Recognition-based Segmentation of Arabic Handwriting
Ashraf Elnagar and Rahima Bentrcia
Department of Computer Science, University of Sharjah
P. O. Box 27272, Sharjah, U.A.E.
Abstract. Several segmentation approaches proposed in the past decades for
Arabic handwritings suffer from over-segmentation. This problem decomposes
a single letter into small strokes. The aim of this work is to handle this problem
using Artificial Neural Networks with a set of combination rules to keep the
correct strokes (letters) and combine the over-segmented ones to intact letters in
a correct way. After word segmentation, the resulting segments are normalized.
Then, a set of features was extracted from each segment and passed to Artificial
Neural Network to be recognized. Finally, proposed combination rules were
applied to unrecognized strokes and to specific recognized letters. The success
rate of the experimental results exceeds 95%.
1 Introduction
Automatic recognition of handwritings becomes a mature subject because of the wide
studies done in this field. Two different classes of character recognition systems are
defined: on-line and off-line systems. On-line systems recognize handwritings that are
entered from a tablet or any sensitive device by a digital pen. Off-line systems deal
with images of handwritings stored in a database.
In this paper, we focus on Arabic handwritten characters recognition, [1]. Despite
the difficulty faced in recognizing Arabic handwritings, which is represented in the
quality of the writing (the poorer the writing is the harder to be recognized), this
subject is still under research because of its important applications. So many services
need to automate human processes for time and accuracy purposes. One application
appears in automating the process of reading and recognizing handwritten accounts
names and checks amounts in banks. Sorting incoming mails by recognizing the
handwritten addresses is another main application needed in posts. One more
application can be seen in retrieving the ancient Arabic handwritten manuscripts.
Our recognition approach is embedded within the segmentation system which is
proposed in [2]. After word segmentation, the resulting segments are normalized and
a set of twenty features is extracted and fed into an artificial neural network. The
recognition outputs can range from class 1 to class 46, as clarified in Table 1, where
each class represents the location of a single letter in the word or the location of a
group of letters that share similar shape characteristics. Some segments may not be
recognized because of the poor writing, so they are combined with the following
segment and a new set of twenty features is extracted again and passed to the neural
Elnagar A. and Bentrcia R. (2009).
Recognition-based Segmentation of Arabic Handwriting.
In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Information Systems, pages 83-92
DOI: 10.5220/0002179400830092
network. This process is repeated until the segment is recognized. A set of
combination rules is also applied to specific recognized characters.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents related work.
Recognition stage is described in Section 3. Section 4 discusses the experimental
results, and Conclusion and future direction are included in Section 5.
2 Related Work
Most of the work on handwriting recognition was done on Latin text. This lack in
Arabic handwriting recognition systems is highly related to the difficulty of
segmenting words into characters because of the cursive nature of Arabic
handwriting. Therefore, Arabic recognition methods can be divided into those which
first segment the word to be recognized, and those that recognize the whole word.
Earlier surveys discussed both Arabic printed and handwritten texts, [3, 4, 5, and
6]. One of the segmentation based methods for automatic recognition of printed Farsi,
Arabic, and Urdu texts was proposed by Parhami and Taraghi in 1981, [7]. In this
approach, sub-words were segmented and recognized according to geometrical
features such as concavities, loops, and connectivity. No performance results were
reported for this algorithm but smaller type fonts may not recognized perfectly.
In 1986, Amin and Masini proposed a system for segmentation and recognition
that used horizontal and vertical projections and shape-based primitives [8]. On 100
multi-font words, it achieved a character recognition rate of 85% and a word
recognition rate of 95%.
Gillies et. al. constructed a recognition system for Arabic text, [9], where words
were over-segmented using two different splitting methods, then the resulting
segments are ordered and combined in groups and sent to a trained neural network
which recognized whole characters from the combination options. These were passed
to a Viterbi search to predict the word. Using a testing set of 138 page images,
digitized to 200X200, the system achieved a recognition rate of 93%. However, this
rate degraded to 89% when the same set was used with a size of 100X200.
In 2002, Hamami and Berkani developed a structural approach to handle many
fonts and it included rules to prevent over-segmentation [10].
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is used also to recognize words by using words
features. In 2001, Dehghan et. Al split words into overlapping vertical segments [11],
then, they extracted column features and passed them to HMM.
Al-Qahtani and Khorsheed presented a system based on Hidden Markov Model
Toolkit in 2004, [12, 13]. One system did not require the segmentation stage and
recognized Arabic scripts using HTK. The second system decomposed the text into
line images and divided each line image into smaller overlapped frames. Then it
extracted statistical features from each frame and passed them to HTK.
Two segmentation free recognition methods appeared in 1995 by Al-Badr and
Haralick. In the first system, [14], the whole word was recognized by detecting a set
of shape primitives which matched to a constrained set of symbol models. The
recognition rate was 99.7% for synthetically degraded symbols and 94.1% for
scanned symbols. For isolated words, the system achieved 99.4% for noise-free
words, 95.6% for synthetically degraded words, and 73% for scanned words. The
second system was developed to recognize machine printed Arabic words without
prior segmentation. The idea was based on shape primitives that were detected with
mathematical morphology operations, [15]. The recognition rate was 99.4% for noise-
free texts and 73% for scanned texts.
Khorsheed and Clocksin proposed in 1999 another holistic system where features
were extracted from a word’s skeleton for recognition without prior segmentation
In 2000, Amin introduced another holistic approach where global features such as
loops and peaks were extracted from the input word [17], and passed to the C4.5
machine learning system to generate a decision tree for classifying the word. The
success rate of the system was 92% using 1000 Arabic words with different fonts.
Another method was presented by Pechwitz and Maergner [18], where the
recognition system was based on a semi-continuous 1-dimensional HMM. From each
input word, features were collected using sliding window approach. The recognition
results achieved 89%, using the IFN/ENIT database of Arabic handwritten words for
In this work, an effective segmentation method for Arabic handwriting was
developed. The method used a multi-agent approach to segment words and relied on
recognition to verify the validity of the candidate segmentation points. Comparing the
previous methods of segmentation approaches and our approach, this segmentation
method is not only resolved the shortcomings of the previous related methods but also
achieved better results by avoiding under segmentation. This depended on the high
performance of the agents and the right decision to select artificial neural network
with combination rules which improved detecting the candidate segmentation points.
3 Segmentation Stage
Our segmentation system, which we proposed in [2], was basically based on a multi-
agent approach to identify the segmentation points.
Initially, the image of Arabic handwritten text was binarized and cleaned from
noise. Then, the text was segmented into lines and each line was segmented into
words. The resulting words were thinned and the main connected components in each
word were determined and passed to agents that extracted three types of feature points
before starting their work.
The identification of initial cutting points strongly depends on seven agents. Six
agents are major, which are: loop agent, letter Seen agent, under-baseline-cavities
agent, above-baseline-right-cavity agent, above-baseline-left-cavity agent, and above-
baseline-narrow-left-cavity agent. The other agent which is the baseline agent is a
minor one since it was used by major agents to facilitate their task. First, the agents
detected regions that look like some of Arabic characters, these regions were
subtracted from the whole word and the remaining parts were left for further
processing. Next, all end points features were extracted from the remaining regions
and an initial cutting point was inserted between every two successive end points.
Finally, a set of filtering rules was applied to remove the extra segmentation points.
The experiments reported very good results where the success rate was 86%.
4 Recognition Stage
This phase is very important in our segmentation system, [2]. Since segmenting words
into characters is a challenging task, especially for Arabic handwritings, a verification
tool is needed to measure the segmentation performance. Artificial neural network
was selected to decide if the resulting segment is a letter or a stroke and then needs
further processing.
Generally, artificial neural networks are very common in pattern recognition field.
Our decision to use ANN as a recognition model was based on the excellent features
that it possesses compared to other recognition tools. A well-trained neural network
can perform complex functions and solve challenging problems that are difficult for
conventional computers or human beings since it is based on learning what it sees. In
addition, neural networks can be modified easily and retrained when the requirements
of the problem are changed. Finally, its integration property allows several
recognition tools to work properly and cooperate with neural networks. This feature
may increase the efficiency of the problem solution.
The following sections describe the main steps in our approach.
4.1 Features Extraction
In this step, each segment image is converted into numerical features which describe
the segment. The feature extraction methods used in character segmentation systems
are probably the most important factor in achieving a good segmentation/recognition
rate. After segmenting the word, its output segments are normalized into 250X250
images. Then, twenty structural features are extracted from them. Fifteen Fourier
descriptors are extracted from the segments contour and normalized to remove
character variations in shift, size, and rotation, [19, 20]. The other five features
include number of loop, number of black points to total number of points ratio, the
existence of connection to the right and left of the segment [21], and height o width
A different number of Fourier descriptors are tested and the final set includes 15
descriptors. The selection of these features was based on their ability of describing the
general shape of any closed curve such as characters by a set of Fourier coefficients.
Suppose that a character consists of a sequence of points (xi, yi), where i=1, 2, …, N,
and N is the number of points in character’s boundary. Each of these points can be
represented as a complex number: a(n) = x(n)+ i*y(n). The discrete Fourier
transformation u(n) represents the coordinate sequence a(n). The first 15 coefficients
(descriptors) are selected as our features. This is referred to that the general properties
of the character shape are kept in the first (low) coefficients. Because characters
varied in size, location and maybe rotation angle, Fourier descriptors can be
manipulated to be character rotation, scale, and shift invariant. To make Fourier
descriptors rotation and shift invariant, only their absolute values are used, and to
make them scale invariant, the coefficient are normalized by dividing them by the
first coefficient a(1), [19].
4.2 Reconstruction and Recognition
Artificial neural networks are computational models which take their inspiration from
the models and theories of the human brain. The most popular neural network is the
multilayer feed-forward network where neurons are grouped as layers and
connections between neurons in consecutive layers are permitted. The inputs are fed
from the input layer and outputs are at the output layer.
In this work, after images normalization, a vector of 20 features is extracted from
each segment image and classified using a feed forward neural network trained by
back-propagation learning algorithm [1]. The structure of this ANN, consists of four
layers: one input layer of 20 neurons, two hidden layers of 100 neurons and one
output layer of 46 neurons. The neurons in the hidden layers and the output layer are
working using tan-sigmoid and linear algorithms, respectively, and the network is
trained using traincgf function. The final selection of the ANN’s structure and the
used algorithms was determined after trying so many other structures and testing
several algorithms. The ANNs which are trained using ‘traincgf’ give better results
compared to those that use other training algorithms. Moreover, traincgf has smaller
storage requirements and faster convergence in some recognition problems.
The 46 outputs represent the classes that each segment may belong to, and each
class includes letters that have similar shape (body) in a specific location in the word;
in the beginning of the word, in the middle, in the end, or isolated. The list of output
classes appears in Table 1.
Table 1. The Output Classes of the Proposed Recognition System.
24 8
27 11
43 29
45 15
The proposed ANN is trained using 2000 characters; more than 40 characters from
each class, written by different people. Then, testing was accomplished by selecting
examples from each class and passing them to the ANN. A total of 250 characters
were used as testing examples. The obtained recognition rate exceeds 87%.
4.3 Restoration and Combination
This step is required when the word is over-segmented and additional segmentation
points were determined. As a result, pseudo characters that passed to the neural
network are not correctly recognized. To remedy this situation, the extra segmentation
points are removed and the adjacent segments are combined and passed again to the
neural network, [22]. This process is repeated until the candidate character is
A preprocessing step was applied first to remove segmentation points that yield to
segments with width less than a threshold. This process eliminates most of the strokes
which wrongly found in letters such as ‘ain ‘ and ‘haa ’. The following examples
depict this case in Fig. 1. As clarified in the figure, the small segment of letter ‘’ in
the word ‘’, and of the letter’ in the word ‘’, and of the letter ’ in the
word ‘’ are eliminated and combined to their related segments to form complete
Fig. 1. The word before and after extra
segmentation points.
Fig. 2. The Double and Triple Segmentation
of Some Characters.
Because word segmentation is a precise process, a set of rules is used to cooperate
with the embedded recognition system in order to keep the correct segments
(characters) and combine the wrong ones in a correct way.
The combination rules are based on the recognition results of segments. As
observed in the segmentation stage, a letter is segmented in the worst case into three
segments and this happened in letters that belong to the classes: 15, 16, 17, 18, and in
some types of the handwritten letters of classes 7, 10, 19, 20, 21, and 22. In addition,
characters of classes 2, 3, 6, 11, 12, 13, 23, 24, 29, 32, 43, and 44, shown in Table 1,
are segmented into two segments in the most types of handwritings. Fig. 2 clarifies
these cases of triple (three segments) and double (two segments) segmentation.
The main objective of the cooperation between the recognition model and the
combination rules is to handle the over segmented letters introduced in Fig. 2.
Fig. 3. Applied combination rules to
double-segmented letter.
Fig. 4. Applied combination rules to triple-
segmented letter.
First, the number of resulting segments was determined. Combination rules were
applicable only when the number of segments is equal to or greater than two. Initially,
the first two segments or three segments, if any, are passed to the neural network and
recognized separately. If the first segment was recognized as a letter which can be a
part of any other letter that may over-segmented into three parts, this first segment is
combined with the second segment and the third segment and passed again to the
neural network. If this combination was well recognized, then the final character will
be the combination form of the three segments. Otherwise, only the first two segments
are combined and passed to the neural network. If the first segment can be a part of
any other letter that may over-segmented into two parts, then The final character will
be the one with the higher recognition result of the first segment alone and its
combination with the second segment. Finally, this process of combination and
recognition repeated starting from the next unrecognized segment until all resulting
segments are recognized as letters or combined into recognized letters. Fig. 3
illustrates an over-segmented letter ‘ث’, where the second segment was classified as
class 5 and the combination form of the two segments was classified as class 6.
Fig. 4 also shows a triple-segmented letter ‘ص’, where the first segment was
classified as class 43 and the combined form of the first, second, and the third
segments was returned as class 22.
5 Experimental Results
More than 600 of over-segmented words were tested using the proposed recognition
system aided by the above combination rules. The obtained results are very
encouraging, as illustrated in Table 2. The percentage of correct segmentation
increased from 86% before recognition and combination rules application to 95%
after recognition and combination. On the other hand, the over-segmentation
percentage decreased from 14% to 5% whereas the under-segmentation percentage
remained constant.
Table 2. The Segmentation Results Using the Selected Sample.
Before Recognition
& Combination
After Recognition&
% of correct segmentation
86% 95%
% of over segmentation
14% 5%
% of missing/wrong segmentation
The majority of the over-segmented characters are combined and recognized
correctly. Fig. 5 depicts segmented words before and after recognition and
combination rules application.
Fig. 5. Over-Segmented Words Before and
After Applying Combination Rules.
Fig. 6. The Problems of Character
As demonstrated above, both double and triple segmented letters are combined
correctly. The letter ‘’ which appears in the words ‘’ and ‘’ was
segmented into three parts and each part is a candidate letter. However, the
combination and recognition processes yield to one strong candidate letter instead of
the three parts. A different example of double segmented letters can be observed in
letters ‘’ and ‘’ that belong to words ‘’ and ‘’, respectively. Similarly,
the combined segments had higher recognition rate, compared to each segment
separately. The same case can be observed in the rest of examples.
Because the combination rules are strongly based on the recognition result of each
segment, those which are misrecognized may not help in handling the over-segmented
letters. This case appears in the letters of classes: 3, 6, 29, 32, 43, and 44, where the
left segment of the over-segmented letter is wrongly recognized as letter alif ‘’,
which belongs to class 1. One example is shown in Fig. 6, in the letter ‘’ of the word
’ and in the letter ‘’ in the word ‘’.
The under-segmentation problem may also occur because of letter misrecognition.
Adjacent letters that form shapes similar to those of classes 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
and 22 may wrongly be combined although they are correctly classified before
combination. This scenario is very clear in Fig. 6, in the word ‘’, where the
adjacent letters ‘’ and part of the letter ’ were recognized and classified as letter
’, and the remaining part of ‘’ was classified as letter ‘’. Similar case was also
detected in the words ‘’ and ‘’, with different classification of the combined
segments. In the word ‘’, the two letters ‘’ and ‘’ were combined and classified
as letter ‘’.
However, these results still fair because the combined segments form a body shape
similar to that of an existing alphabetical letter. Moreover, the recognizer is not an
interpreter to search for the meaning of the word based on the recognition results of
its letters. Therefore, the obtaining outcomes are acceptable since no recent work
could solve these situations.
6 Conclusions
In this paper, an effective segmentation method for Arabic handwriting was
developed. The method used a multi-agent approach to segment words and relied on
recognition to verify the validity of the candidate segmentation points. The use of an
artificial neural network along with combination rules lead to a good treatment of the
over-segmentation problem in Arabic handwritings. Furthermore, it achieved better
results, when compared to similar works, by reducing the effect of under
segmentation. This is attributed to the decision agent, which makes the proper
decisions to identify the candidate segmentation points. The resulting segments are
passed to the recognizer, which will invoke and apply the combination-rules agent on
the unrecognized segments before passing it to the recognizer again. The
experimental results (~ 95%) were very satisfactory and promising.
Our future direction will focus on improving this approach and including other
styles of Arabic handwritings. On the improvement front, currently we are studying
the use of SVM and HMM recent and relevant techniques.
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