good way for lifting the pendulum up only if
enough acceleration is provided which is dependent
on sudden change of speed. Acceleration rate can be
changed by adjusting sampling time of Error and
Change in Error. Longer sampling time results with
higher alteration rate. Nevertheless, longer sampling
time has negative effects on system control. If one
selects sampling time close or bigger than falling
time, system will not stabilize the pendulum.
Besides, higher sampling time causes oscillation in
the system between the positive and the negative
sides of the vertical because of the magnitude of the
PWM output. To solve this dilemma, appropriate
sampling time must be selected. During inverted
pendulum development process, several artificial
sampling times (30 ms, 60 ms, 125 ms, 250 ms and
500 ms) were created using delay function. Test
results indicated that oscillation decreases for
smaller sampling times. That’s why, for inverted
pendulum system the fastest internal oscillator
option was employed without any delay function to
provide the shortest calculation interval possible.
In this paper, we focus on developing an inverted
pendulum with the aim of minimizing the size and
the cost of the system structure while increasing the
reliability and performance. By using a
microcontroller, hardware requirements are greatly
reduced as well as total cost. A new approach to
inverted pendulum design is proposed so that
unlimited circular movement is assured. Fuzzy
inference system with five triangular membership
functions and 25 rules provide an appropriate way
of control as far as low memory capacity of the
microcontroller is concerned. Empirical results
show that pendulum is balanced vertically either in
steady-state or in dead-band.
Inverted pendulum control system can be
improved in a number of ways. Lifting the
pendulum up from extreme edges can be achieved
by replacing the current pendulum with a lighter
and/or shorter one. A mass can be added at the top
of the pendulum in order to provide steady
movement and to facilitate the stabilization but such
a modification changes the place of center of
gravity to a great extent. Type of the motor and size
of the wheels affect the acceleration. Motor can be
changed with a powerful one or/and size of the
wheels can be bigger to provide more speed and
acceleration correspondingly.
It is known that oscillation can be reduced by
decreasing sampling time. Lower sampling time can
be achieved by using higher processor speeds. In
the project, sampling time was determined by the 8
MHz internal oscillator. So, a crystal oscillator may
be added to system as external clock source. Such a
modification increases the processor speed from 8
MHz up to 40 MHz.
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Microchip PIC18F4620 Data Sheet. [online].
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics