The Trend of Human-Computer Interaction on Video Game Design
Chih-Hung Wu, Ching-Cha Hsieh
Department of Digital Content and Technology, National Taichung University, No.140 Ming Shen Rd., Taichung, Taiwan
Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University, No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, Taiwan
Cheng-Chieh Huang, Chin-Chia Hsu
Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University, No.1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei, Taiwan
Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, Wii, Leisure Technology, Structural Equation Model.
Abstract: Nintendo released the fifth home videogame console, Wii in November 2006, and sold over six million
units in six months. What drives people to play Wii game? What is the magic? The TAM model has
empirically tested why people accept some technologies, but most constructs are measured for workspace
contexts. This research argues that if we want to understand that why people are attracted to the leisure
technology, such as Wii, should take consider the leisure social psychology constructs. We consider that
people playing the leisure technology will experience a subjective psychological state of leisure, not only
objectively tangible activities. Thus, the intrinsic motivations of leisure will influence the attitudes and
intentions of people for using the Wii Game. This research proposes a new leisure technology acceptance
model, then using questionnaires, streets surveys, and SEM to collect and verify data. This study provides a
new perspective and direction to study leisure technology and human-computer interaction (HCI).
The Japanese company--Nintendo released the fifth
home videogame console, Wii in November 2006,
and sold over six million units in six months
according to the MIC market research (Hsu, 2007).
In Taiwan, before the official sales of the Wii Game,
parallel imports have already taken the market by
storm. What drives people to play Wii Game? What
is the magic?
In IS research, technology acceptance model
(TAM) has been popularly used to explain why
individuals accept various types of technologies, and
has got wide empirical supports (Hsu & Lu, 2004;
Pagani, 2006; Wu et al., 2007). But TAM has
generally been applied to technology in the
workplace (Legris et al., 2003), is it still properly
used to support the Wii videogame, the
entertainment technology, the leisure technology
(Bryce, 2001)?
Past studies on the participation in leisure
activities emphasize on the individual psychological
intrinsic motivation, perceived control, and
perceived freedom, which influence the participation
in leisure activities (Iso-Ahoa, 1980; Roger &
Kleiber, 1999). This study argues that understanding
people in leisure activities should consider their
leisure psychology.
Therefore, this study constructs the leisure
technology acceptance model that combined
integrated model of TAM (Venkatesh et al., 2003)
and intrinsic motives of leisure to verify what drives
people to play Wii game. This research adopts
different sources of data, including questionnaires
and street surveys, in order to obtain the perceptions
and usage attitudes of the Wii Game. Then,
Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is used to
analyze data and validate the model. This model
provides a new perspective and direction to study
leisure technology and human-computer interaction
or design.
Wu C., Hsieh C., Huang C. and Hsu C. (2009).
WHAT DRIVES PEOPLE TO PLAY WII GAME? - The Trend of Human-Computer Interaction on Video Game Design.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 190-193
DOI: 10.5220/0002154801900193
2.1 Leisure, Technology and Subjective
State of Leisure
Leisure has been defined as a special type of
activity, a time for shirking responsibilities; it is an
experience of satisfaction, happiness, excitement,
and sense of belonging, or a combination of activity,
time, and experience (Roger & Kleiber, 1999).
Leisure activities are not only the objective actions
involved in the activities, but also a subjective
psychological state arrived at by conducting the
activity (Azjen & Drive, 1992; Coleman & Iso-
Ahola, 1993; Iso-Ahoa, 1980).
Technology has been a leisure activity for a long
time; from the traditional movies, television,
videogames to the Internet ‘browsing’, all of which
have become parts of human leisure activities.
Technology substitutes traditional leisure activities
and people can enjoy relaxation, enjoyment, escape
from reality, social interaction, and development of
self-orientation derived from traditional leisure
activities (Bryce, 2001).
Thus, those who engage in leisure technology
also experience a subjective psychological state of
leisure. This study argues that people enjoyed in
leisure technology are not only objectively tangible
activities, but the achievement of subjective state of
leisure through technology.
2.2 Leisure Intrinsic Motivations
Coleman & Iso-Ahola (1993) considers that
participation in leisure is due to coping with stress in
order to maintain physical and psychological health.
In studying attitudes towards video games, Barnett
et al. (1997) demonstrates that there are
psychological motivations involving escape, fun,
and avoidance of boredom. Leisure also is a
socialization process for individuals to obtain leisure
knowledge, attitudes, values, techniques, and
motives (Iso-Ahola, 1980). Coleman & Iso-Ahola
(1993) argues that social support is an important
reason for participating in leisure activities.
Another intrinsic motivation of leisure arises
from the motivation for self-growth; leisure provides
people with opportunities to clearly understand
one’s own strengths and weaknesses, to
continuously develop abilities, and become the type
of person one expects to be (Mannell & Kleiber,
1997). Barnett et al. (1997) also indicates that
videogames involve the intrinsic motivation of self-
achievement. In summary, this study considers that
the leisure intrinsic motivations will influence the
attitude of people in the leisure activities. This study
argues the leisure intrinsic motivations also the
drivers of playing the leisure technology, Wii Game.
2.3 Flow Experience
Flow experience was first proposed by
Csikzentmihalyi (1975), and was used to describe
the psychological state that people are immersed in
an optimal leisure activity. There are many empirical
evidences show a positive influence of flow
experience on technology acceptance (Hsu & Lu
2004; Koufaris, 2002). Therefore, this study
considers that as a type of leisure technology, the
Wii Game is likely to achieve the leisure
psychological state of flow experience.
2.4 Leisure Constraint and Social
Leisure constraints refer to the inability or decreased
engagement in leisure due to limitations in physical
entity, environment, or society (Mannell & Kleiber,
1997; Hoff & Ellis, 1992). In a study on online
games, Hsu & Lu (2004) also finds that social norms
are significant factors that impact the people to
accept online games. Crawford et al. (1991)
summarize to three types of leisure constraints:
personal limitations, interpersonal limitations, and
structural limitations. This study will focus on
interpersonal leisure constraints on playing the Wii
2.5 TAM Model
The TAM model was proposed by Davis (1989) as
an improvement of the Theory of Reasoned Action
(TRA), and primarily evaluates how the perception
of organizational personnel regarding the
technology’s ease of use and perceived usefulness
influence their behavioural intention to use, which in
turn affects usage. The TAM model has generally
been applied to technology used in the workplace
(Legris et al., 2003), and the concept of perceived
usefulness of technology is derived from extrinsic
motivation such as work performance stress (Davis,
1989; Jackson et al., 1997; Venkatesh et al., 2003),
and acceptance of technology, especially in non-
workplace usage, which may arise from voluntary
intrinsic motivation of those who accept. Some
scholars have also noticed the influence of intrinsic
motivation on technology acceptance model, and
WHAT DRIVES PEOPLE TO PLAY WII GAME? - The Trend of Human-Computer Interaction on Video Game Design
introduce intrinsic motivation in the technology
acceptance model (Chung & Tan, 2004; Davis et al.,
1992; Venkatesh et al., 2003). Thus, this study
considers the above leisure intrinsic motivations
should include in the leisure technology TAM
Perceived ease of use also has a positive
influence on perceived usefulness (Venkatesh et al.,
2003). For example, the Wii Game uses its wireless
controls to simulate the motion of sports and games,
so that users feel ease of use, and they in turn feel
that playing the game is useful. Perceived ease of
use also makes it easier for users to reach flow
experience (Hsu & Lu, 2004). In fact, many users of
the Wii Game overlook the pain caused by excessive
exercise due to their immersion in it.
3.1 Conceptual Model
According to the above literature and theories, this
study builds a leisure technology TAM conceptual
model. The model considers that the intrinsic
motivation of leisure technology will affect the
attitudes and intentions of people when using the
Wii Game. Leisure constraints of social norms have
a negative influence on the attitudes and intentions
of people when using leisure technology. Perceived
usefulness and ease of use still affects the attitudes
and behavioural intentions of people toward leisure
technology (See Figure 1). Next, we forms H1~H10
hypothesises prepared to verify the constructs’
3.2 Measurement
The questionnaire was developed from literature
relating to TAM and leisure social psychology. After
completion of the draft of the questionnaire, experts
and scholars were asked to provide their opinions on
the content validation. Original literature was
consulted for backtranslate comparisons to confirm
to original intentions of the authors. Prior to release
of the official questionnaire, 25 Wii Game users
were found for a pilot test, and the content was fine
tuned to make the intentions of the question clear in
order to create face validity and content validity. The
constructs and measurements are shown in Table 1.
Social Norms
Flow Experience
Motivation for
Physic Health
Motivation for
Motivation for
Motivation for
Social Support
Attitude toward
Playing Wii Game
Intention toward
Play Wii Game
Leisure Intrinsic Motivations
Figure 1: The Leisure Technology TAM Model.
Table 1: Constructs and Measurements.
Constructs Literature
Leisure Intrinsic
Coleman & Iso-Ahola (1993);
Barnett et al. (1997); Manfredo
& Driver (1996); Mannell &
Kleiber (1997)
Leisure Constraints
from Social Norms
Crawford et al. (1991) ; Hoff &
Ellis (1992); Hsu & Lu (2004);
Koufaris (2002) Mannell &
Kleiber (1997)
Perceived Easy of
Hsu & Lu (2004); Venkatesh et
al. (2003)
Attitude to Use
Intention to Use
Davis et al. (1992); Hsu & Lu
(2004); Venkatesh et al. (2003)
3.3 Tests of the Structural Model
The structural model of this study is based on
traditional TAM, and has added the aspects of
leisure, social norms, and flow experience (Hsu &
Lu, 2004) to conduct an extension of TAM testing.
The structural model of this study is analyzed by the
AMOS software of SPSS. First, the traditional
information technology acceptance model was
tested, followed by the modified information
technology acceptance model (Extended TAM); this
is the traditional TAM with the addition of aspects
of social norms, psychological relaxation
motivation, psychological relaxation motivation,
physical health motivation, self-growth motivation,
social support motivations, flow experience, in order
to determine the final model.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
This study combines the leisure social psychology
into the extended TAM and explains why the leisure
technology so popular? What are the drivers of the
Wii game? Past literature, such as Hsu & Lu (2004)
have considered the different constructs, social
norms and flow experience in the traditional TAM to
explain intentions in playing online games. This
study further proposes that TAM should include the
leisure intrinsic motivations to study the leisure
technology, such as Wii, PS3, online games, etc.
Bryce (2001) argues that technology reshapes and
transforms the leisure activities. If we can not
change our perspective of technology from
workspace to leisure contexts, how can we find out
or design the useful, easy of use technology for
leisure activities? This study provides a new
direction to leisure and IS research.
In the future study, the researchers plan to collect
data from internet questionnaires on the my3q web
page in order to enhance the breadth of samples.
This study will also use convenience sampling, with
questionnaires filled out by relatives and friends, as
well as questionnaire distribution on the streets of
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WHAT DRIVES PEOPLE TO PLAY WII GAME? - The Trend of Human-Computer Interaction on Video Game Design