Imane Dilaneh and Laurent Laval
6, avenue du Ponceau, 95014 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex, France
Networked Control Systems, Time-varying delays, Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional, LMI.
This paper investigates the problem of remote stabilization via communication networks with uncertain, “non-
small”, time-varying, non-symmetric transmission delays affecting both the control input and the measured
output. More precisely, this paper focuses on a closed-loop Master-Slave setup with a TCP network as commu-
nication media, and an observer-based state-feedback control approach to deal with the stabilization objective.
First, we establish some asymptotic stability criteria regarding to a Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional derived
from a descriptor model transformation, in case of “non-small” delays (that are time-varying delays with non-
zero lower bounds). Then, some stability conditions are given in terms of Linear Matrix Inequalities which
are used, afterwards, to design the observer and controller gains. Finally, the proposed stabilizing approach is
illustrated through numerical and simulation results, related to the remote control of a “ball and beam” system.
Over the past few years, the widespread development
of low-cost wired and wireless data networks has lead
to an increasing interest for Networked Control Sys-
tems (NCSs) (for instance, see (Yang, 2006; Tang
and Yu, 2007; Hespanha et al., 2007) and references
therein). Indeed, such networks seem to be suitable
for large scale control systems with sensors, actua-
tors and controllers that communicate over a shared
medium. However, most of common network physi-
cal configurations and communication protocols
to transmission delays and even data losses. Then,
from a control viewpoint, it is well-known that such
undesirable features affect the overall NCS behav-
ior, leading possibly to poor performance and/or in-
stabilities (e.g. (Niculescu, 2001; Ge et al., 2007)).
This justifies the increasing investigations on con-
trol strategies to insure both closed-loop stability
and good performance for time-delayed systems (see
(Tipsuwan and Chow, 2003; Richard, 2004) and ref-
erences therein). Following this, the present paper
then deals with the stabilization of a Networked Con-
trol System with consideration of TCP (Transmis-
sion Control Protocol) networking protocol for bi-
Such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP), Transfer Con-
trol Protocol (TCP), Medium Access Control protocols, etc.
directional communications between a Master sys-
tem (computing the control) and a Slave system (to
be controlled). In particular, we investigate the de-
sign of an observer-based (static) state-feedback con-
troller (located in the Master system) so as to insure
the asymptotic stability of the closed-loop NCS what-
ever the presence of time-varying, non-symmetric de-
lays in the control and feedback loops. In this pur-
pose, first, we establish some stability conditions by
means of a Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional derived
from a descriptor model transformation (Fridman and
Shaked, 2002). These conditions are given in terms
of Linear Matrix Inequalities which are used after-
wards to design both controller and observer gains,
by means of LMI optimization. This design approach
is then illustrated through an example related to the
remote control of a “ball and beam” system.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes the Networked Control System under consid-
eration. Section 3 defines the observer-based control
law, while section 4 focuses on the design of both
state-feedback controller and observer gains. Section
5 presents a “ball and beam” system as remote con-
trolled plant for illustrating the proposed control strat-
egy. Then, some numerical and simulations results
related to the observer-based control of this system
are presented. Finally, some concluding remarks are
given in section 6.