while driving a car, because with real road driving
we observe much different speed (and acceleration)
profiles on curves as compared to those obtained on
a simulator with only visual feedback (Partouche et
al, 2007) .
On the other hand, some practical tasks can be
solved without analysing dangerous acceleration
profiles. If one manages to predict with reasonable
precision the moment of deceleration in front of a
curve, then one can warn on the events where a
driver failed to observed the curve, e.g. due to
reduced visibility (warning in this case would be
based on absence of deceleration event where it
should appear).
One could argue that the curve shape features we
are introducing are not practical, as stable visual
analysis of a scene 6s in front of a car driving at
motorway speeds (100 km/h or more) is not realistic
to achieve. Our experience with visual analysis
prompts the same. Yet with new developments,
where interactive roads are foreseen (Jakubiak et al,
2008), or systems where map integrated into the car
provides upcoming curvatures (Mammar et al, 2006)
would solve the problem.
Turning to details of this study, good
acceleration prediction results were obtained when
curve shape parameters SP, E, CA, SD-1.5 or SD-2
were provided as input parameters and S-shape
curve was analyzed separately. For the first driver
the mean squared error of acceleration prediction
was 16% and for the second driver the mean squared
error was 13%. For the second driver adding
parameter S allowed to reduce the error further.
Although, those conclusions should only be taken as
preliminary, and experiments with more data are
required to refine parameter choice.
This work was supported in part by the European
Commission project “Learning to Emulate
Perception – Action Cycles in a Driving School
Scenario” (DRIVSCO), FP6-IST-FET, contract No.
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics