(2) The MDAS heuristic enhances the global
search capability of the DAS heuristic and the
performance of the MDAS heuristic will be
improved as the number of seeds increases.
(3) Although the MDAS heuristic is just a
heuristic, its performance is better than some state-
of-the-art metaheuristics. (Table 3 and 4)
The fact that the hybrid multistart heuristic
outperforms the MDAS heuristic on the second and
the third groups of the MED benchmark (Table 5)
indicates that the global search ability of the MDAS
heuristic is still not good enough for searching a
large solution space.
In this paper, the DAS heuristic and the multistart
DAS (MDAS) heuristic are proposed to solve the
UFLP. The DAS heuristic utilizes three operations:
the Drop operation, the Add operation, and the Swap
operation. And the MDAS heuristic enhances the
global search capability of the DAS heuristic by
applying it multiple times with different initial
solutions (seeds). Experimental results reveal that
the MDAS heuristic outperforms other state-of-the-
art heuristics on most of the benchmarks. But the
global search ability of the MDAS heuristic is still
not good enough for searching a large solution
space, therefore, in future studies, we will try to
combine a global search scheme with the DAS
heuristic to improve the performance. Also, we plan
to investigate the possibility of applying the
proposed heuristic to other combinatorial problems.
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics