nition may be computationally expensive and the fea-
tures must be sufficiently distinctive and numerous.
The lack of robustness of observation models against
unmodelled objects is usually compensated by adding
such objects onto the map through simultaneous lo-
calization and map building (SLAM). However, it re-
mains attractive to have at the base a robust obser-
vation model without map modification for avoiding
complications at upper levels.
For these reasons, we introduce in this paper a 2D
point-based approach which works with a local occu-
pancy grid-map instead of using direct sensor mea-
surements or high level features. In this way, the as-
sociation process is made between a set of points, ex-
tracted from the measurements, with a second set ex-
tracted from the grid-map. The configuration is then
deduced by matching both sets. Two-dimensional
point matching involves two main issues : pairing two
sets of 2D points and geometrical matching. The most
commonly used methods for geometric matching in-
clude SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) (Arun
et al., 1987), unit quaternions methods (Horn, 1987)
and double quaternionsmethods (Walker et al., 1991).
Various approaches also solve the problem of pair-
ing and matching simultaneously. Many of them are
based on iterative algorithms as in (Zhang, 1994) and
(Ho et al., 2007). Moreover, (Censi et al., 2005) pro-
poses a Hough Scan Matching (HSM) approach based
on the Hough Transform. However, these approaches
do not explicitly mention the matching error in the
mathematical formulation, a fact that cause ambiguity
in the accurate evaluation of the homogeneous matri-
ces. Since the approach presented in this paper needs
robustness against matching errors caused by unmod-
elled objects, these methods are not convenient for a
robust 2D points observation model.
In summary, the main contributions of this paper
are: (1) a fast method of 2D points registration with
complexity O(n· m) (O(n) for the geometric match-
ing) that takes into account the presence of matching
errors and measurement noise for enabling realistic
accuracy evaluation of the homogeneous matrices; (2)
a simple and fast 2D point-based observation model
that works in presence of unmodelled objects (3) a
novel method for robotic platform localization based
upon extended Kalman filtering. The rest of the pa-
per is organized in five sections. Section 2 presents a
mathematical formulation of the problem. In section
3, a new method for finding 2D homogeneous ma-
trices is presented. In section 4, we present how the
overall methodology can be combined with extended
Kalman filtering for platform localization. Section 5
presents and discusses experimental results.
The dynamic equation of a robotic platform moving
in a 2D plan can be represented at each instant k by :
= f(X
) + ψ
where X
is the platform state variable at instant k,
is the speed of the platform at instant k, ψ
is the
uncertainty (noise) on the dynamic model and f(.,.)
is the function used to compute the predicted state.
The observation model is represented by:
= h(X
) + ξ
where Z
represents the observations by the platform
sensors, ξ
is the uncertainty (noise) on sensor obser-
vations and h(.) is the function used to get observa-
tions when the platform is in state X
In real applications, f and h are non linear. In
order to apply Kalman filtering, the Jacobean of f and
h are computed over a nominal path. Furthermore, the
following assumptions must hold:
1. ψ
is uncorrelated with the state initial estimate;
2. ψ
and ξ
are uncorrelated;
3. ψ
and ξ
are zero mean random process.
Some of these assumptions may not hold if the fol-
lowing conditions occur during platform motion:
• The observations are disturbed by unmodelled ob-
• The platform slips on the floor.
The aim is to find an observation model that reduces
significantly the impact of the platform slipping and
the presence of unmodelled obstacles.
In this section, we present a generic method for find-
ing homogeneous transformation matrices between
two sets of 2D points.
3.1 Problem Definition
Assume 2 sets P and Q of 2D points. Assume that X
is the state vector of the platform at time k represent-
ing its configuration in the navigation environment. P
is the set of points measured by the platform sensors
at configuration X
and Q is the set of points given by
ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics