Nils Glombitza, Dennis Pfisterer, Stefan Fischer
Institute of Telematics, University of L
ubeck, Ratzeburger Allee 160, L
ubeck, Germany
Carsten Buschmann
coalesenses Ltd., R
ontgenstraße 28, L
ubeck, Germany
Horst Pahl
under Datenverbund Ltd., Seelandstraße 3, L
ubeck, Germany
e-Business, Service oriented architecture, Business process execution language, Web service, Wireless sensor
network, Logistics, L2D2.
For the flexible integration of enterprise applications and business processes, the Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA) concept and the web service technology are the state of the art today. Especially for powerful hardware,
a lot of web service and related technologies were developed during the last years. But with the development
of Future Internet technologies, there is a demand for integrating all kinds of devices into a SOA. This includes
especially devices with extremely limited resources, such as wireless sensor nodes, which are not capable of
running today’s web service technologies. In this paper we disclose the need for research action on different
layers of the web service technology stack. We discuss promising solutions for running standard compliant
web services in sensor networks and integrating sensor network and enterprise IT web services as well as
BPEL business processes seamlessly. We introduce the L2D2 project in which our concept will be realized
and proven.
In the international computer science researching
community, a lot of groups are working on the devel-
opment of technologies to build up the Future Internet
(European Union, 2008). The scope of topics which
are related to the Future Internet is widely spread.
It includes the development of internet test beds
such as WISEBED (Fischer et al., 2008) as well as
computing grids and especially the Internet of Things
(Erl, 2007; Fleisch and Mattern, 2005). In our point
of view, the integration of a plethora of devices into
the Internet is one of the most important changes that
will be seen in the next years. This targets not only
classical mobile devices like notebooks, PDAs or cell
phones, but includes connecting all kinds of everyday
devices like refrigerators, toasters or cars on the one
hand as well as machines, production equipment and
wireless sensor networks on the other. These devices
are often based upon simple microcontrollers instead
of powerful processors, resulting in severe resource
From this perspective, the Future Internet is a
seamless and efficient platform to connect all kinds
of objects. A plurality of new services will arise
based upon this standard communication platform. In
addition, developers will increasingly create applica-
tions by simply rearranging existing services to new
demands instead of programming every functionality
completely from scratch. To realize these new soft-
ware development paradigms, adequate software ar-
chitectures for distributed systems and applications
are needed (Dunkel et al., 2008).
Closely coupled client server architectures or web
applications which are developed for a very specific
purpose do not fulfill the technical and economic re-
quirements of today’s application environments. Con-
sequently, the approach of Service Oriented Architec-
Glombitza N., Pfisterer D., Fischer S., Buschmann C. and Pahl H.
DOI: 10.5220/0002151900720077
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-81-4
2009 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Web 2.0 Application
L2D2 Platform
Client Layer
Application Layer Data Layer
Figure 1: Architecture of the overall L2D2 system.
tures (SOAs) has been developed to meet the require-
ments of today’s applications development. How-
ever, SOA based applications can so far nearly only
be found in the enterprise IT environment, there are
still only a few approaches published which describe
the flexible integration of resource constrained de-
vices such as sensor networks into Service Oriented
We strongly believe that only the integration of
such devices will unleash the true power of the Future
Internet, as machine to machine communication will
be one of its most important communication patterns.
Hence, in this paper we present an Internet based ap-
plication example integrating different classes of de-
vices using Web Services, and discuss the challenges
that are posed when extending service orientation to
extremely resource constrained devices such as wire-
less sensors.
Logistics is a business domain where intra- and in-
tercompany business processes are highly integrated.
Next to the producers and buyers of goods, more and
more organizations of the supply chain (e.g.: air-
lines, shipping lines, port operators, railway com-
panies, conveyances, and authorities) are getting in-
volved in the automated treatment of flows of goods.
The Logistics Platform L
ubeck (L2D2)
is a re-
searching project which will be realized by the Uni-
versity of L
ubeck, the Travem
under Datenverbund
Ltd., and coalesenses Ltd. to build up a Service Ori-
ented Architecture based platform on which all kinds
of research concepts related to service orientation can
be evaluated under realistic conditions. Additionally,
various organizations of a logistics supply chain can
offer services to partner companies. The platform will
be open to partner companies to flexibly add further
services at any time.
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the overall
L2D2 system. Basically the system consists of three
layers. Several partners provide data. The L2D2 plat-
form offers service interfaces for all these data re-
spectively software components based on these data.
Additional to the services of L2D2, it is possible to
integrate services from providers of other platforms.
Next to the basic services, the L2D2 platform pro-
vides complex composed services. Finally, the L2D2
services as well as additional services will be com-
posed with Web 2.0 technologies to different applica-
An example application which will be developed
The shortcut L2D2 is derived from the German title of
the project: ”L
ubecker Logistik Datendrehscheibe”.
Table 1: Services of the L2D2 platform.
Service Type Used Technology Frequency of Redesign Perspective
Basic Service Java/C++ Web Service constant technical
Composed Service Java/C++ Web Service constant/low technical
Business Process BPEL constantly changing business
on top of the L2D2 platform will be an application for
the management of dangerous goods (MoDG). MoDG
will be built up in two phases. First, we will imple-
ment services and business processes which integrate
the data and services of the currently existing isolated
applications of the organizations which are involved
in the transportation of dangerous goods in L
Furthermore, based on these basic services, we will
implement complex composite services and business
In a second step, we will integrate mobile ser-
vices on resource constrained devices into MoDG and
the L2D2 platform. The smart truck can improve
the safety of the transport and handling of dangerous
goods. The idea is that every truck carries wireless
sensor nodes which are communicating data about the
goods wirelessly to other trucks and to further com-
ponents of the enterprise IT. The communicated data
is not limited to static information about the loaded
goods, e.g., an electronic waybill. Furthermore, real
time information of the sensed data, such as the tem-
perature or the position of the goods, can be commu-
nicated. For example, if two trucks, carrying goods
that must have a minimum distance to each other, are
located to close together, an alarm will be given.
In a SOA, applications do not longer consist of mono-
lithic and closely coupled software systems. Appli-
cations will be flexibly composed by using existing
services on demand (Papazoglou, 2008).
Table 1 shows the different types of services of
a SOA based application system. First, there are so
called basic services. They are widely stable, i.e. they
will only rarely be changed. Second, the so called
composed services use basic services to offer more
sophisticated functionality. Both services are devel-
oped by technical IT staff. They offer functional-
ity on a technical level, e.g., a temperature measure-
ment service. While a basic service, such as the tem-
perature measurement service, offers very elementary
Figure 2: iSense wireless sensor.
functionality, a composed service is built on top of ba-
sic as well as other composed services and provides
functionality on a higher level. As these two service
types are building blocks of the application system,
they will be implemented in an object oriented pro-
gramming language such as Java or C++.
On top of the basic and composed services, busi-
ness process services implement the business logic.
These processes are constantly changing. To be able
to adapt these services to changing requirements as
well as to let business staff modify them, the Business
Process Execution Language (BPEL) (OASIS WS-
BPEL Technical Committee, 2005) will be used to
develop this service type.
In the enterprise IT context, there are a lot of well
developed technologies for the implementation of a
web service based SOA (including BPEL). Our main
researching focus is on the integration of mobile and
wireless sensor networks into our platform with web
service technologies for sensor networks. The goal is
to be able to implement all service types defined in
Table 1 on all kinds of resource constrained devices.
For a seamless integration of sensor network and en-
terprise IT services it is necessary to extend today’s
SOA technologies rather than developing new solu-
WEBIST 2009 - 5th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2 shows a typical example of the resource
constrained hardware we are targeting. The depicted
iSense wireless sensor network platform (Buschmann
and Pfisterer, 2007) consists of a number of hard-
ware modules that can be combined to wireless sensor
The main module (back of the node in the fig-
ure) comprises a 32-bit RISC controller running at
16 MHz including 96 kBytes of memory for both
program code and data, an IEEE 802.15.4 compli-
ant wireless communication interface which provides
a data rate of 250kBit/s as well as a universal system
connector. The connector can be used to attach other
modules, providing sensors (center), batteries (front),
GPS positioning, a PC interface et cetera.
To be independently mobile, sensor nodes are
commonly battery powered. As the wireless commu-
nication interface is the main energy consumer, it will
have to be turned off most of the time to prolong the
battery lifetime. As a result, the networking proto-
cols must be able to deal with this kind of temporary
3.1 Related Work
A first step to integrate sensor network applications
respectively services offered by sensor nodes into
business processes is the GWELS (Graphical Work-
flow Execution Language for Sensor Networks) lan-
guage and toolkit (Glombitza et al., 2009). The big
advantage of GWELS is that sensor network services
can be easily composed to business processes by peo-
ple with no special IT expertise. But other than work-
flow execution languages such as BPEL or ebXML
(Clark et al., 2001) which can be used to compose
web services to business processes, GWELS can be
used in the context of sensor networks with its ex-
tremely limited hardware. But even though GWELS
can be integrated via a web service interface into a
web service based SOA, a direct integration of sensor
network services and enterprise IT services is not pos-
sible. The developers always need to use the GWELS
web service connector. Furthermore, GWELS is based
on proprietary communication technologies which are
not compatible to any other SOA technology.
Spiess et al (Spiess et al., 2006) describe how to
use BPEL for the integration of sensor networks and
business processes. The work is part of the CoBIs
project (European Union, 2007) which uses a wireless
sensor network to monitor chemicals. Unfortunately,
these publications do not describe which parts of the
sensor network application itself are described using
Piryantha et al (Piryantha et al., 2008) describe
Fabric XML
Quality of
Orchestration BPEL
Figure 3: Extended web service stack of the L2D2 project.
how to realize tiny web services in a TCP/IP based
sensor network. The approach is not applicable for
our scenario. First, Piryantha et al use a much more
powerful category of sensor network devices. The
hardware capabilities of the sensor nodes which we
will use are to low to deal with the TCP/IP overhead.
Second, we have to deal with very inconstant commu-
nication links which make it impossible to use TCP.
3.2 Challenges
When extending Service Oriented Architectures to
extremely resource constrained devices, a number of
adaptations are required:
1. XML serialization: as bandwidth is limited and
communication is energy-consuming, the serial-
ized message representation must be as compact
as possible.
2. XML processing: established XML processing is
not possible due to memory constraints.
3. Transport protocol: the networking protocols em-
ployed in the classical internet are too resource
demanding and not well adapted to wireless com-
munication and disconnection periods.
4. Integrating sensor network services into business
processes: run-time interpretation of BPEL is not
possible due to resource constraints.
5. Self description of services: memory constraints
require compact WSDL representations.
Figure 3 shows the required extensions of the stan-
dard web service stack to implement the above men-
tioned adaptations for a web service based integra-
tion of sensor networks and enterprise web services as
well as business processes (elements with white text
on dark background).
It is not possible to handle plain SOAP XML mes-
sages in sensor networks. With the small bandwidth
in sensor networks, it is hardly possible to exchange
and process SOAP messages serialized to the verbose
XML text representation. To reduce the problem of
message sizes, the very simple approach would be
to use GZIP (Deutsch, 1996) to compress the SOAP
messages. But with this approach, it is still needed to
decompress the message on the sensor node to a large
XML message and process this message on the very
restricted hardware. For our approach we use XML
compression as described in (Werner et al., 2006) or
(Pfisterer et al., 2007) to reduce the message size.
The big advantage especially of Fabric/Microfibre ap-
proach of Pfisterer et al is that the compressed mes-
sages are directly decompressed respectively deseri-
alized to programming language data structures rather
than to a large SOAP XML message. Thus, on the
sensor node, the deserialized SOAP message is very
small and can be used right away without the need
of an XML processing which requires more hardware
resources than our sensor network platform can offer.
For the transfer of the compacted SOAP messages,
a web service transport binding which is optimized
for the requirements of communication in sensor net-
works is required. This Web Service Transport Bind-
ing for Sensor Networks (WSNTB) hides the com-
plexity of the integration of TCP/IP and sensor net-
work based communication from the application or
web service developer. There is no difference be-
tween the addressing of services in the sensor network
or in the TCP/IP network. The transport binding of-
fers a seamless integration of both ”worlds”. While
WSNTB will use TCP/IP for the communication out-
side the sensor network, it is highly flexible consid-
ering which transport or routing protocol to use in-
side the sensor network. WSNTB can be used with ev-
ery routing protocol which is available for the iSense
sensor network platform. For the convenient devel-
opment and access of web services, an integration of
WSNTB into a web services engine like Apache Axis2
is desirable.
To integrate web services provided by sensor
nodes into the business processes of organizations,
the sensor network services must be accessible by the
BPEL runtime hosted on an enterprise IT server. To
reach this goal it is required to extend a BPEL runtime
(such as the Apache ODE BPEL runtime (Apache
Software Foundation, 2009)) with the XML compres-
sion capabilities and web service transport binding
WSNTB described above.
However, to deploy BPEL web services not only
on enterprise servers but also on sensor nodes, fur-
ther adaptations are required. The sensor nodes’ re-
source constraints inhibit the interpretation of BPEL
process descriptions on the node at run-time. Instead,
the BPEL description has to be compiled on a PC at
design-time to optimized machine code for the target
platform and can then be transferred to the destina-
tion node. For the communication between the BPEL
process and other services, WSNTB can be used as
well. As sensor network web services, these BPEL
processes will also be able to call web services pro-
vided by other sensor nodes as well as by enterprise
servers. The representation of the XML data and mes-
sage types for the communication with the BPEL pro-
cess as well as the data representation of the BPEL
process itself will be realized by using programming
language data structures automatically generated by
the Fabric/Microfibre toolkit.
The final issue to address is the service descrip-
tion. For the sake of compatibility, the description
of web services should be done using WSDL. As
web services usually describe themselves, the WSDL
description consequently has to be stored on the re-
source constraint device itself. The required ex-
tremely compact representation of the description can
be achieved by applying Fabric/Microfibre.
Two major but so far unfortunately separate trends of
the Future Internet are the integration of all kinds of
resource constrained devices and a consequent service
orientation. To integrate these two, we pinpointed the
need for research action on different layers of the web
service technology stack and discussed promising so-
lutions. We proposed WSNTB to address the need for
a compact XML serialization, low processing over-
head and a seamless transport protocol integration. In
addition, we outlined how BPEL can be applied to re-
source constrained devices and the resulting services
can describe themselves efficiently.
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