posed by Bulcão Neto [1], using the ontological concepts Actor, Activity, Spatial
Event and Temporal Event.
The context model has great importance to develop the application, as it was used
as basis for the modeling of geographic database and the implementation of features
available in the context management module. Due space limitations, the formal repre-
sentation of the context model is not shown in this paper.
3.2 Building the Geographic Database
The geographic database of the UFV-GeoMobile system was built from the aggrega-
tion of a geospatial data set, kept by the university administration, associated with a
set of relational databases used by a variety of administrative systems, also main-
tained by the institution. The geographic data have been modified to fit formats of
data handled by the Mobile GIS application. Initially, data were stored in the format
of the AutoCAD system and were converted to Shapefile format, using the
Cad2shape software [2]. The following layers were produced: thoroughfare, buildings
and specific facilities within a building, such as administrative offices and laborato-
The conceptual modeling of the database, as shown in Figure 2, was determined
from the information modeled in the domain ontology of a university campus. For
this task, we used the UML-GeoFrame model [6], which is a specific model for geo-
graphic database. Subsequently, the conceptual model was implemented using DBMS
PostGreSQL with its spatial PostGIS extension.
The class diagram of Figure 2 shows that the system has classes with and without
spatial representation. According to the UML-GeoFrame model, classes and sub-
classes Clerck, Professor, Admin Technician, Person, Student, Visitor, Calendar, Activity,
Council and Type of Facility are specializations of non-geographic objects (Π), i.e., with
no spatial representation. The classes Building, Thoroughfare and Facilities are perceived
in object view (Ο) and have spatial representation of the type Area, Line and Point,
respectively. Finally, the classes AerialView and ContourLine are perceived in the field
view (Θ). The first has spatial representation of the type GridCells (Κ), whereas the
second has representation of the type Isolines (ϑ).
3.3 Mobile GIS Application
The graphical interface of Mobile GIS was developed using the framework Microsoft
Visual Studio 2005, C#.NET language and the Pocket PC 2003 emulator. SharpMap
software was used to display geo-spatial data, which is a set of controls based on the
platform .NET to build GIS applications in mobile devices [7]. An initial version of
this prototype was published in [4].
To allow access to information stored in the geographic database a Web Service
was implemented in Java (SOAP), using NetBeans IDE 6.1 and the Glassfish server.
For every feature available in the application of Mobile GIS, a corresponding opera-
tion in the Web Service was developed to receive the parameters and pass them to the
Spatial Queries Module or to the Context Management Module. To illustrate these