Figure 4: Round trip times in milliseconds (Mode (1): Internet-UMTS; Mode (2): UMTS-UMTS; Mode (3): UMTS-UMTS
and additional traffic).
and takes care that packets are transmitted with de-
fined packet inter-departuretimes. These packet inter-
departure times are depending on the used bandwidth
and the used HSDPA/HSUPA mode and some other
aspects depending on the provider. Nevertheless, the
measured packet inter-arrival times are now bound to
fixed times which reduces the variance. In general, it
can be seen that as soon as the broadband communi-
cation mode is entered, data is delivered at the mobile
robot and at the operator’s PC constantly. Noticeable
outcomes are the frequent packet inter-arrival times
at 10 ms and multiple of 10 ms with a relatively high
peak at the 20 ms inter-arrival times. Also, the re-
ceived effective payload data rates give a clear view
of the present packet loss during the tests. Finally, the
measured round trip times and their distribution lead
to the following hints for implementing mobile robot
teleoperation. The ”just plug and try” setup which
is described in Section 5 shows to be already usable.
Nevertheless, a defined traffic shaping might be a suit-
able approach to use the characteristics of the UMTS
link more efficient and to increase the quality of tele-
operation (e.g. better video quality or less packet
loss). Approaches for this idea are already published
in another context (Zeiger et al., 2008c)(Zeiger et al.,
2008b) and shows to be a useful technique. Neverthe-
less, UMTS is a promising technology to allow broad-
band communication for hardware teleoperation and
will be in the research focus of networked robotics
in near future. Future work will be set on analyzing
more details of the UMTS link in combination with
mobile robot teleoperation. Open issues are how to
use the behavior of the communication channel in or-
der to allow for high quality onboard video transmis-
sion together with reliable control data transmission
in both directions.
This work is partially supported by the European
Union and the Federal State of Bavaria in the frame
of the EFRE program.
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