10 15 20 25
10 ·lg(E
) (in dB) →
bit-error rate →
(256,0,0, 0) QAM
(16,16,0,0) QAM
(16,4,4, 0) QAM
(4,4, 4, 4) QAM
Figure 4: BER with PA (dotted line) and without PA (solid
line) when using the transmission modes introduced in Ta-
ble 1 and transmitting 8 bit/s/Hz over frequency selective
channels with L
= 1.
ing, as depicted in Table 2, it turns out that only an
appropriate number of MIMO layers has to be acti-
vated, e. g., the (16,4, 4,0) QAM configuration. The
results, obtained by using bit auction procedures jus-
tify the choice of fixed transmission modes regardless
of the channel quality as investigated in the contribu-
Bit and power loading in broadband MIMO systems
were investigated. It turned out, that the choice of
the number of bits per symbol as well as the number
of activated MIMO layer substantially affects the per-
formance of a MIMO system, suggesting that not all
MIMO layers have to be activated in order to achieve
the best BERs. The main goal was to find that spe-
cific combination of the QAM mode and the number
of MIMO layers, which gives the best possible BER
performance at a given fixed bit/s/Hz bandwidth effi-
ciency. The E
value required by each scheme at
BER 10
was extracted from computer simulations
and the best systems are shown in bold in Table 1.
Table 2: Probability of choosing specific transmission
modes at a fixed data rate by using optimal bitloading
) = 10 dB and L
= 1).
mode (16,4,4,0) (16,16,0,0) (64,4,0,0) (4,4,4, 4)
pdf 0.881 0.112 0.007 0
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WINSYS 2009 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems