Trust Framework for RFID Tracking in Supply Chain
Manmeet Mahinderjit- Singh and Xue Li
School of Information Technology and Electrical Electronic
University of Queensland, Australia
Abstract. RFID tracking systems are in an open system environment, where
different organizations have different business workflows and operate on dif-
ferent standards and protocols. RFID tracking to be effective, it is imperative
for RFID tracking systems to trust each other and be collaborative. However,
RFID tracking systems operating in the open system environment are constant-
ly evolving and hence, the related trust and the collaborations need to be dy-
namic to changes. This paper presents a seven-layer RFID trust framework to
promote the resolution of merging with both social and technology traits in en-
hancing security, privacy and integrity of global RFID tracking systems. An
example of integration of our trust framework with supply-chain management
applications and trust evaluation is also presented.
1 Introduction
In the business world, trust is tremendously important [1, 2]. Trust counts in selecting
partners, software and hardware infrastructure used and even information transmitted.
Trust is distinguished as a decision making instrument when joined together with
security, privacy and integrity to improve the adoptions and reliance of the system.
Trust is not symmetric even if A trusts B, expecting B to return the equal trust to A is
not possible. Besides that trust is also intransitive as if A trusts B and B trusts C, A
may not trust C.
The significance of trust in a new emerging ubiquitous technology known as
RFID is critical. RFID, a term for Radio Frequency Identification provides non-line
sight and a better item-tracking manner compared to barcode systems. However pub-
lic acceptance in RFID implications systems is still an open question. There are a few
questions denoting the needs of trustworthiness in RFID systems that are related to
the characteristics of tags, communication channels and operational natures. In a
large-scale item-tracking environment, the co-existence of multiple network proto-
cols, different standards and data structures from different organizations, and the need
for reliable operations are essential[3]. For two different partners, one using
EPCglobal (
network and the other using UCLA WinR-
FID, how would the different set of integration platforms, data structures and even
communication protocols between them operate with 100% reliability and confi-
dence? Besides that, the lack of security capability on RFID tags due to its hardware
Mahinderjit Singh M. and Li X. (2009).
Trust Framework for RFID Tracking in Supply Chain Management.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on RFID Technology - Concepts, Applications, Challenges , pages 17-26
DOI: 10.5220/0002172400170026
constraints and the insecure communication channels makes system vulnerable to the
security threats. A competitor capable of tracking and tampering the sensitive infor-
mation on tags might result in counterfeiting and cloning or fraud product labels [8].
Data on tag means the information in the enterprise database. Even though, there is
little data stored on tag, it would be sufficient to be misused by distrusted parties in
launching attacks. So, how we protect and ensure that tag content is only accessible
by legitimate parties becomes a problem. In addition, the facts that tags are readable
from the distances outside the range without owners’ knowledge can cause the link
ability threat in supply chain management. In supply chain management, ownership
changes can be automatic and at a high speed. Unauthorized reading of RFID tags
might happen after tags left supply chain warehouses. This explains why we need to
exploit trustworthy to handle the ownership changes during the lifespan of RFID tags
in supply chain applications. The existing RFID trust services management designed
by Verisign ( for the EPCglobal supply
chain only provides trust decision based on authentication and authorization mechan-
isms (hard trust) without any concerns on security threats and the detection or the soft
trust such as past history [4]. Hence our idea here is to design a seven-layer trust
framework with the capability of prevention and detection, so to act as a reputation
system based on the supply chain partners’ experiences and beliefs. The proposed
trust framework aims to deal with security attacks such as cloning and fraud RFID
tags. This framework is the first of its kind. The contributions of this study are that
(1) it provides a complete framework for embracing trustworthiness for large scale
RFID global tracking systems; (2) it suggests a guideline to design and implement the
framework; and (3) it shows an evaluation guideline for this framework.
The significance of our proposed frameworks will be demonstrated by illustrating
RFID cloning attacks and showing how cloning attacks within supply chain can be
handled by this trust framework. RFID tag cloning represents a serious counterfeiting
problem in a supply-chain environment [5]. At hand, methods used to handle counter-
feiting attack caused by RFID tag cloning are track and trace mechanism [5], product
authenticity [6] and RFID tag authentication [6]. In this paper, we only focus on se-
curing RFID tags by employing a trust framework. The trust framework proposed in
this paper does not consider the trust of Quality of Services (Qos) that are used for
data quality and traceability. This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 discusses
the related work. Section 3 describes a seven-layer trust framework. Section 4 studies
the assimilation of the trust framework and RFID supply-chain applications in han-
dling cloning and fraud attacks. Section 5 discusses further research issues and
presents the conclusions.
2 Related Work - Trust in Sensor Networks and
Ubiquitous Computing
Trust in ubiquitous computing environments plays a vital role in ensuring system
security [1, 2]. The fusion between security concerns, the social aspects, and technol-
ogy demands represents the ability of building a trust foundation. Trust represents
both human factors as well as technological factors. Yang [1] defines the trust as a
combination of system usage experiences and social perspective. She also describes
that when partners interact cooperatively and share positive experiences, the impact
on any technology usage will increase dramatically simply because human positive
attitudes and beliefs boost the trust.
In contrast, Hossain and Prybutok [7] introduce a few vital concepts in the trust
establishment including privacy, security and regulation issues aiming at increasing
customer’s confidence. They assert that users personal tolerance in taking certain
extend of risks when dealing with security and privacy works independently [7].
Meanwhile, policies and regulations can raise user’s trust [7]. The trust can be con-
veyed by evaluating security and privacy threats and inset solutions.
Our trust framework is different from Yang’s [1] concepts in terms of the tech-
nological trust factors. Yang’s work emphasizes the importance of user decision-
making level, which asserts the essences of experiences in interaction of knowledge
and shared values among partners. Whereas, we concentrate on the system vulnerabil-
ities and on how to employ security, privacy and detection functions to deal with the
threats. Our framework focuses on both the prevention and detection that are unified
as a system function. Given that RFID technology is widely accessible and is bring-
ing socio-economic advantages, the concerns on both performance and trust is equal-
ly highly regarded. Besides, we will make use of the category factors involving be-
liefs, attitudes and cultures in organizations since each of these social aspects are
important in establishing trust.
3 RFID Trust Framework
Fig.1 shows the trust attributes in our proposed framework. There are seven layers
from inside out. An outer layer function is built upon its inner layers and each layer is
equally vital. Beginning from layer 1 up to layer 7, the transitions from technology
core to social perspectives are shown. Each layer function is describe as follows.
Layer 1 (Security-Authenticity) Any connected RFID system should be authenti-
cated using lightweight protocol both symmetric and asymmetric authentication
catering to the hardware constraint in the system itself. Besides that, each compo-
nent should be mutually authenticated and identifiers must be encrypted using
hash algorithms with keys generated randomly to maintain uniqueness. Once the
product is secured the need to maintain privacy will be minimal.
Layer 2 (Privacy – Locality, Timeline) The context of privacy factor such as time
and locality are utilized based on different applications the framework will work
with. As for certain application which requires tracking such as supply chain
pharmaceutical drugs pedigree tracking, privacy is in concern since the tracing
and tracking process might breach the privacy. In contrast, the identification ap-
plication can embrace this layer functionality better.
Fig. 1. Seven Layers RFID Trust Framework.
Layer 3 (Data – Network, Semantic, Integration) The framework allows the use of
open RFID architectures in which heterogeneous standards and networks from
different partners are able to work together with the mapping functions. The inter-
net communication channel can be secured by using asymmetric key encryptions
such as RSA and AES [8].
Layer 4 (Detection – EPCglobal, Third-Party CA, Rule Based Engine) EPCglobal
services need to add on the EPC Product Authentication Services (EPC-PAS) and
EPC-Trace Analysis Service (TAS) in detecting cloning tags [6]. The need to re-
gulate middleware EPC services such as ONS, DS and EPCIS
( upfront could help in reducing errors in any appli-
cation implementation. Existing Certificate Authority (CA)[11] can be used here
since asymmetric techniques are commonly used in sensor networks. CA will be
placed in the EPC network core for establishing transitive relationships between
the partners and handling key management. There are several IDS expert system-
algorithms and techniques that can be used.
Layer 5 (Monitoring – Auditing Processes, Policy Regulation) Monitoring tools
include the third party system policy regulation such as Bill of Rights [9] and ISO
standards. The tools will monitor the whole RFID operation based on the policy
enforcement and auditing processes. If any risk is encountered, the monitoring
function will eventually records and alarm business owners and react on attacks.
Layer 6 (Category - Culture, Attitudes, Beliefs) Social aspect of one’s culture,
beliefs and attitudes will impact tremendously to the positively shared experiences
in the next level of business decisions. An example will be if a partner’s RFID ex-
periences are positive, then the impact on his beliefs and attitudes will be demon-
strated in the (next) level 7 when interactions among business partners are estab-
lished [1].
Layer 7 (Experiences - Interaction, Shared Values, Knowledge, Conveniences)
When two partners begin to share their added value past experiences and know-
ledge especially the positive ones by the means of communication and interac-
tions, the confidence level of RFID products will increase.
The core of the whole framework is Layer 1 - the security attributes which consist
of authentication modules. Now we will compare our trust framework against the
latest Pedigree Standard ratified by EPC global
( The standard of e-pedigree
is known as GS1 EPCglobal Electronic Pedigree Standard aims to protect consumer
from counterfeit drugs by tracking the drugs. Since this standard track the authenticity
of drugs, the Layer 1 security can be embedded within this standard. In handling drug
counterfeit, the need to authenticate, and track the history of location, time and drug
serialization is important. However, our trust framework provides more than that,
because it is able to detect the counterfeit attacks in the first place by using its Layer 4
(Detection) modules. Next sections will demonstrates how our trust framework will
function in a supply chain environment in handling the cloning attack using our trust
evaluation scale.
4 Trust Framework for RFID Tracking in Supply Chain
In this section, the developments of the proposed RFID trust framework is presented
within a scenario of supply-chain management, definition of clone and our trust
framework evaluation is also given here.
A. An Example of Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Supply chain management (SCM) is one of the important applications that use RFID
for tracking products movement between suppliers, manufacturers, shipping handlers,
distributors, retailers, and customers in an open system environment. The flow of
goods is from the manufacturer to distributors and then to wholesalers. In a supply
chain utilizing RFID technology, all transactions including individual consumer pur-
chases can be automated. The global tracking requires the interactions between vari-
ous organizations, partners, and technologies. There are different workflows for dif-
ferent businesses, different data flows for different standards and protocols, and dif-
ferent item movements for different ownerships and needs of handling (e.g., at either
container or item level of movements). In RFID, supply chain process mostly uses
two ranges of electromagnetic spectrums which are 13.56 (HF) and 860-960 MHz
(UHF). The problems lie in supply chain applications are the insecure and vulnerable
communication channel of products movement, multiple network architectures, dif-
ferent standards among partners [3], and security key management issues between
tags and readers. There are a few assumptions that need to list before we can portray
our solutions.
The transaction between supply-chain partners is performed on the Internet via
EPC network.
A root Object Naming System (ONS) is used as an information directory of man-
ufacturers regarding their products in the EPC network.
Each supply-chain organization will have its own local ONS and local EPCIS
(hub for product information).
A root Discovery Service (records for EPCIS address) which functions as a
“search engine” to provide information about an EPC, including other organiza-
tions that handle it during its lifecycle within a supply chain.
Certificate Authority (CA) works as a third party authorization and is placed in an
EPC network.
Tags used here are EPC class 1 gen 2 type and passive.
However before we proceed to discuss how our trust framework will function in
handling RFID tag cloning within a supply chain application, it is essential to define
clone in RFID tag context. Let assume set A contain the RFID genuine tags and set B
contain cloned tags derived from set A. A genuine tag is known as TG and a cloned tag
is known as TC. I denote an intruder. A list of attacks (S) includes Skimming (S1),
Sniffing (S2), Active Attack (S3), Reverse Engineering (S4) and Cryptanalysis (S5) [6,
A = {TG1, TG2, TG3}
B = {TC1, TC2}
S = {S1, S2, S3, S4, S5}.
Hence TC1 is a clone of TG1; if and only if both tags have identical TIDs (tag
identifier) and share the same form of characteristics. Once the TIDs are the same, all
the data and structure of the tag‘s EPC code such as header, manufacturer id, object
class and serial number are identical, i.e., |TG| = |TC|. A TC exists when I performs S
either a single S or a combinations of S against TG. S will produce cloning attack.
RFID Cloning is a process of injecting imitated EPC tags in a normal genuine EPC
tags batch. Cloning attack can be detected mainly by counting the tags with the refer-
ences to their locations and history traces, observing tag’s abnormal behavior and by
utilizing a third party clone detector.
A direct consequence of cloning in SCM is
counterfeiting, where a genuine article tagged with an RFID label may be reproduced
as a cheap counterfeit and tagged with a clone of the authentic RFID label. Hence the
lack of authentication allows an attacker
to fool a security system into perceiving that
the item is still present or fool automated checkout counters into charging for a
cheaper item. Our trust framework can be used to ensure authentication; thus prevent-
ing the cloning from occurring at the first place and also detecting the cloning in the
supply chain application.
The trust framework starts from inside out, from layer 1 up to layer 7 in handling
cloning tag attack.
Layer 1 (Security) – Tag authenticity between two different partners will be pro-
vided by asymmetric key encryption using elliptic curve cryptosystem. Three-way
mutual authentications are performed through random number synchronisations. This
step will ensure authoritative access as only legitimate readers of partners can read
the tags. Hence, two of supply chain security requirements, which are tag authenticity
and authoritative access, are complied [10]. The evaluation here is done by system
analysis. Besides that the authenticity layer is also capable of authenticating supply
chain partners and support various authentication protocol such as PKI and Kerberos
Layer 2 (Privacy) – The privacy component is to support the handling of cloning
attacks because tracking tags is an essential way towards cloning and this may com-
promise partners privacy. Thus this layer is to ensure the privacy protection while
dealing with cloning attacks.
Layer 3 (Data) – At this situation, the ability for multiple partners to work to-
gether in an open system architecture is to be detailed. For instances, in supply chain
there will be partners using different RFID integration platforms (e.g., EPCglobal or
WinRFID), with various data semantics (e.g., PML or EPC), and different communi-
cation protocols. By using corresponding mapping functions, our trust framework
will allow open architecture to work together as long as the channel is secured using
asymmetric encryption (e.g., RSA) and tags authentication is guaranteed.
Layer 4 (Detection) – The usage of CA will manage the shared security keys be-
tween partners to guarantee RFID trustworthy. If EPC network is used, then Discov-
ery service will also be used to help partners in track and tracing of products. Cloned
tag can also be detected by Intrusion detection system (IDS). The evaluation on IDS
is done based on IDS decision output and ROC curves
Layer 5 (Monitoring) – Once detected by IDS, through the response processes, the
stages at which the cloning occurred is detectable. Partners will be informed on the
event and further actions such as data cleaning and legal actions against the adversary
can be initiated.
Layer 6 and 7 (Category & Experiences) – Along with the accumulation of ex-
periences and successful neutralization of attacks, more transactions amongst supply-
chain business partners will get through successfully. This will progressively estab-
lish the trust and the confidence between the business partners and between the inter-
operating systems. A reputation system consisting partners experiences information
will be evaluated. This reputation system can be constructed centrally or in a distrib-
uted manner across SCM partners. Next section we will look into our trust structure
based on cloning attack and supply chain discussed above.
B. RFID Tag Cloning Threat in Supply Chain & Trust Evaluation
We will present a modeling framework representing the problem and conduct formal
reasoning and measurement to trustworthiness in a RFID supply chain environment
that aims for a better operational decision-making. Mathematical formalisms offer
analysis, but these approaches require strong assumptions, and are only good for
specialized, idealized environments, while practical approaches have no analysis and
hard to adapt [12]. Hence, trust formalization should support formal reasoning and
should have the ability to deal with interactions between technology and human so-
cial behavior. A basic concept related to RFID trust is as listed below:
RFID Business Partner, RBP = {A, B Є RBP}
The trust definition for several partners includes:
(i) If RBP A trusts RBP B in dealing RFID services transaction, S then there is a
A (B, S)
(ii) If RBP B trusts RBP A in dealing RFID services transaction, S then there is a
B (B, S)
(iii) If RBP ЄA trusts himself in providing RFID services transaction, S then there
is a TRUST
A (A, S)
(iv) We use TRUST = {(A, B, S), A, B Є RBP, S Є S and Trust A = (A, S)}.
It means RBP A trust RBP B in providing Service S
(v) Relationship of Trust
(vi) Optimistic Approach Rule
Next, we give trust reasoning rules based on the concept structure above. For our
trust framework to be used for the security and privacy challenges, the need for every
attack to be studied is essential. Learning of the vulnerability of how the attacks occur
to the RFID system is to understand the ways the attacks happen. As a result, the type
of an attack threat will determine the need for whether Layer 1 – Authenticity or
Layer 2- Privacy is needed or not. For instances, the reasoning for cloning attack can
be shown by four different rules.
Authenticity (Layer1) => PREVENT
Privacy (Layer 2) => PREVENT
(Authenticity (Layer 1) ^ Privacy (Layer 2) => PREVENT)
This shows that cloning attack requires the authenticity and not the privacy ap-
proach in preventing the threat of cloning to ever occur in the RFID system. If suffi-
cient prevention measurement is taken, the first foundation against cloning can be
(Detection (LAYER 4) ^ Monitoring (Layer 5) => DETECT)
The second rule needs both the detection modules such as intrusion detection and
monitoring to function hand in hand to handling the cloning attack. Any attack can be
encounter by using either one layer.
(Authenticity (Layer 1) ^ Privacy (Layer 2) ^
(Detection (Layer 4) ^ Monitoring (Layer 5) =>INTERGRATE)
This rule emphasize on Layer 3, the data integration layer. Both Rule 1 and Rule 3
would be embedded into the integration layer.
The social rule is for the culture and experience layers.
Culture (Layer 6) ^ Experience (Layer 7) => SOCIAL
Where means low and means high. When the integration of prevention and de-
tection is not done, the social factor consisting Layers 6 and 7 will be low. Conse-
quently, the trust confidence will reduce. But when Layer 3 function is preserved, the
social layers will be boost and the impact will be in higher confidence rate.
In an optimistic trust approach the need the whole trust framework such that in the
example for RBP A and B for RFID service, S is as follow:
The successful deployment of the trust framework is determined by the above
rule. In order to handle cloning attack effectively, a prevention system for RFID busi-
ness partners should be in place. There should also be a cloning intrusion-detection
system and monitoring system in both ends of business partners. The prevention and
detection module is integrated together through the data and network architecture
designs in the integration layer. As a result, with all these components in place, the
social impact will increase and enhance the trust towards the RFID supply chain open
system entirely.
5 Conclusions and Further Research
In this paper, a comprehensive and novel seven-layer trust framework is introduced.
The framework is presented with essential attributes in designing a secure and trust-
worthy open system for global RFID-enabled item tracking. Nevertheless, producing
a working trust framework does not come without trade-offs. The introduction of
such a trust framework will increase tag-processing overhead, key management over-
head, and reduce the speed of tag reading. The framework aims to help business own-
ers cope with the effectiveness of global item-tracking tasks that involve different
infrastructures, communication channels, and partners. With increasing business
owner’s intention to use RFID system in their organizations, the proposed trust
framework could be used as a ‘cooking book’ to treat security threats by modelling
prevention, detection, and monitoring functions in a seven-layer control mechanism.
Even though a great deal of research is currently in progress on RFID security and
privacy issues, the problem such as cloning is still not handled properly. Detecting
cloning tags is a relatively simple task by utilising timestamps, synchronisation fea-
tures, and rule-based inference engine [9]. However there isn’t a standardised intru-
sion detection system which provides a low false alarms and high precisions at the
moment [13]. Besides that prevention of cloning from happening is still an open is-
sue. As a result, we are currently developing an expert system for detecting cloned
tags in an open system environment. Our future work will look into a depth research
on an optimistic cloning prevention mechanism that can provide a range of preven-
tion services for industries to select from based on their business requirements.
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