Zhiyu Xi and Tim Hesketh
School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications, University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW, Australia
Sliding mode, High order, Nonlinear, Optimal control.
This paper addresses higher order sliding mode control for continuous nonlinear systems. We propose a new
method of reaching control design while the sliding surface and equivalent control can be designed conven-
tionally. The deviations of the sliding variable and its high order derivatives from zero are penalized. This is
realized by minimizing the amplitudes of the higher order derivatives of the sliding variable. An illustrative
example— a field-controlled DC motor— is given at the end.
Variable structure systems (VSS) have been exten-
sively used for control of dynamic industrial pro-
cesses. The essence of variable structure control
(VSC) is to use a high speed switching control scheme
to drive the plant’s state trajectory onto a specified
and user chosen surface in the state space which is
commonly called the sliding surface or switching sur-
face, and then to keep the plant’s state trajectory mov-
ing along this surface (Utkin, 1992), (Utkin, 1977).
VSS has attracted attention during the past decades
because of its superior capability to eliminate the im-
pact of uncertainties.
Standard sliding mode controllers reveal draw-
backs: high frequency vibration of the controlled sys-
tem, which is also called “chattering”, and sensitiv-
ity to disturbances during reaching mode. In recent
years, a new method, so-called “higher order sliding
mode (HOSM)” has been proposed (Levant, 1996),
(Levant, 2007), (Glumineaus, 2006) for nonlinear
sliding mode design. In higher order sliding mode
problems, the switching controller also influences the
higher order derivatives of the sliding variable rather
than just the first order derivative. Under certain cir-
cumstances, for instance, the control u is treated as
an additional state variable while its derivative
u is
employed as the actual control (Levant, 1996), (Zi-
nober). The most popular higher order sliding mode
controllers are the so called “twisting controller” and
“super-twisting controller” which are derived based
on bang-bang control theory. A number of papers
report the derivation and performance of these con-
trollers (Levant, 1996), (Levant, 2007), (Glumineaus,
2006), (Castellanos, 2004). As discussed by Boiko,
Fridman and Castellanos (2004), if the actuator is of
second or higher order there is an opportunity for re-
duction of the amplitude of chattering in the control
signal when using twisting as a filter algorithm, com-
pared with first order SM control. In other words,
higher order sliding mode control contributes to sup-
pressing the chattering effect although not completely
eliminating it. Furthermore, a new concept, “integral
sliding mode control (ISMC)” has been developed re-
cently (Shi, 1996). With an integral sliding mode con-
trol scheme, the reaching phase is eliminated so that
robustness is guaranteed right from the initial time in-
The aim of this paper is to provide an effective
and more convenient way to solve nonlinear higher
order sliding mode problems. Nonlinear continuous
systems are worked on and second or even higher
order sliding mode control concepts are developed.
With this method, a sliding mode is reached by forc-
ing the sliding variable and its higher order deriva-
tives to zero in finite time rather than working on
nonlinear inequalities based on high order differen-
tial equations, which is inevitable in “super-twisting”
controller design. The resulting reaching controller
does not contain any high frequency switching com-
ponent which evokes high frequency responses of the
system. This idea is borrowed from optimal control
laws. The derivation of equivalent control is different
from that of normal sliding mode. Meanwhile, the