In this experiment an on-chip learning type of the
neural controller was used.
The graphical interface used to specify the different
parameters of the neural controller is as follows:
Figure 6: The graphical interface.
The implementation results of the parameterizable
ANNs implementation for this experimental
evaluation are as follows:
Table 4: Implementation results.
Used Available
Slices 2748 5120 53 %
LUTs 4926 10240 48 %
IOBs 20 324 6 %
Once the learning phase was completed we have
tested the behaviour of the neural controller with a
square input signal: 0° - 45°.
Figure 7: The behaviour of the neural controller.
The results indicate the validity of the high-level
environment used for the ANNs implementation on
This paper outlines a means that was created to
facilitate and accelerate the ANNs implementation
on FPGAs. A parameterizable tool was designed to
generate a neural multi-layer network
implementation through the use of Handel-C
language. This tool was destined to be used by the
high level environment, which is presented, at the
user, as a graphical interface with menus. The
advantage which it offers resides in the facility of
the approach: there is no language and it requires
only the use of the graphical menus.
To be able to implement significant neural networks
architectures with this high level environment, we
must use a board with an FPGA circuit which is not
limited in resources.
Finally, experimental evaluation setup has been
developed to demonstrate the validity of the high-
level environment for the ANNs implementation on
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics