A Tool for Information Systems Management
António Trigo
, João Barroso
and João Varajão
Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Oliveira do Hospital, Oliveira do Hospital, Portugal
Grupo de Investigação em Engenharia do Conhecimento e Apoio à Decisão, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
Porto, Portugal
Departamento de Engenharias, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
Keywords: Information System Function, Information System Management, Tool for Chief Information Officer.
Abstract: The complexity of Information Technology and Information Systems within organizations keeps growing
rapidly. As a result, the work of the Chief Information Officer is becoming increasingly difficult, since he
has to manage multiple technologies and perform several activities of different nature. In this position paper,
we prove the development of a new tool for Chief Information Officers, which will systematize and
aggregate the enterprise Information Systems Function information.
The complexity of the Information Technology and
Information Systems (IT/IS) within organizations
keeps growing rapidly.
In order to manage that complexity, there are
several tools commercially available for Chief
Information Officers (CIOs). These tools vary
considerably in their capabilities and are almost
always focused on one specific management item.
Consequently, it is difficult for the CIO to get the
overall picture of the Information Systems Function
(ISF) of the organization, which may affect the CIO
We hence advocate that it is needed a new
holistic and integrated tool to support the Chief
Information Officers (CIOs) activities. In this
position paper we propose the development of TISM
- a Tool for Information Systems Management -, in
particular, the conceptual model that supports it.
In this paper after this brief introduction we
present the background section where we describe
the main ISF activities and tools to support them.
Then we present the conceptual model for the future
tool to develop discussing its merits and challenges.
Finally we present the research agenda for the
development of the new tool.
In order to ensure the proper operation of IT/IS,
organizations require an Information Systems
Function (ISF) that is well structured and skilful in
order to provide IT services needed to support the
organization business.
Information Systems Function is composed by
the set of organizational activities aiming to
optimize the organization’s IS, and can be analysed
under three main complementary views, which
provide a complete perspective (Varajão, 1997,
Varajão, 2002): activities (planning, development,
exploitation, and management), resources (human,
financial, technological, and informational), and
influencing factors (structural, environmental, social,
cultural, psychological, and time-related).
It is useful to conceptualize the ISF by the means
of four main groups of activities (Varajão, 2002):
Information Systems Planning (ISP), Information
Systems Development (ISD), Information Systems
Exploitation (ISE), and Information Systems
Management (ISM).
ISP is responsible for identifying the systems
that are needed in an organization, thus preceding
ISD, in charge of developing the systems identified
during ISP. Afterwards, ISE is responsible for
ensuring the proper usage of the IS, in the best
interests of the organization. The ISM is required to
provide structure and control to all these activities.
Trigo A., Barroso J. and Varajão J. (2009).
TISM - A Tool for Information Systems Management.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Databases and Information Systems Integration, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002155403030307
ISP is a necessary precursor to ISD, since it provides
a long-term vision, by identifying the potential
systems and defining a full set of management
policies and approaches. It is assumed that ISP is
integrated and aligned with the business planning,
being therefore a planning strength for
organizational change, provided by ISD, since a new
system frequently implies a new form of
In order to support the needs of the organization
as time elapses, IS must adapt to the naturally
occurring changes. In this sense, it is possible to
consider a cyclical and continuous sequence of ISF
activities: the several activities feed each other in
each system generation, and possess strong
It is possible to consider a logical sequence of
activities, under which an IS is thought-over (in the
scope of ISP), produced (in the scope of ISD), and
then used (in the scope of ISE). However, in practice
these activities take place concurrently, with
significant inter-relationships and interdependences;
and these relationships are strongly interactive. The
several activities cannot be approached in isolation;
they must be taken in account and integrated
There are multiple propositions for ISP, ISD,
ISE, and ISM, each involving several activities
(Kendall and Kendall, 1992) and denominations
(Martin et al., 1994). It is somewhat hard to come
across two authors agreeing in detail over the same
proposition (Sager, 1990). However, in spite of all
variations, their nature is mostly similar. Table 1
presents those activities that met major
dissemination and are most commonly accepted for
the ISF.
Table 1: ISF activities. Source: (Varajão, 2002).
Groups of activities Activities
ISP IS Strategy analysis
IS Strategy definition
IS Strategy implementation
ISD System analysis
System design
System development
System deployment
System maintenance
ISE System operation
IT management
Human resources management
Procurement of services and
Other, diversified activities
ISM Organization and control
To support the ISF activities there are several
tools, as identified in a previous study (Trigo et al.,
2008a): Sarbannes-Oxley Act (SOX), Basel II,
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA), IT Balanced Scorecard, Return On
Investment (ROI), Total Cost of Ownership (TCO),
Earned Value Analysis (EVA), Enterprise Risk
Management - Integrated Framework (COSO),
Control Objectives for Information and related
Technology (CobiT), Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMBoK), PRojects IN Controlled
Environments (PRINCE2), Capability Maturity
Model® Integration (CMMI), Software Process
Improvement and Capability dEtermination (Spice),
Six Sigma, ISO 9000, TickIT, ISO 27000,
Information Technology Infrastructure Library
(ITIL) with several software tools from IT vendors
sucha as System Center from Microsoft, HP
Openview from HP, Tivoli platform from IBM, etc.,
ISO 20000, enhanced Telecom Operations Map
(eTOM) and Business Process Management (BPM).
Beyond the CobiT framework, which must be
implemented on some software architecture, none of
the above tools covers all the ISF activities.
This is a problem because CIOs need a tool that
supports the management of the ISF activities in an
integrated way and not the sole management of each
one of them.
TISM stands for Tool for Information System
Management, and enables the management of ISF
based on the architectural vision of the ISF.
There are numerous propositions for the
definition of the IS architecture of an enterprise,
being one of the most widely used, the framework
proposed by Zachman (Zachman, 1987), which is
easy to understand and addresses the enterprise as a
whole being independently of tools or
methodologies, and any issues can be mapped
against it to understand where they fit (Lankhorst,
Our tool and respective conceptual model is not
an implementation of this framework, but it does
inherit the idea of the use of matrices to map the
different IT/IS elements, some of properties derived
from Zachman framework dimensions and the use of
perspectives looking at the organization IS
architecture and ISF.
Based on the this architectural vision of ISF, we
reached the conclusion that one best way to
implement a tool for ISF management would be
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
through the use of matrices that would link the
various elements of the ISF, be they management
objects, activities or resources (and other elements
that maybe necessary), as shown in Figure 1.
The importance of using matrices is reinforced
by a previous study conducted with the purpose of
identifying and characterizing which software tools
CIOs of large Portuguese companies use in their
work, that revealed CIO’s preferred software tool to
support their activities is the spreadsheet (Trigo et
al., 2008b).
Figure 1: Conceptual model of TISM.
In TISM matrices are used to map different types
of elements. Only two types of elements, and their
relationships compose each individual matrix.
One example, of this kind of construction would
be the matrix Activities/People, where we would
map how human resources are involved in the
different activities, such as, being responsible (R),
having a strong (S) or some participation (SP), in the
development of one activity, which would consist in
the relationships between activities and people. This
would allow the CIO to have a complete picture of
how the human resources are allocated. A brief
example is provided in Table 2.
Table 2: Activities/People.
Activities / People
IS Strategy analysis R S
System maintenance SP S
System operation SP S
IT management S S
The use of a software tool based on this model
would be straightforward, given that the user would
do five steps for the matrix definition: define the
element types, with respective characteristics; create
the elements and assign the values for the
characteristics defined; create the matrix, selecting
which elements of a given type to include; define the
relationships for the two types of elements of this
matrix; and assign relationship values to the
elements of the matrix. This process would be done
only once, at matrix creation.
It is important to enhance that elements are
reusable and can belong to as many matrices as the
user wishes, so for some matrices, he/she just needs
to select elements and create relationships.
The use of matrices with only two types of
elements allows to see how one element relates with
all the other elements of the ISF, giving not only a
holistic perspective of that element, but also making
it easier to identify where errors/redundancies of its
use. We can, for instance, detect trough the use of
this model if a certain resource is well allocated.
Since the application will be used to map all the
elements, or at least the most important ones, for the
ISF management, we anticipate an important
drawback, given the dimension of the organization
and ISF where it will be used that may produce
matrices of very large dimension, which is the
manipulation of the matrices created, something that
would also happen with a spreadsheet.
In order to facilitate the manipulation of the
matrices, in the application to develop, we suggest
the creation of a “split” functionality that would
keep the elements (headers of the columns and rows)
fixed and visible, while navigating through the
matrix to manipulate a certain relationship. In order
to facilitate the element creation we consider that is
also necessary to create a mechanism to important
all elements of a given type from a file, a task that
should be done by another member of the IT team
rather than by the CIO, to who the application is
While the process of defining the different types
of elements, elements, matrices and relationships is
done by the user of the application, in most cases the
CIO, we considerer that the application should
possess routines (e.g. web services) to allow it to
interact with other systems in order to collect the
management information needed, similar to what
some ITIL suits already do (Baldwin, 2008, IBM,
2006, Hewlett-Packard, 2007), by indicating the
usage of hard disk drives by servers or by knowing
how much licences are in use of a certain software
application. This would avoid the CIO need to recur
TISM - A Tool for Information Systems Management
to a third party application to get information
Beyond this integration, which would allow
maintaining the management information updated,
there is another situation, which could be addressed
in the development of the application, that is the
self-management of some systems based on the
management information provided by them through
the use of software agents, using decision making
algorithms that are tuned to evaluate different
decision making strategy and implementing different
decisions in real-time (Banker and Kauffman, 2004,
Shirazi and Soroor, 2007), which would free the
CIO from some more trivial management decisions.
Although the conceptual model does, in our
opinion, covers all the management issues of the
CIO activity, there is an important drawback, which
is the knowledge that the CIO has of the ISF and of
the IT/IS solutions in use within the organization,
since the conceptual model does not indicate which
elements, matrices or relationships to create to
support the management of ISF.
To shorten the CIO learning curve towards the
use of an application based in this conceptual model,
one should include a set of examples, which include
element types, elements, matrices and relationships
so that the CIO can see what he/she can and cannot
do with the application.
Our research agenda will have to focus on two
items: on the development of the tool based on this
conceptual model and on the creation and
characterization of element types, elements,
relationships and matrices that will be part of the
We are now developing the TISM prototype
based on this conceptual model, with PHP, MySQL,
and also AJAX libraries, such as jQuery, which
allow producing richer interfaces, making it easier
for the user (CIO) to use it. One of our objectives is,
due to the complexity of the issue, to produce an
easy to use and learn interface. Otherwise CIO will
not spend time to learn how to use it.
Figure 2 shows a screenshot of a real matrix
Activities/People of the IT team of a Portuguese
university, which, as we can see, is of a considerable
dimension. Other matrices such as
hardware/installations, enterprise software/
hardware, etc., are being implemented and tested, for
their usefulness and validity. But the work is still in
Figure 2: TISM prototype screenshot.
Another challenge is to create the initial set of
element types, elements, relationships and matrices,
a task that is independent from the development of
the tool itself, and from the tool, since the
conceptual model presented here can be
implemented with other technologies beyond the
ones we are using.
Commonly found activities in the ISF are thus, e.g.,
project management, application development and
maintenance, IT management, help desk, network
management, and many others.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
For management and development of these
activities, CIO have at their disposal a wide variety
of approaches and tools, which usually are not
supported in an integrated manner by one single
software tool. Such a tool is needed to allow the
management of all ISF related activities and
In this paper we described a conceptual model to
support the development of an application that will
support the management of the ISF in a holistic and
integrated way, which can contribute for the CIO
overall success.
The next stage in our research will be to
implement this new conceptual model into a fully
functional prototype, which we have already started,
and test for its usefulness.
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TISM - A Tool for Information Systems Management