analyzed and processed through the computer. This
training could be very useful for actors and singers
who are called to produce different voice types. It
may be also helpful for learners of new vowels in
analysis called LTAS (Long Time Average Spectra),
thereby determining the formants that characterize
foreign language. Preliminary research work
(Necsulescu and Weiss et al., 2006, 2005, 2008) led
to the confirmation that complex acoustic
phenomena can be properly simulated for the needs
of designing acoustic
hardware in the form of a
closed loop
experimental set-up for acoustics
analysis. The present stage is the construction of an
experimental set-up with real-time capabilities and
of-line spectral analysis and its testing with human
subjects. The specificity of this closed loop control
system is the presence of the human subject in the
loop in lieu of the traditional physical only system.
The presence of the subject in the control loop
results in interesting new issues for the feedback
control design.
Previous research showed that changing voice
quality by altering the auditory perception of one’s
voice is, to a limited degree, possible. If a person’s
sound production possibilities are enlarged (through
voice training), then altered auditory feedback might
facilitate the generation of different voice qualities
(Necsulescu, Weiss, and Pruner, 2008). The set-up
consists in a subject hearing his voice through
headphones while speaking into a microphone.
However, the process allows a series of digital
manipulations (temporal and spectral) designed to
affect perception while examining the effects on
vocal output. Whereas, the intensity feedback
manipulations have been studied extensively
(Purcell, and Munhall, Vol. 119 2006), (Purcell and
Munhall 120, 2006), spectral changes effects on
voice quality in auditory feedback and their
relationship to voice production are still relatively
unknown. Original proponents of the use of servo
mechanical theory have claimed a direct effect on
the vocal output when modified voice is fed back to
the speaker. Essentially, according to this theory, if
certain bandwidths of the voice spectra are modified
in such a manner as to increase or decrease the
energy in those regions, the person emitting those
sounds will unconsciously react if the modified
voice signal is fed back to his ears. The possibility of
affecting voice output by auditory feedback remains
a topic of intense interest for those involved in
voice, speech and accent training (Weiss, 2006),
Necsulescu, Weiss and Pruner, 2008).
Therefore, it would be important to verify the
possibility of bandwidth and formant modification.
It is expected that subjects, who have undergone
voice training, could emulate different spectral
characteristics fed-back through auditory filtering,
by increasing or attenuating energy in particular
spectral zones of their voice.
This work has the long-term goal to carry out
audio-vocal filtering experiments with subjects with
or without vocal training in order to determine
whether voice training could allow for vocal
adjustments in conditions related to filtered auditory
feedback. This paper describes the construction of
computer based module for auditory feedback with
no perceived temporal delay
There are many teaching techniques in voice
training, some auditory, some movement based and
some mixed. Independently of the technique, certain
pedagogical approaches are often used. One is
bodily awareness through minimal movements
(Purcell and Munhall, 2006
) an approach having as a
goal an effortless speech-motor learning system. A
variable is introduced and the subject perceives it,
plays with it, explores it, adjusts to it and integrates
it in his own behaviour. This is the purpose of the
Audio-Formant Mobility Trainer, an adjunct to
voice-training when the learner has had already
preliminary training with any traditional technique.
The reason for the need for previous training is that
the subject will have to produce different voice
qualities for which it is necessary to have acquired a
certain control of the mobility of the bodily parts
that produce speech. The purpose of the device is
expected to facilitate the production of new voice
qualities by increasing the mobility of one’s voice
Our first experiment tries to ascertain whether it is
possible to teach subjects to vary their fourth
formant (F
) at will. Previous research (Purcell, and
Munhall, Vol. 119, 2006
), (Weiss, 2006) has shown
that subjects do it unconsciously when their auditory
feedback is manipulated while uttering vowels. It is
also known (Purcell and Munhall, 2006), that
formant manipulation in pitch and bandwidth