Roberta Beccaceci
, Francesca Fallucchi
, Cristina Giannone
Francesca Spagnoulo
and Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
() Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemi e Produzione, University of Rome ”Tor Vergata”, Italy
(?) Facolt
a di Lettere e Filosofia, University of Rome ”Tor Vergata”, Italy
Museums, Conversetional Agents.
Museums need to find innovative ways of communicating if these institutions want to survive in the new era
and want to play their active role of educators. In this paper, we will present our idea of living artworks. Using
conversational agents we want to give artworks the capability of talking to visitors. A living artwork attracts
attention, being a funny and novel combination of art and technology. The mix of experience and action has a
beneficial effect in learning new concepts or facts. We will then present our methodology for building living
artworks, the enabling technologies, and a case study.
There is a growing interest in using museums as
places where to informally deliver educational con-
tents (Severino, 2007). Artworks are not simply
“artists’ messages to audience” but also tools to create
links between cultural contents and audience. Yet, to
positively play the role of informal educators, muse-
ums have to deliver content in a novel way. Accord-
ing to the analysis reported in (De Biase, 2008), many
visitors, around 33%, forget the names of artists and
the artworks they saw into museum, 50% of the visi-
tors remember not much about artworks, and 32% of
them mixed subjects up with others never seen. These
are clear indicators that somehow traditional muse-
ums are not well suited to play this important role of
informal educators.
To win against different media and forms of en-
tertainment, museums are seeking innovative ways to
deliver their contents to the public. In their battle
for surviving, these institutions are opening to novel
technologies. There are active communities look-
ing and monitoring new trends in technologies. The
MuseTech Central
is a place to share information
about technology-related museum projects such as so-
cial tagging for artworks (Trant and Wyman, 2006).
The awareness of the role of informal educators and
the technology fertile ground make museums won-
derful places where to experiment with novel and in-
formal ways of communicating educational content.
This will be beneficial both for museums and for au-
Our idea is to create living artworks. We want to
give to artworks the capability of talking, in order to
have a “dialogue” with visitors. We will use conver-
sational agents. In a nutshell, conversational agents
are software systems that can have conversations with
users. These software systems come from the tradi-
tion of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Building systems
able to replicate the human ability to communicate is
one of AI’s main goals, see for example the Turing
Test (Turing, 1950). Conversational agents have been
already used for educational purposes and we believe
that artworks that can tell their own history will attract
In this paper, we will present this idea of living
artworks. We shortly review the related work, i.e., the
use of conversational agents as tutoring systems (Sec.
2). We will then present enabling technologies and
our methodology for building living artworks (Sec.
3). We finally describe the application of our method-
ology (Sec. 4).
Education is showing a growing interest towards new
technologies and new media as innovative means to
Beccaceci R., Fallucchi F., Giannone C., Spagnoulo F. and Massimo Zanzotto F. (2009).
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computer Supported Education, pages 346-349
DOI: 10.5220/0002158903460349
support learning. Multimedia technologies mix lan-
guage and images that are the basic blocks in the
process of thinking and learning. These technologies
build new suitable communication channels for teach-
ers that want to exchange educational messages with
their students. Yet, technology will not substitute but
broaden pedagogical strategies available for teachers
(Dede, 1992).
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been often seen as
an interesting way to support traditional and distance
learning. AI systems can make distance learning more
attractive (Moore and Kearsley, 2005). People, in
general, and children, in particular, are increasingly
more acquainted with contents delivered with new
technologies. Children play with videogames and
chat over the Internet with astonishing ease. Using
new technological channels can attract students stim-
ulating their curiosity. A simple way to introduce new
technologies is to use software embodied agents, i.e.,
virtual puppets on a screen, as storyteller. In (Dami-
ano et al., 2006), these agents have been used to guide
children inside a museum. A more attractive way is to
use interactive agents called Conversational Agents.
These are able to establish interactive communica-
tion with users using natural language. Conversa-
tional agents have been used for language education
in (Jia and Ruan, 2008) or for teaching physical and
procedural tasks using a virtual reality environment
in (Rickel and Johnson, 1998). Some recent works in
Human-Computer Interaction field (HCI) (Core et al.,
2006) explored the use of virtual agents for educa-
tional and training. In this environment, users train
their skills interacting with virtual agents like in a
Museums need to find innovative ways of communi-
cating if these institutions want to survive to the new
era and want to play their active role of educators.
We believe that our idea of living artworks, i.e., an
artwork extended with the capability of talking about
itself, can help in this difficult challenge. The inte-
gration of different cultural experiences adds value to
knowledge accumulation process (Severino, 2005).
We firstly define a living artwork and analyze the
beneficial effects for museums (Sec. 3.1). We then
present the enabling technology, i.e. the stimulus-
response conversational agents, (Sec. 3.2) and the
procedure to use it (Sec. 3.3).
3.1 “Living artworks” as Educational
Tools in Museums
A living artwork is a combination of an artwork and
a conversational agent. We want to extend the posi-
tive experience of storytelling in museums (Damiano
et al., 2006) integrating principles and technologies of
conversational agents used for educational purposes
(Core et al., 2006). The agent should involve visitors
in conversations about the artwork.
A living artwork wants to attract attention, being
a funny and novel combination of art and technology.
At the same time, it wants to generate new knowledge.
It acts as instrument of cultural communication and as
tool of cultural production. A living artwork allows
a bidirectional communication helping the shift from
passive spectator to active spectator. The combina-
tion of experience with action has a beneficial effect
in learning new concepts or facts.
Given an artwork, we can build the related living
artwork if:
we have a conversational agent platform with a
simple language for describing the knowledge
needed for the dialogue
we completely define the knowledge base to have
conversations about the artwork
In the next sections, we firstly introduce the conversa-
tional agent platform we use (Sec. 3.2) and secondly
we define a methodology to build the knowledge base
(Sec. 3.3).
3.2 Conversational Agent Technology
A Conversational Agent (CA) is a software tech-
nology that uses the natural language utterances to
interact with users. Conversational agents can “have
a conversation with a user”. Among all the possible
CA technologies, we selected the simplest, i.e.,
those following the Behavioral psychological theory
(Watson, 1928). According to this theory, human
mind can be studied only relating received stimulus
and emitted responses. The human behaviors can be
described by the following function:
R = f (S) (1)
When an individual is exposed to stimuli his response
is a function of these stimuli.
The behaviorism has inspired one of the first em-
ulative conversational agents. In 1966 Weizenbaum
build a software program called Eliza (Weizenbaum,
1966). This artificial agent simulated the Rogersian
psychologist behavior. The interactions was grounded
on the agent ability to hold control about dialogue,
using as first interaction (stimulus) a question for the
user, which will response based on stimulus and his
environment. After this, the interest on conversa-
tional agent field grew up, drawing the attention of
many different research fields like Psycholinguistics
or Software engineering. An important mention for
ALICE (Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer En-
tity) (Wallace, 2004) that implements a simple frame-
work allows somebody to create its conversational
agent by creating a collection of stimulus-response
pairs. When a user will ask a question to the agent,
the stimulus is searched in the collection. If this stim-
ulus is in the collection, the agent will reply with the
related response.
In this study we use ALICE as it offers a simple
language to write stimulus-response patterns. This
simple technology in the last years has inspired many
research works that proposed extension of this tech-
nology (e.g. (Pilato et al., 2004)).
3.3 Building Personality of
Conversational Agents
As we saw in the previous section, ALICE is simple to
use. Building the agent personality, i.e. its way to an-
swer to questions, means to write stimulus-response
pairs. Furthermore this technology allows to model
and store data about current dialogue topic, other data
about user, or dialogue in general. This makes possi-
ble to program the agent to reply to a great amount of
questions with different languages, e.g., a colloquial
language with idioms or jokes.
The process we follow to build the collection of
stimulus-response pairs has two phases:
Wizard-of-OZ phase: using a standard model to
collect data for dialogue systems, i.e., the Wizard-
of-OZ (Fraser and Gilbert, 1991), our first phase
is to collect possible dialogues using people that
simulate the behavior of the system. Dialogues
collected in this phase are used to produce a first
collection of stimulus-response pairs.
Controlled Wizard-of-OZ phase: the system is de-
ployed with the first collection of stimulus re-
sponses. Dialogues are logged in order to analyze
failures. The initial collection is then augmented
with new stimulus response covering failures.
In this section we present an initial application of the
living artwork concept. We describe the target audi-
ence and the target artwork. We then report on the
related personality-building phase.
4.1 Target Audience and Target
Children with an age range 8-12 years are our initial
target audience. We want to try if it is possible to cap-
ture their attention on artworks for which they do not
show a natural interest. We believe that children can
be more open to technological communication chan-
nels and that a novel way of approaching artwork with
entertaining conversational agents will help them in
better learning.
Among many artworks, we selected a painting
representing a scene with many people having in-
teresting story to tell. Many subjects in the scene
give us the possibility of better experimenting with a
conversational technology as we can focus the atten-
tion in many parts of the painting. We then selected
the painting “The Hunt of Diana” (see Figure 1),
placed in Rome in the Borghese Gallery and Museum,
painted by Domenico Zampieri called Domenichino
in 1616/17. In his masterpiece Domenichino revived
antique literary and mythological themes such as an
archery scene deriving from Virgil’s Aeneid (V,485)
and the depiction of nymphs. Many characters in the
scene have a story to tell.
We divided the painting in five areas (see Fig-
ure 1). Each one connected to a particular subject,
according to the general intention to let audience to
choice the topic to study in depth.
Figure 1: “The Hunt of Diana” painting.
4.2 Building the Conversational Agent
Personality for the Case Study
For the construction of the personality, we followed
the two-step procedure described in Sec. 3.3: the
first phase where the system is simulated, the Wizard-
of-Oz phase, and the second phase where the system
is deployed and its failures detected. Before starting
CSEDU 2009 - International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: A sample dialogue with the simulated Agent.
Agent: Hello, do you want to know something about this
painting? Play with us and answer to some ques-
tions. What is your name?
Child: asia
Agent: Hello Asia, do you know the title of the painting ?
Child: no
Agent: It’s ”The Hunt of Diana” and it placed in Rome in
the Borghese Gallery and Museum. It was painted
by Domenico Zampieri in 1616/17. Do you know
why it is called Domenichino (Little sunday)?
Child: because he works only on sunday.
Agent: Clever but it is not the right answer. He was short!
we collected a document describing the particular art-
work. We organized this document as if it were a
collection of stimulus-response. It contains general
information about painting and painter’s life, infor-
mation about specific parts of the painting, and par-
ticularities of the artwork. We used this document to
drive the first phase.
We organized the Wizard-of-Oz phase as follows.
We used 3 classes in a primary school as focus group.
The Conversational Agent has been simulated with
Microsoft MSN. The language used by the simulated
system, i.e. the operator, is simple and colloquial. At
the end of this phase, we gathered 10 dialogues. An
example of these dialogues can be seen in Tab. 1.
This set of dialogues has been used to design the real
stimulus-response collection. We defined around 130
stimulus-response pairs.
The second phase is currently running. The sys-
tem has been deployed on a web site and it is accessi-
ble over the net
This paper presents a novel idea that we called “liv-
ing artworks”. We believe that this paradigm can be
useful in two ways: making museums more attractive
places and increasing the effectiveness of museums
as informal educators. This is a preliminary work and
we need to study if the above two claims can be sup-
ported with empirical evidence. We then need to de-
ploy our “living artworks” in a museum and measure
whether the knowledge retention indicators (as those
used in (De Biase, 2008)) have a beneficial effect.
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