The resulting TRNG was proven to provide high
quality random numbers and we also believe it has
the advantage of resisting to extreme functioning
conditions (temperatures and radiations), which can
only increase its quality. Other advantages of this
new method are its stability and the fact that the
design encapsulates all its components in one chip,
thus increasing the generator’s security. Since it
does not depend on any external factors, an attacker
cannot intervene in any way to study it in order to
make any prediction about the source of
The design (in the form of a .BIT file) can be
freely downloaded from (Suciu, 2007) together with
an Installation Guide, so it can be tested by anyone
who wants to convince him/herself about its
nondeterministic behavior.
We have also proposed a method for developing
new designs based on this approach, which are
FPGA vendor independent. The only drawback of
this method is that the FPGA chip will be used at its
full capacity, which will make it impossible to
implement anything else in the same chip.
Future work will focus on constructing a generic,
device-independent architecture which could be
applied to any FPGA by only modifying the generic
variables in order to completely fill the chip.
Another research direction will be to compare this
TRNG with other generators, when exposed to
external factors (temperature variations, radiations,
current fluctuations) to determine the stability of
each method.
This work was supported by the Romanian National
Centre for Program Management (CNMP) under
grant nr. 11-020/2007 (the CryptoRand project).
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SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography