In this paper we investigated the capabilities of a
3D sensor comprised of a stereo camera and a tex-
ture projector. With off-the-shelf hardware and un-
der real illumination conditions, we have shown that
in the presence of moving objects single-frame stereo
with regularization produces much better results than
STS. Moreover, the proposed regularization approach
based on local smoothness, though not based on a
global optimization, shows good performance and
reduced computational requirements. Finally, we
have found that the proposed introduction of tempo-
ral smoothness helps improving the performance of
the considered regularization methods.
We are currently actively developing a small, low-
power stereo device with texture projection. There
are two tasks that need to be accomplished. First,
we are trying to optimize the local smoothness con-
straint to be real time on standard hardware, that is,
to run at about 30 Hz on 640x480 images. Second,
we are designing a small, fixed pattern projector that
will replace the video projector. The challenge here
is to project enough light while staying eye-safe and
having a compact form factor. Using the methods de-
veloped in this paper, we believe we can make a truly
competent realtime 3D device for near-field applica-
The code concerning the regularization methods
and the STS algorithms used in this paper is open
source and available online
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics