Lalit Kumar, Abhay Bansal, Dinesh Ganotra and Neeraj Jain
Newgen Software Technologies Limited, A-6, Satsang Vihar Marg, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi–110067 India
Keywords: Binarization, Thinning, Skeleton, Local Coupling Point, LCP, ICR, OCR, Offline Signature Verification.
Abstract: Image thinning, while preserving geometrical properties of the image, remains one of the most challenging
areas in Image Processing. In this paper, we introduce an image thinning approach that takes as input gray
scale images and produces binary thinned images as output. Our approach uses bi-directional iterative
thinning process to get single-pixel-thinned image (primary skeleton), while preserving the geometric
properties of the image. The gray scale image is binarized using dyamic threshold, and further processed to
remove noise. Black pixels are classified as contour pixels (pixels exposed to the background) and body
pixels (black pixels other than the contour pixels). Thinning process involves scanning contour pixels from
two opposite directions simultaneously, while preserving Local Coupling Points (LCP) and removing the
rest of pixels.
Thinning of images is a fundamental requirement in
a wide range of application areas, such as Courtesy
Amount Recognition and Legal Amount
Recognition (CAR, LAR) (
Lecce et al., 2000),
Handwritten Signature verification (Ammar et al.,
1986), Optical Character Recognition(Cowell and
Hussain, 2003), Fingerprint Classification (Mehtre,
1993), Printed Circuit Boards (El Mesbahi and
Chaibi, 1993), etc.
A number of algorithms implementing various
approaches for thinning of images have been
proposed. The algorithms are broadly divided into
two categories: iterative and non-iterative. Iterative
algorithms repeatedly apply a procedure on the input
image till the skeleton image is obtained. On the
contrary, non-iterative algorithms take a set of
predetermined parameters and try to obtain primary
skeleton in a single iteration (Neuslds and
Olszewski, 1994).
The iterative algorithms are further divided into
two sub-categories, sequential and parallel. In
sequential algorithms all the pixels are considered to
take decision for a single pixel. On the other hand, in
parallel algorithms (Ubeda, 1993), (Hang and Wang,
1994) individual pixels can be independently judged
for decision-making. The proposed algorithm is a
combination of sequential and parallel approach.
In the past decade, a number of algorithms have
been proposed for thinning of gray scale images.
Most of these deal with simple images, such as
handwritten characters and machine-printed text in
specific languages (Ahmed et al., 2002). Few
approaches effectively deal with complex images
such as signatures while at the same time preserving
the intricate shapes of such images. For example,
both Han’s algorithm (Datta and Parui, 1994) and
Datta’s algorithm (Han et al., 1997) are able to
preserve the shapes of the simple objects, but split
the edges into spurious branches. Shape preservation
is a key requirement for off-line signature
verification. This paper targets the thinning of
signature image while preserving geometrical
features, such as long strokes, curves cross points,
and end points. With threshold changes, the
proposed approach would find extensive use in
application areas, such as detecting the CAR-LAR
amount and enhancing the ICR engines’ accuracy in
reading text written with thick pen.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2.1
deals with preprocessing that includes binarization
of image and noise removal. Section 2.2 deals with
the classification of the black pixels as Local
Coupling Point (LCP) and body pixels. In section 3,
experimental results are discussed.
Kumar L., Bansal A., Ganotra D. and Jain N.
DOI: 10.5220/0002156700900095
In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2009), page
ISBN: 978-989-8111-69-2
2009 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The following conventions are used in the paper:
G Graph
M Matrix
n Number of elements
V One dimensional vector
Element at xth column and yth row of
matrix M
The proposed algorithm uses an iterative thinning
process that preserves the geometrical features in
complex images. The algorithm is based on the
concept of classifying pixels as LCP and preserving
For understanding LCP, consider a graph G
the form of an nxn matrix, where nodes are
represented by black pixels and edges by connected
black pixels. For a 3×3 matrix, there exists only one
interior node, M
connected to all exterior nodes.
We define an LCP as an interior node, which
when removed causes discontinuity in graph, G; i.e.,
a path, which traces all the exterior nodes, cannot be
established without including the LCP.
Figure 1(a)(i) represent the 3x3 pixels matrix, M,
where M
is the pixel to be checked for LCP;
(a)(ii) represents M in the form of a graph where
, M
, M
, and M
corresponds to 1, c, 2,
and 3 nodes of graph G
respectively. If node c is
removed, as shown in (a)(iii), there is no connection
between nodes 1, 2, and 3. So, M
is an LCP. On
the other hand, in Figure 1(b)(iii), even if we remove
node c, there exists a path connecting nodes 1, 2, 3
and 4, and therefore M
is not an LCP.
(i) (ii) (iii)
(i) (ii) (iii)
Figure 1: (i) 3×3 Pixel matrices, M; (ii) Graphs of matrices
represented as nodes and edges; (iii) Graphs of matrices
with nodes ‘c’ removed.
2.1 Preprocessing
All gray scale images are binarized with the use of
the modified Niblack algorithm (Chandra et al.,
2007). This algorithm works fine for handwritten-
text images. Once we obtain the binarized image, a
noise removal algorithm is applied to clean the
spatial noise (small components having size of 1-3
pixels). A simple 5x5 morphological filter is applied
to achieve this.
2.2 Identification of Local Coupling
Identifying an LCP involves the following steps:
i. Calculate the number of adjacent Black&-
White-pixels pairs.
ii. If 3×3 pixels matrix has more than one
adjacent black-&-white-pixels pair, then
apply template matching. Template
matching is explained in section 2.2.2.
2.2.1 Black-&-White-Pixel Pairs
In a 3×3 mask, we represent all the elements of
except M
as a vector, V
, as shown in
Figure 2. Next, we count the number of transitions
from ‘0’ to ‘1’ or ‘1’ to ‘0’ (‘1’ represents black and
‘0’ represents white) considering each pixel only
once. As shown in figure 2, there are three
0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
Figure 2: (i) 3x3 Pixels matrix, M; (ii) Vector
representation, V
of M.
2.2.2 Template Matching
Template matching for M
can be done by two
methods. In the first method, an exhaustive search is
done, where M
is matched
with predefined
templates, pixel by pixel, as shown in Figure 3. If a
perfect match is found, M
is not an LCP. Such an
exhaustive search is not efficient. Improvement can
be achieved by categorizing the templates on the
basis of number of black pixels that surround M
2 3
2 3
3 4
3 4
Figure 3: LCP templates based on the number of
connected pixels; first set of templates with two black
pixels connected to the central pixel, second set with three
connected pixel, and so on.
The cases where seven surrounding pixels are
connected to the central pixel is not considered
because for such a case all the possible templates
will not be LCP.
The alternate method is to represent M(x,y), in
the form of a number between 0-255, and check the
value in the Lookup table Li (Table 1) to determine
whether the pixel under consideration is an LCP.
This is discussed next.
Assume that M(x,y)=0 denotes a white pixel, and
M(x,y)=1 denotes a black pixel. Represent exterior
pixels of M(x,y), using byte data type, B, where
each bit, bi, of B corresponds to the exterior pixel of
M(x,y), that is b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, and b8
correspond to M(1,1), M(1,2), M(1,3), M(2,3),
M(3,3), M(3,2), M(3,1), and M(2,1) respectively.
Calculate the decimal equivalent, D, of B. Look for
the value at Dth index in Lookup Table, Li. If LD is
1, M(2,2) is an LCP, otherwise not. For example, as
shown in Figure 2, binary representation of B is
, and equivalent decimal representation,
D, is 10710
. As L107 is 0, M(2,2) is not an LCP.
For thinning, all the pixels, which lie on the
contour of the image, are removed. For the strokes
that have single pixel width, single-pixel lines are
preserved to prevent any discontinuity. This is
discussed next.
In the first step, all the black pixels are classified
either as boundary pixels or body pixels.
i. A Boundary pixel is one that is exposed to the
background, i.e., a pixel having at least one white
pixel among eight neighbourhood pixels (Top,
Bottom, Left, Right, Top-Right, Right-Bottom,
Bottom-Left, and Left-Right).
ii. A Body pixel is one that is completely
surrounded by the eight black pixels in its immediate
In the second step, LCPs are identified among
boundary pixels. All Boundary pixels and LCPs are
labelled as black pixels, as shown in Figure 5 and
Figure 6 respectively.
The third step involves performing a row-wise
scan, and removing those boundary pixels, which are
adjacent to the body pixel and are not an LCP.
These three steps are performed iteratively until
no body pixels can be found, or further boundary
pixels cannot be removed.
The pseudo code for this algorithm is presented
Algorithm1: Basic thinning pseudo code.
Mark all the boundary pixels and body pixels
While ((body pixels exist) And (Boundary pixels can be
If pixel under consider (is adjacent to body pixel)
And (Not a LCP) Then
Remove the pixel under consideration.
Do not remove the pixel
End If
End While
Figure 4: (a) Input image (b) Thinned image.
The method results in a thinned image as shown
in Figure 4. However, some applications need one-
pixel-thick image that can be segmented in disjoint
polylines. This is discussed next.
For a pixel to be categorised as body pixel, the
constraints are relaxed. If a pixel is surrounded by
VISAPP 2009 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
three black pixels from four immediate
neighbourhood pixels (Top, Bottom, Left, Right), it
is categorised as a body pixel. Subsequently, T-
shaped body pixels are obtained, as shown in Figure
Next, an iterative row scan is performed, and
boundary pixels, adjacent to T-shaped body pixels,
are removed until no T-shaped body pixel exists or
further boundary pixels cannot be removed.
The more the body pixel condition is relaxed,
more thinned image is obtained. If the condition is
relaxed so that a pixel is considered a body pixel if it
is connected to two neighbourhood pixels (one pixel
at Top or Bottom, and other at Left or Right), L-
shaped pixels are obtained, as shown in Figure 5(b).
In this manner, a single-pixel-thinned image is
Figure 5: (a) T-shaped pixels (b) L-shaped pixels.
Algorithm 2: Single-pixel thinning pseudo code.
Mark all the boundary pixels and body pixels
b_pixels Å body pixels
While ((b_pixels exist) And (Boundary pixels can be
If pixel under consideration (is adjacent to body pixel)
And (Not an LCP) Then
Remove the pixel under consideration.
Do not remove the pixel
End If
End While
Mark all the boundary pixels and T-shaped pixels
b_pixels Å T-shaped pixels
Go to step2
If (no more boundary pixels can be removed)
Remove all the T-shaped body pixels
End If
Mark all the boundary pixels and L-shaped pixels
b_pixels Å L-shaped pixels
Go to step2
If (no more boundary pixels can be removed)
Remove all the L-shaped body pixels
End If
(b) (c)
Figure 6: (a) Original image; (b) Boundary pixels, marked
as black, are checked whether they are LCP. If a boundary
pixel is not a LCP, then it is removed; (c) LCP pixels
marked as black, and rest of the boundary pixels to be
removed marked as gray. The complete process is
repeatedly performed until non-LCP boundary pixels
(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv)
(i) (ii)
(iii) (iv) (v)
(vi) (vii) (viii)
(ix) (b) (c)
Figure 7: (a) Pass I, steps (i) to (iv); (b) Pass II, steps (i) to
(ix); (c) Pass III.
The results, for every step of each pass of the
algorithm on a signature image, are shown in Figure
7. As can be seen, the algorithm takes four iterations
to complete Pass I. Pass II consist of nine iterations
to remove T-shaped boundary pixels. Finally, pass
III takes a single iteration to remove L-shaped
Thinning algorithms are usually evaluated on four
parameters: connectivity preservation, skeleton
width, robustness to noise, and information
preservation. In addition to the above parameters, we
consider some other important aspects, such as
preservation of edges and robustness of the
algorithm to complex structures.
A large number of thinning algorithms that have
been proposed are inflicted with basic problems. For
example, the output of Datta’s algorithm (Datta and
Parui, 1994) has spurious branches. Another
example is Han’s algorithm (Han et al., 1997),
which certainly is an improvement over Datta’s
algorithm as it can remove spurious branches, but
skeleton width is the major problem. Moreover the
test patterns taken for Han’s are simple machine
printed characters that are less prone to noise and
irregular shapes at the ends. Further, the algorithm
by Lei Huang (Hunag et al., 2003) effectively
handles both the above problems, however, it is not
able to preserve the shapes of more complex images,
such as handwritten signatures. It also does not offer
user the flexibility of selecting the skeleton width.
The approach presented in our paper solves a
number of potential problems including those
mentioned previously, such as spurious branches,
noise, shape preservation, etc., while at the same
time it effectively and efficiently addresses
requirements of custom skeleton width selection and
thinning of complex structures.
In Figure 8, some handwritten signature images
and their corresponding thinned images, obtained by
our method, are shown.
The proposed algorithm is highly efficient. It is
easy to implement using programming languages,
such as C, which support bit-wise operators. The
algorithm’s superior performance is due to the use of
two unique approaches, a) Vector representation
followed by matching with look-up table, and b)
template matching. Leveraging these two
techniques, the algorithm provides unmatched
flexibility in processing images containing
handwritten signatures. The method has been tested
Figure 8: Original and thinned images.
with Grupo de Procesado Digital de Senales”
(GPDS) Signature Database (2016 images)
(Martinez et al., 2004). The average time taken for
the random set of 100 images (300x250) on Pentium
IV 2.5 GHz, 512MB RAM is approximately 9
This paper presents an approach for thinning as well
as shape preservation of more complex structures,
such as handwritten signatures. The result presented
here clearly demonstrates that the proposed
method/algorithm is not only time efficient but also
preserves information.
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Table 1: Detailed Lookup table snippet.
Table 2: Detailed Lookup table snippet.
Decimal Representation Is LCP
0-2, 4, 8-11, 16-19, 25-27, 32-47, 49-51,
57-59, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72-76, 78, 80, 82,
85, 88, 90, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104-108,
110, 114, 117, 121-122, 127-128, 130,
132, 134, 136-140, 142, 144-148, 150,
152-156, 158, 160-180, 182, 184-188,
190-191, 194, 196, 198, 200-204, 206,
210, 218, 223, 226, 228-232, 242, 250
3, 5-7, 12-15, 20-24, 28-31, 48, 52-56,
60-63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 77, 79, 81, 83-84,
86-87, 89, 91-95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 109,
111-113, 115-116, 118-120, 123-126,
129, 131, 133, 135, 141, 143, 149, 151,
157, 159, 181, 183, 189, 192-193, 195,
197, 199, 205, 207-209, 211-217, 219-
222, 224-225, 227, 233-241, 243-249,