Created and modified on the fly, the scenarios
can start from any component, covering the system
at runtime through the cooperating interpreters.
During the scenario evolution, any operations can be
carried out throughout the distributed world, along
with the needed movement of code, equipment and
artificial or biological doers, humans including, as
well as creation and maintenance of physical and
virtual infrastructures supporting the missions.
The approach offered can dramatically simplify
application programming in distributed systems,
especially robotized ones. As can be seen from the
examples throughout this paper, programming multi-
robot scenarios in distributed and dynamic
environments in DSL may not be more difficult than,
say, programming of routine data processing tasks in
traditional languages like Fortran, C, or Java.
The distributed robotized systems are of rapidly
growing importance in many areas, and especially in
defense, where robotic swarming on asymmetric
battlefields is becoming a major dimension of the
new military doctrine for the 21
century (Singer,
2009). The written above is much in line with these
trends, allowing us to flexibly combine loose
swarming with more classical command and control,
which can help gradually transform fully manned
into mixed and ultimately totally unmanned systems.
Other prospective applications of this work can
be linked with economy, ecology and weather
prediction—by using the whole networked world as
a spatial supercomputer, self-optimizing its
The approach offered may also be compared
with the invention of the first world computers and
first high-level programming languages (Zuse,
1948/49; Rojas, 1997). In our case, this computer
may not only operate with data stored in a localized
memory, but can cover, grasp, and manage any
distributed systems, the whole world including, and
can work not only with information but with
physical matter or physical objects too.
This work has been funded by the Alexander von
Humboldt (AvH) Foundation in Germany. Special
thanks to Klaus-Dieter Kuhnert and Matthias Langer
for sheltering this activity at the University of
Siegen. Years of cooperation with Robert
Finkelstein (Robotic Technology Inc., USA) and
Masanori Sugisaka (Nippon Bunri University,
Japan) contributed much to the ideas expressed in
this paper. The support of this ideology and
technology by Joaquim Filipe (Escola Superior de
Tecnologia, Portugal) and by ICINCO conferences
was really invaluable. Encouragement from Stephen
Lambacher (Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan) has
been appreciated too.
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics