Ian Oliver
Nokia Research Center, It¨amerenkatu 11-13, Helsinki, Finland
Space based computing, Semantic Web, Mobile devices.
The future of the Semantic Web lies not in the ubiquity, addressability and global sharing of information but
rather in localised, information spaces and their interactions. These information spaces will be made at a much
more personal level and not necessarily adhere to globally agreed semantics and structures but rely more upon
ad hoc and evolving semantic structures.
In this paper we position our vision of the continu-
ation of the development or evolution of the Seman-
tic Web (Berners-Lee et al., 2001). This is best visu-
alised as the Giant Global Graph concept popularised
by Tim Berners-Lee
Most information however is not ubiquitous but
personalised, hidden, private and interpreted locally -
this information tends to be the personal, highly dy-
namic information that one stores about oneself: con-
tact lists, friends, media files, ‘my’ current context,
‘my’ family, ‘my’ home etc and the interweaving and
linking between these entities through ad hoc personal
We elaborate on the ideas of ubiquitous informa-
tion, the role of reasoning and knowledge, the lo-
cation of the information with relation to its ubiq-
uity through the concept of projections from the Gi-
ant Global Graph called spaces. We then describe an
implementation of an environment supporting these
ideas in a mobile and personal context as well as many
of the issues that this directly brings up with regards
to what are semantics and how information is going
to be dealt with in this context.
In the following sections we outline our position
and areas of research relating to notions of personali-
sation, Semantic Web, informationand its meaing and
semantics as well as our implementation.
http : // Global Graph
The Semantic Web is succeeding in relatively small-
scale, specific situations which are restricted to a
given domain. If we expand the notion of a domain in
a more orthogonal sense to encompass personal level
then this suggests that we have a notion of a ‘Personal
Semantic Web’ in which one can organise their own
information according to these principles. The advan-
tages of a Semantic Web based approach is that cer-
tain structures, schemata and semantics can be fixed
enabling some - and this is an important point, we
should not (and can not?) try to attempt everything -
meaningful communication, reasoning and interoper-
ability to take place.
Mobile devices with various methods of connec-
tivity which now constitute for many as being the pri-
mary gateway to the internet and also being a ma-
jor storage point for much personal information (Ide-
hen and Erling, 2008; Lassila and Adler, 2003). This
is in addition to the normal range of personal com-
puters and furthermore sensor devices plus ‘internet’
based providers. Combining these devices together
and lately the applications and the information stored
by those applications is a major challenge of interop-
erability (Tolk and Muguira, 2003; Turnitsa, 2005).
This is achieved through numerous, individualand
personal spaces in which persons, groups of persons
etc can place, share, interact and manipulate webs of
information (Krummenacher, 2008; Khushraj et al.,
2004) with their own locally agreed semantics with-
out necessarily conforming to an unobtainable, global
Oliver I. (2009).
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 179-184
DOI: 10.5220/0002155901790184
whole. These spaces are projections of the ‘Giant
Global Graph’ in which one can apply semantics and
reasoning at a local level. A detailed survey of such
space-based systems is given in (Nixon et al., 2008).
This approach we feel addresses at least two of the
counter-arguments against the Semantic Web vision:
feasibility and privacy by directly addressing notions
of locality or ubiquity and ownership. Feasibility be-
cause we are changing the problem to address much
smaller-scale structures through setting clear bound-
aries in terms of computation.
In order to apply reasoning and other manipula-
tions (such as sharing) of that information we are re-
quired to construct processes which have access to
that information - typically these are known as agents
in the ‘traditional’ sense of the word although we
tend towards the classification given in (Haag et al.,
2003). Agents are either personal in that they per-
form tasks either directly decided upon by the user or
autonomously for or on behalf of the user, monitor
particular situations or reason/data-mine the existing
Personalisation is achieved through explicitly de-
marking a space in which information is stored and
agents have access. Within each space information is
organised according to the owner (or owners) of that
space. For an agent to obtain entry to that space then
it is made on the terms of that space. Similarly for two
spaces to interact directly similar contracts must also
hold. Interactions with spaces is described in section
The kinds of information that are stored in a per-
sonal space vary but initially contacts lists, media files
(links to media), personal information management
data (calendars etc), email and other personal com-
munication etc. This easily expands to information
feeds such as those provided through RSS and even
WWW interfaces, family or community information,
social networking and so on. These kinds of informa-
tion can be then further augumented by tagging, inter-
nal links and more sophisticated equivalence relation-
ships such as might be seen between social network-
ing contacts, contacts lists, calendars etc. In addition
more static and thus more externalisable information
can be stored or referenced in the same manner - such
information might be census records, telephone direc-
tories or even cultural information (Hyv¨onen et al.,
Of course there are issues regarding the interpre-
tation of information and how the meaning or seman-
tics is preserved across spaces and agents; this also
includes deciding whether two independent structures
actually represent the same piece of information and
can be merged or coalesced. Furthermore issues re-
garding trust and security need to be addressed - we
do not specifically discuss this problem in this paper.
Consider the follow scenarios. In figure 1 Alice inter-
acts with her personal space - through ‘agents’
ning on a multitude of devices. This space contains a
corpus of information A which through local reason-
ing and deductive closure algorithms - a feature of our
spaces - provides her with the corpus R(A). Informa-
tion is represented using Semantic Web standards, ie:
RDF, RDFS, OWL, FOAF etc, rule sets in RuleML
Alice’s "agents"
executing on
interacting with
...and others...
Figure 1: Alice’s Agents, Devices, Spaces and Information.
In this case the boundary of R(A) is the limit of
Alice’s personal space. If Alice has two spaces or
corpii of information she might bind these together to
produce a much larger space. These individual corpii
of information may be overlapping in terms of their
content. Alice can interact simultaneously with many
discrete spaces. These situations are visualised in fig-
ure 2; for simplicity we only show the spaces and clo-
sures. Here the total information available for a given
space is the union of the deductive closure over all the
individual corpii.
R(A u B)
Figure 2: Alice and Alice’s Spaces.
Agent is rather a loaded word, but alternatives aren’t numer-
ous: executives, nodes, UIs, programs, etc
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Alice can decide to break and reconfigure her cur-
rent spaces into many smaller spaces. This may be
made in any manner including removing all informa-
tion and creating multiple individual smaller or even
empty spaces to making a complete copies of the cur-
rent space.
We now introduce Bob, who has a space of his
own that is constructed from a single corpus of infor-
mation. At this point we can say nothing about the
relationship between the contents of the corpii A and
B with C; they may potentially all contain the same
Interaction between Alice and Bob can be made in
three different forms. The first is simple in that Bob
only needs to give Alice’s ‘agents’ access to his space
as visualised in figure 3. Bob of course has his own
ideas about privacy and grants Alice access to only
a portion of his space. Alice has direct access to a
subset of Bob’s space - if she has write access then
potentially this could have an effect on the space as a
Privacy is asymmetric - it is on the sharer’s terms
only thus precluding the need for a globally agreed
privacy mechanism. If Alice just so happens to
be able to satisfy the criteria for accessing Bobs
space then Alice is granted access at whatever level
Bob’s privacy mechanisms allow. Alice’s own privacy
mechanisms do not affect Bob’s mechanisms and vice
Figure 3: Alice Interaction with Bob’s Space.
The second form of interaction is a variation of
this: Bob to partitions off a given subspace to which
Alice has access, then any changes can be kept lo-
cal and the merge back controlled by Bob explicitly.
In both of these cases access policy including trust
mechanisms are local to Bob - there is no need for
Alice to know about what mechanisms are in place.
The fist two forms we expect to be the most com-
mon methods of interaction, the third offers a set of
different possibilities based around the merging of
the spaces. This is more complicated as Alice and
Bob must both agree to the merge (fig. 4) both in
terms of personally agreeing through their trust mech-
anisms (might just be personal trust) but also through
the shared semantics of the information.
Figure 4: Alice’s and Bob’s (Merged) Space.
This then constitutes how spaces are related but
has not yet addressed certain specific ideas about in-
formation and the semantics of that information and
these are discussed in section 4.
We can classify the issues with this approach as:
Non-monotonicity of Deductive Closure and
Graph Provenance
Semantics of the Information
Uncertainty, Incompleteness, Inconsistency and
Undefinedness of Information
Given a single space s, the information contained
in that space is i(s), the rules ρ(s) and the deductive
closure calculated as R(i(s),ρ(s)). A merge of two
spaces s
and s
results in a single space s
where s
is calculated as R(i(s
) i(s
)). The
function δ determines the set of rules to apply and
is constructed from a mechanism which prioritises
the rules somehow - the exact mechanism would of
course vary but we envisage would be similar to those
found in certain kinds of non-monotonic calculi, eg.
(Mueller, 2006).
Graph provenance and the related semantics
problem are the major problems in any Semantic
Web/interoperability system as there, beyond pre-
agreed addressing and strict, standardised ontologies,
no definitive method for relating structures represent-
ing the same information together exists.
While information about typing etc is carried
within the space, deeper semantics is not. Identifi-
cation of larger meaningful structures such as RDF
molecules (Ding et al., 2005) provide at this time
the strongest basis for provenance analysis and ad-
dressing deeper semantically meaningful structures.
In the most part we must rely upon local convention
between any two merging or interacting spaces with
the hope that this leads to a more global convention
(Afraz Jaffri, 2008; Shafiq et al., 2008).
The meaning of the information to Alice might be
very different to the meaning ascribed by Bob (see
also provenance above). The meaning or semantics
of the information can only be made by the reader
(Burcea et al., 2003); the writer of the information
only gives hints through typing and tagging and other
relationships to what the intended meaning might be.
This hints to the question how do we guaran-
tee that two agents understand the information in the
same way, our response to this is that we don’t care;
at least to the point where there is no internal mech-
anism for this (Kim and Anseo-Dong, 2002). As it
is, the meaning of some ontological structure evolves
over time and there appears to be no reasonable mech-
anism for communicatingdeeper level semantic struc-
tures. For true, reliable communication how many
semantic levels are required is unknown. However,
since that if access to a space is granted or a merge
made then this is implicit agreement between the par-
ties and particularly the readers over the intended se-
mantics of the information.
In (G¨ardenfors, 2000) is provided a detailed dis-
cussion of the style of intentional semantics (Kim and
Anseo-Dong, 2002) we propose here that it is not just-
ing typing but the whole construct of properties of an
object - and then the scope over which we define an
object - that must be taken into consideration when
deciding how an agent interprets a given structure.
This also applies when dealing with the aforemen-
tioned graph provenance issue.
To complicate matters further, the notion of se-
mantics embodied within these kinds of information
structures is little more than meta-data whereas one
really needs to describe a further relationship into
the ‘real-world’ (Smith, 1996). Solutions based upon
lexical and semantic analysis through resources such
as Wordnet(Fellbaum, 1998) appear to be the most
promising here with regard to issues surrounding se-
mantics similarity (Jan Wielemaker and Wielinga,
2003; Ruotsalo and Hyv¨onen, 2007). However,
despite this we can (an no current computer sys-
tem) never be sure that any two agents actually act
upon their respective interpretations information in
the same way.
Currently we are seeing two mechanisms for se-
mantic agreement: the first is through standardisa-
tion of ontologies (W3C) and the second is through
folksonomic evolution of initially personal and infor-
mal structures into ad hoc ontologies which become
more concretised as social agreements form. Even in
the strict, formal ontology development scenario evo-
lution of the ontology takes place as usage changes
and develops (Ruotsalo et al., 2008), however this is
much slower than the folksonomic cases. A fairly
common mechanism for agreeing on semantics is the
upper ontology approach, but again this suffers from
the problem of many upper ontologies (for example:
(Hyv¨onen, 2008))- an interesting discussion of this is
made in (Wheeler, 2004)
Finally the problem of uncertain, incomplete,
inconsistent and undefined information requires a
much more formal approach within the various agent
and reasoning structures (Lassila, 2008). Within
the Semantic Web we must further explore notions
of undefinedness, modality, probability and non-
monotonicity. This is left for future work though
mechanisms are already present within our imple-
mentation for attaching and modality properties.
Supporting these ideas we already have the comput-
ing and networking infrastructure. Our particular
solution builds a space-based computing framework
(Oliver and Honkola, 2008; Oliver et al., 2008) based
upon the Piglet/Wilbur (Lassila, 2007) RDF++ en-
gine (Lassila, 2002). The notion of space being con-
structed out of a number of individual, linked (totally
routable) brokers. Interaction with the space is via a
agents which may reside on any suitable device with
suitable connectivityand computing capabilities; sim-
ilarly the brokers. Figure 5 shows one possible con-
Agents may connect to one or more spaces at a
time and to which spaces may vary over the lifetime
of an agent. Mobility in this sense is provided in
a ‘pi-calculus’ manner (Milner, 1999) in that links
may move rather than the physical running process.
Agents can save state and become ‘mobile’ when an-
other agent restores that state. We have not addressed
code mobility in the current implementation and this
remains low priority at this moment.
Agents themselves are anonymous and indepen-
dent of each other - there is no explicit control flow
other than that provided through preconditions to
agent actions. A coordination model based around ex-
pressing coordination structures as first-order entities
is being investigated, however we are more focussed
on collecting and reasoning over context. Control
flow can be made outside of the space through agents
explicitly sharing details of their external interfaces
through the space - this has been successfully used in
coordinating media streaming and storage devices via
and NoTA
for example.
Universal Plug and Play
Network onTerminal Architecture http://
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Space "A" Space "B"
Individual Brokers +
Information Stores
connections to spaces
Agents +
Control Flow
Figure 5: An Example Implementation Configuration.
The brokers each contain a corpus of information
and when linked together to form a space distribute
the information in an asymmetric manner - some in-
formation is not replicated because of computational
resources, connectivity, storage reasons and even le-
gal issues such as copyright. This distribution layer
is also responsible for the efficient distributed com-
putation of queries and marshalling the resultant re-
sponses such that calculating the deductive closure
can be made. In this manner we can distribute com-
plex computation away from the original agent over
the whole space.
This distribution can be used in a number of ways
and one of the most interesting for us is giving the
user temporary access to a larger body of information
which can be used to selectively enhance their current
corpus of information, for example, a body of linking
information based around the
(Passant, 2008). Other examples include personal ac-
cess to more dynamic corpii such as news, weather or
similar services.
We make no attempt to enforce consistency of the
information rather letting the writer of the informa-
tion have freedom to express what they want and leave
the interpretation to the reader. The semantics of the
information is merely intensional in that the writer
provides ‘clues’ through typing, tagging and other
means. Repair of information according to schemata
or other criterion can be enforced within the space and
for some kinds of information would even be desir-
able. If consistency of particular structures is required
then this can be achieved through agent implementa-
tion and specific belief revision models.
In summary we believe that the Semantic Web will
move from being a global information corpus to mul-
tiple, individual, linked and personal corpii. Seman-
tics, reasoning and processing about the information
will be localised and personalised within these corpii.
As corpii are shared, linked, merged and split, certain
schemata will coalesce and evolute into fixed or stan-
dard structures in an evolutionary form.
There are still questions regarding what precisely
is semantics and how this is preserved across informa-
tion structures but techniques do exist for reasoning
about this and the related graph/information prove-
nance problems and these are currently being imple-
mented and trialled within the framework we have de-
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems