A Data Mining Approach (J48)
Mohsen HajSalehi Sichani and Ali Movaghar
School of Science and Engineering, Sharif University of Technology
International Campus, Persian Gulf, Kish Island, Iran
Data mining, Information theory, J48 (C4.5), RC4, WEP.
This paper combines the cryptanalysis of RC4 and Data mining algorithm. It analyzes RC4 by Data mining
algorithm (J48) for the first time and discloses more vulnerabilities of RC4. The motivation for this paper is
combining Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning with cryptography to decrypt cyphertext in the shortest
possible time. This analysis shows that lots of numbers in RC4 during different permutations and substitutions
do not change their positions and are fixed in their places. This means KSA and PRGA are bad shuffle
algorithms. In this method, the information theory and Decision trees are used which are very powerful for
solving hard problems and extracting information from data. The results of this Data mining approach could
be used to improve the existing methods of breaking WEP (or other encryption algorithms) in less time with
fewer packets.
WEP is the most popular security method in wireless
ad hoc networks. Tews et al. (E. Tews and Pyshkin,
2007) showed that in spite of its weakness, WEP is
still popular among all users. The main part of WEP
is RC4 which is responsible for Encryption. RC4
was designed by Ron Rivest in 1987 and was kept
secret for 7 years until somebody sent it to a mailbox.
From 1994 afterwards, many papers have been writ-
ten based on statistics and mathematics. This paper;
however, introduces a new approach which uses the
data mining algorithms.
In recent years, data mining has been widely
used in various areas of science and engineering and
solved many serious problems in different areas of
science such as electrical power engineering, genet-
ics, medicine and bioinformatics. Data Mining is
used to extract information from data. Data mining
uses AI and Statistics in its algorithms.Information
refers to patterns underlying data, and data refers to
recorded facts. However, the captured data need to
be converted into information and knowledge to be-
come useful. Data mining is the entire process of ap-
plying computer-based methodology, including new
techniques for knowledge conversion into data. Deci-
sion trees and information theory are chosen for this
analysis based on personal experiments of authors for
solving hard problems but other data mining algo-
rithms such as MLP or Genetic Algorithms could also
be used.
This paper introduces a new analysis of RC4 by
data mining algorithms, a new method innovated for
cracking WEP. The software used for implementing
our method is free software named WEKA (Com-
puter Science Department of University of Waikato,
We generated RC4 keys by the random function of Vi-
sual Studio 2008 software which is shown in Figure
2, based on FMS attack.
The generated data are given to WEKA for analy-
sis. The outputs of data mining software showed
many numbers are fixed during RC4 permutations.
This analysis predicted more than 39% of 512000 in-
stances correctly for module 64, and more than 38%
of 512 instances (for training and test we used 10 fold-
cross validation that cause instances repeated sev-
eral times) correctly for module 256 which are great
achievements in predicting keys. This new vulnerabil-
ity can be used to crack WEP in less time with fewer
packets. The result of this analysis again proves that
KSA and PRGA are bad shuffle algorithms. The sim-
ilar work can be done to analyze other encryption al-
gorithms such as WEPplus, WEP512, AES, or DES
to get new vulnerabilities. This method and results
are explained in the next sections.
Movaghar A. and HajSalehi Sichani M. (2009).
A NEW ANALYSIS OF RC4 - A Data Mining Approach (J48).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 213-218
DOI: 10.5220/0002183602130218
In section two, we describe RC4 and give a brief
account of RC4. The phases of WEP are reviewed.
Some attacks are mentioned and the FMS (Fluhrer,
Mantin and Shamir 2001) attack (S. R. Fluhrer and
Shamir, 2001) is studied.
In section three, we give an account of some impor-
tant concepts of decision trees, and mention the Infor-
mation Theory and its relation with C4.5 algorithm.
In section 4, we present the new analysis of RC4
based on FMS attack and Information Theory. We
used WEKA for implementing C4.5 (J48) algorithm
on the prepared data based on FMS attack.
RC4 is an algorithm which is responsible for encryp-
tion in WEP (Wu and Tseng, 2007). RC4 is com-
posed of two main parts: KSA and PRGA. KSA is
the acronym of Key Schedule Algorithm and PRGA
is the acronym of Pseudo-Random Generator Algo-
2.1 KSA and PRGA
The 40-bit WEP key (K) concatenated with a 24-bit
initialization vector (IV) forms the RC4 key (seed).
The IV is generated automatically by a wireless adap-
tor and its length is 24 bits, and is shown here in three
parts: first, 8 bits of IV(A), second, 8 bits of IV (B)
and third, 8 bits of IV(X) which form (A,B,X). Each
part can be from 0 to 255.
1) for i=0 to N-1
2) S[i]=i
3) End
4) j=0
5) For i=0 to N-1
6) j=(j+S[i]+K[i mod l) mod N
7) Swap(S[i],S[j])
8) i=0
9) j=0
Output generator loop
10) i=(i+1) mod N
11) j=(j+ S[i] mod N
12) Swap(S[i], S[j])
13) Output= S[(S[i]+S[j]) mod N]
14) Cyphertext=Output XOR
Figure 1: KSA and PRGA (RC4).
Maximum unique IV for the packets are limited to
. Therefore, IV values are frequently reused in a
busy network. One of the main flaws in RC4 is the
repetition of the IV. The KSA and PRGA have been
shown in Figure 1.
As shown in the Figure 1, there is an array with
the length of 256 which is fulfilled with 0 to 255. In
the first part of RC4 which is KSA, it makes a permu-
tation with the help of the key entered by the user. In
the second part, PRGA, it tries to make a new random
array based on the output of KSA.
The main part of the algorithm is a pseudo ran-
dom generator that produces one byte of output in
each step. The encryption will be an XOR of the
pseudo random sequence with the message (Plaintext)
as usual for stream ciphers. For further information
see (Wu and Tseng, 2007) and (Erickson, 2008).
2.2 Previous Attacks on RC4
In 1994, Finny (Finney, 1994) showed the class of
states that RC4 never enters. These states are de-
temined by j=i+1 and S[j] =1. In 2001, Fluhrer et al.
(S. R. Fluhrer and Shamir, 2001) introduced the FMS
attack which uses a weakness in the key scheduling
phase. The main idea is that RC4 uses the key with
combination seed (session key)= IVkkey. Thus for
the number of packets greater than 2
, the IVs will
be repeated. If the IVs are chosen properly, then the
first byte of the pseudo random sequence is the same
as a predefined byte of the main key with probability
( 1/e) (Klein, 2007), and (S. R. Fluhrer and Shamir,
2001). The idea behind FMS attack is used in data
preparation for our experiment in data mining. The
main idea of FMS attack is the following:
FMS showed that the weak IVs are in the form of
( A + 3, B - 1, X), where A is the byte of the key
to be attacked , B is 256, and X can be any value.
So, for attacking, the form of the weak IV (3, 255,
X) will be chosen by the hacker, where X is from 0
to 255. The bytes of the keystream must be attacked
regularly. The first byte cannot be attacked until the
zeroth byte is known and the second byte cannot be
attacked until the first byte is known, and so on. The
IVs can be attained from the packet because they are
not encrypted.
If the attacker does not know the key because of
this property which is found by FMS, he can perform
A + 3 steps of KSA. If the zeroth byte of the key is
known and A equals 1, then 1+3 equals 4 and the al-
gorithm can be continued to find the second byte of
the key in the fourth step.
Recently, A. Klein(Klein, 2007) showed a new
method of attacking RC4 which uses the related key
with a significantly reduced number of frames. He de-
scribed a very general attack against RC4 when some-
thing about the distribution of plaintext is known but
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
the Plaintext itself is unknown.
Tews et al.(E. Tews and Pyshkin, 2007) showed a
special case of attacking WEP when a byte of plain-
text is unknown, but could be restricted to some pos-
sible values.
3 C4.5 OR J48
C4.5 is an algorithm which is classified in decision
tree algorithms. Decision trees and decision rules are
data mining methodologies which are used in many
applications for classification. Decision trees are su-
pervised learning. Classification means mapping the
input data (training and testing data) to one of the pre-
defined classes. The optimal attribute is called the
target or class. Classification is the process of as-
signing an attribute to the target, and a classifier is a
model and the result of classification that predicts one
attribute of a sample from the other attributes (Kan-
tardzic, 2003).
C4.5 is a famous algorithm introduced by
J. R. Quinlan. It is based on the Information
Theory and Entropy. Information Theory was
introduced by (Shannon, 1984) and (Shannon
and Weaver, 1949). Further information on
C4.5 is available in (J. R. Quainlan home page,
http://de.scientificcommons.org/j r quinlan) and
(Witten and Frank, 2005).
If Samp is any set of samples, Numos(C
stands for the number of samples in the Samp that be-
longs to class C
(there are several(K) classes), |samp|
denotes the number of samples in the set Samp.
Information value and entropy can be calculated
In f o(Samp) =
,Samp)/|Samp|)) (1)
) = P
... P
The arguments p
, p
of the entropy formula are
expressed as fractions that add up to one.
The task of selecting a possible test with n out-
comes (n values for a given feature) that partitions set
ToT of training samples into subsets ToT
, ToT
,. . . ,
. The only information available for guidance is
the distribution of classes in ToT and its subsets ToT
ToT is the total number of rows in our data that
belong to the target. ToT
is the number of samples in
one attribute which are mapped to C
WEKA performs these equations for all attributes.
Each attribute is shown by AttbX. The expected infor-
mation requirement is the weighted sum of entropies
over the subsets.
In f o
(ToT ) =
|/|ToT |)In f o(ToT
and then
Gain(AtbX) = In f o(ToT) In f o
(ToT ) (4)
Gain (AttbX) should be maximum to be selected
as the root or upper node in each step. Pruning the
tree is also important. Good examples could be found
at (Kantardzic, 2003) or (Witten and Frank, 2005).
1) for (int f = 0; f < 4000; f++)
2) {
3) a=Randnumber(32,126);
//passing time(by a loop)to keys be more random
4) b=Randnumber(32,126);
//passing time(by a loop)
5) c=Randnumber(32,126);
//passing time(by a loop)
6) d=Randnumber(32,126);
//passing time(by a loop)
7) e=Randnumber(32,126);
//passing time(by a loop)
8) seed= (3,63,1,a,b,c,d,e);//IV+User key
save (seed);
9) }
10//Start of KSA
11) For i = 0 to 63
12) S[i] = i;
13) j = 0;
14) For i = 0 to 63
15) {
16) j = (j + S[i] + K[i mod 8]) mod 64
17) Swap(S[i], S[j])
18) if (i == 0) //We did this saving
19) //for permutations 0 to 3
20) {
21) Save S[0..63]
22) }
23) }
24) //End of KSA
25) //Start of PRGA
26) i = j = 0;
27) for (int x = 0; x < 63; x++)
28) {
29) i = (i + 1) % 64;
30) j = (j + S[i]) % 64;
31) Swap(S[i], S[j]) ;
32) PrgaOutput[x] = S[(S[i] + S[j]) % 64];
33) Save(PrgaOutput[0..63]);
34) }
35)//End of PRGA
Figure 2: Pseudo-Code of our program for data generation.
A NEW ANALYSIS OF RC4 - A Data Mining Approach (J48)
In this part, we combine the data mining algo-
rithm with cryptanalysis of RC4. We imple-
mented this idea via one of the data mining tools;
namely, WEKA, which could be found in (Com-
puter Science Department of University of Waikato,
http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/). For data
preparation we gathered our data based on the weak-
ness of IVs in RC4 (S. R. Fluhrer and Shamir, 2001).
To implement this, we make little changes in RC4 al-
gorithm. These changes are mentioned in the next
4.1 Data Preparation
In the real world the key entered by the user is con-
verted into ASCII code. Because of this property, we
chose our keys from 32 to 126 of ASCII codes which
are more normal in the real world and could be found
at (http://www.asciitable.com).
As seen in Figure 2, we added the zeroth, first, sec-
ond and third permutation to our data, based on the
idea of FMS. Because of the need for more realistic
results, we used the Dot Net (.Net) random function
to generate more random keys. We concatenated IVs
to the key as it happens in real transmission. These
IVs can be obtained easily from the packet because, as
we explained in previous sections, IVs do not encrypt
in the header. We also chose the keys with a 5-byte
length to be more realistic, as done in making ad hoc
networks in Windows XP. Another change we made
was to eliminate the XOR part from PRGA which is
line number 14 in Figure 1. This is done for several
reasons. First: the plaintext does not play any role
except in the XOR part. The second and the most im-
portant reason is that many attacks are made based on
the fixed or known content of some part of the cypher
such as Snap Field, or known plaintext such as email
For the analysis of RC4, it is convenient to replace
the original algorithm that works on bytes (Z/256Z)
with Z/64Z. We did this because of hardware limita-
tions. After all, the pseudo-code which is used for
data generation is shown in Figure 2. On a large
scale and as a complementary, we tested the idea on
limited samples in module 256. As shown in Fig-
ure 3, we tested 4000 different seeds (line number
1). These seeds (line number 8) are composed of
fixed IVs (3, 63, 1) based on FMS which are concate-
nated to ASCII codes of different keys. These keys
are generated by random function of Dot Net (.NET).
As shown in Figure 2, we produced five-byte keys
through lines 3 to 7.
The word ’save’ in Figure 2 shows that the data in
front of save’ are saved so that they are used later in
data mining input file. As shown in Figure 2, line 8
saves the seeds, and the seed in Figure 3 is shown by
key (@attribute key). And lines 11 to 35 are com-
posed of two parts: KSA and PRGA. In KSA, we
saved the first, second, third and 4th permutations
(line 19 to 22) named atb0, atb1, atb2, and atb3, re-
spectively. PRGA output, before XORing by plain-
text, is saved in line 33 and is shown in Figure 3 by
PRGAout (@attribute PRGAout).
The output of our program in Figure 2 is converted
into the format expected by WEKA. The input data of
WEKA is shown in Figure 3. The part under ’@data’
is our data produced by the program in Figure 2. As
an example, we just showed two out of 256000 rows.
64 (our data in module 64) multiplied by 4000
(seeds) equals 256000. This is the total number of
the rows of our data generated by program in Figure
The data were given to WEKA and we used the
supervised learning and classified the data. The Key
attribute is our target which means the software and
algorithm should predict the key value based on other
attributes. We used algorithm J48 for our classifica-
tion. The WEKA classifier package has its own ver-
sion of C4.5 known as J48. We used 256000 rows of
data for training and other 256000 rows (of data) for
testing in WEKA. These two training and testing files
had different data but in the same format. By adding
up these two sets, we had 512000 rows of data com-
posed of 8000 seeds.
@relation ’RC4-weka.filters.unsupervised.
@attribute atb0 {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,,61,62,63}
@attribute atb1 {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,,61,62,63}
@attribute atb2 {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,,61,62,63}
@attribute atb3 {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,,61,62,63}
@attribute key {1,3,32,33,34,...,123,124,125}
@attribute prgaout {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,. . .,60,
., ., ., ., .
Figure 3: Input data for WEKA.
4.2 Results of WEKA
These are the results (outputs) of WEKA:
SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 4: Accuracy of the test.
4.2.1 Explanation of Results
Figure 4 shows that the algorithm could correctly pre-
dict more than 39 out of 100 keys, which is a great
success in comparison to previous works (the exact
number is 39.255).
Figure 5: Visualized tree.
Figure 5 is the visualized tree of the output gener-
ated by WEKA. There is a lot of information in this
part of output which is also similar to the non visu-
alized tree of WEKA. This part will be discussed in
more detail in the next lines.
| atb3=62:119(79.0/35.0)
| atb3=63:120(100.0/45.0)
| prgaout=0:88(58.0/55.0)
| prgaout=1:41(72.0/69.0)
Figure 6: Non visualized tree.
Figure 6 is the most important part of the output.
This figure is just one part of the output result. The
difference is that it is not visualized. The explanation
of atb3=62:119 (79.0/35.0) will follow:
If atb3 which is the 4th permutation equals 62, then
the target which is the seed value (attribute key) will
be 119. Numbers in parentheses tell how many in-
stances in the testing set are correctly classified by this
node (79 instances in this case). The second number,
if any, (if not, it is assumed to be 0.0), represents the
number of instances incorrectly classified by the node
(35 instances in this case) (J. Hakkila and Paciesas,
2009). Figure 6 also shows that in all 4000 seeds if
the zeroth attribute which is the first permutation of
KSA be equal to 1, then the key will be 63 in all 4000
seeds (atb0=1:63(4000.0)). The other results similar
to Figure 6 are in Figure 7. These numbers are copied
from the non visualized output of WEKA. Figure 7
Figure 7: Important numbers of WEKA outputs.
shows that RC4 is not as strong in generating random
outputs as it seems to be.
4.3 Analysis on Module 256 as
So far this idea has been obtained that RC4 does not
act good in permutations. Thus, to test this idea in real
case, we changed the program in Figure 2 to generate
512 (instead of 4000) rows of data in module 256 and
then these data were given to WEKA. Instead of using
an extra file for the test, we used 10 fold cross valida-
tion for it (because of limited computer resources) and
we also shuffled data by WEKA filters. This gave us
the following results.
The similar result of Figure 7 as expected is seen
and shown in Figure 8. 96 results were found and we
showed some of them in Figure 8.
Figure 9 shows that more than 38% of instances
were correctly classified. This is a great success in
predicting the target values (key).
This result can be used in different ways for differ-
ent encryption algorithm to find flaws and make them
atb0 = 1: 255 (512.0)
atb0 = 2: 1 (512.0)
atb0 = 3: 3 (512.0)
atb0 = 4
| prgaout = 0: 104 (0.0)
| prgaout = 255: 94 (3.0/2.0)
atb0 = 8: 3 (512.0)
atb0 = 9: 255 (512.0)
atb0 = 10: 1 (512.0)
Figure 8: Numbers which did not move during permutations
and other correctly calssified instances.
A NEW ANALYSIS OF RC4 - A Data Mining Approach (J48)
Figure 9: Accuracy of the test.
Using data mining to solve problems is like using Ar-
tificial Intelligence and Statistics to get the best re-
sults. As the analysis showed, the key predicted cor-
rectly more than 38% for module 64 and more than
38% for module 256. The Decision tree (J48) also
found many states in our analysis which are fixed and
do not change in RC4. These states can be developed
and used to reduce the number of captured packets
for cracking WEP in a shorter time.This analysis also
proves the previous flaws of RC4 such as what was
stated in (Mironov, 2002).
This analysis could be stronger and more accurate
by considering the following:
We had very serious hardware restrictions in our anal-
ysis such as CPU Power and RAM. Because of these
restrictions, we decreased the number of instances.
This degradation probably causes some faults in the
experiment. To get better results, we suggest increas-
ing the number of instances for module 256 and gen-
erating the keys based on the most popular passwords.
The authors believe in success of this approach on the
other strong streams and other encryption algorithms
such as AES, and can disclose more vulnerability of
these algorithms. But they suggest that in order to
get better results, it is better to join AI or data min-
ing methodology for cryptanalysis with some known
attacks or known vulnerabilities.
Very great thanks to Erik Tews and Andress Klein for
their supports. A great thanks to M. A. Kharraz, M.
Baghaee, and H. Ghominejad for their editorial helps.
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SECRYPT 2009 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography