and authoritative access, are complied [10]. The evaluation here is done by system
analysis. Besides that the authenticity layer is also capable of authenticating supply
chain partners and support various authentication protocol such as PKI and Kerberos
Layer 2 (Privacy) – The privacy component is to support the handling of cloning
attacks because tracking tags is an essential way towards cloning and this may com-
promise partners privacy. Thus this layer is to ensure the privacy protection while
dealing with cloning attacks.
Layer 3 (Data) – At this situation, the ability for multiple partners to work to-
gether in an open system architecture is to be detailed. For instances, in supply chain
there will be partners using different RFID integration platforms (e.g., EPCglobal or
WinRFID), with various data semantics (e.g., PML or EPC), and different communi-
cation protocols. By using corresponding mapping functions, our trust framework
will allow open architecture to work together as long as the channel is secured using
asymmetric encryption (e.g., RSA) and tags authentication is guaranteed.
Layer 4 (Detection) – The usage of CA will manage the shared security keys be-
tween partners to guarantee RFID trustworthy. If EPC network is used, then Discov-
ery service will also be used to help partners in track and tracing of products. Cloned
tag can also be detected by Intrusion detection system (IDS). The evaluation on IDS
is done based on IDS decision output and ROC curves
Layer 5 (Monitoring) – Once detected by IDS, through the response processes, the
stages at which the cloning occurred is detectable. Partners will be informed on the
event and further actions such as data cleaning and legal actions against the adversary
can be initiated.
Layer 6 and 7 (Category & Experiences) – Along with the accumulation of ex-
periences and successful neutralization of attacks, more transactions amongst supply-
chain business partners will get through successfully. This will progressively estab-
lish the trust and the confidence between the business partners and between the inter-
operating systems. A reputation system consisting partners experiences information
will be evaluated. This reputation system can be constructed centrally or in a distrib-
uted manner across SCM partners. Next section we will look into our trust structure
based on cloning attack and supply chain discussed above.
B. RFID Tag Cloning Threat in Supply Chain & Trust Evaluation
We will present a modeling framework representing the problem and conduct formal
reasoning and measurement to trustworthiness in a RFID supply chain environment
that aims for a better operational decision-making. Mathematical formalisms offer
analysis, but these approaches require strong assumptions, and are only good for
specialized, idealized environments, while practical approaches have no analysis and
hard to adapt [12]. Hence, trust formalization should support formal reasoning and
should have the ability to deal with interactions between technology and human so-
cial behavior. A basic concept related to RFID trust is as listed below:
RFID Business Partner, RBP = {A, B Є RBP}