properties, O_REC and O_EXT, are computed only
if the area property is insufficient to make a reliable
decision. Otherwise, the algorithm stops at Step 1
Table 2: Lines separating SP and SX, LC and LP.
Line to separate
SP and SX
Line to separate
LC and LP
Point 1 Point 2 Point 1 Point 2
x x 5.22 5.13
O_REC 1.28 1.35 1.48 1.52
O_EXT 0.91 0.95 x x
Hence, our identification algorithm is as follows:
- Pre-processing: retrieve dish image as the
largest object in camera image.
- Step 1: Classify using dish area.
- Step 2: Separate SP and SX using O_REC
and O_EXT. Separate LC and LP using
O_REC and area.
3.3 Identification Results
Results were collected from 725 images of all types
of dish pieces, not including any of the 500 training
set images. All training and testing image sets were
produced from 84 dishes of all types, clean and
dirty, under different lighting conditions (produced
by changing the exposure time of the camera) and
under different dish positions and orientations under
the camera axis.
The results in Table 3 show accurate
identification for all images, with an average
computation time of 0.21 sec. This is deemed
acceptable to allow identification and inspection of
dishes at our target dish processing rate of 30 dish
pieces per minute. The variability from min to max
computation time is explained because the amount
of rotation among dish pieces varied with dish
position, causing variability in times to compute
classification parameters.
Table 3: Results of Dish Identification.
No. Correct
Time* (sec)
Min Average Max
LC 85 100% 0.18 0.22 0.57
LP 120 100% 0.18 0.33 0.59
SC 200 100% 0.17 0.18 0.23
SP 167 100% 0.17 0.20 0.49
SX 153 100% 0.16 1.24 0.48
All dishes 725 100% 0.16 0.21 0.59
(*) Matlab® R14, Image Processing Toolbox V5.0, Window
Vista, dual core 1.6GHz, 2GB RAM.
Automated dish inspection following commercial
dishwashing using image processing presents some
unique challenges. First, the intensity of dish images
is sensitive to changes in lighting, normal power
fluctuations, and camera sensitivity drift (Lolla,
2005). Second, even with reasonable attempts to
establish uniform illumination of dish pieces, uneven
illumination persists in the camera field of view.
This non-uniform color and gray intensity across a
clean dish varies as the position of the dish varies in
the field of view. Third, because of the non-flat
geometry of the dish surface, the gray intensity of
the image drops significantly at the dish side wall,
especially for a deep dish with steep sidewalls, such
as LC, SC and SX. Moreover, glare and shadows
increase the difficulty of discerning clean from dirty
dishes, even for human manual inspection. Fourth,
food particle images vary in gray level, depending
on food type, size, and location. Certain food
particles, such as dried egg yolk, can be especially
difficult to detect. Fifth, the definitions of a “clean
dish” and a “dirty dish” are subjective and ill-
defined (Zhou, 2008).
4.1 Previous Work
Zhou (2008) proposed a fusion based technique for
silverware inspection. His key idea was based on the
observation that shadows will move, but dirt will
not, between two images of a silverware piece
captured at two different positions under fixed
illumination. Zhou’s technique combines relevant
information from two images, which reduces noise
and recovers information in regions obscured by
lighting glare and shadows. His method could be
used in pre-processing before inspection, as long as
the computation time is sufficiently small. After
fusion of two images of one piece, Zhou applied
simple global thresholding to the three color (R, G
and B) channels. While this approach worked well
for silverware, it will not work for dish inspection,
because the gray level of a clean spot on the dish
wall is comparable to or less than a dirty spot on the
dish floor, and Zhou used only global thresholding.
Lolla (2005) used template edge matching for
silverware inspection. This approach is not only time
consuming, but also suffers from lacking the ability
to deal effectively with glare and shadows.
One approach we considered was to create
targeted illumination on the dish walls based on their
inclination angle, and then apply global thresholding
to the entire modified image. The problem was that