Ari Pirkola and Tuomas Talvensaari
University of Tampere, Department of Information Studies, Finland
Keywords: Focused crawling, Web crawling.
Abstract: Focused crawlers are programs that selectively download Web documents (pages), restricting the scope of
crawling to a specific domain or topic. We investigate different focused crawling strategies including the
use of data fusion in focused crawling. Documents in the domains of genomics and genetics were fetched by
Nalanda iVia Focused Crawler using three crawling strategies. In the first one, a text classifier was trained
to identify relevant documents. In the latter two strategies, the identification of relevant documents was
based on query-document matching. In experiments, the crawling results of the single strategies were
combined to yield fused crawling results. The experiments showed, first, that different single strategies
overlap only to a small extent, identifying mainly different relevant documents. Second, a query-based
strategy where the words of the link context were weighted gave the best coverage (i.e., number of relevant
documents) after 10 000 and 40 000 documents had been downloaded. The combination of the two query-
based strategies was the best fused strategy but it did not perform better than the best single strategy.
Focused crawling (FC) refers to the process of
gathering Web documents (pages) dealing with a
specific domain or topic (Castillo, 2004; Chakrabarti
et al., 1999; Novak, 2004; Tang et al., 2005; Zhuang
et al., 2005). Depending on the purpose of focused
crawling, different methods are applied to process
the downloaded pages, e.g. they can be indexed for a
domain specific search engine or a digital library.
There are different strategies to identify relevant
documents during crawling. Two prevailing ones are
classifier-based and query-based approaches. In the
former approach relevant documents are identified
by a text classifier that is trained for the domain or
topic in question. In the latter approach
identification is based on query-document matching.
In many information processing areas data fusion
has yielded noticeable performance improvements.
The term refers to the use of techniques that
combine data from different complementary sources
(http://en.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Data_fusion). Fusion
is performed in the hope that the fused system is
more effective than the single systems separately.
Even though the use of data fusion does not
guarantee effectiveness improvements (Beitzel et al.,
2004), many studies, for example in the field of
information retrieval, have shown that data fusion
helps to improve the effectiveness of systems (e.g.
Braschler, 2004; Manmatha et al., 2001; Montague
and Aslam, 2002). Braschler (2002) applied data
fusion successfully in multilingual information
retrieval. Manmatha et al. (2001) developed an
unsupervised probabilistic method for combining
retrieval results from different retrieval systems.
They showed that the method performed as well as
the best current combination techniques. Montague
and Aslam (2002) were able to improve retrieval
results by combining document ranking functions. In
FC the use of data fusion is an unexplored area. It is
therefore interesting and important to study whether
the effectiveness of FC can be improved by
combining the crawling results obtained by different
focused crawling systems / strategies.
In this paper we investigate whether fused
focused crawling strategies produce better
performance than the component single crawling
strategies separately, and which of the single
strategies selected for testing in the study yields the
best performance. We report the first results of a
current research project investigating different
approaches to focused crawling. In crawling
experiments we used the Nalanda iVia Focused
Crawler (http://ivia.ucr.edu/), created by Chakrabarti
et al. (1999). In the system, page relevance
probabilities are computed based on a logistic
Pirkola A. and Talvensaari T.
DOI: 10.5220/0002037603760381
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
regression classifier. Three single strategies were
investigated in the present study: a classifier-based
approach and two query-based approaches. In the
experiments the crawling results of the single
strategies were combined to yield fused crawling
results. The performance of the fused strategies was
then compared to that of single strategies, and the
performance of the single strategies was compared
to each other. The results reported in this paper are
based on 30 different crawls in the domains of
genomics and genetics.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 discusses the motivation of the study and
presents the research questions. The methodology
and data is presented in Section 3. Section 4
describes the evaluation measures. Section 5
contains the findings and Section 6 conclusions.
There are two main factors that decrease the
effectiveness of FC. First, FC is only capable of
finding documents that are located in the same Web
community as one or more of the seed URLs entered
into the FC program. In other words, FC can only
find documents that through some routes are linked
to at least one of the seed URLs (start URLs).
Documents outside these routes are missed. To
address this problem it is possible to use a large set
of seed URLs. However, effort costs of selecting
large seed URL sets by hand are prohibitive. If seed
URLs are selected automatically, then increasing the
number of relevant seed pages also increases the
number of irrelevant seed pages. This in turn
decreases FC effectiveness. One approach that
would be interesting to study would be the use of
very heterogeneous seed URL sets, for example
URLs from many different countries and URLs
representing different types of top level domains.
Such a seed set could guide crawling to many
different relevant routes.
Second, identification of links that point to
relevant pages or good routes is always incomplete,
and it is likely that even the most effective FC
program or strategy misses a large number of
relevant links and documents even though the
documents are located inside the same Web
community as the seed URLs. However, FC research
has still developed several methods that improve the
effectiveness of FC, such as tunneling (Bergmark et
al. 2002), reinforcement learning (Rennie and
McCallum, 1999) context graphs (Diligenti et al.,
2000), and the utilization of the hierarchical
structure of Web documents (Chakrabarti et al.
2002). Also link popularity statistics, e.g. PageRank
(Brin and Page, 1998) can be used in FC (in this
study it was not used). This paper contributes to the
issue by investigating the effectiveness of different
FC strategies. The specific research questions are as
(1) What is the degree of overlap between single
focused crawling strategies? This issue provides
background information for the two research
questions below.
(2) Which of the three single strategies examined
in the study yields the highest coverage (number) of
relevant documents?
(3) Does a fused strategy yield a better coverage
in comparison to a coverage yielded by the best
single strategy? Which combination of the three
strategies yields the highest coverage?
3.1 Crawling Program and the Three
Next we describe the program and the three crawling
strategies. The first strategy (strategy 1 in Findings
section) was based on Nalanda’s basic features, i.e.,
unlike other strategies we did not modify the
program. For each downloaded page u, Nalanda
calculates Pr(t|u), i.e., the probability of relevance of
u to the topic t. Nalanda extracts the outlinks <u,v>
on the page, and assigns the yet-unseen page v the
same probability of relevance Pr(t|v) = Pr(t|u). The
URL of v is inserted into the URL queue with
priority Pr(t|v). The probabilities are assigned with a
logistic regression classifier that, for every topic,
was trained with positive and negative instances of
the topic in question. The same Google queries that
were used in retrieving the seed URLs (Section 3.2)
were used in acquiring the positive examples. For
each topic, about 300 on-topic pages were used in
training the classifier. The negative examples were
taken partly from a sample of “random” pages, and
partly from the positive examples of other topics.
The random pages were retrieved by querying
Google with a query generated by a random phrase
generator (http://watchout4snakes.com/
The number of negative examples was also 300.
The pages fetched by Nalanda were indexed with
the Lemur search engine (http://www.lemurproject.
org/) that ranked the pages based on their probability
of relevance to the entered query. The same queries
that were used in searching for seed URLs were used
to represent the topics, however they were modified
to fit Lemur’s query language. Of course, the
probabilities calculated by the classifier could have
been used to rank the pages, but Lemur was used to
provide stronger evidence. Also, Lemur was also
used in other strategies, and it is important to use
compatible probability scores when the crawling
results are combined.
The second strategy (strategy 2 in Findings
section) was based on a modified version of the
Nalanda crawler. Instead of a text classifier, the
probabilities were assigned directly using the Lemur
search engine. Specifically, the structured query
mode of Lemur was used. The topic of each crawl
was “translated” into the query language of the
search engine. The probabilities Pr(t|u) and Pr(t|v)
were determined by matching a query to the page u.
The similarity score given by the search engine was
used as the probability. Further, in the second
strategy, the context of each link <u, v> was also
used in determining Pr(t|v). The context words of
each link, meaning words that appeared no more
than 5 DOM tree nodes apart from the link, were
matched against the topic query. That is, Pr(t|v) =
), where c
is the context of the link <u,v>.
However, the context probability was used only if it
exceeded Pr(t|u). If it applied that Pr(t|c
) < Pr(t|u),
then Pr(t|v) = Pr(t|u). In this way, it was ensured that
each unseen page was assigned a minimum
probability of relevance of the linking page.
The third strategy (strategy 3 in Findings
section) differed from the second one only slightly.
In the third strategy, the words of the link context
were weighted based on their distance from the link
node. The words that appeared in the link node itself
were given the highest weights while words further
apart were given linearly decreasing weights. We
purposefully selected two nearly similar strategies
since it is interesting to observe how similar
crawling results they produce.
3.2 Test Topics and Seed URLs
In experiments we used two kinds of test topics in
the domains of genomics and genetics: specific
topics and general topics. As specific topics we used
five TREC (http://trec.nist.gov) Genomics Track
(Hersh et al., 2005) test topics from the year 2004
(the topic numbers 1, 10, 20, 30, and 40). TREC is
an annual research forum to develop and evaluate
information retrieval methods and systems.
Genomics Track focuses on genomics information
retrieval. There were also five general topics. They
were created by one of the authors who has expertise
in biology and genomics information retrieval.
Statistical information, such as term and document
frequencies and the total number of hits for a query
in the Medline database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
gov/pubmed/) are some measures to determine topic
specificity. We used the latter measure.
For seed URL retrieval, queries containing
synonyms and morphological variants of the topic
words were constructed based on the topics. The
seed URLs were retrieved by means of the Google
search engine (http://www.google.com). The first 50
seed URLs returned by Google in response to the
constructed queries were selected as a seed URL set
for each topic. The majority of the seed URLs were
of the type .com, .edu, .gov, .org, .de, and .uk.
Below are two example topics. The first one
represents a general topic and the second one a
specific topic.
Topic: Find information on hereditary diseases
Seed URL Query: hereditary (disease OR diseases)
#Medline_hits: 28 074
Topic: NEIL1. Find articles about the role of NEIL1 in
repair of DNA.
Seed URL Query: (neil1 OR "nei endonuclease" OR
flj22402 OR fpg1 OR nei1 OR hfpg1) dna (repair OR
lesion OR lesions)
#Medline_hits: 54
There were 10 topics, and accordingly 10 seed
URL sets, each containing 50 URLs. In all, 30
crawls were performed (three strategies x 10 topics).
Crawling was stopped after 40 000 documents had
been downloaded. So each result list contained
40 000 documents. Due to the rapid change of the
Web all crawls were performed within a time period
of two weeks, i.e., there was no great space of time
between the crawls.
In Section 2 we defined the three research questions.
In this section we describe the evaluation measures
for the research questions.
Overlap was measured using the measure of
overlap rate. It refers to the percentage of identical
URLs downloaded for each pair of single strategies
and for all three strategies. Overlap shows the degree
to which different single strategies find the same
pages. We expect the overlap rates not to be very
high because small differences may accumulate to
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
large differences during crawling. This may hold
also for the two query-document matching strategies
examined in this study that do not differ much from
each other.
Coverage was measured using the measure of
coverage rate after N downloaded documents. It
refers to the number of downloaded documents
above the selected relevance threshold (see below)
after N documents (=10 000 and 40 000) have been
downloaded. The sooner relevant documents are
downloaded during the crawling process, the better
and more efficient the crawling system / method is
(Baeza-Yates et al., 2005). We compare the
coverage of each single strategy to each other and
against that of each fused strategy, i.e., coverage
rates of strategies 1, 2, and 3 are compared to each
other and to those of strategies 1+2, 1+3, 2+3, and
1+2+3. We are interested in the following question:
When an equal number of documents have been
downloaded for two strategies which one of these
has been fetched more probably relevant documents
(i.e., documents with probabilities above the selected
threshold). In all comparison situations coverage
was calculated after 10 000 and 40 000 documents
were downloaded. In the case of fused strategies the
result lists of the two / three single strategies were
combined by taking from each list the first 5000 /
3333 (3334) documents (=10 000 in total), and the
first 20 000 / 13 333 (13 334) documents (=40 000
in total). In this manner we can directly compare the
coverage rates of different strategies.
We took samples of documents at different
positions of the ranked crawling result lists, assessed
the relevance of the sample documents, and selected
a reasonable probability threshold on the basis of the
assessment. In this manner we were able to anchor
the probabilities to the actual relevance of the
documents. Documents above the selected threshold
were taken for the evaluation of the crawling results.
The selected probability threshold was prob. > 0.45.
The probability scores of the Lemur search engine
are in the range of 0.4 – 1.0 where 0.4 is zero
probability; scores > 0.6 do no appear very often. On
average 84% of documents above the threshold of
0.45 were relevant. This figure is based on the
assessment of 450 documents and it represents all 10
topics (45 documents per topic) and both high and
low rank document positions in the result lists of
prob. > 0.45. The relevance of documents was
evaluated by one of the authors who has expertise in
biology and genomics information retrieval (this is
the reason why genomics and genetics were selected
as test domains). Documents that discussed the
topic, contained facts about the topic (e.g. database
entries and Web forms), or contained relevant
literature references were considered relevant.
Table 1 reports the overlap results. The results are
categorized based on the topic type. As described
before, strategy 1 refers to the classifier-based
crawling, strategy 2 to the first query-based and
strategy 3 to the second query-based crawling. In
each case the first column shows the absolute
number of downloaded pages for a strategy pair / the
three strategies, and the second column shows the
overlap percentages. For example, crawling based
on the strategies 1 and 2 gave 797 documents for the
general topics. Of these pages 7.1% shared the same
As can be seen from Table 1, in all cases overlap
rates are low. In all but one case the figures are less
than 10%. The two query-based strategies have the
highest overlap rates: 9.4% and 13.6%. However,
even these figures are low. It should be noted that
the query-based strategies were very similar: The
only difference was whether or not the context
words of links were weighted. Overall, the results
show that different FC strategies overlap only to a
small extent, identifying mainly different relevant
Table 2 and Figure 1 report the coverage results.
Table 2 shows the number of probably relevant
documents for 10 000 documents and Figure 1 for
40 000 documents. In Table 2 the highest figures are
highlighted in a bold font. As can be seen, the
second query-based strategy, i.e., strategy 3, and the
combination of the two query-based strategies (2+3)
are the best strategies, and they perform almost
equally well. The fused strategy performs slightly
better in the case of general topics whereas in the
case of specific topics strategy 3 provides a slightly
higher coverage. After 10 000 documents had been
downloaded crawling based on the combination of
strategies 2 and 3 yielded 7163 documents, and
strategy 3 yielded 6944 documents. In the case of
40 000 documents strategy 3 outperforms the fused
strategy of 2+3 (Figure 1).
Strategy 1 (classifier-based approach) does not
perform well. This is probably due to the fact that it
is often difficult to adequately model the off-topic
class, which can impair the performance of the
classifier. It is often easier to present the topic as a
query than to train a classifier, especially in narrow,
easily defined topics. Effectiveness and
implementability were the primary reasons for
investigating the query-based strategies in this study.
Table 1: Overlap rates (%) between the single strategies. Probability threshold 0.45.
Topic type
General 797 7.1 787 6.1 2028 9.4 677 3.0
Specific 421 4.5 455 4.0 2649 13.6 376 1.9
Table 2: Coverage (=number of documents with prob > 0.45) after 10 000 downloaded documents.
Topic type 1 2 3 1+2 1+3 2+3 1+2+3
1057 3637 3695 2784 2786 3924 3117
561 2815 3249 2063 2031 3239 2686
1618 6452 6944 4847 4817 7163 5803
Coverage after 40 000 downloaded documents. General
and specific topics
1 2 3 1+2 1+3 2+3 1+2+3
Figure 1: Coverage for 40 000 documents.
In this paper we reported the first results of a current
research project on different approaches to focused
Web crawling. The results showed that the
combination of the two query-based strategies was
the best fused strategy but it did not perform better
than the best single strategy, i.e., a query-based
approach where the words of the link context were
weighted. Comparing the results of this study to
those in the literature is difficult due to many
different evaluation measures and definitions of
page relevance in the field of focused crawling.
Srinivasan et al. (2005) also discuss this problem
and point out that this is typical of a field that is still
in its most creative phase.
There are not many studies that have compared
different crawlers / strategies. Perhaps the most
comprehensive work is that of Srinivasan et al.
(2005). The researchers developed a general
framework to evaluate focused (topical) crawlers,
and used it to evaluate four off-the-shelf crawlers:
BreadthFirst (a simple strategy for crawling); BSF1
and BSF256 that are variations of best-first search;
InfoSpiders where the identification of relevant links
is based on keyword vectors and neural nets. The
study showed that BSF1 and BSF256 yielded the
best performance for 4000-page crawls. For a long
crawl (50 000 pages) InfoSpiders performed best.
There are many other FC strategies / approaches
than those investigated in this paper. For example, in
the Context Graph approach (Diligenti et al., 2000) a
graph of several layers deep is constructed for each
page and the distance of the page to the target pages
is computed. The context graphs are used to train a
classifier with features of the paths that lead to
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
relevant pages. We are presently investigating the
issues presented in this paper more extensively. In
addition to new strategies, we consider the effects of
a search engine used to rank the pages and seed
URL sets on crawling performance. One aim of this
study is to find an effective strategy for multilingual
focused crawling (Pirkola and Talvensaari, 2009).
This study was funded by the Academy of Finland
(research projects 125679 and 129835).
Baeza-Yates, R., Castillo, C., Marin, M. and Rodriguez,
A., 2005. Crawling a country: better strategies than
breadth-first for web page ordering. Proc. of the 14th
International conference on World Wide Web /
Industrial and Practical Experience Track, Chiba,
Japan, pp.864-872.
Beitzel, S., Jensen, E., Chowdhury, A, Grossman, D.,
Frieder, O. and Goharian. N., 2004. Fusion of effective
retrieval strategies in the same information retrieval
system. Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology, 55(10): 859-868.
Bergmark, D., Lagoze, C. and Sbityakov, A., 2002.
Focused crawls, tunneling, and digital libraries. Proc.
of the 6th European Conference on Research and
Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Rome,
Italy, September 16-18, pp. 91 – 106.
Braschler, M., 2004. Combination approaches for
multilingual text retrieval. Information Retrieval, 7 (1-
2): 183-204.
Brin, S. and Page, L., 1998. The anatomy of a large-scale
hypertextual Web search engine. Computer Networks
and ISDN Systems, 30(1-7): 107-117.
Castillo, C., 2004. Effective Web crawling. Ph.D. Thesis.
University of Chile, Department of Computer Science,
180 pages. http://www.chato.cl/534/article-63160.html
Chakrabarti, S., van den Berg, M. and Dom, B., 1999.
Focused crawling: a new approach to topic-specific
Web resource discovery. Proc. of the Eighth
International World Wide Web Conference, Toronto,
May 11 - 14.
Chakrabarti, S., Punera, K. and Subramanyam, M., 2002.
Accelerated focused crawling through online
relevance feedback. Proc. of the 11th International
Conference on World Wide Web, Honolulu, Hawaii,
May 7 - 11, pp. 148-159.
Diligenti, M., Coetzee, F. .M., Lawrence, S., Giles, C.L.
and Gori, M., 2000. Focused crawling using context
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Very Large Databases (VLDB), pp. 527-534.
Hersh, W. R., Bhuptiraju, R. T., Ross, L., Johnson, P.,
Cohen, A. M. and Kraemer, D. F., 2005. TREC 2004
genomics track overview. Proceedings of the
Thirteenth TExt REtrieval conference (TREC-13)
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Manmatha, R., Feng, F. and Rath, T., 2001. Using models
of score distributions in information retrieval. Proc. of
the 27th ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and
Development in Information Retrieval, New Orleans,
Montague, M. and Aslam, J. 2002: Condorcet fusion for
improved retrieval. Proc. of the Eleventh International
Conference on Information and Knowledge
Management, McLean, VA, November 4-9, pp. 538-
Novak, B., 2004. A Survey of focused Web crawling
algorithms. Proc. of SIKDD 2004 at Muticonference
IS, Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 12-15, pp. 55–58.
Pirkola, A. and Talvensaari, T. 2009. Developing a system
for multilingual focused crawling. Submitted to
WWW’2009 - 18
International World Wide Web
Conference, Madrid, Spain, April 29-24, 2009. Poster
Rennie, J. and McCallum, A., 1999.Using reinforcement
learning to spider the web efficiently. Proc. of the
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Srinivasan, P., Menczer, F., Pant, G. 2005. A general
evaluation framework for topical crawlers.
Information Retrieval, 8(3): 417-447.
Tang, T., Hawking, D., Craswell, N. and Griffiths, K.,
2005. Focused crawling for both topical relevance and
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Zhuang, Z., Wagle, R. and Giles, C.L., 2005. What's there
and what's not?: focused crawling for missing
documents in digital libraries. Proc. of the 5th
ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries,
Denver, CO, pp. 301 – 310.