and a ‘6 jobs x 6 machines’ problem that can be
found in the OR library under the name ft06. The
instance selected for problem ‘4J x 3M’ features a
unit buffer capacity, and for problem ft06, no buffer
space is available in the system. The times required
to obtain the deadlock-free schedule using the
heuristic proposed in Fahmy et al. (2008) and
generate the corresponding ASMG for the 4Jx3M
and ft06 problems were 0.19 and 0.8 seconds,
respectively. In order to test the reversibility of the
supervisors, they were run for lot sizes of five parts
for each job type. The two ASMGs were executed,
and all the parts for all the job types for the two
problems were completed successfully. The two
ASMGs can now be implemented through a
computer, which can be connected to cell devices to
complete the required product mixes.
This paper has proposed an efficient hierarchical
scheduling and control architecture for FMCs. The
inputs to the proposed architecture are simply the
available resources in the system and the production
routes of the jobs to be produced. The output is a
readily implementable supervisor, capable of driving
the system to autonomously produce the required
products in a deadlock-free manner, according to the
best production schedule. The supervisor can further
be updated in real time to accommodate any changes
in the product mix, while preserving the optimized
performance of the system. The output of this work
can to some extent narrow the gap that exists
between scheduling and control literature of AMSs.
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics