An Approach of Ontology Oriented SPEM Models
Miroslav Líška
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies, Slovak University of Technology
Ilkovičova 3, Bratislava, Slovakia
Abstract. SPEM 2.0 is used to define software and systems development
processes and their components. It separates reusable development knowledge
base from its application in processes. In this work we present a knowledge
oriented approach that supports design of SPEM models with respect of SPEM
architecture. The main idea is based on creation three ontologies that are a
SPEM ontology, a development knowledge ontology and an ontology of devel-
opment knowledge application. Ontologies are generated with XSL transforma-
tions from UML models and also from SPEM CMOF specification and they are
imported into the Protégé for reasoning purposes. At the conclusion paper dis-
cusses a future work to increase contributions of this approach.
1 Introduction
This paper presents our latest research in application of the Semantic Web technolo-
gies in the domain of software engineering based on the Model Driven Architecture.
We have chosen the Web Ontology Language as the Semantic Web technology and
the Software Process Engineering Meta-Model as the software engineering technolo-
gy. OWL is a language for defining and instantiating Web ontologies [1]. SPEM 2.0
is used to define software and systems development processes and their components
Our general goal was to link together these two technologies. OWL is standard of
the World Wide Web Consortium that is the main international standards organiza-
tion for the World Wide Web. SPEM is standard of the Object Management Group
that is leading not-for-profit standards consortium that produces and maintains com-
puter industry specifications based on the Model Driven Architecture. So it is possi-
ble to assume that linking of these technologies could be perspective.
Our concrete goal of this research was to create technique that supports validation
of used company’s development knowledge base in its real software processes. In
order to accomplish these goals we had to ontologize SPEM, a development know-
ledge base and also its configuration in a process.
Líška M. (2009).
An Approach of Ontology Oriented SPEM Models Validation.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Future Trends of Model-Driven Development, pages 40-43
DOI: 10.5220/0002176000400043
1.1 MDA and the Semantic Web
At present, it is missing a straightforward linking between OWL and SPEM. But this
fact does not mean that OWL (Semantic Web) and SPEM (Model Driven Architec-
ture) are not related. First they were connected through RDF and UML [3, 4]. One
issue that has been addressed was the problem that RDF properties are first class
entities and they are not defined relative to a class [5]. This difference has also been
transferred into OWL and UML difference [6]. Moreover RDFS as a schema layer
language has a non-standard and non-fixed-layer meta-modeling architecture, which
makes some elements in model, have dual roles in the RDFS specification [7]. Today
the main bridge that connects the Semantic Web with the Model Driven Architecture
is stated in the Ontology Definition Meta-Model [8]. ODM defines the OWL Meta-
Model specified in MOF (MOF – OWL mapping) and also the UML Profile for On-
tology modeling (UML – OWL mapping). This architecture can be extended with
additional mappings between the UML Profile for OWL and other UML Profiles for
custom domains. This creates a bridge from the Semantic Web into custom domain of
the Model Driven Architecture [9]. In our approach we have also used this kind of
bridge to connect SPEM with the Semantic Web. We have generated a SPEM ontol-
ogy from the SPEM meta-model (specified in CMOF) that has stated our required
mapping between SPEM and UML.
2 Solution
The SPEM 2.0 Meta-Model is a MOF-based model that reuses UML 2 Infrastructure
library (e.g. Class, Association) [10]. Its own extended elements are structured into
seven main meta-model packages. These are Core, Process Structure, Process Beha-
vior, Managed Content, Method Content, Process with Methods and Method Plugin
package. In order to achieve our defined goals we have worked with Method Content
package and Process with Methods package. The Method Content meta-model pack-
age provides the concepts for SPEM 2.0 users and organizations to build up a devel-
opment knowledge base that is independent of any specific processes and develop-
ment projects. The Process with Methods meta-model package defines new and rede-
fines existing structures for integrating processes defined with Process Structure me-
ta-model package concepts with instances of Method Content meta-model package
At first, we have generated (using XSL) a SPEM Ontology from SPEM CMOF
specification in order to obtain all SPEM elements with their relationship. Moreover
it was also necessary to extend the SPEM Ontology with SPEM UML2 profile in
order to relate SPEM elements with their UML representations. Note this has created
possibility to reason whether created SPEM UML models are correctly represented
with the SPEM UML Profile. At next it was necessary to create UML Model that was
representing a company’s development knowledge. We have focused on simple Task
Definition “Prioritize Use Cases” that is performed by “Project Manager”, “System
Analyst” and “Software Architect” Roles Definition. Mandatory output (Work Prod-
ucts Definition) from this task is “Use Case Model” and optional outputs from this
task are “Risk List” and “Software Architecture Document”. We have created this
model with Sparxsystems Enterprise Architect and transformed it (with XSL) into the
Company1 Method Content ontology. This ontology has become a simple develop-
ment knowledge base. If a new project is going to reuse “Prioritize Use Case” Task
Definition, its use must be according to this ontology. For example, “Prioritize Use
Cases” Task Use must have as a mandatory output “Use Case Model” Work Product
Use. Other outputs are not required, because they are only optional. So we have
created another UML model that represents use of Method Content in a process and
transformed it (with XSL) into the Company1 Method Content Use ontology. To
relate Method Content Use elements with Method Content elements it is necessary to
use contentTrace relationship as is depicted in Fig. 1. Note in our approach we use
contentTrace relationship equally as Instance relationship. For example, “Project
Manager” Role Definition in Method Content is a class, where “Project Manager”
Role Use is its instance.
3 Ontology Reasoning
At last we have imported the SPEM ontology, the Company1 Method Content Ontol-
ogy and Company1 Method Content Use Ontology into the Protégé. The Protégé is a
free, open source ontology editor and knowledge-base framework [11]. Note that it is
important to share the same namespace (spem2) in every ontologies in order to the
Protégé can properly recognize elements from the Company1 Method Content Use
Ontology as individuals of the Company1 Method Content ontology that is speciali-
zation of the SPEM Ontology.
PrioritizeUseCa ses
Proj ectManager
UseCa seM odel
RiskLis t
Softw areArchitectureDocument
PrioritizeUse Cases
UseCa seM odel
Proj ectManager
«perform s»
«perform s»
«manda toryOutput»
«perform s»
Fig. 1. Method Content (left) and Method Content Use (right).
After that we have executed reasoning to find out whether these ontologies are
consistent. The Protégé resulted that ontologies are consistent what we have expected
because they were not contradictional. In order to prove that our approach is able to
disallow inconsistent use of the Method Content in a process, we have stated, that
mandatory output from “Prioritize Use Cases” Task Use is “Risk List” Work Product
Use instead of required “Use Case Model” Work Product Use. The Protégé has re-
sulted that this was inconsistent, because the object property mandatoryOutput re-
quires as a domain individuals of “Prioritize Use Cases” Task Definition and as range
it requires individuals of “Use Case Model” Work Product Definition. Note that
Work Product Definition “Risk List” and Work Product Definition “Use Case Mod-
el” must be disjointed classes.
4 Conclusions
In this paper we have presented our latest research based on knowledge engineering
in MDE. A lot of work must be done and it is fair to say, that at the moment we have
only started to bridge SPEM with UML. At present, our approach cannot be used
without limitations. For example, necessary condition that every Method Content and
Method Content Use model must have at least one responsible relationship, one per-
forms relationship and one mandatory output relationship must be satisfied. If not,
than the reasoner cannot find inconsistency what is required.
This work was partially supported by the Scientific Grant Agency of Slovak Repub-
lic, grant No. VG1/0508/09.
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