryptography are
usually used to protect the information content. The
data become disordered after encrypting and then are
recovered by the correct key. After encrypting, the
content can hardly be recognized even though
unauthorized persons steal the data. Hence it can
achieve the goal of protecting information safety.
Naor and Shamir proposed a new cryptography
area, Visual Cryptography, in 1995 (
Naor and Shamir,
. The most notable feature is that it can recover
the secret image without any computing. It exploits
the human visual system to read the secret message
from the overlapping shares and thus overcome the
disadvantage of huge and complex computation in
the traditional cryptography. The (k, n)-threshold
scheme (
Naor and Shamir, 1995, 1996) makes the
application of visual cryptography more flexible.
The manager can first produces n copies of
transparency drawn from one secret image for his
members. Each one holds only one transparency. If
any t of them stacks their transparencies together,
the content of the secret image will show up. If the
number of transparencies is less than t, the content
of the secret image still keeps hidden.
There have been many published studies
Ateniese et al, 1996, 2001, Blundo et al, 1996, Naor and
Shamir, 1995, 1996)
of visual cryptography. All of
them, however, concentrated on discussing the
topics about information security. In this paper, we
use the technology of visual cryptography to
generate shares with numbers on them. When
playing with kids, we can show them two shares,
and ask for the answer. The correct answer will
show automatically when you superimpose one
share over another. This can stimulate the curiosity
of the kids and increase the fun of learning.
2.1 Basic Theorem of Visual
The output media of visual cryptography is
transparency, so the white pixels are treated as
transparent. The most common way of black-and-
white visual cryptography is to decompose every
pixel in the secret image into a 2*2 block on the two
transparencies according to the rules in the Table 1.
When the pixel is white (black), randomly choose
one of the first (last) two rows of the Table 1 to form
the corresponding content of the block on the two
As to the security of the shares, there are six
possible patterns of every block on the transparency,
Hou Y. and Quan Z. (2009).
LEARNING WITH FUN - An Application of Visual Cryptography.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 456-459
DOI: 10.5220/0002018104560459
Table 1: Sharing and stacking scheme of black and white
Share1 Share2
and they are chosen randomly, so the secret image
cannot be identified from a single transparency.
Because every block on the transparencies consist of
two white pixels and two black pixels, no matter it
comes from white pixel or black pixel of the secret
image, there is no clue of revealing the secret image
on the shares.
When stacking two transparencies, the block
corresponding to the black pixels in the secret image
will be full black, and that corresponding to the
white pixels will be half-black-and-half-white,
which can be seen as gray pixel (50% black). This
gives enough contrast to recognize the secret
information on the stacked shares by human eyes.
Take Figure 1 for example, a secret image with the
words of “淡江資管” are decomposed into two
shares. When we stack them together, we can get the
reconstructed image. Though the contrast of the
stacked image is degraded to 50%, human eyes can
still identify the content of the secret image easily.
(a) Secret image
(b) Share image 1
(c) Share image 2
(d) Recovering image
Figure 1: Visual cryptography for “淡江資管”.
2.2 Visual Cryptography for Grey-level
and Colour Images
Every kind of the media has different ways to
represent the colour level of an image according to
its physical characteristic. The general printer, such
as dot matrix printers, laser printers, or jet printers
etc., can only control a single pixel to be printed
(black pixel) or not to be printed (white pixel).
Hence one way to represent the gray level of an
image is to control the density of the printed dots;
for example, the printed dots of the bright part are
sparse, but those of the dark part are dense. Such
method that uses the density of the net dots to
simulate the gray level is called “Halftone”. Hou
might be the first researcher to use the concepts of
colour decomposition and halftoning technology to
produce shares needed by visual cryptography for
both grey-level and colour images (Hou, 2003). By
means of halftone, we can transform an image with
gray level into a binary image (Figure 2). Because
human eyes cannot identify too tiny printed dots and
will mix with the nearby dots, though the
transformed image has only two colours - black and
white, we can simulate different gray levels through
the density of printed dots.
(a) Continuous tone (b) Halftone
Figure 2: Grey-level image and black-and-white image.
The transformed halftone image (Figure 2b) is a
black-and-white image, such image format is very
suitable to apply the traditional visual cryptography
method to generate the shares (Figure 3). Secret
image Figure 3c is hidden into Figure 3a and 3b.
As for colour image, most colour printers use
cyan, magenta and yellow inks to display colour.
These three components of a colour image can be
decomposed to form three monochromatic images.
This monochromatic image is like a single gray-
level image which can be handled by the above
mentioned method. Each participant will get a
colour share which is composed of cyan, magenta
and yellow monochromatic shares. After stacking
these shares, colour secret image can be revealed.
LEARNING WITH FUN - An Application of Visual Cryptography
2.3 Extended Scheme of Visual
The shares generated by visual cryptography (Naor
and Shamir, 1995) are noise-like and meaningless.
There is no clue of the secret image on the share. It
meets the requirement of security. But the
meaningless shares will cause adversary’s attention
and invite the illicit attempts. Ateniese (Ateniese et
al, 2001) proposed an extended visual cryptography
scheme (Table 2) to hide a secret image into two
meaningful sharing transparencies. When stacking
the transparencies generated from Table 2 together,
we will get the secret message with no trace of the
original cover image on the shares.
Table 2: Sharing and stacking scheme of black and white
Share1 Share2
white (W)
(W) (B)
(B) (W)
(B) (B)
Black (B)
(W) (W)
(W) (B)
(B) (W)
(B) (B)
According to Table 2, blocks with 2 white pixels
and 2 black pixels on the share image represent a
white pixel of the cover image. Blocks with 1 white
pixel and 3 black pixels on the share image represent
a black pixel of the cover image. There is 25%
contrast between black and white pixels on the
sharing transparencies. Hence, we can disclose the
content of the cover image.
When the pixel of the secret image is white
(black), choose one of the first (last) four rows of the
Table 2, depending on the corresponding colours on
the cover images, to form the content of the block on
the two transparencies. As to the security, there are
six possible white patterns and four possible black
patterns to be chosen as the content of every block in
the transparency, and they are determined randomly.
Therefore, to have share1 or share2 alone, there is no
clue of revealing the secret image on the sharing
When stacking two transparencies, the block
corresponding to the black pixel in the secret image
will be full black, and those that corresponding to
the white pixel in the secret image will be 3-black-
and-1-white, which can be seen as gray pixel (75%
black). There is also 25% contrast between black
and white pixels on the stacked transparencies.
Hence, the content of the secret image can be
disclosed easily by our visual system.
Take three colour-level images for example,
Figures 3d and 3e are two meaningful sharing
transparencies produced by using the sharing
scheme of the Table 2. Figure 3f is the reconstructed
secret image produced by superimposing Figure 3d
and 3e. In other words, secret image Figure 3f is
hidden into Figure 3d and 3e or Figure 3d and 3e
cover secret image Figure 3f. Though the contrast of
the sharing images and stacked secret image are
degraded to 50% and 75% respectively, human eyes
can still identify the content of the cover images and
the secret image easily
(a) Share image 1
(b) Share image 2
(c) Stack (a) and (b)
(d) Share image 1
(e) Share image 2
(f) Stack (d) and (e)
Figure 3: Visual cryptography with meaningless an
meaningful shares.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Teaching of counting has created significant
difficulties to both teachers and young kids. Class
size is one of the major barriers to effective
instruction. As the lowering cost of the computer
hardware and widely spread of the Internet, pupils
might have their own laptop personal computers for
homework and instruction, especially in some highly
computerized cities or countries. A well-designed
pedagogy, such as Computer-Assisted Instruction
(CAI), can make the instruction most effective.
In the information security field, visual
cryptography is used as one of the technologies to
implement the topics about watermarking,
information hiding and information sharing. It can
generate shares, stack them together, the secret
information will automatically show up and
recognize by human eyes. Therefore, it is a good
tool to be used to practice counting for kids.
For example, the sum of two numbers can be
treated as a secret number, the generated share 1 and
share 2 can be treated as the summand and the
addend. When kids are doing their counting
exercises, they can select one number share,
dragging it to another share, stacking them together,
magically, the number on these two meaningful
shares disappears, the correct answer shows up on
the stacked shares. When you shift these two shares
a little bit, pixels are not stacked properly, the
answer will fade away. It can stimulate the curiosity
of the kids and increase the fun of learning.
Figure 4 and Figure 5 are examples of the sum
and the product of two numbers, respectively.
(a) Share image 1
(b) Share image 2
(c) stacked image
Figure 4: Sum of 3 and 5.
(a) Share image 1
(b) Share image 2
(c) stacked image
Figure 5: Product of 4 and 6.
A set of programming exercises have been
designed with help of computer assisted instruction.
The demo system can pose questions to students,
return feedbacks, and select additional questions
based on the kids' responses. By using this system,
kids can practice counting and learn the basic
principle of the visual cryptography.
Visual Cryptography exploits the characteristics of
human visual system to decrypt the overlapping
images without mass and complicated computations.
Traditionally, visual cryptography is used as one of
the technologies to implement the topics about
watermarking, information hiding and information
sharing. In this paper, we propose a teaching system
which uses the technique of visual cryptography to
teach young kids counting. The technology of visual
cryptography can be used to generate numbers, stack
them together, the result will automatically show up
and recognize by human eyes. It can stimulate the
curiosity of the kids and increase the fun of learning.
This work was supported in part by a grant from
National Science Council of the Republic of China
under the project NSC96-2221-E-032-027.
Ateniese, G., C. Blundo, A. De Santis, and D. R. Stinson,
1996, “Visual Cryptography for General Access
Structures “, Information and Computation, 129,
Ateniese, G., C. Blundo, A. De Santis, and D. R. Stinson,
2001, “Extended Capabilities for Visual
Cryptography,” Theoretical Computer Science, Vol.
250, pp. 134-161.
Blundo, C. A. De Santis and D. R. Stinson, “On the
Contrast in Visual Cryptography schemes”,
Y.C. Hou, 2003, “Visual Cryptography for Color Images,”
Pattern Recognition, Vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 1619-1629
Naor, M. and A. Shamir, 1995, “Visual Cryptography”,
Advances in Cryptology: Eurpocrypt’94, Springer-
Verlag, Berlin, pp. 1-12.
Naor, M. and A. Shamir, 1996, “Visual Cryptography II:
Improving the Contrast Via the Cover Base”. Theory
of Cryptography Library Report 96-07,
LEARNING WITH FUN - An Application of Visual Cryptography