Towards Declarative Electronic Decision Support Systems Focusing on
Patient Security
Kerstin Ådahl, Jenny Lundberg and Rune Gustavsson
Department of Interaction and Systems Design, Blekinge Institute of Technology, 37225, Ronneby, Sweden
Keywords: Semantics, Health-care support systems, Info sense, Rule-based models, Meta-information.
Abstract: The main contribution in this paper is a structured approach supporting validated quality of information
sharing in Health Care settings. Protocols, at different system levels, are used as a method to design and
implement intelligible information sharing structures. Our approach can preferably be seen as a context
dependant information modelling framework that could be implemented using, e.g., web 2.0 techniques in a
professional context. The main challenge is how to trustworthy convey and analyze the huge amounts of
information available in Health Care contexts. Our innovative information health channel concept provides
an approach to analyze and structure information as well as a contextual support towards increasing patient
Health Care must be adequate, safe, secure, and
efficient. Deficiencies in information transferring
and sharing activities, verbal as well as written,
might jeopardize patient security and impair the
quality of care. Quality of information sharing is
important, not least in domiciliary care, where
delegations of tasks often are necessary.
The following Figure 1 captures some main
challenges to be addressed in order to ensure patient
security in future distributed health care.
Health care team
Innovative health information sharing Channel
-Trustworthy conveying of representations of informatio
- Support of workflows
- Support of detection, analysis, and repair of break-do
- Support of validation of procedures (protocols)
- Support of learning in teams
Figure 1: Challenges and requirements of Innovative
Health sharing channels.
In the figure we have denoted the information
sharing media as Innovative Health Care Channel
(IHCC). The main purpose of the IHCC is to enable
empowerment of professionals or patients to ensure
increased patient security. Empowerment of patients
might include insights in how to change behaviour
to stay healthy or to support trustworthy
rehabilitation measures. Empowerment in healthcare
teams will increase quality of healthcare teams by,
e.g., supporting learning and debriefing of cases.
From Figure 1 we note that the first challenge of
building and maintaining IHCC concerns trust-
worthy conveying of representations of information
by the channel. To that end we have to address
information and information sharing in contexts, i.e.,
interpretation of representation by teams of human
agents (Section 2.1). The second challenge focus on
support of workflows or transactions between
situations. The third challenge focus on support of
detection, analysis, and repair of breakdowns. The
forth challenge focus on support of validation of
procedures (protocols) and work practises. The fifth
challenge focus on learning in teams. Obviously the
last three challenges are instrumental in improving
patient security but they are critically dependant on
a proper understanding and solutions of the first two
In Sweden, it is a duty to report incidents that
are, potentially or directly, risks for patients safety
(Lex Maria). However, Ödegård (2006) proves in a
study that local, as well as national, reporting
systems result in insufficient information about risks
Ådahl K., Lundberg J. and Gustavsson R. (2009).
INNOVATIVE HEALTH CARE CHANNELS - Towards Declarative Electronic Decision Support Systems Focusing on Patient Security.
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002156004230426
in an activity. Accordingly, complementary methods
and additional instruments for the existing reporting
systems are necessary in order to offer secure and
safe domiciliary care: both for care recipients and
care providers.
Personnel from the domiciliary care, working
close to the individual care recipient, is an especially
exposed party of health care since they in practise
work without satisfying supporting- and security
systems. An important function of a supporting
system is to minimize undesirable variations of the
quality of care (NICE 2007) with the aim of
facilitating and securing care.
Foundations for a decision support system might
be common directions, quality registers, decision
bases like national guiding principles, nursing
programs, routines, PM or constitutions. If a
supporting system, aiming at supporting health care
professionals, should contribute to and develop
evidence based care, it must first of all be grounded
in systematically collected, inspected and compound
knowledge. Regarding this requirement, there are
large deficiencies in available supporting systems of
today. To find a solution to this problem, we are
aiming at analyzing and developing rule based
semantic context dependent prototypes for
development and assessment of Declarative
Electronic Decision Support Systems (DDSS) that
are in fact instances of IHCC of Figure 1.
DDSS is an example of Professional Empower-
ment, a complementary direction related to the
worldwide movement of Patient Empowerment.
This paper describes our planning work with such an
innovative Health Care Channel.
The remaining part of the paper is organized as
follows. In Section 2 the concept of IHCC and the
nature of information are discussed in some detail.
Section 3 is focusing on basic requirements of
DDSS and some clarifications of the requirements
and challenges stated in Figure 1. Section 4
concludes this paper and gives some pointer to the
future. Section 5 gives some references.
Quality of Health Care is grounded in quality and
trustworthiness of information and information flow.
Break downs or misses in information flow causes
multiple incidents and accidents every year
worldwide. A conservative estimate for the
industrialized world is that between 6-10% of all
patients suffer from care related injuries, sometimes
causing deaths. In Sweden, frequent Lex Maria
Cases and reports to the HSAN (Medical
Responsibility Board) indicate extended deficiencies
of information flow, information interpretation or
other information related faults in care. The
National Board of Health and Welfare concludes, in
a set of reports regarding Patient Security (Social-
styrelsen 2008) that insufficient communication and
information breakdowns are most frequent regarding
causes for injuries in Health Care.
It is quite evident that there is a lack of
robustness in how health related information is
handled. Our suggestion is to provide a framework
for an Innovative Health Care Channel (Figure 1),
supporting trustworthy communication. By such a
channel, systematically collected, inspected and
compound information is available for use in Health
Care situations. In the next section (2.1) we will
clarify how our perspective on Information as a
concept has influenced our proposal.
2.1 A Model of Innovative Health Care
Situation Theory, originally presented by Barwise &
Perry (1983) and elaborated by Keith Devlin (1991,
2001), constitutes a foundation for our approach.
Situation Theory addresses the contexts of
information to support automatization of information
flow possible taking into account its meaning.
Situation Theory clarifies the important distinction
between information and representation. Information
is representation of information, interpreted by a
human agent and appropriate context.
Representations of information are interpreted by
human, or machines, following appropriate
procedures for encoding and decoding. Procedures
can, and often is, built on experiences and learning
over time. This is valid not at least for medical
information that is quite complicated to understand,
given a representation (texts), and requires a context
to be fully intelligible and used by a human agent or
a team.
Patient and Professional Empowerment are both
focusing on providing necessary context to enable
proper information extraction out of its
representations at hand (being text, video, film,
recordings, and so on). Patient Empowerment,
defined as”the increasing ability of patients to
actively understand, participate in and influence
their health status” (Degoulet et al in Nelson & Ball
2004), is pointing at the importance of co-operation
in health care; between patients and professionals.
ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
On the other hand, Professional Empowerment is
highly topical. The goal must be to match the
meaning of information between the sender and the
receiver but as every interpretation differs from the
others (Devlin 2001), it is not conceivable to attain
exact understanding, but as close as possible (Ådahl
Considering the second challenge of Figure 1, we
focus on support of workflows or transactions
between situations. Information occurs in a context
(situations) and should be interpreted dependent on
each specific situation, connected to meta-level types
of situations, to support information transactions.
However, it is important to exhaustively identify
workflow in health care in order to build information
channels for co-operation and secure information
exchange (Lundberg 2007). The third challenge of
Figure 1 is support of detection, analysis, and repair
of breakdowns. To avoid breakdowns in the
transactions between situations and strengthen
patient security, robust channels supporting
information exchange is essential.
Rule based systems are a useful model for
implementation of knowledge based systems (KBS)
and also support knowledge management. However,
the proper translation from the high-level, situation
type workflow support design of previous section is
still not clear, since we are in fact abstracting away
the semantic context into a syntactic context
(Lundberg-Gustavsson, 2009).
The logical conclusions drawn from the known
rules cannot capture the complete situation.
However, a shared awareness of the intended
context by the users, e.g., health care professionals,
supported by system implementation guidelines, as
well as complementary documentation such as
active documents and active databases, expressed
using suitable ontologies is a starting point for
designing and implementing a IHCC (Figure 2).
Furthermore, the middle box in Figure 2,
referring to Services, structured information and
meta-information, focusing on those aspects should
be a realistic strategy towards enabling more robust
transactions between situations. We consider the
possibilities to use a rule based approach for the
IHCC in order to develop a DDSS.
Fundamentally, this information is validated by
Rule base
structured information and meta-information
Infrastructure for configurable mobile or stationary
networks for distance bridging work and information
sharing. Access points: TV, Mobile phones, Netbooks,
smartphones etc.
Figure 2: Architecture for Innovative Health Care
highlighting the intentions behind the data flowing
(representations) and this must be executed in
relation to context. Medical information is extremely
vital and mistakes by using invalidated and not
quality secured information from unreliable sources
might be lethal. Assigning an administrative person
as information analyst could be very risky and
would mirror a lack of understanding of the
importance that information analysis play in a
medical profession. However using only the most
medical competent persons in this position could
create bottlenecks. Having addressed Challenges 1
and 2 of Figure 1, we now return to Challenges 3, 4
and 5 of the same figure.
The third challenge is a focus on support of
detection, analysis, and repair of breakdowns. The
DDSS should support health care professionals in
work flow, preventing information breakdowns from
happen. Confirmation devices such as
acknowledgement, continued attention etc. can be
used as a starting point to consider further similar
tools appropriate in Health Care context.
The forth challenge focus on support of
validation of procedures (protocols). This challenge
concerns the predefined procedures of how to
perform a certain health activity. The activity
performed with the use of computer support (rule
based) is to be validated according to the logic in the
The fifth challenge focus on learning in teams.
For example, the web 2.0 solution concerns team
members exchanging opinions about a certain report,
drug, treatment or a certain activity performed.
Accordingly to the analysis above, a suitable
architecture for IHCC such as DDSS is presented in
Figure 3. The infrastructure for configurable mobile
INNOVATIVE HEALTH CARE CHANNELS - Towards Declarative Electronic Decision Support Systems Focusing on
Patient Security
or stationary networks enables services with
structured information and meta-information, to be
accessed by human agents. The rule base with
connected inference engine constitutes the core for
the declarative reasoning. Ontologies connected is a
vital part in the team learning, with reference to the
fifth challenge, since the different roles have
different corresponding terminology, definitions as
well as perspective upon the same issue.
To implement semantics (i.e. meaning) in the
system, information about information is needed as a
“pointer” to situations. In this matter, meta-
information needs to be considered, to transform
data (uninterpreted information) into context
dependent information, to be interpreted by human
minds. One possible way to make a rule-based
system situation dependant is to implement possible
situations, thus following the spirit of Lenats Cyc
project (Lenat, Guha, 1990). Restricting the focus
area and consider different perspectives and
situations and validate them, we can approach a
suitable solution. Adding data from mobile devices
used close to the situation and open up for informal
communication possibilities between team members
is a possible way to consider. Furthermore, we also
consider the accessibility perspective with situation
and domain dependant search structures (Antoniou
and Harmelen, 2004).
In this paper we have presented an approach towards
IHCC. We state that information in health care must
be viewed as situation dependent and that the
representations at hand for the teams of users have to
be augmented by common ground semantics to
enable the intended Professional of Patient
Empowerment. Mistakes concerning patient security
are frequently reported to HSAN (Medical
Responsibility Board) in Sweden every year and, to
a large extent, many depend on information
breakdowns. Accordingly, we have identified five
Challenges to meet the requirements of IHCC
(Figure 1). A rule based solution, DDSS, to enable
development of prototypes for selected scenarios are
the present focus for further investigations.
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ICEIS 2009 - International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems