Estimating the Number of Segments of a Turn in
Dialogue Systems
Vicent Tamarit and Carlos-D. Mart´ınez-Hinarejos
Instituto Tecnol´ogico de Inform´atica
Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia
Camino de Vera s/n
46022 Valencia, Spain
Abstract. An important part of a dialogue system is the correct labelling of turns
with dialogue-related meaning. This meaning is usually represented by dialogue
acts, which give the system semantic information about user intentions. This la-
belling is usually done in two steps, dividing the turn into segments, and classi-
fying them into DAs. Some works have shown that the segmentation step can be
improved by knowing the correct number of segments in the turn before the seg-
mentation. We present an estimation of the probability of the number of segments
in the turn. We propose and evaluate some features to estimate the probability of
the number of segments based on the transcription of the turn. The experiments
include the SwitchBoard and the Dihana corpus and show that this method esti-
mates correctly the number of segments of the 72% and the 78% of the turns in
the SwitchBoard corpus and the Dihana corpus respectively.
1 Introduction
A dialogue system is usually defined as a computer system that interacts with a human
user to achieve a task using dialogue [5]. The computer system must interpret the user
input, in order to obtain the meaning and the intention of the user turn. This is needed
to give the appropriate answer to the user. The selection of this answer, along with other
decisions that the system can take, is guided by the so-called dialogue strategy. This
dialogue strategy can be rule-based [9] or data-based [17].
In either case, the dialogue strategy needs the interpretation of user turns to achieve
the aim of the user. This interpretation must only take into account the essential infor-
mation for the dialogue process, which is usually represented by special labels called
Dialogue Acts (DA) [4]. With this approximation, each user turn can be divided into
non-overlapped sequences of words, and each sequence is classified into the available
DAs. These sequences of words are usually called segments (some authors call them
utterances [15]). Each segment has an associated class (DA) which defines its dialogue-
related meaning (usually the intention, the communicative function, and the important
Work supported by the EC (FEDER) and the Spanish MEC under grant TIN2006-15694-CO2-
01 and by the Spanish research programme Consolider Ingenio 2010: MIPRCV (CSD2007-
Tamarit V. and Martínez-Hinarejos C. (2009).
Estimating the Number of Segments of a Turn in Dialogue Systems.
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 9-17
DOI: 10.5220/0002173600090017
In recent years, probabilistic data-based models have gained importance for this
task, such as decision trees or neural networks [16]. The dialogue corpora provide sets
of dialogues that are divided into segments and annotated with DA labels. These di-
alogues are the data used to estimate the probabilistic parameters of the data-based
models. This model usually contains two modules: the segmentation module, which
estimates the segments of the turn, and the classification module, which classifies the
segment. In the posterior use of the models, they are applied to non-annotateddialogues
to divide the turn and obtain the most likely DA for each segment.
Most of the previous work on DA assignation assumed the correct segmentation
of the dialogue, so the problem is reduced to a classification task [12]. However, in a
real situation, the only data that are available are the dialogue turns. The models can be
adapted to the real situation in which segmentation is not available, but, in this case, the
labelling accuracy is lower than that produced over correctly-segmented dialogue turns
Some authors proposed obtaining a segmentation hypothesis from some lexical and
prosodic features [2]. The work presented good results but the classification task is
limited to 5 classes and is oriented only to spoken dialogs.
Instead of estimating the entire segmentation, another less restricting possibility is
to estimate the number of segments of a given turn. Once the estimation is made, the
search for the most likely DA sequence is restricted to only having the estimated number
of DA. The estimation of the number of segments can be done using the transcriptions
of the turns, so it is possible to use it in typed dialogues, where only the text is available,
and in spoken dialogues.
Some works [13] have shown that the labelling is improved when there is a correct
estimation of the number of segments of a turn. In this paper, we present a model to
estimate the number of segments given the transcription of the turns, and using turn
transcription derived features for the estimation.
The paper is organised as follows: In Section 2 we introduce the model proposed
for the estimation of the number of segments along with the used features. In Section
3 we present the corpora used to test the method, and the results of the performed
experiments. In Section 4 we present our final conclusions and future work.
2 Estimation of the Number of Segments
Given a word sequence of l words W = w
. . . w
, we define the probability for a
turn W to have r segments as Pr(r|W ). We approximate this probability as Pr(r|S
where S
is a score based on the sequence of words (S
= f (W )).
The probability of r, given the score, can be calculated by applying the Bayes rule:
) =
The a priori probability p(r) can be easily computed as the number of utterances
with r segments, N
T r
, divided by the total number of turns N
p(r) =
T r
The conditional member p(S
|r) is estimated by a normal distribution. We calcu-
lated one distribution for each r:
|r) N (m
, σ
) (3)
The mean m
and standard deviation σ
are computed from the scores associated
with the turns with r segments.
The last element P (S
) is estimated by another gaussian distribution that is com-
puted from all the turns:
) N (m
, σ
) (4)
The mean m
and standard deviation σ
are computed from the all the scores in
the training data.
2.1 Possible Features
The computation of S
is made using features that are extracted from the transcription
of each turn (it is word-based). One evident feature is the number of words of the turn.
More sophisticated features can be inferred from the words (or sequences) that usually
appear at the beginning or the end of segments. We made a study of the features that
could determine the number of segments and we evaluated the influence of some of
Length of the turn. We evaluated the relation between the number of segments and
the number of words in a turn.
Final words and n-grams. In the transcription, some words (like the interrogation
mark and the period) clearly indicate the end of a segment. Combinations of the
last two or three words are also useful.
Initial words and n-grams. This is the opposite case to the final words and n-grams.
Combinations: The above features can be combined to obtain a better estimation of
the number of segments.
2.2 Basic Scores
Second, we defined some calculations for the score S
based on the above-mentioned
features. This scores use only one of the proposed features.
Based on length of the turn
The score S
can be calculated as the number of words in the turn:
(W ) = l (5)
Boundary words
We define the score S
of a turn W as:
(W ) =
) (6)
where p
) is the probability of the word i being a final word in a segment. It
is estimated by counting the number of times that the word is final divided by the
total number of appearances of the word. This value is 0 for the words that never
appear at the end of a segment.
It is also possible to calculate S
in the same way using the initial words of a
segment instead of the final ones.
Boundary n-grams
Instead of calculating the probability of a final word, we propose the estimation
of the probability of the n last words of the segments. In this case, the method of
estimation is the same one that we used in the above case: the number of times that
the n-gram is at the end of the segment divided by the total number of appearances
of the n-gram. We calculated the S
using that estimation with:
(W ) =
) (7)
As we proposed in the final word estimation, the probability of initial n-grams in a
segment can be computed just by counting the times an n-gram is initial.
The features that we used in the estimation of the score can be combined in two
different ways: composing a score from different features or by a naive-Bayes compu-
tation. We explore these possibilities in the following subsections
2.3 Composed Score
In this combined form, the calculated score for a turn is composed of various features,
e.g. the score can be seen as the summation of the probability of each word to be final
plus the length of the turn:
(W ) = l +
) (8)
Another option is to combine the final words with final n-grams, e.g., combining
the final bigrams and the final words:
(W ) =
) +
) (9)
Using this method, we can combine any of the basic features.
2.4 Naive-Bayes Computation
In the naive-Bayes computation, the final probability of the number of segments is
calculated by combining the probabilities for each score, i.e., if we consider:
, S
, · · · S
) (10)
this probability can be simplified assuming that there are no dependencies between
scores (naive-Bayes assumption):
, S
, · · · S
) =
) Pr(r|S
) · · · Pr(r|S
) (11)
3 Experiments and Results
We present a set of experiments that we performed using the SwitchBoard corpus [8]
and the Dihana corpus [3]. The experiments were designed to show the error in the es-
timation of the number of segments using the estimation proposed in Section 2. We
compared the different methods and two versions of the corpora: one version con-
tains the correct transcriptions, which include all the punctuation marks, and excla-
mation/interrogation marks, and the other version does not include those symbols, and
it is included as an approximation to the output of a (perfect) speech recogniser.
3.1 SwitchBoard Corpus
The SwitchBoard corpus is a well-known corpus of human-human conversations by
telephone. The conversationsare not related to a specific task, since the speakers discuss
general interest topics, with no clear task to accomplish. This corpus recorded sponta-
neous speech, with frequent interruptions between the speakers and background noises.
The transcription of the corpus takes into account all these facts and it includes special
notation for the overlaps, noises and other sound effects present in the acquisition.
The corpus is composed of 1,155 different conversations in which 500 different
speakers participated. The number of turns in the dialogues is around 115,000,including
overlaps. The vocabulary size is approximately 42,000 words.
The corpus was manually divided into segments following the criteria defined by
the SWBD-DAMSL annotation scheme [10]. Each segment is labelled with one of the
42 different labels present in the SWBD-DAMSL annotation set. These labels repre-
sent categories such as statement, backchannel, questions, answers, etc., and different
subcategories for each of these categories (e.g., statement opinion/non-opinion, yes-
no/open/rethorical-questions, etc.). The manual labelling was performed by 8 different
human labellers, with a Kappa value of 0.80.
To simplify the task, we preprocessed the transcriptions of the SwitchBoard corpus
to remove certain particularities. The interrupted turns were joined, thereby avoiding
interruptions and ignoring overlaps between the speakers. The vocabulary was reduced
by using all the words in lowercase and separating the punctuation marks from the
To obtain more reliable results, we performed a partition on the corpus to perform
experiments with a cross-validation approach. In our case, the 1,155 different dialogues
were divided into 11 partitions with 105 dialogues each one.
3.2 Dihana Corpus
The Spanish corpus Dihana [3] is composed of 900 dialogs about a telephonic train in-
formation system. It was acquired by 225 different speakers (153 male and 72 females),
with small dialectal variants. There are 6,280 user turns and 9,133 system turns. The
vocabulary size is 823 words. The total amount of speech signal was about five and a
half hours.
The acquisition of the Dihana corpus was carried out by means of an initial proto-
type, using the Wizard of Oz (WoZ) technique [6]. This acquisition was only restricted
at the semantic level (i.e., the acquired dialogues are related to a specific task domain)
and was not restricted at the lexical and syntactical level (spontaneous-speech). In this
acquisition process, the semantic control was provided by the definition of scenarios
that the user had to accomplish and by the WoZ strategy, which defines the behaviour
of the acquisition system.
The annotation scheme used in the corpus is based on the Interchange Format (IF)
defined in the C-STAR project [11]. Although it was defined for a Machine Translation
task, it has been adapted to dialogue annotation [7]. The three-level proposal of the IF
format covers the speech act, the concept, and the argument, which makes it appropriate
for its use in task-oriented dialogues.
Based on the IF format, a three-level annotation scheme of the Dihana corpus seg-
ments was defined in [1]. This DA set represents the general purpose of the segment
(first level), as well as more precise semantic information that is specific to each task
(second and third levels).
All of the dialogues are segmented in turns (User and System), and each turn is also
divided into segments. Finally, each segment is labelled with a three-level label. Obvi-
ously, more than one segment can appear per turn. In fact, an average of 1.5 segments
per turn was obtained.
The corpus is divided into 5 partitions, so the experiments can be performed with a
cross-validation approach. Each partition contains 180 dialogues. In this work we only
used the user turns.
3.3 Estimation of the Number of Segments
We used the method proposed in Section 2 to estimate the number of segments of the
turns in the SwitchBoard and Dihana corpora. We did three different subsets of experi-
ments. The first subset includes estimation of segments with simple scores, the second
subset refers to the estimation for the composed scores, and the third subset tests the
naive-Bayes computation of the score.
The results are presented in tables 1 and 2. Table 1 shows the results of the different
estimations of the number of segments for both corpora using the basic scores presented
Table 1. Results of the estimation of the number of segments using basic scores. The estimation
column indicates the type of the score used in the estimation of r. The error indicates the per-
centage of turns with an estimation of the wrong number of segments using the SwitchBoard and
Dihana corpora. We included two versions of the corpora, the real transcription and a filtered one,
without interrogation and punctuation marks. Best results for each corpus are shown in boldface.
Simple score
Estimation SWBD SWBD no marks Dihana Dihana no marks
Length 35.8 36.0 30.9 30.8
Final Words 33.4 34.7 25.1 25.7
Final Bigrams 28.1 33.6 22.2 25.5
Final Trigrams 39.1 39.1 31.9 32.2
Initial Words 33.4 33.4 33.1 33.3
Initial Bigrams 32.6 34.6 29.1 30.9
Initial Trigrams 39.0 37.6 33.0 32.3
Table 2. Results of the estimation of the number of segments using composed scores and es-
timations with the naive-Bayes approach. The error indicates the percentage of turns with an
estimation of the wrong number of segments using the SwitchBoard and Dihana corpora. Best
results for each corpus are shown in boldface.
Composed features
Estimation SWBD SWBD no marks Dihana Dihana no marks
Length + Final Words 35.6 35.9 30.4 30.0
Length + Final Bigrams 35.6 35.9 30.6 30.0
Length + Initial Words 35.6 35.7 30.9 30.5
Length + Initial Bigrams 35.5 35.8 30.7 30.1
Final Bigrams + Initial Words 30.3 32.5 27.1 28.1
Final Bigrams + Initial Bigrams 29.0 33.5 23.2 27.2
Naive-Bayes computation
Estimation SWBD SWBD no marks Dihana Dihana no marks
Length + Final Words 34.4 35.3 28.3 26.9
Length + Final Bigrams 32.9 35.0 22.7 26.7
Length + Initial Words 34.5 34.5 30.6 30.5
Length + Initial Bigrams 33.6 34.8 28.0 29.3
Final Bigrams + Initial Words 30.2 33.4 22.7 27.4
Final Bigrams + Initial Bigrams 29.5 33.9 22.4 27.3
in subsection 2.2. Table 2 includes the results of the composed score presented in sub-
section 2.3, and the estimation with the naive-Bayes approach presented in subsection
In all the tables, we included the estimation using the correct turn transcriptions
and an approximation to the output of a speech recogniser, where some marks are not
present. Specifically, we deleted the exclamation and interrogation marks and the punc-
tuation marks.
These tests showed that the models work in the same way for both corpora. The
final bigrams seem to be the best feature in Dihana. In Switchboard, the error with final
bigrams using the no-marks transcription is increased by a 20% with respect to the
correct transcription. In both corpora, the initial n-grams produce worse results than the
final ones.
The final word and trigram features produce similar errors in both versions of the
corpora, which indicates that the marks we deleted are not as useful as can be expected
for determining the number of segments. Nevertheless, when we use the final bigram
feature, the absence of punctuation marks slightly affects the estimation of the number
of segments. The length of the turn showed no important variation between the two
versions of the corpora.
The two proposed ways to do the combination of scores produces similar optimal
estimations. Nevertheless, in both corpora the naive-Bayes computation produces better
results on average than the composed score. In Dihana, the combined scores in which
the length of the turn is present, work better with the no-marks version of the corpus.
SwitchBoard does not present important differences in this case.
In the two corpora, the best results for both approximations of composed scores
show that the final bigram is a good estimator, because the combined scores where this
feature is present produce the best estimations. In the Dihana corpus, the composed es-
timations do not produce any improvementin the estimation of the number of segments.
However, in the Switchboard corpus the best estimation of the number of segments is
produced by a composed score from final bigrams and initial words.
4 Conclusions and Future Work
In this work, we proposed a method to estimate the number of segments of a turn given
its transcription. This method can use some transcription derived features, so it can be
used in spoken or typed dialogues. We compared the different features presented using
two corpora. The experiments showed that the punctuation marks are not essential to
identify segments in a turn. Moreover, the composed estimations seem to produce good
results even without marks.
Future work is directed to obtaining a better model that estimates the number of
segments. For example, the model can combine more than two features and use some
sort of weights for the features. Another important step is to introduce the estimation
of the number of segments in a labelling model. However, the estimations based on the
transcription of turns do not seem to produce good enough results. In spoken dialogues,
a new estimation could be to use features that are extracted directly from the audio
signal, as proposed in [2]. Therefore, studying the audio features and including them
into our probability model of the estimation of the number of segments could be a good
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