empirical tuning of PID controllers based on the
Ziegler-Nichols method for SOPDT-IR processes. In
Scali and Rachid (1998) and Zhang et al (2000),
analytical design methods based on the Internal
Model Control framework and the H
theory, have been proposed for inverse response
processes without time delay. In Luyben (2000), an
empirical method that gives large overshoot and
oscillatory response has been proposed to design PI
controllers for SODT-IR processes. In Chien et al
(2003), a direct synthesis tuning method is presented
to tune PID controllers for both under-damped and
over-damped SODT-IR processes. In Chen et al
(2005), an analytical PID controller design for SOD-
IR processes is derived based on conventional unity
feedback control. In Chen et al (2006), an analytical
design scheme based on IMC theory has been
proposed to control SODT-IR processes. Finally, in
Padma Sree and Chidambaram (2004), a method of
tuning set-point weighted PID controllers for
unstable SODT processes with a positive or a
negative zero is presented. This method is based on
appropriately equating coefficients of like powers of
s in the numerator and the denominator of the
closed-loop transfer function.
In contrast, controller tuning for large overshoot
response dead-time processes have received less
attention in the past, although they used to model
several physical phenomena, like blending
processes, mixing processes in distillation columns
and temperature of heat exchangers (see Chien et al
(2003), for details). In Chang et al (1997) a tuning
method of controllers in first order lead-lag form has
been proposed for such processes. Furthermore in
Chien et al (2003), a direct synthesis tuning method
is presented in order to tune PID controllers for both
under-damped and over-damped large overshoot
response processes.
The present paper investigates some aspects of
the controller configuration proposed by Phelan
(1978), and called the “pseudo-derivative feedback
controller” (PDF), which is put forward here as an
alternative means of tuning three-term controllers
for stable or unstable dead time processes with a
negative or positive zero. The aim of the paper is to
propose a set of tuning rules for the PDF controller
when it is applied to such processes. The proposed
method is a direct synthesis tuning method and it is
based on the manipulation of the closed loop transfer
function through appropriate approximations of the
dead-time term in the denominator of the closed
loop transfer function as well as appropriate
selection of the derivative gain, in order to obtain a
second order dead-time closed-loop system. On the
basis of this method the settings of the PDF
controller are obtained in terms of two adjustable
parameters, one of which can further be
appropriately selected in order to achieve a desired
damping ratio for the closed-loop system, while the
other is free to designer and can be selected in order
to enhance the obtained regulatory control
performance. Moreover, an appropriate modification
of the proposed method, that makes it applicable in
the case of large overshoot response processes with
dead time, is also presented. For assessment of the
effectiveness of the proposed tuning method and in
order to provide a comparison with existing tuning
methods, a series of simulation examples are
presented. Simulation results verify that the PDF
control structure and the proposed direct synthesis
tuning method ensure smooth closed-loop response
to set-point changes, fast regulatory control and
sufficient robustness in case of model mismatch.
The Pseudo-Derivative Feedback (PDF) controller
has first been proposed by Phelan (1978), and its
general feedback configuration is shown in Figure 1.
The transfer function
G(s)of the closed loop
system is given by
D,n 1 D,1 D,0 I P
KG (s)
s K s ... K s K s K G (s)
The PDF controller is essentially a variation of
the conventional PID controller. In contrast to the
PID controller, the PDF controller does not
contribute to closed-loop zeros, and hence it is
expected that it will not render worst the overshoot
of the closed-loop response. The two configurations
differ in the way they react to set-point changes (as
it can be easily checked, they are equivalent for load
or disturbance changes). The PID controller often
has an abrupt response to a step change because the
step is amplified and transmitted directly to the
feedback control element and downstream blocks.
This can induce a significant overshoot in the
response that is unrelated to the closed loop system
damping. For this reason, it is a common practice to
ramp or filter the set-point. The PDF structure
avoids this because naturally ramps the controller
effort, since it internalizes the pre-filter that one
would apply to cancel any closed-loop zeros
introduced in the PI/PID control configuration.