A Basis for a Novel, Self-Organized and Sustainable (e)Learning Culture?
Fritz Nestle
Institute of Mathematics/Informatics, University of Education, Reuteallee 46, D 71634 Ludwigsburg, Germany
Nikolaus Nestle
Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, TU Darmstadt, Hochschulstraße 7, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany
BASF SE Ludwigshafen, D-67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany
Keywords: e-Learning, e-Testing, Open content, Educational standards, Evaluation, Wikipedia.
Abstract: Based on the assumption that educational standards can be operationally defined by pools of specific testing
items properties of such item pools are discussed. The main suggestion of the paper is that pools of testing
items defining a standard should be free accessible in internet, that they provide immediate feedback in form
of scores and that certified results should be equivalent to results of classroom work. For the development of
the item pools, web-2.0-type methods can be much more effective than closed expert groups and item
evaluation by statistic methods.. Finally the consequences of such transparent community-legitimated
standards for the future role of teachers and future forms of learning environments are discussed.
Present attention of both teaching professionals and
the general public towards e-learning and e-testing
seems somewhat unbalanced: On google, about 200
times more hits are found for e-learning than for e-
testing. This may lead to the conclusion that there is
much more interest into tools to support learning
than into ways to test the success of learning and the
actual topics that should be learned. Norms and
standards in education are even harshly criticized as
“teaching to the test” while autonomous “learning to
the test” may be one of the most important “soft
skills” in the future.
The established way of learning in secondary
education is still the classical teacher-in-classroom
paradigm in which both the presentation of
knowledge and the control of learning progress are
done as a more or less not standardized “batch
process” with a groop of 10 to 50 learners. Even if
there is a well-thought syllabus behind this learning
model, both learning and testing items and the
respective assessment often seem arbitrary and
planless to the learners – and there’s quite a bit of
empirical evidence that this impression is not even
wrong (European Commission, 2008).
In many countries such as Germany, sucess in
this kind of arbitrary learning and learning control
environment has a great impact on the learners’
future development such as admission to university
studies. The school system’s monopoly on this is
almost complete and unchallenged – hardly an
egalitarian and democratic access to educational
opportunities. Recently, the school system’s absolute
power in Germany was even increased by
introducing a number of required classroom hours in
secondary school for university access (EQF, 2008;
KMK, 2006) – instead of introducing a catalog of
required qualifications for university access. In other
countries such as Finland, the US or Brasil, a
common standard of competences for university
access is either secured by central tests for
graduation from secondary schools or by University
entrance exams that my be run nationally (such as
the SAT in the US) or by the individual universities.
In such exams, competences are tested instead of the
way the candidate has had to learn these
competences. If the testing criteria are transparent,
this approach offers much better chances for equal
opportunities than the school-based model as
Nestle F. and Nestle N. (2009).
COMMUNITY-LEGITIMATED e-TESTING - A Basis for a Novel, Self-Organized and Sustainable (e)Learning Culture?.
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 460-465
DOI: 10.5220/0002157204600465
preparation for the exams may also be done by self-
organized learning and does not completely depend
on the success in a school system with arbitrary
learning and testing processes. (The existence of
such external exams nevertheless may even lead to
the establishment of special schools that aim at a
good preparation for the exams. As such schools
tend to be costly private schools the failure of the
public school system to prepare for the entrance
exam may again lead to seriously unequal
opportunities; this is for example the case in Brazil.)
In the first half of the last century, norms and
standards have been developed in many fields of
industrial goods (e.g. 1917 the DIN norms in
Germany, international norms: ISA since 1926 and
1947 ISO norms supported by the United Nations).
In addition to basic engineering norms for material
properties or threads of screws also more abstract
issues such as the classification of books and other
printed products (ISO 2108 covering the
International Standard Book Numbering ISBN),
layout of documents (ISO 2145 Numbering of
divisions and subdivisions in written documents)
and a multitude of other even more complex testing
and certification problems are internationally
standardized. The procedures for the creation of ISO
norms consist of many different steps involving
experts and committees to ensure norms and test
methods based on sound expertise and with broad
acceptance in the communities affected.
Norms and standards improve or even enable
intersubjective comparability of industrial goods.
Like that, they also provide a basis for exchange of
manufactured goods over large distances as
customers can expect well-defined product quality
and properties. This holds true both for simple goods
as shoes as well as complicated manufacturing
equipment. In both cases, standardization doesn’t
mean uniformity: rather, the customer has a wide
choice between different products and is not forced
to accept a dedicated one-off.
In the educational sector, generally accepted
norms are still an exception. Examples are tests like
TOEFL or SAT which are offered by ETS in the
United States and even frequently used by
universities outside the US in order to assess e.g. a
candidate’s proficiency in English.
In the absence of transparent standards learning
progress and even more so learning results cannot
really be objectively judged. Therefore, the learner is
left with very limited possibilities to assess his or her
learning progress. This, in turn, makes self-
organized learning almost impossible. Nevertheless,
self-organized learning is often more effective than
school-based learning which is also often not very
sustainable. A strong focus on exams obtained by
school-based learning is therefore especially difficult
for mature students and other learners with
unconventional educational biographies who might
find themselves shut-out from educational
opportunities despite better qualifications than the
graduates of the conventional school system.
In countries like Germany where a poorly
standardized school graduation exam is the main
requirement for access to university education,
universities often organize pre-term courses to catch
up with elementary deficits from school education –
regardless whether the required skills were not
taught at all or not taught sustainably. For school
graduates who go for vocational training instead of
college education the regional Chambers of
Commerce and Industry (IHK) organize entry exams
which are not standardized even on the state level
and where the test items are usually not made
publicly transparent.
Like this, there is the paradox situation that the
skill levels of new employees are much less
standardized than more or less everything else in
industrial production. The development of
community-legitimated sets of subject-specific
transparent tests may offer a way out of this paradox
situation and encourage self organized (life long)
learning (EQF, 2008).
2.1 Definition of Educational
Standards by Subject-specific Test
Almost all cognitive qualifications which are taught
and learned on the secondary school level can be
tested by appropriate test items. It even may be
much more appropriate to define educational
standards by means of classes of test items than by
abstract verbal descriptions such as those presently
used in Germany’s so-called national educational
standards (KMK, 2003).
Classical test psychology is based on tests which
consist of items which are chosen from an item pool
according to a statistical test model (e.g. the Rasch
model). The validity of tests and test items is
assessed on the basis of the test model. The strict
COMMUNITY-LEGITIMATED e-TESTING - A Basis for a Novel, Self-Organized and Sustainable (e)Learning Culture?
obsvervance of this statistical model may lead to
didactically problematic results as „too difficult“ or
„too simple“ items may never make it into the item
pool as they are eliminated during the pilot runs of
the test even if they should be included from the
didactical point of view. For example, the
multiplication with 0 was eliminated from a
mastery-learning-oriented elementary multiplication
test as it was wrongly answered by too many
learners who obviously were not taught it along with
the remaining multiplication rules. Like that,
didactical failures dictate the item pool instead of
using a didactically sound item pool to identify
possible deficits in elementary multiplication
Another problem with the item pool in standard
test psychology is the practice to keep the item pool
itself secret in order to prevent candidates from
“learning the right answers” to the item pool. While
this may be a good practice in actual psychological
tests such as IQ tests, this secrecy of the item pool is
also uncritically taken over for tests in secondary
education where learning is the actual goal. Keeping
learning objectives secret is therefore highly
contraproductive. This is especially true in those
fields in which test items with numerical answers
can be created automatically with random
parameters so that it is impossible to “learn” the
results for individual test items (Nestle et al. 2007).
We therefore suggest an alternative use of item
pools in secondary education and entry level college
education: Open, community-legitimated item pools
that serve both as a operational definition of an
educational standard and as a transparent pool of test
The production and maintenance of open item
pools can be organized in a similar way as open
source software development or web 2.0 projects
such as wikipedia: These projects are not run and
organized by a closed small panel of experts but by
an open community that produces, discusses and
evaluates the contributions to the project.
Based on this approach, wikipedia has developed
within a few years into a comprehensive and
multilingual encyclopedia of a quality that meets or
even exceeds the standard set by established
encyclopedias such as the Encyclopedia Britannica
or the German Brockhaus. The content in wikipedia
is not only freely available to all users but all users
can modify the entries or initiate new entries when
they consider the available information incorrect or
incomplete. All changes are documented and other
users can control, discuss or reject them. For
controversial cases, the community has developed
moderation and mediation procedures. This system
has proven to be remarkable stable against biased
manipulations even by powerful players such as big
companies. Wikipedia therefore provides an
example for the successful production, maintenance,
evaluation and legitimation of content and
knowledge by an open community. The processes of
Wikipedia may serve as a model for the generation
of a comprehensive item pool.
Similarly, open source software projects such as
Linux or OpenOffice provide successful alternatives
to commercial software packages and even offer
better stability that those products. A major reason
for this is the large community that contributes in
identifying and fixing poorly functioning parts of the
A common feature in open source software and
web 2.0 projects such as wikipedia is the free
accessibility of the software and/or he content under
the GNU public licence. Nevertheless, this public
accessibility does not necessarily mean that all
activities in the field are done in a non-for-profit
parallel world. Donations to the developer
communities allow the establishment of professional
management structures for most of the larger
projects and services around the programs also
might be profit-oriented (e.g. installation support or
customization of the programs or user trainings).
Similarly, certified qualifications based on
community-based standards may be offered for
profit. This could provide a sound basis for funding
the activities and infrastructure needed to support the
creation of such communities and standards.
Furthermore, courses to support learners in their
studies for a specific test module may be offered on
a commercial basis. However, the existence of such
courses would be an indicator of the failure of public
schools to support the community legitimated
standards and an adaptation of the public school
system to the standards would be a more desirable
development. Nevertheless, the experience with
university entrance tests in countries like France and
Brasil seems to indicate that the existence of such
tests also opens up good business opportunities for
preparatory schools.
2.2 The Vision: Bringing
Community-legitimated Standards
to Work
In order to make community-legitimated standards
really work, some requirements concerning the
nature of the item pools, the accessibility and the
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
documentation of work with the item pool must be
2.2.1 Test Items
Main requirements for test item pools accessible via
the internet should be the following:
Sufficiently large item pools: If test items are
randomly chosen from a large item pool,
learning individual test item results by heart is
no longer realistic
Items must allow automatic evaluation of user
input. In most cases this doesn’t actually
restrict the formulation of test items. Possible
forms of test items may be cloze tests,
multiple choice answers or restricted free
answers (e.g. numerical values). The correct
answers may be static or dependent on random
generated numerical or string values. The
latter case is preferable. In addition to the
correctness of the user’s results, also the time
needed for working through the test items is
recorded and a score is calculated from the
time and correctness. Various individual and
general score lists for each set of items are
kept and published in order to provide the user
with feedback both on his or her own learning
progress and the comparison to the general
learners’ community.
Commenting and rating possibilities for each
item. The user rating for the items (along with
a teachers’ and graduates’ rating) will be used
to evaluate and legitimate the items.
Compared to the statistical model, this
approach is more transparent and flexible.
Authoring systems that support all these
requirements are available. An example is eExercise
(Nestle et al., 2007).
2.2.2 Access
The access to the item pool may either be free (if
sponsoring/advertisements or public funding is
available), or communities may charge a small
annual fee for the access. Various types of access to
the item pool must be provided:
Anonymous access with the possibility to view
and work through test items, receive feedback,
comment test items and suggest new test
items. Under this kind of access, learners can
train and test their learning level, and the
general public can gain an insight into the
respective standard.
Access for certified testing under registration.
Certified tests are to be done in an
environment where the identity of the
candidate and the independent work through
the test can be appropriate checked and
documented. The certified success in the test
must be considered equivalent to the
respective qualification from classical
Registered access to modify test items, suggest
new test items or test topics or delete or
regroup test items. This kind of access must
require a proof of qualification before
registration. Modifications and deletions of
test items are provisional for a fixed period in
which other users with the same rights can
contradict. If no contradiction occurs, the
deletion or modification is permanent.
All accesses to the item pool (anonymous,
registered candidate for certified exam or qualified
user modifying the item pool) are documented and
archived. This is a standard procedure in web 2.0
projects such as wikipedia, too. This offers on the
one hand novel possibilities for learning research
(Nestle et al., 2007) and provides a possibility to
identify destructive accesses to the item pool that
may need action such as retraction of access rights.
2.3 Consequences of
Community-legitimated Standards
The existence of a transparent data base of test items
has consequences for all actors in this educational
system as well as for the general public.
2.3.1 Consequences for Teachers
Presently, teachers are faced with a Herculean
cognitive and emotional challenge: Preparing
lessons and keeping their own skills in the subject up
to date by continuous education, permanent self
evaluation und evaluation of student's learning
performance and providing education in soft skills to
the students.
Evaluation their students’ learning progress takes
often more than 20 % of teachers’ working time.
Nevertheless, this work is done with a giant
uncertainity. For example different teachers may
judge student's work according to enormously
different standards. Therefore, the present teacher-
and-examiner classroom model allows no equal
opportunities for learners. Rather, there is a lot of
randomness in the assessment of students’ progress
that should not be accepted by a democratic and
egalitarian society.
COMMUNITY-LEGITIMATED e-TESTING - A Basis for a Novel, Self-Organized and Sustainable (e)Learning Culture?
If a community legitimated standard for
qualifications in a certain field is available, this will
make the teacher's role in this field much more
simple. First of all, the teacher won’t need to invest
a lot of time into the development and evaluation of
written exams any more. Furthermore, the teacher’s
work will become independent from parents’
pressure to give better marks to the students as the
standard for rating students’ performance will
become external and transparent. Instead of the
teacher-examiner role conflict, the teacher can
concentrate on the original art of teaching: helping
students learn and advising and challenging them in
the respective subject. Students may chose to accept
this help from the teacher or opt for self-organized
learning. Their performance in the test will be
dependent on their learning progress and not on their
relationship to the teacher or the teacher’s subjective
standard for the exams.
2.3.2 Consequences for Students
Students can check their learning progress without
observation by the teacher or their peers. Like this,
feedback on their performance will no longer be a
possibly fearful and embarrassing classroom
experience. Furthermore, students are free to choose
their own learning pace instead of being forced into
the rhythm of their class. Such self-organized
learning is much closer to most learning situations in
professional or other non-school contexts. Therefore,
open standards are much better to develop self-
organized learning as a key soft skill than usual
classroom learning.
Similarly, students can also choose more freely
the focus of their learning efforts than in classroom
learning bound to a teacher’s (maybe outdated)
interpretation of a (maybe outdated) syllabus. The
possibility to obtain certified proofs of qualifications
outside standard school subjects will be a great
incentive to students to learn special skills outside
traditional curricula. The existence of such
certification possibilities may even trigger the
demand for schools to adapt their curricula to
qualifications that many students or employers are
interested in. Like that, the selection of subjects at
schools will become much closer coupled to real life
than it is today.
2.3.3 Consequences for Society as a Whole
Certified exams based on community-legitimated
standards will provide less biased and more
transparent information on a persons’ skills and
qualifications than grades from traditional schooling.
Item pools on specialized subjects provide a new
flexibility for the establishment of qualification
profiles. Each social or economic group may provide
new educational objectives without fighting them
tiring processes in the administration of the public
school system. And new subjects can be chosen by
students who are interested in them instead of
forcing all students through curricula with very
limited possibilities for choice.
There is a lot of matters that are regularly
recommended for introduction as novel subjects at
school: economics, health education, psychology, …
Introducing all those subjects compulsory for all
students would lead to an unacceptable swelling of
classroom hours. Offering those subjects via
transparent item pools, allows students to decide
whether they are interested in the respective
qualifications or not. If there’s a real need for them
from universities’ or employers’ point of view, large
numbers of students may choose them and maybe
even trigger the demand for a support of those
subjects in the public school system.
Children up to age 12 are naturally eager to learn. To
conserve this motivation in classroom learning is a
still unsolved problem. By contrast, other contexts
that allow self-organized and active participation
result in the formation of large communities. In
addition to somewhat nerdish activities as open
source programming, online computer games have
formed large communities in which many people
around the globe invest a lot of time and creative
Such games often win the permanent battle for
attention and “learning” over other activities such as
studies, work or physical exercise. Like that, they
also pose a serious hazard to physical, mental and
social health of persons involved too heavily into
gaming. Nevertheless, they provide an interesting
example to study the formation and dynamics of
online communities and their certification systems.
An example: In less than four years the game
„World of Warcraft“ has grown into a worldwide
community of more than ten million people. These
gamers pay a substantial monthly fee – and most of
them spend 20 to 50 hours per week playing the
game. This time is lost for more productive
occupations as learning, music, other cultural events,
sports and so on.
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
A google search on 10. Januar 2009 produced
more than 600 000 hits to 'play world of warcraft',
but only 300 000 contributions to 'learn
mathematics'. ('learn math' with about 1,2 millions
of contributions lies in the same order). Obviously,
the attractivity of just this one online game is
comparable to a more than 2 000 years old cultural
The similarity between 'World of Warcraft'
(WOW) and our vision of community-bases
educational standards is the production and rating of
test items by a community. In WOW, the gamer can
choose and solve 'quests' to gain status in the WOW
community, and they also can develop and suggest
new quests themselves. The gamer's status in the
community depends on his gained 'level' and his
equipment. Solving quests is rewarded with level
and equipment. The rewarding system is transparent:
Gamers know in advance which quests will get them
which rewards. It's evident that WOW satisfies
elementary human desires which classic learning at
school does not serve. There is no problem with
addiction to learning, but online games may cause
serious addiction. Communities supporting open
educational standards are probably not going to be
addictive, nevertheless, they may still be more
motivating than classical schooling for some
At the moment community-based educational
standards on internet are a mere vision. It may share
the fate of most visions and remain an utopian
dream. Alternatively, it may also grow into reality.
A possible way to achieve this may be the
integration of community based open standards for
automatic exams into the Wikipedia family (maybe
as a workhorse for organizing exams and training
opportunities in Wikiversity).
Community-generated online content was not
invented by Wikipedia. Already 1993 Richard
Stallmann, founder of the GNU project and one of
the godfathers of open source programming, wrote:
„...Since we hope that teachers and students at
many colleges around the world will join in writing
contributions to the free encyclopedia, let's not leave
this to chance. There are already scattered examples
of what can be done. Let's present these examples
systematically to the academic community, show the
vision of the free universal encyclopedia, and invite
others to join in writing it.
Courses in the learning resource are a
generalization to hypertext of the textbooks used for
teaching a subject to yourself or to a class. The
learning resource should eventually include courses
for all academic subjects, from mathematics to art
history, and practical subjects such as gardening as
well, to the extent this makes sense. (Some practical
subjects, such as massage or instrumental ensemble
playing, may not be possible to study from a "book"
without a human teacher—these are arguably less
useful to include.) It should cover these subjects at
all the levels that are useful, which might in some
cases range from first grade to graduate school.“
It lasted only some years until Wikipedia has
accumulated a volume and quality that has already
surpassed that of venerable traditional encyclopedias
filling whole bookshelves. Extending the
presentation of knowledge online to training and
testing online with immediate feedback is a logical
next step building on Stallmann’s ideas.
e-testing based on community-legitimated
standards can help to advance the idea of e-learning
and also help to provide a novel basis for defining
educational standards. It may start with a handful of
subjects – either supported by a platform like
wikipedia or fostered by motivated educators in
established educational institutions who are
interested in basing exams and training for their
students on a transparent pool of test items.
We concede that presently available resources to
create e-testing modules still not have reached the
usability comfort levels known from contributing to
the Wiki world, but this is only a problem of time
and cooperation. Who will help?
European commission communication COM(2008) 425:
EQF (2008) European Qualifications Framework
KMK 2003 (German National conference of State
Ministries of Education) Bildungsstandards für den
Mittleren Bildungsabschluss (Jahrgangsstufe 10)
Agreement on 4.12.2003.
KMK 2006 (German National conference of State
Ministries of Education) 314th meeting 1./2.6.2006.
Nestle, N., Gädke, A., Enders, J., 2007. eExercise:
Möglichkeiten zur Beobachtung individueller
Lernstrategien von Studierenden in einer freien,
webbasierten Aufgabenplattform Tagungs-CD
Didaktik der Physik 2007. Lehmanns, Berlin.
COMMUNITY-LEGITIMATED e-TESTING - A Basis for a Novel, Self-Organized and Sustainable (e)Learning Culture?