In this paper, an original prototype of VGSTV has
been presented. The dynamic model have been intro-
duced. From this model, a stability criterion based on
the ZMP technique has been computed. This model
have been validated on the real robot in the context of
a staircase clearance.
Future works will focus on the autonomy of the
robot. In a short term work, a real time stability as-
sistance will be provided to the operator based on the
model (CoG or ZMP) presented in this paper. The
presented results are also a preliminary survey for
a long term work that will be oriented on the au-
tonomous obstacle clearance. Actual work (based on
the model and results presented here) is focused on
the automatic control of the robot.
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ICINCO 2009 - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics