Andrzej Krolikowski
Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Control and Information Engineering, Poland
Dariusz Horla
Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Control and Information Engineering, Poland
Input constraint, Suboptimal dual control.
The paper considers a suboptimal solution to the dual control problem for discrete-time stochastic systems un-
der the amplitude-constrained control signal. The objective of the control is to minimize the two-step quadratic
cost function for the problem of tracking the given reference sequence. The presented approach is based on
the MIDC (Modified Innovation Dual Controller) derived from an IDC (Innovation Dual Controller) and the
TSDSC (Two-stage Dual Suboptimal Control. As a result, a new algorithm, i.e. the two-stage innovation
dual control (TSIDC) algorithm is proposed. The standard Kalman filter equations are applied for estimation
of the unknown system parameters. Example of second order system is simulated in order to compare the
performance of proposed control algorithms. Conclusions yielded from simulation study are given.
The problem of the optimal control of stochastic sys-
tems with uncertain parameters is inherently related
with the dual control problem where the learning
and control processes should be considered simulta-
neously in order to minimize the cost function. In
general, learning and controlling have contradictory
goals, particularly for the finite horizon control prob-
lems. The concept of duality has inspired the devel-
opment of many control techniques which involve the
dual effect of the control signal. They can be sepa-
rated in two classes: explicit dual and implicit dual
(Bayard and Eslami, 1985). Unfortunately, the dual
approach does not result in computationally feasible
optimal algorithms. A variety of suboptimal solutions
has been proposed, for example: the innovation dual
controller (IDC) (R. Milito and Cadorin, 1982) and its
modification (MIDC) (Kr´olikowski and Horla, 2007),
the two-stage dual suboptimal controller (TSDSC)
(Maitelli and Yoneyama, 1994) or the pole-placement
(PP) dual control (N.M. Filatov and Keuchel, 1993).
Other controllers like minimax controllers (Se-
bald, 1979), Bayes controllers (Sworder, 1966),
MRAC (Model Reference Adaptive Controller)
Astr¨om and Wittenmark, 1989), LQG controller
where unknown system parameters belong to a finite
set (D. Li and Fu, ) or Iteration in Policy Space (IPS)
(Bayard, 1991) are also possible.
The IPS algorithm and its reduced complexity
version were proposed by Bayard (Bayard, 1991)
for a general nonlinear system. In this algorithm
the stochastic dynamic programming equations are
solved forward in time ,using a nested stochastic ap-
proximation technique. The method is based on a spe-
cific computational architecture denoted as a H block.
The method needs a filter propagating the state and
parameter estimates with associated covariance ma-
In (Kr´olikowski, 2000), some modifications in-
cluding input constraint have been introduced into the
original version of the IPS algorithm and its perfor-
mance has been compared with MIDC algorithm.
In this paper, a new algorithm, i.e. the two-stage
innovation dual control (TSIDC) algorithm is pro-
posed which is the combination of the IDC approach
and the TSDSC approach. Additionally, the ampli-
tude constraint of control input is taken into consider-
ation for algorithm derivation.
Performance of the considered algorithms is il-