From an architectural standpoint, the distributed
architecture with logic and physical module
separation proved to be reliable and efficient. This
approach enabled independence between biometric
data collection, processing and simulation related
computation. It also provided database collection of
both raw biometric channel values and semantic
emotional state information for future analysis and
validation, improving system openness.
At a more significant level, the emotional
assessment layer reached high accuracy levels.
Through the detailed validation process, 78% of the
classified emotional states were considered correct
by the subjects. If simplified to Russell’s four
quadrants, this value reaches 87%, which supports
the conclusion of an effective emotional assessment
process. Still in this category, it is worth to mention
the on-the-fly classification procedure that nearly
suppresses the need to a long baseline data gathering
and user identification as it is performed by the user
at any time. Also, the dynamic scaling was valuable,
as to correctly accommodate outsized signal
deviations without precision loss.
In what regards the aeronautical simulation, all
projected goals where completely fulfilled as users
confirmed their immersion sensation, by both self-
awareness and biological recorded response. It is
believed that the use of 3D glasses as display device
played a particularly important role in creating the
appropriate environment.
Some improvement opportunities have been
identified along the project. It is believed to be
useful, for future system versions, to include
additional biometric channels in the emotional
assessment engine, such as ECG, BVP (Blood
Volume Pulse) and even EEG. This signals
integration would be fairly straightforward as the
current data fusion process and emotional base
model support that kind of enhancement. Still
concerning this module, one shall mention the
possibility to test Russell’s model expansion to 3D
by adding a dominance axis. Regarding the
aeronautical simulator, it would be interesting to
define and test more navigation scenarios. Still in
this point, a more smooth transition between
contexts, especially between quadrants characterized
by high levels of arousal and those with low levels
of arousal would be useful.
As a final project summary, one shall point that
the proposed system has a dual application as a
complete entertainment system with user emotional
awareness that continuously adapts the multimedia
content accordingly, and possibly a more solemn
approach as a phobia treatment auxiliary.
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics