Daniel V. Bailey, John Brainard
RSA, the Security Division of EMC, Bedford, MA U.S.A.
Sebastian Rohde, Christof Paar
Horst-G¨ortz Institute for IT Security, Ruhr-Universit¨at Bochum, Germany
User authentication, Online banking, Wi-Fi.
We present a design for a Wi-Fi user-authentication token that tunnels data through the SSID field, packet
timing, and packet length. Previous attempts to build an online-banking transaction-signing token have been
only moderately successful, due in large part to usability problems. Average consumers, especially in the
United States, are simply unwilling to transcribe strings of digits from PC to token and back again. In a
departure from previous work, our token communicates using point-to-point side-channels in Wi-Fi that allow
two devices to directly exchange messages – even if one is also connected to an access point. The result is a
token that can authenticate transactions using only one touch by the user. The increased usability means more
transactions can be authenticated, reducing fraud and driving more banking business online.
The contribution of this paper is a design for a Wi-
Fi user-authentication token with a focus on online
banking. In its most basic form, our token tunnels au-
thentication data through the SSID field found in Wi-
Fi management frames. Our new techniques allow
the seamless operation of three devices: a specialized
token, a standard Access Point (AP) and a PC with
application-layer software to interact with the token.
To that end, this paper introduces a constructive use
of Wi-Fi side channels. Although side channels are
usually treated in the literature as a means to attack
systems, in this paper we propose their use as a legit-
imate communication channel.
For its part, Wi-Fi represents both an opportunity
and a challenge. It is widespread, especially in PCs.
Because it suffers fromseveral disadvantages, we pro-
pose new methods of co-opting Wi-Fi using certain
data fields, packet length, and packet timing, to over-
come these limitations.
Our work is motivated by the difficulties of user-
authentication schemes for retail online banking. We
equip users with a wireless device which we’ll call the
token. The token is used during login and transaction
execution. Although authentication tokens have been
available for years, they have historically imposed a
serious burden on users. Our new design addresses
this shortcoming by using wireless communication.
Because we aim to use this device on a broad
range of consumer PCs as well as embedded systems,
Wi-Fi support is a top priority. At least in the United
States, Bluetooth isn’t supported by most laptops used
by consumers. Although in principle one could outfit
users with a USB-to-Bluetooth adapter, requiring the
user to manage two pieces of hardware (adapter and
token) would defeat our usability goals.
The use of PCs with handhelds has been seen as a way
to secure user input and output. The Pebbles project
uses a handheld as an additional user interface for a
PC (Myers, 2001), as does the Apple Remote Con-
trol (Apple, 2008). In “Bump in the Ether” (McCune
et al., 2006), the authors leverage trusted input and
output on the handheld to compensate for the possibil-
ity of malware on the PC. The authors of “Handheld
Computers can be Better Smartcards” (Balfanz and
Felten, 1999) similarly use the assumption of trusted
output on the handheld screen to allow the user to ver-
ify data before signing.
V. Bailey D., Brainard J., Rohde S. and Paar C. (2009).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 5-12
DOI: 10.5220/0002182400050012
The “Zero-Interaction Authentication (ZIA)” pa-
per by Corner and Noble (Corner and Noble, 2002),
envisions a Wi-Fi token worn by users. That work
focuses on encrypting data held on the PC with the
keys supplied by the token as needed. This scheme re-
quires essentially continuous operation of the token’s
radio and processor leading to high power consump-
tion. The difference with our work illustrates our con-
tribution. The ZIA token uses ordinary Wi-Fi associ-
ation and UDP for data transmission and reception.
This exceptionally high duty cycle leads in practice to
a token with power consumption that is unacceptably
high. In addition, this design makes roaming difficult:
in order for the PC to communicate both with Internet
services and the token, both would need to associate
and communicate through the same access point.
In a similar vein, in the “Zero-Stop Authentica-
tion” paper by Matsumiya, et al (Matsumiya et al.,
2005), the system designers aim to imbue the physical
environment with Wi-Fi radios and RFID readers to
automatically engage in a challenge-response proto-
col with the user’s cellphone or PDA. “Context-Aware
User Authentication by Bardram, et al (Bardram
et al., 2003) also aims to combine location data into
an overall authentication decision.
A commercial offering from Ozmo, in collabo-
ration with the Intel Cliffside project, has been an-
nounced (Merritt, 2008). At the time of this writing,
little is known about how the system actually works.
From the available high-level description, their goals
are similar to ours: an alternative use of Wi-Fi for
point-to-point networking. Their solution requires
rewriting of network drivers; our solution needs only
application-layer software with no chipset-by-chipset
customization. Ultimately, Ozmo should be seen as
a complementary solution: we could use it for data
transmission and reception.
The model of a standard PC using Wi-Fi communicat-
ing to an AP equipped with a backhaul connection to
the Internet is now ubiquitous among online-banking
customers worldwide, and we aim to devise a secu-
rity token consonant with this use case. This mode
of operation, called “infrastructure mode, has the AP
intermediate all traffic. As defined in Section 7.2.2 of
(IEEE, 2007), even if two PCs are in close proxim-
ity, data frames are sent from the PCs to the AP to be
relayed, and never directly to one another.
IEEE 802.11 association
with data encryption
IEEE 802.11
shared medium
the token the PC
no simultaneous
Ad-Hoc sessions!
Figure 1: IEEE 802.11 communication limits.
3.1 Single-session Only
Wi-Fi offers “ad-hoc mode” in which two PCs may
directly communicate, but after testing a broad range
of wireless cards (ten different cards representing five
different chipset vendors) on Windows and Linux, we
found that none were capable of holding simultane-
ous ad-hoc and infrastructure mode sessions, as de-
picted in Figure 1. This fact means that for practical
purposes, a PC must communicate directly with the
token, or with the AP (and, by extension, the online
bank), but not both simultaneously.
3.2 Lengthy Wi-Fi Association Process
Unlike a PC, an authentication token is used infre-
quently, say to initially log in to the bank or to
sign a transaction. If a token must register to an
AP, a designer faces two unappealing choices: ei-
ther the token registers with the AP once and con-
tinuously runs its radio to remain registered during
the PC’s entire session, or the token automatically re-
registers on-demand. Re-registration introduces un-
acceptably long delays while the user waits for a re-
sponse. The other choice - continuously running the
radio - quickly drains the battery.
3.3 Key Distribution for MAC-layer
The token could be provisioned with access creden-
tials to associate with the AP and complete 802.1X
authentication (hereafter, we’ll abuse the terminol-
ogy and refer to these two separate processes sim-
ply as “registration”) just like the PC. Unfortunately,
the registration process varies among APs, which be-
comes particularly problematic among mobile bank-
ing users who may use fee-for-service hotspots. Some
use a static WEP/WPA passphrase which would need
to be manually entered into the token, defeating our
usability goals. Others use 802.1X, for which a user-
name and password would be required. Still others
rely on an IPSec VPN.
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
3.4 Our Contribution
To enable bidirectional communications in the token,
we propose the use of side channels to simulate si-
multaneous sessions, independent of Wi-Fi associa-
tion or MAC-layer encryption, as depicted in Figure
2. We will propose a number of unidirectional side
channels which may be used together to implement
cryptographic protocols with a sharp application fo-
cus on online banking. The side channels will be con-
structed by finding ways to tunnel security-protocol
data through standard 802.11 frames.
IEEE 802.11 association
with data encryption
IEEE 802.11
shared medium
the token the PC
forward channel
back channel
Figure 2: Our design.
Several major approaches to user authentication for
online banking are currently in use. User acceptance
and a bank’s tolerance for fraud typically guide these
procurement choices. In this section, we survey the
major authentication mechanisms in use with banking
websites. We focus on the susceptibility to protocol-
level attacks as well as usability characteristics.
4.1 The Threat
Strong user authentication is a critical component of
an online banking application. The failure of the
user authentication component can allow an attacker
to perform an account takeover attack. In this form
of online fraud, the attacker steals login credentials,
such as passwords and proceeds to log into a legiti-
mate user’s banking account. Afterward, the attacker
can steal by transferring money to his own account.
This attack is so profitable in the real world that crim-
inals have evolvedsophisticated organizationsto steal
and evade detection and prosecution.
4.2 Static Passwords
Despite widespread shortcomings, the static password
remains quite common for online banking, especially
in the United States. The main attractions are clear:
very low-cost provisioning and no need for the user
to carry another device. The downsides, however, are
well-documented. Passwords can often be guessed by
the adversary or obtained through social engineering.
Phishing attacks result in a perfect clone of a static
password. In their most familiar form, these amount
to a bogus-website attack. The attacker assembles a
website that looks similar to that of a legitimate bank.
Then the attacker sends mass emails enticing users
to visit the fake website and provide their password
which can be later replayed. Each of the major al-
ternative approaches to online banking authentication
aims to disrupt this protocol attack and strike a subtle
balance between usability and security.
4.3 TAN Lists
An alternative is for the bank to supply the user with
a printed list of passwords called a Transaction Au-
thentication Number (TAN) List. This numbered list
of one-time passwords allows a form of challenge-
response protocol: the bank website asks the user for
a password located at a random position on the list
with each challenge used only once.
At the protocol level, introducing a security arti-
fact - even one as simple as a list of passwords - in-
troduces a potential attack vector. If the user leaves
the list unattended, an attacker can clone it using a
photocopier and return the original intact to the user.
Relying on physical possession to deter cloning
is an improvement in practice over the cloning resis-
tance of a static password which often can be sim-
ply guessed. Moreover, it thwarts the most common
phishing attacks since the adversary does not know
which password the server will request on the next
login attempt. More-sophisticated forms of phishing
called active, spear-phishing, or man-in-the-middle
(MITM) attacks still succeed (Parno et al., 2006). In
these scenarios, the attacker intercepts the password
and replays it to the bank in real time.
The list of passwords also harms usability. With-
out the password list, the user cannot log in. For
online banking, any decrease in usability means less
business transacted online, translating into less profit
for the bank. If measures to increase security harm
usability, few banks are interested.
4.4 Handheld OTP Tokens
Traditional handheld one-time password (OTP) to-
kens are today available from commercial vendors. In
general, these are handheld devices with a small LCD
that shows changing passwords. Standardization has
begun in the IETF, including (M’Raihi et al., 2005;
M’Raihi et al., 2008a; M’Raihi et al., 2008b). Unlike
a printed password list, the device throttles the dis-
play of passwords either using an internal clock or a
button, making it harder to clone. MITM attacks can
still succeed, as the adversary can intercept a pass-
word and instantly replay it to the website.
An OTP token is still an artifact that must be car-
ried by the user, who in turn must transcribe digits
into the PC – both harming usability.
4.5 Keypad Signing Tokens
The MITM attacks on OTP tokens are a product of
the lack of direct linkage between the generation and
consumption of passwords. Authenticating the user
only at login time means that a MITM attacker can in-
tercept and instantly replay passwords. Once logged
in, the attacker can fraudulently transfer funds. To tie
passwords directly to financial transactions (instead
of user sessions), some tokens are equipped with key-
pads to accept external inputs. The user enters trans-
action details like transaction ID, account numbers,
transaction amount and/or random challenge directly
into the token. In response, the signing token uses
a symmetric key shared with the server to compute
and display a truncated message authentication code.
The user then enters the message authentication code
into the PC which relays it on to the banking server.
Observe that relying on the user to transcribe digits
in this way offers a protocol advantage: she has an
opportunity to validate the transaction details. If an
attacker tries to introduce say a fraudulent account
number or transaction amount, the user can recog-
nize this fact and decline to enter it into the token.
Merely intercepting the resulting authentication code
does not allow the attacker to fraudulently transfer
funds. Modifying the account number would invali-
date the authentication code. Unfortunately, this im-
4. user types OTP
3. user reads OTP
2. user types challenge
1. user reads challenge
Figure 3: Keypad signing token.
proved protocol performance comes at the price of re-
duced usability. If users already complain about tran-
scribing six-to-eight digit passwords, then transcrib-
ing digits from the PC to the token and back for each
transaction is even worse.
4.6 Smart Cards
Smart cards offer a bidirectional machine interface in
a set of electrical contacts. Because smart-card read-
ers are not standard equipment on most PCs, the user
must keep track of two pieces of hardware: card and
reader. This requirement makes it difficult to log in
away from home or office, such as at a kiosk. But like
the signing tokens, one can authenticate transactions
to thwart network-based MITM attacks.
The direct PC data-interface, however, leads to a
lack of direct agency on the part of the user and a new
MITM vulnerability, described as the “rogue termi-
nal” problem in (Schneier and Shostack, 1999). The
potential avenue for attack lies in the lack of trusted
I/O between the smart card and the user. In contrast
to our previous MITM where the attacker is active on
the network, here the attacker is active on the PC-to-
smart card channel. For instance, malware on the PC
could display the user’s requested transaction details
while providing fraudulent details to the smart card
for signature. A standard countermeasure is to collect
a PIN from the user, but unfortunately if malware is
present on the PC, it can intercept and replay the PIN.
To thwart this attack one needs a direct interface
on which the user can confirm transaction details be-
fore a signature is computed. Some banks provide
a smart-card reader with keypad and display for this
purpose, but this is expensive and requires the user to
manage two pieces of hardware. Nevertheless, smart
cards are often engineered to resist certain forms of
physical and side-channel attack, which is more diffi-
cult with our software-only solution.
Our solution aims for the same protocol security as
the smart card solution, but using only PC and mo-
bile phone software. In addition, the user should have
these protocol guarantees without typing digits.
By exploiting different frames, we will construct
two unidirectional channels: one from the token to
the PC which we call the “forward channel, and a
channel from the PC to the token which we call the
“back channel. We assume the PC runs Windows
XP or Vista and is already using its Wi-Fi adapter
in an infrastructure session. There are three possible
token configurations: those capable of neither moni-
tor mode nor packet injection; monitor mode but not
packet injection; and both monitor mode and packet
injection. We will treat two possible cases for the to-
ken: those capable of both monitor mode and packet
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
injection and those capable of neither, as we believe
these are the two most common cases in practice.
The token-to-PC forward channel does not require
any special modes of Wi-Fi and may therefore be im-
plemented on any device. To construct the forward
channel, we exploit the methods by which 802.11
clients determine which wireless networks in range
offer service. Both APs and ad-hoc network partici-
pants advertise their existence by sending out beacon
frames, which are unsolicited management frames
sent to the broadcast address; and probe response
frames, which are sent in response to probe frames
sent out by stations seeking access points.
These two data paths define two different meth-
ods for a PC to obtain information about nearby APs:
passive scanning, wherein a station merely listens for
beacons, and active scanning where a station sends
probe requests and listens for probe responses. Pas-
sive scanning is used in the popular Kismet wireless
network-detection software (Kershaw, 2004). Like
Kismet, our experiments confirmed that few network
adapters are capable of passive scanning on Win-
dows, with most only supporting active scanning, and
none supporting only passive scanning. Building a
widely-usable forward channel thus requires using ac-
tive scanning on the PC. We wrote a simple user-mode
PC application that scans for APs, sending out probe
requests and listening for probe responses.
A probe response frame contains the 32-byte
SSID field, which typically indicates the natural lan-
guage name of a network. The SSID field can be
given an arbitrary value and still be propagated un-
molested up the protocol stack by commodity 802.11
hardware and Windows drivers.
After testing different Wi-Fi PC adapters (from
Linksys, D-Link, Belkin, Hawking, Netgear, and
Intel) with different chipsets (from Prism, Ralink,
Atheros, Broadcom, and Intel), we found that only
the SSID field can be reliably received by the PC in
this way. Other fields we tested were unsuccessful.
Vendor specific fields of up to 255 bytes can also be
appended to probe response frames and used to carry
authentication data. Unfortunately, one adapter only
reported the first 240 bytes and others did not report
these other fields at all.
Because of these limitations, our authentication
token thus sends messages by essentially advertising
itself as an ad-hoc network participant, sending out
beacon frames and probe response frames upon acti-
vation with the SSID field set to the base-64 ASCII
encoding of the cryptographic message. The SSID
field identifies the frame as part of the authentication
protocol using the “;” character (an arbitrary choice)
and carries the cryptographic payload necessary to au-
thenticate the token to the PC. Software on the PC
continuously searches for access points and ad-hoc
network participants; when one is found whose SSID
begins with the “;” character, it delivers the crypto-
graphic payload to security applications. The delay
from when the prototype begins to advertise the ad-
hoc network to the time the payload is passed to ap-
plication software on the mobile varies depending on
what 802.11 chipset and driver is used on the mobile.
We experimented the most with a Belkin F5D7050
ver. 3; using it, the delay is around three seconds.
The SSID field is at most 32 bytes long; the “;”
character consumes one byte leaving 31 bytes. This
is a very small payload, but much larger than user-
transcribed OTPs which amount to around 33 bits.
For fragmented messages, the token can masquerade
as multiple access points simultaneously.
Once associated with an AP using MAC-layer encryp-
tion, the operating system does not offer an API to
enable or disable encryption on a frame-by-frame ba-
sis. For this reason, application software running on
the PC cannot directly send cryptographic challenges
or transaction details in data frames that can be read
by the token. Because the token does not have the
MAC-layer encryption keys, even if its drivers sup-
port monitor mode, the best the token can hope for is
to intercept encrypted frames, shown in Figure 2.
Regardless of the type of MAC-layer encryption
in use, the token can expect to observe some prop-
erties of the encrypted data frames. In particular,
the size of data frames can be seen by an adapter in
monitor mode. In addition, Wi-Fi encryption is ap-
plied only to the data payload of a frame and not to
its headers. Fortunately, Wi-Fi interfaces provide the
ability to set certain unencrypted header fields from
application-layer software. In this section, we will
explore the use of these side-channels to construct
a back channel from the PC to the token to deliver
challenge or transaction details. The token must be
capable of monitor mode operation in order to use
one of these back channels. Personal wireless devices
including the Nokia Internet Tablet offer this feature
and naturally any purpose-built token would as well.
6.1 The MAC-Channel
Because the PC usually is already engaged in an in-
frastructure session and most chipsets are single-
session only its Wi-Fi stack is not able to di-
rectly address the token. Using only application-layer
software to create explicitly malformed Ethernet-II
frames, a PC using Windows or Linux can be tricked
to set certain header fields of the IEEE 802.11 proto-
col to arbitrary values, allowing us to create a side-
channel that can be received by any phone or wireless
device with monitor-mode capability. These frames
can therefore be used as a side channel to transfer data
out of a Wi-Fi network.
6.2 The Length-Channel
The other option for the PC to transport data to the
token is to use the lengths of packets as a side chan-
nel. This alternative approach is valuable in cases
where the operating system does not easily support
the MAC-Channel, or could be combined with the
MAC-Channel to increase throughput. A simple en-
coding is used to translate the data into a sequence of
packet lengths. n distinct packet lengths provide an
entropy of e = log
(n) bits of information. Sending
one packet of length l
with i = 1..n will transport e
bits of information.
The forward channel is compatible with every driver
and chipset combination we tested. By contrast, the
backchannels require the token to operate in mon-
itor mode only available for certain driver and
chipset combinations. Nevertheless, the proliferation
of Linux in personal wireless devices makes moni-
tor mode available in mainstream devices such as the
Nokia Internet Tablet N810. Our token implementa-
tion was tested on both a Linux PC and the N810. The
implementation relies on a specialized library called
Lorcon (LORCON, 2008) to support monitor mode.
It also provides helper methods to support injection
of raw 802.11 packets.
7.1 The SSID Channel from Token to
From the point of view of software running on the
token, there are two possible ways to establish a side
channel using the SSID field. The first is to let the net-
work interface act as a regular access point. We exper-
imented with the Belkin F5D7050 Version 3 adapter,
which uses the Ralink RT73 chipset, and the Atheros-
based Netgear WG511T adapter. We found that the
driver (MadWifi, 2008) for the Atheros-based card is
natively capable of emulating two access points si-
multaneously, but more lead to a kernel crash. To em-
ulate more access points, the implementation resorts
to packet injection. Section 8.1 elaborates on the per-
formance impact of simultaneous SSIDs. The SSID
field can transport 32 bytes. Because some drivers
have difficulty with non-ASCII characters, the token
uses base64 encoding. As previously mentioned, the
first character is “;”. The second is a monotonically
increasing packet counter, necessary for the recon-
struction of fragmented messages and detection of
lost fragments. The token software responds directly
to 802.11 probe requests and sends out beacons. Each
virtual access point is announced for ve seconds so
the software on the PC has a chance to receive data.
The receiving part of the SSID channel on the PC
uses the wireless API introduced in Windows Vista
and Windows XP SP3 to listen continuously for new
networks. If new networks match the discriminator,
they are accepted and if necessary, defragmented.
7.2 The Length Channel from PC to
As described in Section 6, the length of packets trans-
ferred over the wireless interface is used to encode
information. Therefore the PC needs to be able to
send packets and control their length which can eas-
ily be done by using the library libnet(Libnet, 2008)
which in turn relies on WinPCap(WinPcap, 2008).
The receiving part for the token only needs to look
at the length of certain encrypted packets. The re-
cipient has no direct way to distinguish side-channel
packets from those that are created through regular
network traffic. However, by reserving certain packet
lengths to serve as start-of-blockand end-of-block de-
limiters, one can decrease the likelihood of misinter-
preted packets. This sequence also has some basic en-
coding to detect if some packets have been falsely in-
terpreted. The data is divided into fixed-length blocks.
Every n bits of every block is encoded into one out of
e = 2
packet lengths. To provide flow control, the
encoded blocks are surrounded by packets of length
corresponding to the reserved start- and end-of-block
values. By counting the number of packets in a block,
the PC can detect either extraneous or lost packets.
One could apply sophisticated codes to detect and
repair errors; our purpose here is merely to imple-
ment and report on the basic channel characteristics
to which coding could be applied.
7.3 The MAC Channel
The basic mechanism of the MAC Channel is compar-
atively simple. The sending part forges raw Ethernet
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
II frames through the libnet packet factory. The des-
tination field of the protocol header is used to encode
data, providing six bytes of data per packet. In addi-
tion the packets are sent with only one byte of pay-
load. The Windows networking stack in conjunction
with the appropriate drivers will just translate these
fields into the corresponding IEEE 802.11 data fields.
This results in a very unusual packet length which
is used to distinguish these side-channel packets from
other network traffic. To avoid problems caused if
the destination matches an existing MAC address the
Ethernet II protocol field is set to an invalid value.
7.4 Experimental Setup
The Nokia Internet Tablet N810 is capable of pro-
viding the SSID channel and monitor mode without
modifications, but not arbitrary wireless packet injec-
tion – which yields higher performance. For this fea-
ture we turn to an external USB Wi-Fi adapter. The
N810 development kit includes the complete kernel
source which in turn allows one to easily compile the
RT73 open source driver (RT73, 2008) for the Belkin
FD5D7050 Version 3 Wi-Fi USB adapter. Because
the USB port of the tablet only provides a limited
amount of current, we also use a powered USB hub
between the N810 and the Wi-Fi adapter. We use this
hardware setup to measure the channel performance
by sending a fixed amount of data through the various
side channels.
This section reports on channel delay, throughput and
the loss rate of the proposed side channels. The chan-
nel delay is measured by comparing the time when
data is sent and the time when data arrives. Because of
the amount of time needed by the PC to scan for APs,
it is around one to four seconds for the SSID channel.
The delay for the other channels is close to the delay
of the wireless channel itself as only a few ordinary
packets are needed to deliver data to the channel’s
user. The loss rate is the percentage of bytes lost in
transmission. Throughput denotes the number of un-
compressed bytes per second and the loss rate gives
information about the reliability of the channel. Table
1 shows the results. In the “No other traffic” scenario,
we made no effort to generate additional load on the
AP. For the Multiple YouTube Video Downloads”
scenario, we launched four simultaneous downloads
to generate some traffic with which the side channels
would have to compete. Finally, for the “SMB File
Table 1: Channel Performance with n
= 4 and e = 8.
Channel Throughput (bytes/s) Loss Rate
No other traffic
SSID-Channel 19 0.0%
Length-Channel 80 7%
MAC-Channel 2159 1%
Multiple YouTube Video Downloads
SSID-Channel 10 40%
Length-Channel 32 19%
MAC-Channel 1754 7%
SMB File transfer
SSID-Channel 8 50%
Length-Channel 30 20%
MAC-Channel 281 10%
Table 2: SSID Channel Parameter Evaluation.
Channel Throughput (bytes/s) Loss Rate
No other traffic
= 4 19 0.0%
= 8 40 0.0%
= 16 85 0.0%
= 32 195 0.0%
Transfer, we initiated a large file download. In each
scenario, we averaged over four experiments.
8.1 Channel Parameters
The SSID and Length channel provide configuration
options to change the behavior of the channel. The
SSID channel can be configured by setting the max-
imum number n
of simultaneously used SSIDs;
each is transmitted for ve seconds. Unfortunately
the increased speed offered by simultaneous SSIDs
comes at a price: large numbers of virtual access
points may confuse both the end-user and the net-
working stack of their PCs. Table 2 shows how n
affects the channel characteristics.
The length channel can be configured by the num-
ber of distinct packet lengths n that are used. Be-
sides some overhead the performance is theoretically
proportional to the bits of information e = log
that are encoded in one packet length. For sim-
plicity we measured e = 2, 4, 8 yielding (together
with one delimiter) 5, 17, 257 distinct packet lengths.
The throughput can be increased by choosing shorter
packet lengths. We chose packet lengths starting from
500 bytes because due to Lauradoux (Lauradoux,
2007) they are very uncommon in normal TCP traffic
and therefore less likely to be mistaken for ordinary
network traffic. In addition, it eases the burden on the
decoder: the packet lengths represent two bits, four
Table 3: Length Channel Parameter Evaluation
Channel Throughput (bytes/s) Loss Rate
No other traffic
e = 2 22 17%
e = 4 46 13%
e = 8 80 7%
bits, and eight bits respectively. The channel char-
acteristics for the parameterized length channel can
be found in Table 3. The loss rate decreases with an
increasing number of lengths because the number of
packets sent per data frame is decreased.
By necessity, authentication tokens have tradition-
ally implemented one-way cryptographic protocols.
Expanding the data channel beyond digits typed by
a human expands both the possibilities and risks.
Fast bidirectional communicationfurther ups the ante,
allowing fine-grained data-origin authentication and
document signing with a robust human interface in-
cluding sensors, biometrics, and other complemen-
tary authentication factors. These robust functions
must continue to be balanced against the severe
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SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography